I fapped to that movie countless of times. The short film where they switch porn roles so instead of an insecure girl you have an insecure guy is hot as fuark.
They select from different number of guys to star in a porn film and choose the most insecure, shy, quiet dude out there. They then let him take a look at a few pornstars and talk to them in order to let him select the one he will ass fuck.
Being the beta fag that he is he picks a milf that kind of stands out as a motherly figure to him. She hugs him and lets him suck on his tit while gently rubbing his cock and telling him what a good little boy he is. She then proceeds to tease him and seduce him and instruct and kind of teaches him, while he fucks her in the ass and she swallows.
It's not perfect tho, he kept saying shit like "you have beautiful eyes" while she was all like "that's cool, oh your dick is so big" you know the typical porn bullshit. After all that he says that he enjoyed the sex but anal was disgusting since the head of his dick kept hitting small pieces of shit. Fucking brilliant I tell you.