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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 18/02/24(Sat)17:28 No. 5720 ID: 5c16e9

File 151948973292.jpg - (4.83KB , 300x223 , A-288806-1320874594_jpeg.jpg )

So /grim/ where can i find a gf who would be willing to participate in a suicide pact with me in a couple years? Where i live theyre all dumb hypergamous consumerism worshiping bulimic/fat basic bitches. After completing my bucket list i will proceed to an hero. Times running out ya know.

Edgar Anon Poe 18/03/02(Fri)10:27 No. 5725 ID: d0c50b

The internet.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/05/17(Fri)14:57 No. 6099 ID: ad8ab2


Edgar Anon Poe 19/05/21(Tue)07:23 No. 6105 ID: 923e99

If OP isn't dead by now, he's never going through with it.

>dumb hypergamous consumerism worshiping bulimic/fat basic bitches
I guess the challenge there is getting them to be your gf before they kill themselves.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/11/02(Tue)07:44 No. 6699 ID: 409408


There is nothing wrong with hypergamy. It is Nature working as intended.

suicde pact spencer 21/12/12(Sun)23:49 No. 6712 ID: 41a16d

i will do it with you. beign dead ass there is nothing to live for anymore. Add my skype spencer hardy or schardy4300 if your still out there

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/12(Wed)12:29 No. 6716 ID: 5f37af

OP, may I recommend the podcast series about Lindsay Souvannarath and the Halifax Shopping Center Shooting Plot?


No, I'm not advocating national socialism, mass murder nor suicide pacts. No, I'm not saying that she "can't" be a national socialist. Yes, I'm quite happy that they spent more time on coordinating their clothes than get actual weapons and ammo. Especially ammo.

My point is that they both probably would've been better off if the acutally did the needful.

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