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Who is Hotuser1807 and what does he look like? Hotuser1807 25/01/12(Sun)15:55 No. 28042

Who is Hotuser1807?
First of all, it must be said that Hotuser1807 is a man in his mid-40s and loves to show off his 1 meter 79 or 70.5 inch body publicly, completely naked, in pictures and videos on porn sites and also websites like Reddit Pimpandhost and X or 7chan and even on 8kun or similar websites, for free. Of course, it is normal that his nude pictures can therefore also be found every now and then on websites where Hotuser1807 himself has not uploaded his nude pictures. His nude pictures can also be found using most search engines using his name. There are no pictures on the Internet of Hotuser1807 where he is wearing clothes or at least underwear in his pictures. Therefore, Hotuser1807 can only be described and viewed naked. His naked body in his nude pictures has already been viewed by many thousands of people on the Internet. Some people have even followed these nude pictures on some websites.  That's why his most intimate parts of his body, such as his pubic area and especially his penis, are no longer a secret. That's why the public can not only see this body of people over 18, but can now and in the future also get a short description of his body to read. Hotuser1807 described his naked body himself and measured his erect penis and made it available to the public for free to read. Hotuser1807 also wrote that anyone can view his nude photos and videos freely and use them publicly. Hotuser1807's personal nude photos are of course a matter of taste.

What does Hotuser1807 look like naked?
Hotuser1807 has a fair-skinned, chubby body with no tattoos, but with stomach and pubic hair, armpit hair, and hair on his head and beard. There are also many nude pictures without pubic hair, but also more recent pictures where he can be seen with pubic hair. Otherwise with little body hair on his back, butt, chest and legs, but usually with pubic hair. His intimate area can also sometimes be shaved... whatever. The scrotum is of average size and is slightly hairy. The flaccid penis has a maximum length of 9 cm (3.55 inches). But more important and interesting is, what does the penis look like when erect? The width when erect is 3.8 cm (1.5 inches) in the middle of the penis when viewed from above. The glans is a bit wider 4 cm (1.58 inches) wide.  From above, you can also see a thick vein in the middle of his erect penis. The girth of his penis is not completely round, but slightly oval. And also on the right side of his penis when viewed from above, you can see a few veins. There is brown pubic hair to the left and right of his penis and testicles, and there is pubic hair in the rest of the pubic area above the penis, but the light skin is still visible. There is also some hair from his belly button down to his pubic hair. There is a small mole on the right side of his pubic area and in his groin where his leg begins. The pubic hair is too thin to cover it. The penis itself is hairless, but when he is erect, some pubic hair is visible at the base of the shaft. Otherwise, the penis is hairless. His penis is slightly twisted when fully erect, but otherwise very straight and not curved. The glans is round at the front, not pointed. The visible length of his erect penis also reaches 13 cm (5.13 inches).  When fully erect, the glans is no longer covered by the foreskin and it shines in the light. Unfortunately, a few pads of fat can be seen on the insides of his thighs. Hotuser1807 also has normal nipples, the areola has a normal male diameter, and little chest hair. He also has short armpit hair and beard hair. His sleeves are almost hairless. His fingernails are normally nicely trimmed. His legs have little to no hair, but there is some hair on his lower legs. His toenails are very nicely trimmed. His feet and toes are hairless. He also wears shoe size 45. Overall, apart from some pads of fat, this chubby body has relatively smooth skin and is very interesting to look at and somehow very beautiful. There is no body hair on Hotuser1807's back or bottom. Hotuser1807 also has a rather larger, smooth, hairless bottom. He has full brown hair on his head and hardly any grey hair.  This body is certainly not perfect, but overall it is somehow beautiful and interesting, perhaps to look at in his free nude photos. Hotuser1807 has taken nude photos and videos of himself and published them on various websites on the Internet. In the videos you can see, for example, how he masturbates and how his penis ejaculates or how he takes a shower. Anyone can view, download and freely use the images and videos for free. Otherwise, his penis is of course suitable for oral sex, because it is not very long and therefore cannot penetrate too far into the throat, and therefore triggers less nausea in the person who has this stiff penis in their mouth. This stiff penis is also very good for vaginal sex, although a few centimeters or inches longer would perhaps be even nicer ;) For anal sex, a pointed glans on the penis would perhaps be better, but take a look at his intimate area for yourself. Thank you for your interest in Hotuser1807, take a look, it doesn't cost anything!

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