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The Hayloft Gashnaw 22/03/13(Sun)00:03 No. 27570

So this a story I am writing for the hell of it.
Tags right uh let's see.
Incest, Ageplay, Bestiality, Bondage, Rape. Not sure what else I might be adding.

Chapter 1:

“I’m so sorry for your loss.”
Those words were probably the most annoying six word I ever would hear. It was a funeral, I got it, I understood but couldn’t they just have kept their fucking mouths shut. Surprisingly my dad dying was not the worst part. His health had been declining as it was and I was prepared for it. We even had a plan, if worse came to worse, I would live with my friend to finish high school. His mom had already cleaned out a room for me, just in case. I thought would be able to make do, I already had acted like a second son. Sadly, that was not going to happen. No, instead the law had to take over and my actual mother had to start acting like a mom.
“Its alright, it would just be a year or so, so he can finish high school.” Janice would say. Thank you.
“No no, he is my son, he should be with family” That was my mom’s response. I saw her once when I was seven. But haven’t seen her since, it was short reunion as well. Her grandfather had passed away leaving her his ranch. Something about too many greedy hands trying t get his fortune, so, he made sure he did everything by the books and left everything to my mom. The only catch was she could not sell the ranch, if she did her money and fortune would be divvied up between the rest of eth family. My father refused to move. He made enough money for us to live off of, and he felt that selling the ranch may have been best. Let some country boy buy it and actually use it. That argument happened when I was four, but I still remember it.
“His marks are great; I just feel uprooting his life would be detrimental to his academics.” I really did adore Janice, single mom who barely made ends meet. She was young too, a true milf. But she was also my best friend’s mom, so I usually kept that thought in the back of my mind. I never really expected to get to the point of getting in bed with her. She treated me like a son.
“Once again, I understand, but I am his mother and I should be looking after him.”
Where in the hell was that motherly support growing up? No, you were just a woman trying to ruin my life. It sucked being Seventeen. I didn’t care about a ranch, hell I didn’t care about horses or pigs or whatever the fuck they had on said ranch. I was a city boy, aside from the park I barely ever saw grass. But instead, I was going to be uprooted and moving to my great grandfather’s ranch. My life really could not get worse.
“How about just letting him finish school”
“How about you let me do what is best for my son”
“Why don’t you fuck off” I was surprised those words escaped my mouth. Everyone’s mouth dropped. My dad would have given me a thumbs up, he told me to always stand up for myself. He had a weird way to raise me, letting me swear all I want, just make sure that I was willing to accept the consequences for doing so. He never punished me for it, he knew that I either learned it form my friends, himself or school. He knew it was not going to changed things, so he just told me to accept the punishment which was usually detention. I didn’t get it often I didn’t swear too often.
“My dad is dead, this is a funeral, can we cut the bullshit until afterwards?” Still dead silent. It was eerie. At least they were being quiet now. I nodded to the priest to continue. I was never religious, but my dad had made plans in case, and ell, not having to pay for the funeral was helpful. I knew in a few days the reading of the will would be done. Maybe there was something there about Janice taking me in.


The drive down was long. I wondered who was the idiot who had blocked everyone in. Didn’t realize m mother had really taken to the country life, a red pickup. I could barely think of anything more cliché, until I got in saw a cowboy hat. I felt like I was in some sort of twilight zone.
“That’s just for show right, I mean you aren’t full on cowgirl are you?” I asked not really caring about the answer.
“Of course, I am, Harper is a bit more into it than I am though.” She explained. I cocked a brow. I knew of Harper but never met her. Half-sister. I had two actually. Harper was a year younger; my mother didn’t take long to find a new man. Viola was thirteen, a few months away from her fourteenth birthday. We never met though, and neither ever met my father.
“Still with Hank?” I asked. Hank was her boyfriend, last I heard anyway, She shook her head. Didn’t strike me as odd, the one time I met him, he seemed like an ass. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was beating my mother.
“He is in jail right now.” She added. I simply rolled my eyes, why should I care where he was. I didn’t. Just knew that I would probably drop his ass if I saw him.
“Of course, once he gets out, we will probably get back together, Viola misses him and I am sure harper does too.

As we continued along, I started hearing a really loud buzzing noise.
“The hell is that?”
“Cicadas. “She replied. “They make that noise most of the summer. You will get used to it.”
Again, I rolled my eyes. She was wrong, there was no way I would get use to that. I would prefer to sound of a car screeching to a halt than listing to Cicada, whatever hell they were. I would look it up when we finally got to the ranch. I knew she had internet but sadly my phone was no longer in operation. I cancelled my contract before I left.

“So, Colton,” My mother began
“Colt” I responded. I had gone by Colt for nine years now. My dad was the only one who still called my Colton and only when he needed to get my attention. My name was even registered as Colt in the school system.”
“Colton” my mother continued. That was a mistake. If she was not going to go with my preferred name, I could play that game. “How much money did your dad leave you?”
“Three eighty-three.” I said coldly. “After taxes.”
“I would like you to hand it over to me for now. I would rather you not spend it right now and it can help us out with groceries.”
“FUCK THAT!” I yelled. “You are not getting a fucking cent. State law says that you have to make sure I get food and a place to sleep. I had both of those at my friend’s house and I had a school where I actually fit in. My money, you are not getting any of it. Don’t like, send me back to Jersey” My eyes narrow as I stared her down.
“You are expected to pay rent. It is not easy to raise three kids on my paycheck. Raising two is hard enough and then I had to take you along.”
“I never asked you to. I have a prefect life all set up in Jersey, you are the fucking cunt who took me away form that, and now you are claiming that it was a favor. You are a bitch. Jill”

She slammed the brakes and glared at me.
“Listen here Colton. I am your mother and I deserve some goddamned respect. I will accept Mom, mum or however you want to pronounce it. But you are not to call me by my name, it is extremely disrespectful.”
I smirked. “Colt. And you will get my respect when you earn it. You left when I was four so that is thirteen years to make up for. So, until then, Jill.”
I could see her knuckles go white as she gripped the steering wheel. I was expecting something else but instead nothing, she just started to truck back up and headed on. It was another half hour of pure silence until the ranch was in sight, and then the Cicadas began buzzing again.


“Viola, Nice to meet you”
Viola was a nice girl, and unlike her mom, was not a cliché. She actually looked a lot like me which only irritated me, it meant I took after my mom more than my dad. Well, I was not going to let that suddenly make me like her. She could have reproduced asexually and I still wouldn’t have forgiven her for bailing. Not that it mattered, I got along with my dad.
“Where’s Harper?” Jill asked
“She was working with Tucker in the Hayloft earlier, but I think she and Billy took the ATVs out.” Viola answered with a coy smirk. Great another trait she and I shared. She really needed to stop that, it was annoying. Mannerism, everything she was doing I recognized in myself.
“I wished she was here to meet you. Show you around.”
“So, who is Billy and Tucker, friends from school?” I asked not really caring. Though if there were more girls around it might not suck too much.
“I think she is dating Billie. Tucker is a guy who helps us out around the ranch, he is also a great mechanic, fixed the truck a few times free of charge.” Jill explained.
“Kinda guy you would want Harper to date?” I asked
“No, no, he’s twenty-two. Too old for her. Billy is a nice guy too.”
I smirked “hate to tell you, but if that is the case, the only reason he fixed the truck for free, is because he and Harper are fucking. He is laying down a carpet so if you ever do catch him, the blowout will not be as messy. Helps you out for free, fixes the truck, and spending time alone in the hayloft. Yea, I just hope he is wearing a condom.”
“What’s a condom?” Viola asked.
“Shut up” Jill spat at me. “She does not need to know what that is.”
I just smirked. I had a whole pack of condoms in my bag. I was hoping to be using them with Janice, but that wasn’t happening. Probably would not have happened anyway. Of course, my dad died, and I knew most girls at school would have been playing that pity card and have sex with me anyway. Maybe I could work that angle at this new school.
“When Harper gets home, I’ll have her show you around the ranch.” Jill stated calmly.
“She is going to the ravine tonight. She said don’t expect her for dinner.” Viola explained. “I can show Colton around mom” Viola was adorable, I guess I could let her call me Colton, she was a kid. I would tell her to call me Colt, but for now it was fine.”
“I’m sorry Viola, I really rather Harper does it, she is more experience, she can probably show him how to do things better.”
“I’m sorry, do things?” I asked a little confused.
“Well yes, if you plan to live here, you are going to be working just like Viola and Harper”
“My plan wasn’t to live here; I didn’t want to live here. You came to Jersey, abducted me and now forcing me to work. I was perfectly happy back home.”
“Well, now you live here so you are going to have to work just like the rest of us.”
“Fuck that. I am not working on this fucking ranch, what are you gonna do, not feed me? Go ahead, CPS will have a field day with you starving a kid you already abandoned once. Send me back to Jersey, GO FOR IT, THAT’S WHAT I WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE!”
“Do, you like macaroni and cheese” Jill asked her voice changing.
I pause, was she really asking about dinner? I just went off on her and she changed the subject without flinching “It’s okay, prefer spaghetti and meatballs but all pasta is alright.” I responded
“Viola, please go set the table” Jill said calmly. It was spooky how drastically she changed. Maybe I won, maybe she realized I had beaten her.


“Wake up” I heard a voice growl at me and I opened my eyes as a pair of slacks was thrown at me. Looking at the clock it read four fifty-eight.
“It’s five in the morning what the fuck?” I looked at the figure in my doorway, it wasn’t Jill nor Viola. “Harper, right?”
“You bet” She responded and leaned against the frame of my door.
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“No chance, we have chores to do and if you want to get them done before school we get up with the sun.”
“Yeah, fuck that, piss off” I Said pulling my blanket back over my head.
“Well either you do that, or you can pay my mom rent Viola and I work off our rent.” Harper responded.
“I don’t have to do jack shit, I don’t even want to be here”
I could hear Harper laugh “Too bad, you live here now, so either get your ass in gear or I will make your life living hell.” I didn’t respond “Do your chores and I can also make your life easier.”
“Tell you what, do my chores for me and we’ll call it even.” I said throwing the pants back at her.
I figured I won as she left and I tried going back to sleep, only to be woken up a couple minutes with a bucket of water being poured on me.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” I Yelled angrily
“Little trick getting lazy shits out of bed.” Harper smirked, despite how dark it was, the sun peaking over the horizon had lit her face up enough for me to see. She looked like Jill, younger, and a much nicer body but still looked like Jill. Granted Jill was no slouch either, but they were related to me, so seeing them in that way was kinda fucked up in my head.
“You will want to get up now. Mold will start growing fi we don’t set your mattress out to dry.” Harper smirked. I hated hear already. She was just as bad. I hated how much my sisters were like me. Just a shred of my dad would have been nice.
“Fine, fuck, I’m up. I’ll probably sleep in class anyway” I said about to change before stopping. “Mind giving me some privacy?”
“Sure thing, Jackoff” Harper said grabbing my mattress. She seemed to actually be serious about setting it out to dry. “Just don’t start jacking off, we don’t have time for you to pleasure yourself.”
I narrowed my eyes, but she didn’t see it.
“Not like there is anything worth jacking off to around here.” I called out before closing the door. I thought I saw her tense up a bit but maybe I was wrong. Instead she just continued down the stairs and I got dressed.


“Geeze you suck” Harper laughed as a horse had just kicked me.
“I think he broke a rib” I wheezed.
Harper came over to me and poked me in the chest. “I don’t think so, it will hurt like a bitch but it doesn’t seem broken. Will have a nice bruise and will be tender as hell.”
“And you still want me to work while wounded?” I asked
“I could kick you in the nuts, get your mind off your chest.” She laughed and then turned back to face me, lifting her shirt exposing a nasty scar on her stomach.
“Kitchen table C-section?” I asked getting back to my feet. “I figured you for a slut but-“
“Barbwire” Harper said cutting me off. “Didn’t want to show my mom that I sliced open my stomach so I kept working like nothing was wrong. Got an infection too. Left me with a battle scar.
“Honestly, that is actually kinda cool” I responded with a nod. “What were you doing?”
“The ravine is fenced off. The parents don’t know that and since we all hang out there, they figure it is just a gathering place. First timers get pretty messed up.”
“You will have to take me sometime.” I suggested.
“I don’t take losers” Harper laughed, which only got me to respond with a laugh f my own, which caught her off guard.
“I don’t owe anyone any favors. I am sure people would love to know that the teen population of this town are trespassing.” Harper looked at me dumbstruck so I continued. “Give me a day. I’ll find that loser you exclude who has connection to the mayor, let her go SJW on your ass and shut down the ravine. It’s called blackmail.”
“So, we have other areas to hang out.” She retorted sounding flustered. That meant I won, now to take my victory lap.
“I will also make sure everyone knows that you told me everything, so they know that you can’t keep your mouth shut and you will be alienated.”
Her flustered look left her face as she smiled.
“You are more like me than I thought. Maybe there is some hope for you after all.”
Damn, I really hated that comment.
“But don’t bring blackmail into this again. I’ll take you sometime, but if you threaten to blackmail me again, I will reign hell down upon you.”
I grabbed a bag of feed trying to hoist it over my shoulder only to fall flat on my face.
“Don’t overdo yourself. Look I am showing you around. You don’t need to be able to carry a bag of feed over your shoulder on your first day.”
Fuck, what the hell? Just like Jill Harper completely flipped the script. They ignored my victory and kicked me to the curb, then acted like a completely different person.
“So, who are you fucking? Billy or Tucker?” I asked getting up to my feet.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“Condom wrapper” I said pointing to something I noticed while on the floor. “Unless you want to claim it is your sister’s”
“Could be my Mom’s” Harper spat.
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone is touching that train wreak” I Smirked.
“Show some respect you turd.”
“Turd, really? Usually, Little shit is used in place of turd, it is a bit more insulting. Granted I prefer to use the word cunt” I paused to see if Harper would wince, she barely flinched “Fuck, shit, cunt, git. You know, big boy words. So Billy or Tucker? Or should I go ask Viola if it is her boyfriend’s?”
“Fuck off” Harper said angrily “Leave her alone, It’s Tucker’s.”
“Fucking called it” I laughed “Last night Jill said Tucker was just a nice help and you two were not fucking. I knew you were.”
“How?” Harper asked looking puzzled.
“No guy does what Jill claim he does for free. If she is not paying him, he is getting something else. And I will admit. You are nothing to shy away from. If you were not my sister, I would be trying to find a way you get you on the ground right now.”
“So, you are gonna tell mom about Tucker and me?”
“Nah, I think I just found a way to have fun.”


School itself was pretty uneventful until lunch. Worked like virtually every other school. However, I did meet a girl. Cherry. I figured she would be working the pole in a few years. You didn’t last long with the name Cherry and not start turning tricks. Aside from the name however, she had the perfect southern belle trope going. Southern accent, high pitched voice. Even going with the whole “Why I never” when someone made a rude comment. She was actually playing it off a little too much. Which is why at lunch I asked Harper about her.
“What do you have a crush on her?” Harper asked annoyed I had come to her table.
“Not really, just want to know if she is DTF” I responded.
“What the hell is DTF“ Harper began
“Down to, to have sex” Another boy responded. I look at him and he stared me down. “Colt right?”
“Yeah, wait why did you call me Colt?” I asked
“Isn’t that how you like to be called? Should I have introduced you as Colton?” Harper asked looking almost sheepish.
I looked Harper over, did she actually so something nice for me. Maybe I was wrong about her.
“Anyway, is the southern belle a charade or is she really too innocent for her own good?’
“Wow, you are really not looking to date her at all, you just want to pop Cherry’s cherry and move on.” The boy laughed.
“Well yeah, I still plan to go back to Jersey, who are you?”
“Oh, Billy” He said and held out a hand. He nearly broke my worst with how powerful his grip was.
“Well I think she is a virgin, one guy did claim that she gave him a blowjob but he also claimed I did, which I didn’t, so I think he is just a liar. Who knows maybe you could be the guy who fucks her.”
“Harper, do you really need to use that word?” Billy asked and I looked at him. Did he not like cussing.
“What is wrong with saying the word fuck, I mean, aren’t you too fucking? If you can’t even say the word, should you be?”
“No way. I believe in abstinence. So, no sex until marriage. I mean if you want, I am not going to harass you for it, but really, you should consider it.” He said holding out his hand showing a silver band around his finger.
I looked at Billy then at Harper. Her eyes alone told me to shut the hell up.
“Cherry?” I asked Harper.
“Piss off” Harper said gritting her teeth.
Turning back to Billy I spoke. “You may be abstaining form sex, but since she is not getting it from you, she is getting it form the neighbor boy, Tucker.” I back jumped back as Harper swung at me. Billy just glared at me.
“Are you a compulsive liar?” Billy asked “Harper is abstaining form sex just like me. We know we will be together and we feel that sex for the first time after marriage will be what truly matters.”
This guy was annoying.
“You do know a packet of ox blood won’t work right? No pussy bleeds that much. I mean you may have been able to fool him since he is blind, but a popped cherry, well you know how much blood is there.”
There was a long moment of silence before Harper yelled out across the cafeteria.
“Hey Cherry, Cherry, come over here.”
As Cherry approached, I saw Harper’s smile, it was demonic, much like my own.
“Hey Cherry, this is my brother Colton” She began, once again going back to Colton. So much for Colt.
“Yes, he is in my class, such a gentleman.” Cherry said with her accent. I guess some guys would find that charming. I just wanted to violate it out of her.
“Well, he thinks you’re cute.” Harper added which got Cherry to blush.
“I am flattered.”
“Do you want to date my brother?” Harper asked. Shit, this was not going to end well.
“Well, I barely know him, but I do say, he is a handsome man, I would love to at least go to the juice bar.” Cherry said. The trope to be fake, no one was that innocent.
“Well, he just wants to fuck you. Sex nothing more nothing less. Take your virginity and be done with you. He wants to also do it soon cause he plans to move back to New Jersey as soon as possible.”
Dead silence at the table as I could see the gears in Cherry’s head turning and the smug smile on Harper’s face.
“So, do you wanna fuck?” I asked which only got a massive slap across the face from Cherry.
“Ah, so you are not all that innocent after all.” I said with a laugh. She had hit hard enough to break the skin on my lip. “No true Southern Belle is gonna hit that hard. So, drop the act.”
“Sleaze” Cherry said coldly. Her voice no longer holding that accent that annoyed me.
“So did Harper set you up to this? tell you to act out southern belle on me?”
“You’re pretty smart” Cherry responded. “How did you figure that out?”
“You were not confused when she called you over. Meaning you two have a friendship of some sort, it is not unordinary.”
Even Harper was taken aback which got a laugh form Billy he saw what I saw.
“Which leads me to believe you are not so innocent either. Do you want to fuck?” I asked.
“I just slapped you for-“ Cherry began but I cut her off.
“You slapped me because you were playing miss, Well I never” I said the last part in the best southern accent I could muster. “But now we know it was an act so let’s get on a level playing field. Virgin?”
Cherry was silent for a few seconds before lowering her head in defeat
“That’s a no” I began “So, one last time, you want to fuck?”
“It’s okay Cherry” Harper said. “He’s smart as you can tell. So just make sure he wears a condom. If he ss mart, he won’t say no, cause if he refuses, I will cut off his dick with a carving knife.”
“I could also just say no to sex.” Chery responded.
“You could, but we both know you won’t. You are the school’s biggest slut, everyone has had a go at you. I was wanting to make him sweat a bit, but he is not going to put the effort in. So just fuck him and get him out of my hair.”
I won yet again. And as Cherry finally caved holding onto my wrist as we walked away from the table I could hear Billy begin to speak.
“So, let’s talk about you and Tucker…”


“Holy shit” Cherry Moaned as I made her cum yet again. We had retreated to the washroom and grabbed a handicapped stall.
“Shit,” She panted” Where did you earn to do that?”
“Wow, you would not last long in Jersey,” I began “I didn’t eve give you everything I had.” Of course, that wasn’t a full lie, I did work her over, but once again it was just sex. I didn’t bother with foreplay and I didn’t add anything else to make it better. So, while I did put in effort, I didn’t really do everything I could, besides she seemed to have enjoyed it.
“What do you have there?” I asked seeing Cherry pull a packet out of her pocket.
“Pot” She said pulling out a lighter. “Do you want a hit?”
I looked at the joint. I never really did drugs before and was curious, but waved my hand.
“Nah, I don’t really smoke after sex.” I responded.
“How innocent, I didn’t realize I just fucked a virgin.” Cherry mocked which only irritated me. However, I kept my composure.
“Well, I don’t feel guilty about lowering my standards to the point with anyone can fuck me if my friends tell me to. Quite frankly, Harper treats you like shit. She probably could have gotten another friend who would not put out as easily to play the Southern belle, instead she got you to. Probably to get someone to mock me about not even getting the school slut to fuck me. Get some more respect for yourself, and stop being friends with her, she’s a bitch.”
I could see Cherry have a ear form in her eye which made me feel guilty.
“What’s wrong now.”
“Harper is my only friend. We have been friends since junior high. I don’t make friends easily. The Southern belle act is not even a full act. It is who I was before I met her. She changed me and when we got to high school, I started getting the attention of all the boys. I though they liked me and I started having sex with them. Found out they just wanted to have sex with me, and by that point I had lost my virginity so there was no sense e in protecting it, and I just became a slut.” She explained.
“You don’t have to be. Just say no.” I suggested.
“You don’t get it, if Harper needs someone to do her homework or needs some money, I have sex with them as a thank you r reward.”
I just looked at Cherry dumbfounded. Did she really not understand what Harper was?
“So she gets some money, and you have sex, someone does something for her, and you are the one that puts out?”
“Well most of the time I enjoy so its not like it is a horrible deal, she’s-“ Cherry spoke before I cut her off.
“She’s your pimp.” I Said coldly “You are her hoe. She pimps you out and doesn’t even give you a cut of the money she makes on you.”
“Well she does give me this” Cherry said waving the baggie. “She grows it herself. I don’t get the money, but I would just be buying it with the money she would give me.”
“Does she sell that around school?” I asked with a smirk.
“Well yeah,” Cherry responded “why?”


“YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE” Harper screamed at me when we got back home. She had managed to get me to the Stable before screaming. “YOU TOLD THEM I HAD DRUGS IN MY LOCKER?”
“Don’t you?” I asked with a laugh
“Fuck no” Harper said with a huff “I’m not stupid enough to store them there. The basement has a bunch of unused lockers, the caretaker puts a bolt on them.”
“And?” I asked confused.
“I got some bolt cutter, cut one off, put some textbooks in there, a backpack, and I store the drugs there. If they ever open it they will find out there is no student registered to that locker so they can’t pin it on me.”
Personally, that was actually a pretty good plan, I had to give her credit for that.
“And now I know the secret.” I mocked.
“You tell anyone and I will kitchen table castrate you.” Harper growled.
“Actually, I want to know how much product you have. I have some people back in Jersey who would love it. Life I can get enough product on me when I leave it would be some nice cash flow when I get back.
“Yeah, you are not making any money right now.” Harper laughed “So it’s not Likeke I will give you any.”
“I think you will, because unlike the whole Tucker incident, this is illegal. Everyone hates m so I don’t mind being a rat.”
“Kitchen table” She responded “No painkillers, just strapped down with meat cleaver.”
“Why do you treat Cherry like shit?”
That caught Harper off guard. “I, don’t.”
“You pimp her out. How often do you two hang out? Does she go to the quarry with you?”
“Wait, did you two talk afterwards?” Harper asked sounding almost disgusted.
“Yeah, a bit, until she started taking puffs. Then I told them about your little drug business.”
“Which reminds me” Harper said and made an attempt to kick me in the groin. I stepped back only for her other foot to spin around and kick me in the chest knocking mem onto my ass.
“You still have a lot to learn.” She mocked before stomping off.

I got up and dusted myself off. The horse that had kicked me that morning was staring at me and lifted my shirt, Harper was right I did have a nasty bruise.
“You did this to me” I sighed at the horse who just kept wearing it dumb look. It wasn’t really the horse’s fault; Harper had set me up.
“She probably uses you just like she uses Cherry.” I sighed leaning on the gate of his stall. “You are not so aggressive are ya?” I noticed a few apples nearby and grabbed one feeding it to the horse. When I was younger, we had taken a field trip to a farm. Where we fed horses apples. The only two things I remembered from that trip was that in order to feed a horde you had to do an open palm to not lose your fingers, and my teacher stepping in cow shit.
“Maybe next time you can kick Harper.”

Anonymous 22/03/18(Fri)15:36 No. 27571

This was a fun read. More to come?

Gashnaw 22/03/18(Fri)19:32 No. 27572

Eventually. muse to write is not as prominent as it has been in the past.

Gashnaw 22/03/18(Fri)22:39 No. 27573

Chapter 2

“No, Colt, have you ever ridden a bike in your life?” Cherry laughed as she and Harper were trying to teach me how to drive an ATV.
“Forget it Cherry he is a lost cause, I can’t believe you two are fucking.”
“You set us up” Cherry smirked lighting a joint. “What did you expect to happen?”
“You to still be dressing like a southern bell and leading him along.” Harper sighed.
That much was true, the southern belle act was gone, while she had dressed down the day after, she still had a bit of the belle charm, but now that it was the weekend, she was down to booty shorts and a white tee pulled into a knot. To top it off she had the cowboy boots and hat. Harper was dressed pretty much the same, except she had forgone the front knot.
“You want some lemonade?” Viola asked approaching the two as I fell off the ATV. “HEY COLLTON, DO YOU WANT SOME LOMONADE?”
I huffed as I got to my feet.
“If that why you told me to wear pads?” I asked as I hobbled over to the fence to accept a glass from Viola. “Thanks” I said taking a sip.
“Why can she call you Colton?” Harper asked raising a brow.
“Cause she is a kid.” I responded.
“I’m not a kid I am almost fourteen” Viola growled.
“Fine, then when you turn fourteen you can call me Colt just like everyone else.” I sighed.
“Mom doesn’t call you Colt.”
“Well Mom can-“ I began only to be cut off by Harper
“Shut up, she doesn’t need to hear that.”
Viola looked confused, god I wanted to punch that face, it was too familiar.
“How is your brother anyway?” Harper asked changing the subject.
“Annoying as fuck, all he does is talk about all the girls he has had sex with,”
“I thought you said your brother is nine.”
“Jay thinks hugging is sex, so we just let him believe that” Cherry explained.
“Well then he is gonna enjoy the real thing.” Viola responded which got us all to look at her “What? I know what sex is, they taught us in school. Does it actually feel good? I heard it hurts.”
“First time it does for girls, but then it starts to feel good, Isn’t that right?” I smirked at Harper and Cherry.
“My god, you two have the same smile.” Harper grimaced
“Kinda creepy” Cherry laughed taking another puff of her joint. “Now back on, if you want to go rising with us later you got to learn how to ride the damn thing. I said I will stay behind to help you since you will be slow, but you still have to know how to ride.”


“Why is he here?” Tucker asked. I had met the man once and he tossed me into a pile of dung. I really hated him, about as much as Jill.
“I told him he could come along if he could learn how to ride an ATV.” Harper admitted “Didn’t think he would by tonight.”
“Besides, he is not gonna ruin anyone’s fun.” Cherry added. “It’s just one extra person. We already have like fifty.”
“Well, if he gets on my nerves, I am throwing him into the ravine. Keys” Tucker said holding out his hand.
“Why?” I asked taking a step back.
“Cause I am not gonna let you drive back drunk. Not on that thing. I spent two weeks fixing it.”
“I don’t drink, at least not to the point of getting dunk. I may have one or two beers and that is it.”
“Harper, I though you said he was your brother, why is he acting like a pussy?”
“Trust me Tucker” Cherry said “He is a guy, his throbbing cock is proof enough. Didn’t think we would ever find someone who is bigger than you. But we did.”
I wasn’t sure if she was being serious or not, I knew I was nothing to scoff at but I wasn’t that large either. I figured if he was hard to top, that most guys must have had a small cock, which meant I had something to share. Either that or Cherry was just talking me up, which still felt good.”
“Anyway, here you go Harper” Tucker said handing her a gun.
“Python?” I asked.
“Doubtful, I don’t care what Cher says you are not a python.” Tucker growled
“No I mean, that is a Colt Python.”
“Actually, it’s single seven, if you are gonna open your trap, learn your guns first.”
“You got bullets?” Harper asked checking the gun out.
“Why are you giving her a gun?”
“Stop asking questions. You’re starting to annoy me.” Tucker responded.
“No, seriously why are you giving her a gun?” I asked again my voice getting heavier.
“Shut up Colt” Cherry instigated.
“No, why are you- FUCK!” I Screamed as Harper shot a bullet next to my foot.
“Stop asking questions, this does not involve you. You keep asking and next one will not be a warning shot.”


I’m blind, no wait, just dazed, Tucker hit like a tuck, what happened? Well Harper fired her new toy, which in turn got the cops called. While most kids at the ravine were rounded up, Harper, Tucker Cherry and I rushed back to the ranch, and upon getting their Tucker punched me across the skull.
“See you shouldn’t have borough this piece of shit.” Tucker growled as he kicked my to the ground. While the bruise from the horse a few days back had healed it was still sore, so getting kicked didn’t help.
“Harper is the one who fired the gun.” I said getting back to my feet.
“She wouldn’t have had to if you had shut the hell up about the gun in the first place” Tucker responded this time kicking me in the face. Yep, my nose was broken this time. Still, I was not about to let him make me look like a bitch.
“Are you seriously getting back up?” Tucker asked sounding more annoyed than anything.
“Damn right, Fucker.” Tucker just rolled his eyes and marched toward me, I landed an uppercut in his jaw dropping him on one hit.
“HOLY SHIT!” Both Cherry and Harper said in unison, then Harper went to check on Tucker.
“He’s out cold” Harper said ver voice showing nothing but admiration. “How did you do that?”
“I picked up a bit of boxing in Jersey.” I laughed “Guess I knew more than I thought”
“your nose is broken” Cherry said which I nodded
“Figured, hurts like hell”
“Hold on” Harper said grabbing y face and then put my nose back into place. “you are not the first guy he has broken the nose of, he did it to Billy once, and there have a been a few more guys he was threatened to kill.”
“What is with the gun?” I asked again figuring the moment would get me an answer.
“Stop asking you don’t want to get involved.” Harper responded.
“Come on Harper, tell him, you did shoot at him.” Cherry stated.
Harper sighed
“Billy’s cousin is in town. Last time we met he tried to rape me.”
“Tried?” I asked.
“Tucker pulled him off. But Billy’s cousin just got out of jail. I don’t think Tucker will be able to pull him off again. If prison movies have taught me anything, you get big in prison. So that is what the gun is for.”
“Why would I not want to get involved, I can help.”
“That is exactly what I don’t want. Just let me handle it okay, if he comes near the ranch, I will shoot him.”
I looked over at tucker “Are we just going to leave him here?”
“For now,” Harper said “He could use a good sleep. I’ll wake him up tomorrow morning if he is still here. So Cherry want a ride home?’
“Oh I was kinda hoping to stay the night. Wait till your mom is asleep and then”
“I got it” Harper sighed. “What is this situation?”
“Fuck buddies I think” I responded “It’s not like we are dating, and with my plan to return to Jersey, I wouldn’t even want to make it official.”
“Excuse me?” Cherry scoffed
“I told you, I am going back to Jersey, soon. So while I really like fucking you, and I like you, I don’t want to call you my girlfriend.”
Cherry’s jaw dropped. Did she really expect a different answer?
“Actually, my parents expect me home, so I would like that ride.” Cherry said, I felt bad, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I had told her already my plan was to return to Jersey.


“Why is Jersey so important?”
I was barely awake when harper asked that question. It was obvious she was a morning person, I however was not.
“I mean, what so great about the city? You have fresh air here and if you look at the sky, you can see the stars. You can’t do that in the city”
“Small trade off. When you grow up in the city it is not something you long to see it is nice to see it once but then you are happy and go back to city life. But I still have friends there. I mean Jersey where my home, my life.”
“What were you gonna do?” Harper asked as I watched her hide the gun in the stable. “I mean your dad died, so you would be alone”
“I know and that still stings, but no, I was gonna live with my best friend, and his smoking mom.”
“Into MILFs?” Harper asked with a laugh.
“I’m into attractive women, like Cherry. Or even you.”
“Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?”
“Sibling aspect aside, I can appreciate an attractive woman. Hell, if you were not my sister, I may even ponder the possibilities.”
“If I was not your sister, would I be enough to get you to stay?” Harper asked “What if it was Me and Cherry? Could we keep you here?”
“Cherry and I” I corrected her “And together, maybe, but given the sister thing, it is just Cherry, and as much as I like her, no.”
“Okay, then how about ignoring the sister thing or don’t if that turns you on, what if I said you can fuck me right here right now?”
I thought for a moment before Harper spoke.
“Gross you are actually thinking about? Fucking perv. Maybe you should go back to Jersey.”
“That was the plan you bitch?” I was pretty annoyed now.
“But Colt, you shouldn’t sell yourself short. If you were not my brother, I would probably give you a chance. Maybe Cherry is no enough to keep you around, but there are more girls at school who had actually asked about you. I could set something up if you want.”
I thought about it for a second.
“It’s not gonna be a harem, But I can probably get you up to three pussies. So, Cherry and two others. Think you can handle three dates a week?”
“Three dates a week, you will have to take them all out at least once a week, doesn’t always have to be Friday and weekends You can take one for ice cream on a Wednesday afternoon or whatever.”
“Just one problem, I don’t have a car.”
“That is my second gift to you.”


“I thought you said a car” I laughed looking at the pile of junk in the garage.
“it is, kinda, I mean you have to fix it up but if you it is yours. Tucker was doing it at first and it was the same deal, but he quit when he got his own truck. So, I tried but, I know nothing about cars.”
“And I know less” I responded. “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“You are kinda pathetic, every other guy around here knows how to fix a tractor, ATV, car. What use are you?”
“Well, I usually waked or rode my bike, do you know how hard it is to get around in a car in the city? The only public transport I used was the subway to school” I explained.
“So, you know nothing about cars at all?”
“No” I responded.
“What if I got Tucker to help?” Harper asked.
“He hates me” I respond.
“But he doesn’t hate me, he will help me fix it up, So I can tell him that I am tricking you into fixing it for me, meanwhile he is fixing it for you.”
“And what do you get out of this?”
“Three things, My mom gets the son she wants, and access to the car when you are not using it.”
“That is two, second condition is fair, I am not going to be a perfect son, but I will call a truce. What is the third thing?”
“I’ll let you know later, if you don’t agree to it though, I get to keep the car.” She paused and then spoke again “One more thing” Harper than kicked me in the nuts “Stop thinking with your dick so much.”

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