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How to meet female furs Vulpes Inculta 20/03/12(Thu)09:25 No. 27895 ID: 9d24c7

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Any good furry dating sites? 18 year old male furry here who wants to meet female furs.

Nobody666 20/03/12(Thu)15:51 No. 27896 ID: 2503d3


Good online female furs are rarer than finding a needle in a haystack. Finding one that's also straight, single, and 18+ is the furry version of winning the lottery. Many are transgender (Usually MtF) or only playing a female as a dude online.

If you want a real shot at finding a real female for yousrelf though, get off the Internet and go to local meets or the nearest furry / anime / video game convention.

Though.. You may want to wait until Humanity is done panicking about Coronavirus before attempting large gatherings of people.

Vulpes Inculta 20/04/13(Mon)01:29 No. 27953 ID: d936f7

Try Howlr. Lots of nice furries on there. I have seem some girls.

William Doo 21/06/28(Mon)12:43 No. 28522 ID: 388386

Of course, finding a girl for a relationship is not an easy task. But you can just pass your free time on this site http://sexy-girls-live.net and quench your thirst for communication with beautiful girls. Many guys find such entertainment as interesting as possible and, most importantly, realistic.

Vulpes Inculta 25/02/22(Sat)22:59 No. 29293 ID: 3cde4e

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I heard of barq.app from a Kiwi Farms thread, so it's probably good if it makes their self-hating autistic troon asses seethe and dilate.

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