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/fur/ - Furry

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Dreamkeepers Thread Vulpes Inculta 24/02/11(Sun)04:13 No. 28960 ID: 6bd5c4 [Reply]

File 170762120055.jpg - (1.63MB , 3306x2550 , Harem2_Zagnudeedit_colored_fixed.jpg )

Thread for all Dreamkeepers related content

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 24/02/11(Sun)08:08 No. 28964 ID: e14033

File 170763527917.jpg - (852.86KB , 4094x2975 , beachmaySKOM2023_edit.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 24/03/26(Tue)03:57 No. 29012 ID: aa3a2e

When do you think dream keepers will end?

lol 40 24/04/25(Thu)05:15 No. 29043 ID: 22657e


Elizabeth Gortot 23/12/29(Fri)08:26 No. 28922 ID: e9c76b [Reply]

File 170383478221.gif - (2.10MB , 562x720 , Patreon post image.gif )

Artist: Eipril

1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Gortot 24/01/22(Mon)02:48 No. 28937 ID: e9c76b

File 170588808245.gif - (720.77KB , 600x338 , ezgif-3-c7d863edfa.gif )

Gortot 24/02/09(Fri)07:26 No. 28954 ID: e9c76b

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Gortot 24/03/24(Sun)10:07 No. 29011 ID: e9c76b

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Last came to Vulpes Inculta 21/02/14(Sun)02:39 No. 28396 ID: c4ae40 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

File 161326679476.jpg - (331.92KB , 992x1280 , cum.jpg )

Post what you last came to! It doesn't have to be art: it can be anything.

54 posts and 63 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 23/11/03(Fri)06:24 No. 28895 ID: 1c7fe7

File 169898907692.jpg - (225.18KB , 1979x2048 , fapfapfap.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 23/12/31(Sun)00:19 No. 28923 ID: 49e615

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Vulpes Inculta 24/01/11(Thu)04:03 No. 28928 ID: aa92bd

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Does dressing as your fursona is just cosplay or something deeper? Anon 20/02/04(Tue)04:08 No. 27851 ID: 098e57 [Reply]

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I have this doubt cause when a furry has a fursona and invest money to look like the fursona they identify as, could this be considered something more than just cosplay

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Vulpes Inculta 20/07/30(Thu)14:13 No. 28145 ID: 126a11

Do you ever ask why people are so triggered by fursuits?

Vulpes Inculta 22/08/27(Sat)18:49 No. 28721 ID: 2a7935

Its a bit deeper. There is a sense of identification, relief, roleplaying, alternate personality, repression release and lot other things.

Vulpes Inculta 23/11/29(Wed)14:57 No. 28907 ID: b35dd6

What they said pretty much sums it up on why people don't like furries.

yuly ultros helelos Vulpes Inculta 23/10/02(Mon)09:50 No. 28873 ID: a45069 [Reply]

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4 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 23/10/02(Mon)09:53 No. 28878 ID: a45069

Vulpes Inculta 23/10/02(Mon)09:53 No. 28879 ID: a45069

Vulpes Inculta 23/10/02(Mon)09:54 No. 28880 ID: a45069

Scalies Thread Vulpes Inculta 23/04/30(Sun)01:27 No. 28800 ID: ebb0ac [Reply]

File 168281083778.jpg - (900.61KB , 3496x5235 , 1fc7f0a21db609b4d5a257dd936ada1f.jpg )

release the reptiles

3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 23/04/30(Sun)01:31 No. 28804 ID: ebb0ac

File 168281106338.jpg - (102.60KB , 1257x1428 , 605920b95fc040d2222cdf1e519a9185.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 23/04/30(Sun)01:32 No. 28805 ID: ebb0ac

Vulpes Inculta 23/04/30(Sun)01:33 No. 28806 ID: ebb0ac

Fursuiters Vulpes Inculta 23/08/13(Sun)23:11 No. 28862 ID: 3da525 [Reply]

File 169196108154.jpg - (46.06KB , 485x679 , F3SdBqvbkAQzooY.jpg )

Post stupid sexy guys in fursuits

HIGH RES FTW these generators are amazing! Vulpes Inculta 23/07/11(Tue)15:38 No. 28856 ID: be152f [Reply]

File 168908273286.jpg - (459.53KB , 1080x2280 , Screenshot_20230711-094045_Telegram.jpg )

just 3 of over 20

Vulpes Inculta 23/07/11(Tue)15:39 No. 28857 ID: be152f


Vulpes Inculta 23/08/11(Fri)13:39 No. 28861 ID: bf861f


This is so fucking hot. The hoodie; the spiked collar - everything.

Does anybody still use this board? Vulpes Inculta 22/11/01(Tue)16:35 No. 28748 ID: 902903 [Reply]

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image not related

M3rcyKn1ght 22/11/22(Tue)23:21 No. 28755 ID: dda119

Still visit rarely but new pics get posted so slowly even fchan is faster

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