Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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What other chans do u guys use :4: :g: :a: :g: doesn't count
>>15647 * 4
>>15455 fuck off
:y: :e:
>>15767 420ch good.
>>15767 lol only trannies go to 420chan. kill yourself you freka
I miss 3chan.
:n: :i:
>>15776 Kinda agree cause its run by absolute cucks but its the only good place to talk about drugs. This chan however is full of 13 year olds who dont know jack shit about them.
I'm not telling you queer
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spider expert namefagging arachnologist offaggot
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*N* *I* *G* *N* *O* *G*
>>16359 FUCK
:p: :9: