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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 18/10/02(Tue)10:21 No. 5906 ID: b1f1f1

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What is something that seems to be slipping away?

For me, it ought to be urgency. I'm lost between oversleeping and having tireless bloodshot eyes. When I go beyond 48 hours without rest, life is blown out of perspective. It's already so pointless to drag myself through all the same motions everyday.

Edgar Anon Poe 18/10/07(Sun)23:58 No. 5911 ID: c8555b

for me, it's passion, and ambition. I go to Sullivan university in America, Majoring in the Culinary Arts, and i haven't been feeling like doing any cooking for months. I set a goal for myself to open up a seafood restaurant on a pier somewhere, and i still plan on following that goal, albeit reluctantly. Most people would probably be intimidated trying to do this, but it feels underwhelming to me. I'm not sure what I want to do anymore, or even if i want to do anything.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/02/28(Thu)20:31 No. 6022 ID: 53a6d3

Interest in whatever. I used to love reading classic books, playing videogames, listening to new music, picking up girls. Now it's all gone. I broke up with my girlfriend one year ago and I haven't had any interest in finding a new one since then. During this period I tried to cope with this emptiness by writing poems. I thought I had found my way out of my sadness in writing, but I was wrong. I haven't opened my Word file containing all my poems in 3 months and I'm sure I won't ever do again. I'm stumbling through life and hoping it does get better but it won't.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/03/06(Wed)15:01 No. 6037 ID: 9da2bb

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>What is something that seems to be slipping away?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/03/07(Thu)23:31 No. 6044 ID: 40d006

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My will to keep trying... I am just so tired of trying to be happier, so tired of trying to connect with people, so tired of trying to keep things from going to shit again... I have so little energy and absolutely nothing feels worth doing anymore. I live every day putting in the bare minimum effort to stay employed, and the rest of my time is occupied with hollow distractions. I wonder how long my will to keep trying will last. It's grating.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/03/21(Thu)19:50 No. 6056 ID: c007e0

It is really sad how people change for the worse over the years. I also noticed how i almost can't recognize myself from just a few years before, all these interests that i had seems so far now; i also noticed how my everyday outlook on life has changed for the worse and became more pessimistic but what is important is to not let that everyday view get into your main look on the world which must always remain positive no matter the daily temporary circumstances. Please be optimistic everyone and believe that it can get better again

Edgar Anon Poe 19/03/24(Sun)04:15 No. 6058 ID: f3bd7a

Time. I can't seem to get enough, and whenever I gat a little, I don't feel like doing anything with it and I let it slip.
The fact that I'm not getting any younger and that I'll reach forty with absolutely nothing to show for it isn't helping things any.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/04/20(Sat)22:37 No. 6080 ID: 56a14e

For me it is my youth I am approaching 25 and I feel like I have wasted most of my youth so far.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/04/26(Fri)19:45 No. 6087 ID: 04ee6f

You're just getting to the good part. Seriously, 25~27 is the peak; don't let it slip by. Make some use of the only years you'll ever be old enough to make your own choices in life and young enough that the consequences won't necessarily impact your future.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/04/28(Sun)02:07 No. 6090 ID: 56a14e

Yeah but most people have already done a lot of stuff in their teens and early twenties I haven't even started yet.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/05/03(Fri)02:29 No. 6097 ID: 8b3b38

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Memories of more simple, innocent days.

I was very attached to my teenage years because everything seemed a little simpler then and I felt like I had a future and maybe a chance in life.

It's only with time I understood all those high hopes I heard about were lies we were fed to believe. I mean, ffs, 20 years later, we got pic related running the streets now.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/05/09(Thu)07:50 No. 6098 ID: 251736

No they haven't, not really. Very few people get to be Steve Jobs; almost no one gets to be Jeanne d'Arc; whatever you think the people around you have achieved, odds are it will make no more impact on the world that what you have (not) achieved.

You have decades left to find something great to do; for now just fart around and enjoy yourself.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/08/20(Tue)21:51 No. 6171 ID: a625df

time on earth - but i sort of feel and hope there is something more. Not even necessarily religion

Edgar Anon Poe 19/09/05(Thu)14:08 No. 6182 ID: 304bc4

same ive only slept three hours in two days. im so drained. i guess i'll have to drink coffee till i crash to sleep

Edgar Anon Poe 19/09/17(Tue)18:45 No. 6192 ID: 5fcb85


I've been pretty socially inept in real life for most of my life. There's a small handful of reasons for this, including my childhood, the fact I tend to think/act differently than most people I've met, and the fact I mostly keep to myself.
I also keep a high standard for friendships. I expect people to actually put in effort to care for one another in a friendship, since I do.
So as it is, I've had a difficult time connecting with people.

As the years have went on, I've lost plenty of friends naturally through time and just drifting away from eachother, as is normal. Unfortunately though, I've found as the years go on, it's become more and more difficult to develop more connections. Probably because most people, as they get older, spend more time on career and family, and less on other personal relationships.

I'm fine if I'm single, and I'd be fine if I died single.
I have a nagging need for connection with others though, and my recent lack of it has been making my existence less bearable, and although my situation is already pretty bad, I fear it becoming even worse in the future.

delta brainwave Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)21:14 No. 6738 ID: 182caf

Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AKewgViF9s

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)21:15 No. 6739 ID: 182caf

Have you ever been at wizchan? You smell like wizard

Edgar Anon Poe 22/02/13(Sun)07:03 No. 6744 ID: 107aae

Not the guy you're talking to, but you reminded me about wizchan. Thanks.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/02/17(Thu)16:44 No. 6746 ID: 273d68

that's not a good thing :/

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