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Dietary cholesterol is important for optimal performance. Vegans do not take in any cholesterol through diet. I want to perform optimally, and still be vegan.
You can get cholesterol from plants. It's not the kind you get from meat but... those are the sacrifices you make by denying yourself half the potential human diet.
>>35433 Source?
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>>35433 OP, here. Since you haven't provided a source, I'm going to go with you're full of shit. K
Your body naturally produces enough cholesterol. Don't see why you need more.
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>>35526 I'm not saying I don't believe you, but cite your fucking source. For instance, when I say that vegans do not take in any cholesterol through diet, I can source TOW: When I say dietary cholesterol is important for optimal performance, I can cite Casey Butt: So step up or go home
What kind of slack-jawed gomer faggot deleted the last two replies?
Looking for some Geoff Neupert and good kettlebell stuff.
...Not one of you dumbasses knows.