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Does dressing as your fursona is just cosplay or something deeper? Anon 20/02/04(Tue)04:08 No. 27851 ID: 098e57

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I have this doubt cause when a furry has a fursona and invest money to look like the fursona they identify as, could this be considered something more than just cosplay

DrGonzy!!H3ZwMuLGyy 20/06/02(Tue)11:38 No. 28077 ID: 49b20f

It's just a fun thing I do as an expression of my personality.

Vulpes Inculta 20/06/02(Tue)16:42 No. 28083 ID: 92fc2b

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I love watching them do it! Its cute cus you see these cuties being all innocent and cute and kids give them cuddles and stuff, then in the evening it become a a sloppy, huffy puffy sex fest with suits coated in cum.

Watching these cuties breed and make a mess then go back to cuddly kids without washing their suits first is adorable

Vulpes Inculta 20/07/30(Thu)14:13 No. 28145 ID: 126a11

Do you ever ask why people are so triggered by fursuits?

Vulpes Inculta 22/08/27(Sat)18:49 No. 28721 ID: 2a7935

Its a bit deeper. There is a sense of identification, relief, roleplaying, alternate personality, repression release and lot other things.

Vulpes Inculta 23/11/29(Wed)14:57 No. 28907 ID: b35dd6

What they said pretty much sums it up on why people don't like furries.

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