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/fur/ - Furry

Welcome to /fur/, 7chan's board for furries.
Visit us on IRC! #/fur/

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Comic Dump thread Vulpes Inculta ## Mod ## 11/09/23(Fri)20:25 No. 7276 ID: 9a8416 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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Since I noticed that there's a lot of two-post threads being made for topical content, it's starting to make some clutter. So I am making this thread.

This is a thread for posting any comic rips/dumps. I'm not putting a straight ban on other threads getting rapidshare posts for thread-relative content, but for new comic dumps I ask that you do use this thread to keep the clutter down.

144 posts and 129 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 24/03/14(Thu)11:42 No. 28996 ID: 707318

Found it on exhentai.org


#/fur/ Ink-Eyes!JitteXIo9w ## Mod ## 12/10/23(Tue)05:37 No. 13355 ID: fb972c [Reply] Stickied

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Now that I have your attention, did you know that 7chan has an IRC? We do! Though I must say that it's fairly sad the state that the #/fur/ channel is in, it's Me, an IRC bot, and an idler. Nothing happens at all.

Let's change that. Can we? Just have a general chat space for people to come in and just have good chatter. Who's and where's and what's are all abound. I do want to see this channel be successful, even if I have to bring in a trivia/uno bot to give entertainment!

So, start up your favorite IRC client and hit us up!

#/fur/ for furry, #7chan for general chatter. Let's have some fun!

28 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
DrGonzy!!H3ZwMuLGyy 20/06/02(Tue)10:29 No. 28069 ID: 49b20f

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Get your ass to #/fur/

TF Thread 16.0 Vulpes Inculta 16/11/02(Wed)07:22 No. 24181 ID: 037ee1 [Reply] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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It's about time.

1633 posts and 1444 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
SEND ME PORN COMICS jeff98212 23/12/22(Fri)21:34 No. 28921 ID: ef7604

Guys, listen... IK yalls prolly busy asf rn.... but I really want to see the Becumming porn comic series of Bendzz ... Like from the 6th one. Please, if anyone has, I literally beg of you to PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE send me the copies of Becumming 6, 7 and 8

Vulpes Inculta 25/02/02(Sun)15:19 No. 29273 ID: 3bfbba [Reply]

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Kovoso je Srbjia

TF Thread 17.0 Vulpes Inculta 22/06/01(Wed)04:46 No. 28688 ID: 40cfce [Reply]

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TF Thread 16.0 has long overstayed its welcome (16/11/02), so let's make way for the long overdue TF Thread 17.0!

35 posts and 30 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 24/11/03(Sun)02:53 No. 29213 ID: e62d29

anyone have Angrboda most recent books

Vulpes Inculta 24/11/14(Thu)15:20 No. 29222 ID: 16416b

File God_I_Wish_That_Were_Me_c.pdf - (1.28MB )


Vulpes Inculta 24/12/25(Wed)23:32 No. 29246 ID: 37d9e7

Merry Christmas to every TF fan still hanging out here, hope you have a happy holiday season!

looking for the sauce of this:3 Vulpes Inculta 24/10/31(Thu)00:13 No. 29212 ID: 02599e [Reply]

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Hey uh, anyone here knows who's the artist or where this comes from? 🥺🥺

Vulpes Inculta 24/11/06(Wed)11:27 No. 29214 ID: 906a6c

Also quite curious as to the origin

BEA 24/11/14(Thu)03:52 No. 29221 ID: 7b18e8

theres more than just that one image, I sadly cant find the source and im looking myself but no leads </3

weasle 24/12/16(Mon)19:53 No. 29242 ID: 428d32


Vulpes Inculta 24/11/22(Fri)21:37 No. 29224 ID: 93cdf6 [Reply]

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Ever want to fuck Lola Bunny?

Apparently, now you can.


Vulpes Inculta 24/11/22(Fri)21:40 No. 29225 ID: 93cdf6

Eddie's Mom Vulpes Inculta 24/03/19(Tue)15:07 No. 29005 ID: a23bc3 [Reply]

File 171085725644.png - (1.57MB , 1000x1600 , 00055-999209458.png )

I'm just gonna leave this here:


Vulpes Inculta 24/11/08(Fri)17:55 No. 29216 ID: a23bc3

Vulpes Inculta 24/11/08(Fri)17:57 No. 29217 ID: a23bc3

File 173108507588.png - (918.49KB , 768x1024 , 6548785 - AI-generated Eddie_Puss'_mom The_Co.png )


Vulpes Inculta 24/11/08(Fri)17:58 No. 29218 ID: a23bc3

File 173108511866.png - (1.27MB , 1280x1280 , 6367681 - AI-generated Eddie_Puss'_mom The_Co.png )

Furzi Thread Vulpes Inculta 23/03/10(Fri)14:07 No. 28787 ID: 31d838 [Reply]

File 167845364575.jpg - (61.56KB , 696x361 , 1148615264_jax_panzer_in_ther_nude_by_jaxthebat.jpg )

1 post and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 23/03/10(Fri)14:12 No. 28789 ID: 31d838

Vulpes Inculta 23/04/05(Wed)06:12 No. 28794 ID: 88aeab

Vulpes Inculta 24/10/22(Tue)23:49 No. 29209 ID: e5c2ee

oh neat, ive always had a weird interest in drawing furzi stuff but not exactly sure where i could advertise that sort of commission service without being cancelled haha

Possum Girls Trash the possum 23/02/04(Sat)21:30 No. 28780 ID: fd5045 [Reply]

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Hey, I'm currently collecting art of my possum character. I'm also looking for people to do some adult rp with. My my mother's fax machine is Cadaver #1073

Vulpes Inculta 24/10/22(Tue)23:41 No. 29208 ID: e5c2ee

tried to fax you but it didnt work ;(

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