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/fur/ - Furry

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Vulpes Inculta 20/11/06(Fri)08:42 No. 28249 ID: 480add

File 16046485495.jpg - (9.49KB , 225x207 , ad959b46d3ac2e77ab16e62d3c65baa9.jpg )

so like do you just dump pictures of furrys to jerk off to? I dont get it, is this supposed to help people feel better about themselves?

Vulpes Inculta 20/11/06(Fri)23:57 No. 28250 ID: c6000f

We could have discussion and conversation instead but this board's slow, sadly. Truly, the best possibility is to have both art and discussion, in the same threads, even.

Vulpes Inculta 21/06/29(Tue)03:19 No. 28523 ID: 1049a1


Vulpes Inculta 21/08/04(Wed)20:10 No. 28544 ID: d434af

I think you're in the wrong place if you're looking for a Furry support group. This is mainly for Furry smut. I'd recommend joining a MUCK or one of the Furry groups on Facebook, if you want to have a discussion.

Vulpes Inculta 22/08/16(Tue)23:17 No. 28718 ID: 9aceb5

File 166068462614.jpg - (41.68KB , 700x616 , 1651567314114.jpg )

stupid of me to come to this board just because i was interested at what was the oldest thread posted

Vulpes Inculta 23/11/29(Wed)15:00 No. 28908 ID: b35dd6

I don't get it either at this point. This is pretty much the consequence of wanting to interact with other furries.

Vulpes Inculta 24/10/22(Tue)23:35 No. 29204 ID: e5c2ee

you know, honestly, i'm completely new here im just seeing this all for the first time

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