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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Pasha1001 EDITS Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)21:39 No. 20562 ID: 9ee7aa

File 3000k_v2_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (341.58KB , 3000k v2 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

More files and source-files like .flv/.moho at: https://mega.nz/#F!xwBThAgB!WMe10ifSHlQWcgAmmfierA

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)21:41 No. 20563 ID: 9ee7aa

File Beige_Bunny_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (25.44KB , Beige_Bunny - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)21:41 No. 20564 ID: 9ee7aa

File Black_Rabbit_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (77.99KB , Black_Rabbit Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:14 No. 20572 ID: 9ee7aa

File ChunLi_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (274.86KB , ChunLi - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:17 No. 20574 ID: 9ee7aa

File Daphne_Blake_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (136.88KB , Daphne Blake - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:18 No. 20575 ID: 9ee7aa

File Digimon_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (29.79KB , Digimon - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:19 No. 20576 ID: 9ee7aa

File dw-stillcamera_POV_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (851.63KB , dw-stillcamera POV - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:21 No. 20578 ID: 9ee7aa

File Hot_Fuckride2_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (30.07KB , Hot Fuckride2 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:26 No. 20579 ID: 9ee7aa

File Fairytail_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (2.69MB , Fairytail - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:28 No. 20580 ID: 9ee7aa

File Minus8_-_Darla_Dimple_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (183.45KB , Minus8 - Darla Dimple - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:28 No. 20581 ID: 9ee7aa

File minus8_-_jmp2_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (24.81KB , minus8 - jmp2 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:34 No. 20582 ID: 9ee7aa

File Minus8_-_Little_Audrey__fixed_Camera_-_Pasha_EDIT.swf - (490.86KB , Minus8 - Little Audrey fixed Camera - Pasha_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:35 No. 20583 ID: 9ee7aa

File Little_Audry_-_Pasha1001_EDIT_0_02.swf - (509.54KB , Little Audry - Pasha1001_EDIT 0_02.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:35 No. 20584 ID: 9ee7aa

File minus8_-_M10_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (30.19KB , minus8 - M10 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:47 No. 20585 ID: 9ee7aa

File Pacifica_Northwest_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (21.54KB , Pacifica Northwest - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:56 No. 20586 ID: 9ee7aa

File Sable_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (21.68KB , Sable - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:56 No. 20587 ID: 9ee7aa

File Sandra_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (33.62KB , Sandra - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:57 No. 20588 ID: 9ee7aa

File Simipour_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (69.97KB , Simipour - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:58 No. 20589 ID: 9ee7aa

File Sprite_200_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (1.72MB , Sprite 200 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)22:59 No. 20590 ID: 9ee7aa

File Star_Fucks_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (520.51KB , Star Fucks - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:05 No. 20591 ID: 9ee7aa

File Syaomu_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (115.21KB , Syaomu - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:07 No. 20592 ID: 9ee7aa

File Tenchi_Girls_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (176.07KB , Tenchi Girls - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:08 No. 20593 ID: 9ee7aa

File Total_Drama_World_Tour_-_Gwen_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (601.23KB , Total Drama World Tour - Gwen - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:11 No. 20594 ID: 9ee7aa

File Totally_Spies_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (123.63KB , Totally Spies - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:14 No. 20595 ID: 9ee7aa

File Wakfu_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (528.42KB , Wakfu - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:18 No. 20596 ID: 9ee7aa

File exotic_condenser_1_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (213.24KB , exotic condenser 1 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/15(Thu)23:51 No. 20597 ID: 9ee7aa

File Blonde_Fairy_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (1.12MB , Blonde Fairy - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)02:03 No. 20599 ID: 9ee7aa

File Cowgal_v2_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (48.29KB , Cowgal v2 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)10:50 No. 20601 ID: 5e1ecc

File Amy_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (2.39MB , Amy Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

btw. I meant .fla not .flv typo

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)10:56 No. 20602 ID: 5e1ecc

File Zone_Mavis_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (3.59MB , Zone Mavis Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)13:12 No. 20605 ID: 7f52e9

File Pinoytoons_Royal_Siblings_V2_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (236.72KB , Pinoytoons Royal Siblings V2 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)13:13 No. 20606 ID: 7f52e9

File Pinoytoons_Royal_Siblings_POV_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (236.77KB , Pinoytoons Royal Siblings POV - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)16:06 No. 20609 ID: 4f3512

File pattyhack_decensored.swf - (3.65MB , pattyhack decensored.swf )

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)18:53 No. 20610 ID: 6fc23f

I've made tons of these edits over the years and they've been flying around on HDD. I decided to upload everything for everyone. But since everybody seems pissed that I upload these, I'll just fix up and upload the ones that are almost done.

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)19:19 No. 20611 ID: 4f3512

have you done your uploading??? yes? fine.. then you may go and never come back..

i forgot to mention: edits are always free and no one wolud ever pay any money for your crap...

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)21:34 No. 20613 ID: 6fc23f

Have you seen me sell anything?

Why is everyone so pissed btw.? Because I put my nick on the edits?

Pasha1001 16/12/16(Fri)22:03 No. 20614 ID: 6fc23f

After reviewing everything, only one guy got pissed, let me guess you are the same one from swfchan. Dude you got some big ego problem. Still pissed off that I said to just google it? If that is all it takes to make you go nuts on my ass you should really get some therapy. If you wanna talk to someone how about not behaving like a pissed little kid?

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)02:01 No. 20615 ID: 4f3512

File fuck_me_daddy.swf - (3.38MB , fuck me daddy.swf )

sure that i am "this" guy??

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)02:03 No. 20616 ID: 4f3512

File pasha1001_our_new_god.swf - (4.29MB , pasha1001 our new god.swf )

maybe i'm just another guy who's pissed off your crappy edits???

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)02:05 No. 20617 ID: 4f3512

File pasha1001.swf - (924.73KB )

or i'm just trying to piss you off?

Pasha1001 16/12/17(Sat)03:16 No. 20618 ID: 6fc23f

I'm way too calm to get pissed, I just pretend I get pissed. ;P Hope you had fun dissing me. Was fun playing along. I'm gonna go back to being productive again. I'll have a lot of audio samples up soon HF using them for your projects if you create/edit stuff.

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)11:23 No. 20621 ID: 6fc23f

It'll take a couple of weeks to get everything up. Not sure if the 50GB are enough XD


Anonymous 16/12/19(Mon)00:15 No. 20631 ID: 614427

Please let us know when that mega folder is complete.

Minus8 - Penny - Pasha1001_EDIT Pasha1001 16/12/21(Wed)17:29 No. 20639 ID: 0f9e2c

File Minus8_-_Penny_-_Pasha1001_EDIT.swf - (1.62MB , Minus8 - Penny - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf )

Audio/Video Files and Source-Files like .fla/.moho at: https://mega.nz/#F!VpgmjZxT!CdnYb-_e-GBpnwg8wOANwA
I'm pretty much uploading everything I'm working on and with.

Pasha1001 16/12/21(Wed)17:35 No. 20642 ID: 0f9e2c

I'll be continually adding stuff, so it'll never really be complete. Anything specific you are interested in?

I'll be sticking with the new link though.

Anonymous 16/12/28(Wed)02:30 No. 20675 ID: 2b9b73

What are .moho files?

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)16:59 No. 20703 ID: 819cb3

Has anybody ever decompiled the whole Wakfuck flash for mods? Like a skip button for the intro or new animation.

Anonymous 17/01/02(Mon)05:13 No. 20710 ID: 942128

I have a request.

Can you edit Sonic Transformed 2 so it starts in the scene selection menu? Also disabling all the music would be nice.

Here is ST 2: http://swfchan.com/35/172513/?Sonic+Transformed+2.swf

To access the scene select screen you need to click on the star that appears in top of the start screen, then up down left right A start.


Anonymous 17/01/09(Mon)23:59 No. 20739 ID: 534c12

What are these all edited from, anyway? What are the originals?

Anonymous 17/01/10(Tue)00:13 No. 20740 ID: 942128

He uploaded the originals in the mega link.

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:58 No. 20783 ID: 042cca

What is the point of these edits? In 90% you just removed the guy fucking the girl, in some you added cringy overlay music and your V2s are just 30fps conversions (from 24fps). Is this practice for Flash or am I not seeing something?


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