It barely makes it into a decent 2D fighting game due to the stiff mechanics, which is why it only has the art going for it but even that nowadays is scarce and you'd be lucky to see a single update since the Zeta Team are so paranoid about privacy and protection while providing alternate links which can lead to malware instead of linking their game to a quick, simple download.
That and they constantly have a well of excuses they muster up whenever people question on simple progress they may have made, whether it be coding or a single sprite and it is always the public's fault yet never their own that drama occurs but realistically as how Miles puts it: "It's coming soon" then there should be something to show as an update of progress to the public but for them not to show even that or a single sprite, they are making lies to desperately cling to what fans they have left with nothing to show for it because they simply love themselves too much.