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Asriel and Ralsei Pr0n thread Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)21:53 No. 28318 ID: a56800

File 160806561639.jpg - (54.71KB , 800x781 , f88f505dc51b7adcdc227e7afae7d4d1.jpg )

Post anything that is of both Asriel and/or Ralsei.

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)22:55 No. 28319 ID: 7b7362

Can we post genderbent stuff?

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)22:56 No. 28320 ID: 7b7362

Fuck it i'll do it anyways

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)22:57 No. 28321 ID: 7b7362

File 160806943174.jpg - (112.90KB , 850x1100 , 5a8c1d029aab01337bcc0db5461f356e.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)23:06 No. 28323 ID: a56800

Yes, that is fine.

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/16(Wed)06:00 No. 28327 ID: 7b7362

Ight, here i go

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/16(Wed)06:01 No. 28328 ID: 7b7362

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/16(Wed)06:04 No. 28329 ID: 7b7362

File 160809509467.jpg - (728.69KB , 1625x1080 , 20201216_020243.jpg )

Better quality here: https://e621.net/posts/1710023

The og is too heavy to be posted here

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/17(Thu)20:03 No. 28331 ID: 44635f

File 160823179963.png - (512.66KB , 675x900 , f6deebc824276.png )

>Canonical male character as female just so they can be fucked by a male without interrupting the fap fetishes of the straight men
Funny how you almost never see the opposite of this. Despite already having 99.9% of all the porn in the world, you fucking breeders still want more. Just like greedy rich people; can never have enough.

You're the reason why about 249 out of every 250 depictions of Frisk or Chara are as females. God forbid their incestuous bestiality pedophile relationship with Asriel get corrupted by gay.

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/19(Sat)06:16 No. 28336 ID: 301f2c

Whatever, just post more stuff

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/28(Mon)20:03 No. 28344 ID: f0f45e

File 160918220115.jpg - (91.89KB , 1024x999 , ddpw7cm-2019898b-a8ca-4baf-8058-5274efd23475.jpg )

This got me a 3day ban off 4chan for posting porn in /v/
It's not even porn and merely suggestive at worst

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/28(Mon)22:19 No. 28345 ID: e07b97

>Furry characters that are twink fembois but are also 90% ass
I really hate this meme and wish it would die. A good ass is great, but this is like taking a good dick and scaling it up to the size of a skyscraper. Furries' constant need to Go Even Further Beyond with hyper-exaggerating sexual parts of the body is idiotic. Smugface stick figures with a giant ass and set of genitals.

Pic related for what it should be like. You can be kinda femmy and cute without having hips taken off a fucking hippopotamus.

Vulpes Inculta 20/12/28(Mon)23:13 No. 28346 ID: f0f45e

File 160919359056.png - (148.60KB , 700x700 , 3e50c4303d0b0ed07ea12cdaada26ae2[1].png )

I agree, overly exaggerated bodyparts is a sin
Also stockings are really nice, can't really decide whether i like fishnets or thigh highs more

Vulpes Inculta 21/01/04(Mon)21:22 No. 28359 ID: f8bbab

Fishnets just look dumb to me. It doesn't cover anything.

Vulpes Inculta 21/01/15(Fri)03:19 No. 28367 ID: 374ebc


Vulpes Inculta 21/03/07(Sun)22:23 No. 28419 ID: bda271

honestly I'd take either—more about the texture for me(i.e the smoothness of the thigh-high or the ripples of a fishnet in my fingers). Though if you're just concerned with looks I see your point

Vulpes Inculta 21/04/02(Fri)02:14 No. 28437 ID: e7acf6

Once I created a whole discussion in a Furry Gmod about if God Asriel is mature enough mentally to consent to sex and they got so enthralled in it that 70% of the server stopped killing each other to talk about goat boi

vianafterdark 21/04/06(Tue)07:13 No. 28447 ID: 5ea8de

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Vulpes Inculta 21/04/26(Mon)19:41 No. 28465 ID: 54dc3c

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The consent argument is stupid anyway, especially if we're talking about a fictional creature that's so far removed from life as we know it, that taxonomy would have to be completely rearranged with Monsters as their own super-Domain separate from all other things. How do you even apply human laws and mores to them? For all we know, Asriel as a kid might have been hundreds of years old already and perfectly capable under Monster law to have sex.

But seeing how AGoH Asriel was just kid Asriel in a superhero body he made for himself, and not in any way an "adult" or a reflection of Flowey, means it's either both or neither. If you think kid Asriel can't consent, then kid Asriel wearing the Monster equivalent of stilts and a trench coat couldn't either. Flowey could, because he was very different. But I would not recommend it, because he would just bite your dick off for teh lulz.

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