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Mikey Part 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/26(Tue)05:50 No. 26764

This is one chapter out of a larger story I'm working on. The plan is to connect various scenes, based upon (but not strictly true to) my sexual experiences as a preteen. All characters in this scene are (were) real. The basic plot really did happen, but has been filled in either for lack of clear memory or literary embellishment. I will post more later. Comments welcome.

Tags: preteen loli shota straight gay bbg


Mikey Part 1

“Come to church with me. We'll get laid.”

Jeez, where did it start with Mikey?

Church, I guess. Ain't that ironic?

See, Mikey was home-schooled so he didn't know any of the in-school kids I knew, except those who lived near us. That's how we met. Hanging around the neighborhood playground park.

But he wasn't lonely. His Mom was like super-religious, and their family hung out with a big church-going crowd that I didn't know.

When I say Mikey's Mom was super-religious, I mean not only was he not allowed to cuss, but he couldn't even use “soft” cussing like “Gosh darn!” or “Golly Gee” because those were all really Jesus' name, disguised sort of, but still very much taken in vain. Which was a sin. So he had no language stronger than saying “Wowwee!”

But as strict as she sounded, she was always really nice to me when Mikey brought me over. She helped us set up a little clubhouse by cleaning out a tool shed in the yard, and she furnished it with blankets and pillows in case we wanted to nap. She even suggested a name for our club. “How about 'The Golden Knights?'” We didn't adopt that, or any other name. We were just "us friends".

I was, like, two years older that him, maybe. I think two grades ahead, but I don't really know how grade levels work for home schooled kids. I found the younger kids easier to hang around with than those my age or older. The big kids were always trying to be cooler and tougher and braver and I just didn't want to deal with that. I was no good at it. The younger kids were easier to deal with. I didn't have to try to be cool. Me just being a year or two older made me cool enough in their eyes.

So one day they invited me to church. Not just regular Sunday morning church, but some sort of big get-together with all the church families that would last from afternoon to evening. I didn't know any of these people. I didn't even know what church holiday it might be. But that's okay, Mikey didn't know hardly any of my school friends either.

But yeah, his Mom came out to the clubhouse and told Mikey about this get-together. He seemed excited and asked if I could come along. “If it's okay with your mother. You'll be back late.”
I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of going to church. But Mikey had the ace. He whispered secretly in my ear: “Come to church with me. We'll get laid.”

Laid in church? I got no idea how that might work. I had never been laid. I only had the vaguest notion of what the even meant. I just knew the big kids talked about it like it was the greatest thing to happen to anyone. I heard it involved getting naked with girls and doing something with my dick, so I was in.

Mom's response when I asked her for permission: “Are they gonna save your soul for Jesus? Sure, go ahead. Let's see how that works. Don't forget your house key. And put on your good clothes.”

Pressed for details as we were leaving in their car, Mikey said we would be meeting his aunt, uncle, and cousin at the church. Then we'd go to dinner at their house and stay late while the adults threw a party. Sounded fun to me. And while I didn't really believe in all this God and Heaven stuff, I thought the whole story of Jesus thing was actually kind of interesting, and wanted to learn something more about it.

It was a pretty big church, with lots of cars parking outside and people chatting with each other. We met up with Mikey's relatives on the sidewalk. He introduced me to his cousin Shelly.

"Don't call me Shelly," she objected. "I'm not a baby anymore. My name is Michele."

Michele had brought her friend Freddie along. Despite having a boy's name, Freddie was a girl. I guessed it was a nickname for some more girly name like Fredwina or Winifred or something. We kids exchanged hellos to each other while the adults hugged and gabbed with each other. Mikey and Michele talked a bit about whatever between themselves, while Freddie and I just looked quietly around at everyone else, and each other.

Michele looked maybe a year younger, and a little shorter than Mikey. She struck me as looking perfectly straight. By that I mean as if she were drawn by ruler, using straight, up-and-down, parallel lines. Her blonde hair hung long and straight, almost to her waist. She held her arms down at her sides, sort of like a soldier at attention. That seemed a bit odd, but she was smiling and seemed happy enough. Her plain black t-shirt and pants were the same size from top to bottom, like a human Pringles can. Flat blue sneakers. Nothing fancy about her tonight.

Freddie was the same size (and I presume, same age) as Michele, maybe a bit heavier. But she had a girly pink dress with white lace and bows. She even had a small flower tucked into her wavy, light brown hair. Her legs were covered in white stockings that ended with low, white heels that went “clock clock” when she walked. She was dressed much fancier than Michele, who didn't seem to care.

I listened to just enough of the adults chatting to get their names. Aunt Sandy. Uncle Ray. I never knew Mikey's Mom's name until Aunt Sandy called her "Christie." Sounds like a real Christian name to me. I finally figured out that Christie and Sandy were sisters, and Ray was the married-in guy.

After so much chatting, everyone filed inside and found seats. I had been in a couple of churches before, but not like a regular thing. We spent the next hour or so doing what I guess are the usual things Christians do in church: listening to a preacher talk, singing songs, and reading from the Bible. I didn't have a Bible, but they had some there in the pews. I only knew one of the songs, that one about "Onward Christian Soldiers" that always made me wonder what the Christian soldiers would be fighting a war for. Weren't Christians all about peace and love?

Other than that, I just stayed quiet. Mikey and Michele poked each other and giggled a couple of times until Sandy told them to shush. Michele smiled at me once or twice, which was nice. Freddie seemed totally absorbed in the service and never said a word.

When the sermon and singing were done, everyone got up and milled around chatting some more. We all got a cup of some fruit punch from big glass bowls at the back of the room. The preacher came around to thank everyone for coming. He even said hello to me, and asked me if I had my own Bible. I did not, so he gave me one from the pews.

"This is for free," he said. "But you have to promise that you'll read it."

"Okay, I promise." I looked at the book. "Umm, Mister Preacher? I have a question."

I knew that there were different religions, and even different religions that were still all Christian. I didn't have a clue how that worked. I didn't even know which one this very church was. So I asked what I thought was the key to understanding it all.

"What religion was Jesus?"

Michele busted out laughing. Even the grownups grinned at the question.

The preacher thought a moment before answering, "Religion is how we worship God. Jesus is a part of God, and He doesn't worship Himself. That would be kind of silly, wouldn't it? So Jesus isn't any religion."

That sounded reasonable enough, so I thanked him for the Bible and he moved on. But I think I liked my Mom's answer better when I asked her the same question later: "He was Jewish."

After everyone made a trip to the bathroom, we all piled back into the cars to go to Aunt Sandy's house for dinner. It was now dark outside.

In the back seat, I whispered to Mikey what had really been on my mind the whole time, "You said if we came to church we'd get laid."

He put his finger to his lips in a silent "Shh!"

The house wasn't far away, so we got there pretty quickly. More cars arrived, and everyone gathered in the back yard. There were a bunch more adults and a few more kids. The adults got drinks and talked with each other, while Uncle Ray got the charcoal grill going. We kids played yard games like Tag and Ring Toss. Since this was Michele's house, all the kids knew her and she knew all of them,. So she was the popular playmate, running and yelling with everyone. Freddie looked uncomfortable in her nice outfit. I guess she didn't want to get it dirty. Or maybe her good shoes weren't much good for running around in.

Soon enough Ray had hamburgers and hot dogs ready for everyone. There was potato salad and cole slaw and chips and I don't remember what else. We ate from paper plates (those good Chinette ones) while sitting in folding lawn chairs.

One of the adult guests had brought a guitar. After dinner, he played some songs that he said he wrote himself. I had never met a real musician in person. He said he had just made his own record and handed out copies for people to take home. I even got one myself, because I have a record player at home. I liked his songs. They sounded good. I didn't care that they were about God and Jesus and other churchy things. My big brother would probably make fun of me for it but so what. He was stupid and would tease me no matter what.

After that, it was getting late and the families with kids packed up and left. Freddie, whose family was not there, stayed behind. Apparently she was staying the night with Michele. The rest of the adults started pulling out bottles of hard liquor and making alcoholic drinks.

Ray gave a cup with Coke mixed with rum to each of us four kids still there. He said it would help us sleep while the adults stayed up late. But Mikey's mom said that Mikey couldn't have his drink. Ray argued a little with her but she stood firm. Michele and I sort of giggled drinking ours. We pretended we were getting silly drunk, acting like the drunks on TV did. Freddie didn't seem to like it at all, but she sipped it down anyways because Ray told her to.

Then they said it was time for us to go to bed. Mikey's mom would take us home in a couple of hours.

Aunt Sandy showed Mikey and me to a guest bedroom with a queen-size bed we would share. It had an adjoining bathroom. Another door led to Michele's bedroom, which she would share with Freddie for the night.

Mikey got to brushing his teeth. I hadn't brought a toothbrush, so I swished some mouthwash. We each took a turn at the toilet. Then the girls took their turn in the bathroom, while Mikey and I took our pants off and climbed under the covers.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Mikey asked me.

"Yeah," I replied. "Nice time. Food was good, people were nice."

"I told you Christians aren't all as nutty as you might think."

"You're right," I agreed. "Everyone was real friendly to me. Nobody tried to 'save my soul' or get me to accept Christ into my heart or whatever. Now, I have met some pretty nutty Christians, just not here. But I still think your Mom is kind of over-strict. She wouldn't let you drink the rum and Coke, even when your uncle gave it to you."

"Yeah, she's kind of over-protective like that. But it really doesn't bother me. I hope all the churchy stuff didn't bother you too much?"

"Naw. It's kind of an interesting story they tell about Jesus, and the things he did. I still don't get how it's supposed to save your soul, but hey. But, umm..." I paused.

"But what?"

"Well, if everyone's being so nice and good and stuff, how does anyone get laid? You said we would."
"Hang on," Mikey said. "Watch this."

Freddie and Michele walked out of the bathroom in their long nightshirts, carrying bundles of their clothes they had just changed out of.

"Hey, Michele," said Mikey. "Wanna get balled?"

"Sure," she answered. "Give me a couple of minutes." She and Freddie went into her room and closed the door.

At first I thought he had said "Wanna get bald?" which sounded weird. Then I realized he had said "balled" like meaning "fucked" or "screwed." I had never heard anyone use that word like that.

I had also never heard a girl agree to anything like that. Her "Sure!" had to be the most surprising word I have ever heard up until then.

I looked at Mikey. "She actually wants to get 'balled'? I thought girls were really hard to talk into that."

"You don't know Michele," he said. "She's a little crazy. But in a fun way."

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Like she said, just give her a couple of minutes."

So we just lay there waiting under the covers. I realized I was getting a stiff boner. "Is your dick getting hard? Mine sure is."

He chuckled. "Yeah. Real hard."

After about one more minute, Michele walked in. She left the door to her bedroom open and walked up to the side of our bed, on Mikey's side. He moved over to make room for her to get in.

"I'm sorry guys, but I can't," she said quietly. "Freddie says she's gonna tell if I do."

"Well, talk to her then!" said Mikey.

"I tried already!" she whined.

"Then let me talk to her," he insisted.

"No, don't. I don't think she really likes you." She turned to go back to her room.

"Hey, Michele, wait." Mikey hopped out from under the covers, then stood up on the bed. "Look at this."

He pulled his white underwear down to his ankles, and hiked up his t-shirt. He really did have a stiff boner, poking out and up from his bare crotch and small ball sack.

Michele stared for a moment. She broke out smiling. "Give me another minute." She went back to her room and closed the door. Mikey pulled his underwear back up and got back under the covers.

We waited quietly another minute. Her door opened back up. Michele stepped into the doorway. She looked back into her room. "Come on, Freddie! You just said you would."

Freddie stepped out and stood beside Michele. She looked frightened.

"Relax," said Michele. "Nobody's gonna hurt you." She faced us.

"Tell you what, guys. We'll show you ours if you show us yours."

Mikey looked over at me. I wasn't understanding her. He got back out of covers and stood on the bed. "Come on," he beckoned to me. I got up and stood beside him.

We both dropped our underwear to our ankles and lifted our shirts. We both had stiff dicks pointing up high. I had never seen Mikey naked before just a minute ago. His dick was a little smaller than mine (he was a year or two younger), and his ball sack was smaller and tighter. I had the beginnings of some dark hair around mine, but his was completely hairless. I realized I was staring at him. I thought he was really good looking naked.

The light was off in the big bedroom, but enough light spilled out from Michele's room that we could all see each other perfectly well. Michele smiled and stared again. Freddie stared at us without smiling.
"Turn around," said Michele.

Mikey and I both did a slow, complete turn, which was a little awkward while standing on a mattress with our shorts around our ankles.

"Nice butt, Josh," she said to me. I had never gotten such a compliment. Nor did I have any idea what made my butt so nice. But it did charge my boner a little extra hard. I think she noticed that.

"Okay, now your turn," said Mikey.

Michele did just like us, dropping her panties to her ankles and hiking up her nightshirt to her armpits. Looking at her made my boner jump again. I had never seen a naked girl, either. Her chest was completely flat, with nipples just like a boy's. The folded slit in her crotch was completely bald, which made me think of how I misunderstood the word "balled" a few minutes ago. I thought she looked like a kid who was about to get into the shower.

We all stood there staring at each other for a few moments. Freddie's eyes were popped extra wide, and switching between us two boys' dicks. She had obviously never seen such a thing, either.

She also still had her night clothes on.

Michele looked at her. "Come on, Freddie! You said you would."

Timidly, Freddie pulled her nightshirt up to her waist, put her thumbs into her waistband, and pulled her panties down. She let them fall to her ankles. She also let the nightshirt fall back down to her knees.
"Oh Freddie!" Michele reached over and pulled Freddie's nightshirt up to her armpits. "Now hold that there!"

Freddie obediently held her shirt up. I couldn't tell if she was blushing, but one of her legs was shaking at the knee. She was clearly afraid of the situation. But that didn't stop us boys from staring at her naked body anyways. She was indeed a little heavier than Michele, as I had figured. But just like Michele, she had flat, boyish nipples for boobs, and a smooth, hairless fold of a pussy.

After maybe a minute of silently staring at each other, Michele turned to Freddie again. "Okay, that's enough." Freddie immediately dropped her shirt back down, pulled up her panties, and quickly disappeared back into the girls' room.

"You can turn the light off, okay? The grownups think we're in bed now." Both rooms went dark, save for the outdoor lights leaking in through the window. We could still hear the noise of the grownups partying in the yard.

Michele closed the door behind her, as she stepped into our room. She almost tripped and fell because she had forgotten the panties around her ankles. She regained her balance, giggling, kicked off her panties, then came over to our bed.

"Now she can't tell on us, 'cause she'll be in trouble, too." So Michele was a devious schemer, I noted to myself. "Move over, Mike." She called him Mike, not Mikey. Maybe because he was a little older than she.

He scooted over towards me to the middle of the bed. She crawled into the covers beside him. "I've been waiting for this all day," she whispered.

He was facing her, and she was facing him, and we were all under covers, so I couldn't really tell what they were doing. But the gasp in Mikey's breathing told me she had likely just grabbed onto his dick. Soon it was obvious that they were rubbing each others parts as they lay next to each other. They also started kissing on the lips.

After maybe a minute of that, she said, "Okay, now lay back." Mikey turned onto his back, then she climbed onto him and kissed him some more. They began humping their hips into each other. She lifted her mouth off of his and asked, "Are you ready?'

"Yes. Let's do it."

She sat upright on top of him, her legs on either side of his body. Of course, this threw the covers back from over them, exposing both of them completely, except for maybe Mikey's lower legs. Her nightshirt was already pulled up to her waist. I could see her rubbing her pussy slit along his hard little dick.

Then she reached her hand down into their grinding crotches and grabbed hold of his dick. She's putting it into herself, I realized. She moved it around a little bit. I heard her gasp as it went inside of her and she sat down slowly onto it.

She sat there still for just a moment or two, wiggling her hips a little. Then she began hopping up and down on him. Hopping surprisingly fast, it seemed. I thought fucking was supposed to be a little slower, like what I did when stroking my own dick. But she was going pretty quickly, like bap-bap-bap-bap. Her hair was tossing about her head and face. Their eyes were locked onto each other. Mine were locked onto them both, especially where the two of them met in between.

Mikey was smiling like he had just won a hundred dollars worth of candy. He wasn't pumping back at her, he was letting her do the work. "That feels so good," he whispered.

"You always feel good to me, too." I wondered just how many times they had done this, but did not ask. I just lay still and watched in silence, while stroking my own boner with my right hand.

They kept this up for a couple of minutes, then she slowed her bouncing, then stopped completely, sitting perfectly upright on top of him. She wiggled around on his dick for a bit. "I do like when you visit, Mike." She giggled and bent over to kiss him once more on the lips.

She lifted her hips up and off of him with another gasp of breath, and rolled over in between us boys. We were pretty close already, so now we were all rubbing skin and bodies together in the bed. We pulled the covers back up over us.

She turned to face me, laying on her right side.

"Hi, Josh." She giggled and smiled, looking me in the eyes. Her face was close enough to mine that I could feel her breath, which was kind of heavy from all that exercise. She sure looked pretty, especially close up. Even in the dark.

"Hi." What else could I say?

"You wanna play?"

"Sure." God I am bad with words sometimes. But I didn't need to say anything fancier.

She reached down and grabbed hold of my boner in her small hand. Nobody but myself had ever done that before. It felt so different having someone else stroke it.

"Put your hand on my pussy," she invited. "And kiss me."

When you're laying on your side, you really only have one arm free, as the other one is sort of trapped under you with only limited movement. So I put my free hand down there on her pussy, and felt her slit with my fingers. She lifted her knee a bit, allowing me to feel deeper down. I was surprised to find her wet and slippery there.

She on the other hand, used her "trapped" arm to take over rubbing my dick, and wrapped her "free" arm around my shoulders. She pulled me right up to her and planted her lips on mine. I sure didn't know how to kiss, but we pressed them hard together and made what I thought of as "fishy lips" movements, and that felt good enough for me.

My finger, exploring her wet, slippery parts, found the hole and pushed inside. Just up to the first knuckle. "Yes, do that," she whispered as her eyes closed.

I think Mikey, on the other side of her, had been rubbing her butt at the same time. But then he said, "I'll be right back," and rolled out of bed. I figured he had to go to the bathroom. I heard him walk across the room, and open and close the door.

That was when Michele rolled on top of me. She sat up on my dick, but not straight up. She was leaning over me, holding my upper arms with her hands.

Without really trying to, I started humping my dick up into her body. She began rubbing her slick pussy along my dick. This was new and different to me. Her slippery pussy juice felt completely different from the Vaseline or Jergens lotion I had used to beat myself off with before. Whatever it was made of, it was the right stuff.

But my humping and her rubbing weren't at the same speed, so it was kind of not working right.
"Hold still," she whispered, and reached one hand down for my dick. It was harder than I had ever felt it. She moved it around under her until she found just the right spot to place the tip.

Then it just sort of popped inside of her.

She lowered herself about halfway down onto it. Her slippery juice felt extra warm, certainly warmer than any lotion I had ever jacked off with.

Again, I started humping up into her pussy.

And she began bouncing up and down on it, rather quickly, just like she had done with Mikey.

We were not at the same speed, so our movements didn't mesh well. My dick slipped out of her. She stopped, reached down, and put it back in.

Same thing again. I humped, she bounced, it came out. She put it back in.

This time I held still, just holding my hips up into her a little, and let her do the fucking.

God damn, this was a new and different feeling. My dick was being stroked up and down, perhaps a little too quickly, with a warm and slippery girl hole. I was actually feeling with my dick up inside of her body. And she not only liked it, but was doing it herself. With me! No girl had ever come this close to me.

She wasn't taking my entire dick into her, but maybe half of it. That was good enough, of course, but somehow I felt like I should be pushing it further inside, like all the way. So I started to hump up into her. But again, her rhythm fell apart, sort of, and I slipped out of her again.

"Hold still, I said." Okay, so I held still again, while she got back to her fast bouncing up and down, in and out.

She kept this up for a couple of minutes, then she leaned down to kiss me on the lips again. Her movements changed from bouncing up and down to sliding back and forth. This made her slow down her fucking motion. With her feet she kicked the covers the rest of the way back off of us.

"Do you know how to kiss like a grownup?" she asked, her face just an inch above mine.

"What do you mean?"

"We push our tongues into each others' mouths, and tongue-wrestle with them while we kiss."

"Okay, let's try it."

So we opened our lips and tongue-wrestled while she fucked me slower. I liked this. I wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her while we did this. This all felt just so perfect. I could do this forever.

After a couple of minutes of this most perfect bliss, she stopped her fucking, but kissed me harder. In fact, her tongue pulled on mine so hard that I thought she might pull it right out. She closed her eyes tight and moaned like, "Mmmmm..."

I felt more of her warm slippery-juice spill out around my dick and run down my ball sack. She held absolutely still, like she had frozen up, including her grip on my tongue.

Then she rolled over, off of me, breathing heavily.

When she had caught her breath a bit, she looked at me. "You're real good at this, Josh. I like you."

I had no idea how or why I was real good at this, but I liked that she liked me. So I kissed her again. Like a grownup.

I had to ask. "Where did you learn all this stuff?"

She looked away. "Don't ask."

We heard the door open.

Michele quickly pulled the covers over her head.

Shit, I thought. It's a grownup. We're busted. My heart thumped hard.

Then I realized it was just Mikey coming back into the room.

Michele poked her head out from under the covers. "You were in the bathroom a long time."

"No, I wasn't in the bathroom."

"Well, where'd you go then?" she asked.

He grinned and crawled back under the sheets with us.

"I fucked Freddie."

"You didn't!" Michele laughed.

"I did."

"How'd you do that? She doesn't fuck."

"She does now," Mikey replied. "I talked her into it. I told her that nobody would ever tell, and that it would feel really good, especially for the girl. It does, doesn't it?"

"Well, yeah," she said. "But not the first time. Second time is better." Michele was a treasure trove of knowledge about sex, I thought.

"Hey Josh, you should go fuck her," Mikey suggested. "Then it would be her second time."

"You think she would?" I asked, looking at Michele.

"Ask her, not me." She turned to face Mikey. They began touching and kissing again.

So I got out of bed and put my underwear back on. I had to go to the bathroom first. Leaving the bathroom, I saw Michele climbing back on top of Mikey. I quietly opened the door to the other room.
It was much darker in there. The only window faced the other side of the house, where no lights were shining in. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I saw two twin beds, one near the door and one near the window. Between them was a small table with a lamp. The nearer bed was empty, with the sheets thrown back. Freddie was in the other bed, curled up underneath her covers.

I walked over to the far bed, slowly so I wouldn't trip over anything. I knelt down by her.

She was crying.

Michele had said the first time didn't feel so good. Freddie must be hurting. Or still feeling whatever that first time feels like to a girl.

Now I didn't want to fuck her. I really didn't want to anyways. I was only in here because Mikey suggested it. Now I just wanted to console a sad little girl who was hurting and crying.

I gently touched her covered shoulder, and whispered, "Freddie."

"Eeeee!" Her crying rose up to a sudden, high pitched squeal. She jerked away from my touch and curled up even tighter under the covers. She kept crying, now even louder.

There was nothing I could do but leave her alone. I stood up and left the room, closing the door quietly behind me.

Mikey and Michele were fucking at a pretty fast pace, hard enough to make the bed springs squeak. Only now, Mikey was on top and Michele was on her back, humping back up at him. The covers were all pushed back, so I could see both of them head to toe in the better light of this room.

I looked at Mikey's butt. His tight and round buns were flexing with every push. I had an urge to go rub them with my hands. But I had a stronger urge than that.

I shoved Mikey hard on his shoulder, knocking him over and off of Michele. "You little shit!"

"What?" He looked at me from the other side of the bed.

"You hurt a little girl, and she's crying! And you don't even know it!" I wasn't shouting, but whispering as loud as I could.

"She's hurting and crying in there. You shouldn't have fucked her like that, and you need to go apologize. Right now!"

"But Michele and I are fucking right now," he protested.

"Go," said Michele. "Make it better. She might tell on us now."

"Mmrrrr," he growled. "Okay." He got up without putting his underwear back on. His little boner wagged back and forth as he walked into the other room and closed the door behind him.

I looked at Michele. She was still lying on her back, legs spread open. Her pussy, which before looked like a mere slit or fold, was now wide open, and shiny from her slippery juice.

She held out a hand to me. "You're turn."

I wasn't about to turn down another round with this pretty girl. I pulled off my underwear and got into bed with her, kneeling between her legs.

My dick had gone totally limp after the encounter with Freddie, then yelling at Mikey about it. But now seeing this little blonde cutie naked and spread from waist down brought it right back. She still had on her nightshirt, hiked up above her waist.

"Show me your boobs," I said.

"I don't have real boobs, but okay." She pulled her shirt up to her armpits, revealing those two cute little buttons inside their round, pink circles.

I sat back on my heels and stared. Just to take the whole sight in, even in the dim light. I had truly never seen such a sight. To me, it was beauty beyond everything hanging in every art museum in the world.
I saw one small improvement to make.

"Take the shirt off."
"Okay." She lifted her head, grabbed her sleeves, pulled the shirt up and over her head, and tossed it to the floor beside the bed.
I took a couple more moments to take in the sight of this now completely naked little girl, just waiting for me to fuck her. My boner was back to full charge.

"Don't touch me!"

The squeal came from the other room. Mikey wasn't having any luck consoling Freddie, apparently.
"Get away from me!"

We looked to the door. About two seconds later, Mikey came out and closed the door behind him. His stiff little boner was still swinging in front of him as he walked back to the other side of the bed and climbed back in.

"I don't think I'm gonna make her feel any better," he said. "You guys go ahead. Don't mind me."

"Just leave her alone, then," said Michele. Then she looked at me. "Fuck me now?"

So I leaned forward, looked her straight in the eyes, and planted a lip kiss on her. I fumbled around in her crotch with my dick, feeling for the hole. She reached her hand down to guide me to the entrance.
And suddenly we were fucking again.

I started to move in and out of her slowly. But she went right into high-speed humping up onto my dick. It wasn't working well.

"Hold still," I said. "Let me do the fucking now."

She laid back and relaxed. I got to fucking her at my own speed. I don't know how I came up with this speed. It just felt right. About one full second in and one second out.

I tried to push it all the way into her, but her pussy just wasn't that deep. I seemed to be hitting the very back of her pussy or whatever was deepest inside of her. Not that I had a huge dick or anything, but she was so little. I didn't want to hurt her, so I just stuck with fucking her with half, or maybe most, but not all of my dick. It was still perfectly fine by me.

She seemed to be enjoying my slower pace as well.

With one hand I twisted on one of her little nipples. It was actually poking up a little, as if she was getting a little nipple boner. I didn't know girls could do that.

I looked over at Mikey. He was laying on his left side watching us, stroking his hard, little dick pretty firmly.

Turning back to Michele, I marveled at the look on her face as she was getting fucked my way. She was looking directly at me, but her eyes were half closed and she seemed to be somewhere off in La-La Land. Her mouth was a little bit open, and her tongue was licking her upper lip.

Still fucking on her, I put my head down to hers and gave her that grownup-type kiss she liked so much. She wrapped both her arms around me as we got back to tongue-wrestling. Her eyes closed. Her legs, which had been laying spread out on the mattress, lifted to wrap around me. I felt her feet pushing into the back of my thighs.

I need to breathe harder, so I released her mouth from mine. She started breathing hard too. I pushed up on my arms so my chest was off of hers.

Mikey was jacking himself pretty hard now. We could feel it in the mattress movements. Michele reached her right hand over and grabbed hold of his dick.

"Huuhh!" he moaned, as his whole body stretched out tight. I wasn't watching him closely, but I'm pretty sure he was having an orgasm in her hand.

I was fucking her harder now. Not deeper, but harder. Moving my whole body over hers, not just my hips. Her pussy made a little slurping sound as more warm slippery-juice came out.

She squeezed her eyes tight. Her body jerked a couple of times as she bit her lower lip.

I felt a familiar feeling rising in my dick as I pumped her. That feeling I got from jacking myself off, just before I was about to shoot sperm into a towel or whatever. It started in the center front of my dick, then spread to my entire groin.

So this is how it all works, I realized. We fuck, get this feeling, then that will make me cum inside of her. Suddenly the whole process made sense to me.

Just a few more seconds. Pump faster and harder. Here it comes. Look at her face!

Her eyes popped wide open. She froze absolutely still.

"Somebody's coming!" she whispered.

At first, I thought she meant me. Then I realized she meant someone is coming to the door.

I don't know what she heard that I didn't, but I believed her.

Shit, I thought! Just give me five more seconds!

I had all my weight on her, and my dick as deep inside her as it would go. I don't know how, but somehow she flew out from underneath me, disappeared into her room, and closed the door before the other door opened.

Mikey quickly yanked the covers up over us both.

I heard Michele's door close at exactly the same time as the other door opened.

Mikey and I both froze stiff in bed with our eyes closed.

"Michael? Joshua?" It was his mom. She always used our formal first names.

"Yes, Mom?" He tried to sound like he had just woken up.

"Did I hear someone yelling in here?"

He rolled over to face her. "Oh, that was the girls, Mom. Josh went to the bathroom but opened the wrong door, and they yelled at him to get out. Everything's okay." I had never heard him tell a lie before. He was pretty good at it.

"All right, then. Stay here for another half hour, then we'll go home." She backed out and closed the door.

Mikey turned back to face me. "That was close!" he whispered.

"Yeah," I said. "I was afraid she would see Michele's clothes on the floor."

"You weren't finished fucking her, were you?"

"Almost, not quite." Hell, I think I would have liked to fuck her for another whole week.

"You're still hard? Your dick, I mean."

Why would he ask that? I wondered. "Yeah. I am."

"Let me feel." He reached over under the covers and curled a hand around my boner. "You sure are."

He squeezed his fist around it once, then began pushing and pulling his hand up and down on me.

"You're bigger than me," he noted.

"I'm older than you."

"I bet you really want to come now." This was actually a new word to me. I knew the word 'orgasm', but 'come' seemed more to the point and less scientific. I had no idea where he learned it. I would find out later that he spelled the word 'cum,' at least in his head.

"I have an idea," he said. "Pretend I'm Michele. Just for a minute."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean get on top of me, kiss me, and pretend your fucking me. But you'll be fucking my hand."

"That sounds weird." I didn't quite get what he meant.

"Yeah, I know," he said. "But just do it. I want you to. It'll be good."

So I rolled over on top of him. He spread his legs apart, enough for me to lay in between. He put his hand down to grab my still-hard dick again. This time he held it more loosely.

"Okay, now fuck me like I'm Michele."

So I began humping my dick in and out of his loose fist. It wasn't slippery or wet like Michele's pussy, but it was warm and it fit just right. And his fingers were doing a little gripping motion that felt pretty good.

"Kiss me," he said.

"Kiss you? But your a guy." Could a guy kiss a guy?

"You're pretending I'm Michele, remember?" He was looking me right in the eyes. And he was right.
Still sliding in and out of his hand, I bent my head down and gave him a short kiss on the lips.
"I mean kiss me like you were kissing her."

"Grownup kiss?"

"Yeah. Grownup kiss."

So I put my lips to his again, then opened them to reach my tongue into his mouth.

He opened his mouth, wrapped his arms around my neck, and curled his tongue around mine. His eyes closed. Mine did too.

Just like Michele had, he lifted his legs to curl around me.

I reached one hand under his shirt and pushed it up to his nipples. I rubbed one nipple between my fingers. It was up and stiff just like Michele's were. I felt his other nipple; it was the same.

We kissed. I humped his hand. My balls were rubbing on his dick. I twisted on each of his nipples. He wrapped his arms and legs tighter around me.

That feeling came back. My dick seemed to take on a life of its own. I couldn't stop it, and didn't want to.

A wave of feeling crashed over me. I kissed him so hard that our teeth clacked. Our tongues gripped each other. My dick jumped, then jumped again. His hand gripped it tighter.

I tensed up tight as I felt several gobs of my own juice spurt out into his hand, spilling onto his belly. Oh God! how that felt. I had never jacked off this good.

We held still and tense for maybe twenty seconds as my orgasm subsided.

Suddenly, the bed covers flew back off of us. My head whipped around.

Michele had the biggest grin on her face.

"Now that's the best thing I've seen all night!" She laughed and laughed as she gathered her nightshirt and panties off the floor. "You guys don't mind me. I just wanted to get my clothes and say thanks for the fun. Thanks! See you next time."

We watched her, stunned, as she went back inside her room, still giggling, and closed the door.
Mikey and I looked at each other for about two seconds before we both spewed out laughing. I collapsed onto his warm body.

I felt the wet globs of sperm slurp between us as we laughed.

"Let's get this goo off of you," I said. "We gotta get ready to go soon."

"Yeah," he agreed.

We both got up from the bed. He wet a small towel in the bathroom with hot water, and used it to wipe the white stuff off of our bellies.

Then he walked to the girl's bedroom door, creaked it open, and tossed the wet, gooey towel in at Michele. I heard a watery "Plop!" as it landed on her.

"Aggh!" she yelled. "You little shit!"

"Bye Shelly!" He laughed and waved at her.

"Don't call me Shelly!"

WorldsGreatestDad 20/05/27(Wed)01:53 No. 26765

Very good! The authenticity of your story comes through in the details. I think we can guess where Michele got her experience and enthusiasm for sex; perhaps future episodes will reveal her history. At the same time, we can’t help feeling badly for Freddie, and hope that some kindness and tenderness will heal her and make her more accepting of lovemaking.

And, in the second edit, the spaced paragraphs are an improvement for readability. Overall, a good start.

Mikey Pt 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/27(Wed)04:33 No. 26766

Thanks for the feedback. I am trying to get admin assistance to delete first version, it won't go away.
I think the source of Michele's appetite is obvious, but I would like to hear your guess before reveal early in next chapter. I do have another chapter finished that involves none of these characters except for Josh (me) will post that another day.
Re Freddie, I never did hear from or about her again. I too hope she found healing.
Note: The story is based on actual events in my life from around roughly 1975. All names have been changed, retaining first letter.

WorldsGreatestDad 20/05/28(Thu)09:05 No. 26769


>I think the source of Michele's appetite is obvious, but I would like to hear your guess before reveal early in next chapter.

In most cases of precocious sexual appetite, one can point to a close adult friend or family member. I vote for Uncle Ray, since he was plying the kids with alcohol. I'd like to think that it will turn out to be a good experience for Michele's later life, but I know it's not always the case.

>another chapter finished that involves none of these characters except for Josh

Okay, but I'm entranced with Michele, and I hope you encountered her again.

>The story is based on actual events in my life

The best stories are true ones. Yours is well told. Looking forward to further chapters.

Letter From Mikey MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/29(Fri)07:31 No. 26770


Thank you, World'sGreatestDad.
Skipping ahead one chapter (in which Mikey and me get our Clubhouse going), here is a letter with some of the answers you seek.


Letter From Mikey

Dear Josh,

Hi, this is Mikey. How are you? Are you having fun on your vacation? I have never been to Texas. Do they have lots of cowboys there? In the movies everybody in Texas has guns and horses. I hope you don't get into any gunfights HaHa.

I'm sorry I didn't get to say Goodbye to you before you left. I know you told me you were leaving but I forgot just when. I came to your house but your Mom said that you were gone already. She told me that you will be back before your school starts, and that will be sometime in late August. She gave me your grandparent's address so I could write you a letter. I hope this gets there before you leave to come back here.

I was really hoping to visit you once more before you left because I really wanted to give you a going-away present. Oh well. Now I will just give it to you when you get back. Can you guess what it is? If you can, don't tell me, just pretend it's a surprise. C'est la vie. (That's a French phrase my Mom taught me. It means "That's life.")

Since I do Home School, I don't really have summer vacations like you do. I do get to go on trips away sometimes, just not all summer long. Mom tells me that we are going to visit my grandparents in California for Thanksgiving this November. (Of course Thanksgiving is in November, duh!) She says I will get to see the ocean and maybe even DisneyLand. That should be lots of fun. I asked if you could come with us, but it's a family trip so sorry no you can't. I'm sure you will be with your own family then anyways.

Do you know the boy Eddie R. who lives near us? He's my age and he goes to your school. I met him at the playground and he said he knows you. I'm sorry but I goofed up and told him that we have a secret club. I know I should have kept it secret but I told. Now he wants to join and be in the club. Should I tell him that he can't join our club? Or do you want to let to join? Do you like him?

I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? You can't answer me Haha, so I will give you the good news first.

Remember how our Clubhouse was so hot to play in before you left? My Mom got someone to put an air conditioner box in the window. It plugs in with an extension cord from the house and now it's nice and cool in there. She says it costs a lot of money for the electricity to run it, so I can only use it for two hours a day at most. But now it will be a much cooler and nicer place for us to play when it's hot outside. I really really REALLY look forward to playing games with you in there again when you come back.

Now for the bad news. Cousin Michele got taken away by the police. She's not in jail, but Uncle Ray is. Mom says Uncle Ray hurt her really bad. She wouldn't tell me what he did to her, only that he has been hurting her for a long time and nobody knew about it until now. So the Police arrested him and put him in jail. A policeman came to our house and asked lots of questions about him. They even put his jail picture on Channel 5 news.

They put Michele in a foster home. Mom says that's a home where she will live with another family until she gets adopted by new parents. Until then, she's not allowed to call us or write to us, and we don't know how to call or write to her. I'm really sad for her. I bet she is really sad too. I hope she is okay in her new home. Mom says at least she is safe there and won't get hurt any more.

I used to like Uncle Ray. He was always really nice to me. But now I hate him and I hope he never gets out of jail. I asked Mom what will happen to Aunt Sandy, but she doesn't know yet. She might move in with us, or she might go to California to stay with my grandparents. I bet Uncle Ray is going to Hell when he dies.

I'm sorry to tell you such bad news. But I knew you would want to know about her. It all makes me very sad and mad too. But I know I will be happy when you get back home and we can visit and play again.

Write back to me please if you get time. I would love to read a letter from you.

Goodbye for now.


P. S. When you come back from Texas, could you please you bring me a horse and a gun? I already have a cowboy hat. Haha.

WorldsGreatestDad 20/05/30(Sat)03:50 No. 26773


Wow, that’s really sad. The intersection of fantasy and reality is an unprotected highway crossing. It gives me little joy to have nailed the cause and the culprit of Michele’s behavior so accurately.

I’m curious to know, and I suppose we never will, the exact nature of the “hurt” Uncle Ray inflicted. Because all sexual contact with minors (up to and including the night before their 18th birthday, it seems) is deemed to be exceedingly harmful, even if the “victim” never complains or suffers any trauma, and even if she (or he in some cases) insists that they enjoy it and want it to continue. However, the “remedy” for many cases like this, removal of the child from the home, draconian punishment of the “perpetrator” and excessive drama over the situation, is always harmful to the child.

Admittedly, coercion, actual or implied, is never forgivable, and there are heinous cases which deserve the most grievous penalties. And anyone tempted to actually make sexual contact with a minor needs to know that, whatever harm it may or may not do to the child by itself, if the activity is discovered by other adults, that will do serious harm. Just the way our crazy society works.

Sorry to soapbox, just had to throw that in.

MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/30(Sat)06:09 No. 26774


>In most cases of precocious sexual appetite, one can point to a close adult friend or family member.

A valid point. But note Mikey has developed (and concealed from his mother) quite an appetite without help from an adult. Josh too, though he is a bit older. Perhaps this is just normal puberty.

There is a "frame story" involving Josh and an adult that will link the individual chapters together.

The next chapter to post will introduce Katie, a neighborhood girl who develops a mutual attraction with Josh. Mikey will come back after that.

WorldsGreatestDad 20/05/30(Sat)18:51 No. 26775


>Mikey has developed (and concealed from his mother) quite an appetite without help from an adult.

Probably just my lack of broad perspective, but I've always had the impression that boys are naturally sexually precocious. I think girls are more so than is generally recognized, but it manifests in seemingly non-sexual ways, like romance. Later in puberty it becomes more sexually explicit.

Mikey Part 2 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/07/01(Wed)04:40 No. 26845

This is the next chapter of the "Mikey and Me" series. Chronologically it falls after Katie Part 1. I have appended the Letter From Mikey (already dropped here as a spoiler) in it's proper order at the end of this section.

Tags: b/b gay preteen


Mikey Part 2

"I'm not sure I like this game, either."


I was showing Mikey how to play chess. My Dad had taught me before he moved out. I wasn't real good at it, but I enjoyed it. Mikey, not so much.

"It's kinda hard. I just don't feel like learning a hard game right now."

His mom had brought a stack of several board games out to our Clubhouse for us, along with a jug of iced lemonade. We looked at Risk but that looked way too complex. Monopoly, we both knew, was a mean game that neither of us liked because you have to be mean to win at it. We did checkers for a while but that's a pretty simple game and it got boring. Chinese Checkers was okay but we spilled all the little marbles and had to find them all and pick them up.

I had brought the chess set myself, so I was just a bit disappointed that he didn't like the game. But I didn't want to play if he didn't. So we set up another game of Parcheesi, which we both liked.

"It was real nice of your mom to give us this Clubhouse. And the games and the lemonade." I rolled the dice and moved two of my pieces along the trail on the board.

"Yeah, it sure was." He rolled and moved one of his pieces, sending one of mine back to the nest. That let him move another piece twenty spaces ahead. "This used to be my Dad's tool shed, but he took most of the stuff out when he left."

His mom had cleared out the rest of the things in here except for a couple of hoses and gadgets hanging on the walls. She had also put in some floor mats for sitting on, and a couple of pillows and blankets in case we wanted to nap. There was no room for furniture. We sat on the mats with the game board between us and the pillows and blankets set aside. There was also a shelf where we set the jug of lemonade and the game boxes.

There was a window on the long wall, opposite the door, which we opened for air. We could have left the door open, but we liked the feeling of privacy. Daytime in Arizona could get pretty hot, even in springtime. So we played here mostly on weekend mornings before it got too warm.

"You should invite Michele over," I suggested.

Mikey knew exactly what I meant. "Yeah, that'd be a load of fun. I did ask Mom if she could visit, but she said no, not without a good reason. Just to play and visit isn't enough of a reason. We only went to her place last time because it was Good Friday. That's a church holiday."

I had never heard of Good Friday. I wondered what was so Good about it. Besides the fun we had with Michele, I mean.

Of course I was remembering her naked. "Is she as much fun when she's not fucking?"

"You guys were having fun when you were playing drunk and singing a song with her."

"Yeah, we were," I laughed. I rolled a five and got my piece back out of the nest. "So she can't come over then."

"No, sorry. You'll just have to have fun with me." He smiled at me as he rolled the dice and moved his pieces.

"I had fun with you that night, too." The memory of shooting sperm onto his naked belly made my dick rise in my pants.

"We can still have fun. I mean without her." He blushed, knowing that I got his meaning.

I looked him in the eyes. Yes, I got his meaning. But I asked anyways. "You wanna pretend to be Michele again?"

"If you want to, I'll do it for you." Of course I wanted to. I knew he did, too.

A surge of electricity or whatever it is that makes that feeling rushed through my body. I think he felt the same thing because his eyes widened up. We stared at each other for maybe ten full seconds.

"Let's put the Parcheesi away," I whispered. Suddenly I felt like we had to be quiet.

"You put the game up," he whispered back. "I'm gonna check in with Mom real quick. So she doesn't check in on us."

What a smart boy, I thought.

So Mikey got up and picked up the half-empty lemonade jug. "This needs more ice." He left the door open as he went back in the house. I put the game pieces back in the box. I noticed my hands were shaking as I put the box back on the shelf. My mind was already picturing Mikey naked from head to toe.

He was back in a minute or so, with fresh ice in the jug.

I started the game right away. "Hey Michele," I called him. "Can I have some of that?"

"Sure, Josh," he played along, and poured some into my cup. It tasted good and tangy, and cold too.

"Hey Michele," I continued, remembering his line from that night. "Wanna get balled?"

"Sure!" He set the jug down on the shelf. I watched him pop the snap on his jeans, pull the zipper, then push the waistband down to his ankles. I stared at the shape of his stiff dick underneath his white underwear as he stepped out of his jeans and dropped them aside. Before I realized it, he had also pulled of his t-shirt. Man, this kid could get naked quick.

I stopped him by grasping his wrists as be reached for his underwear.

"Let me take those off."

He raised his hands and watched as I knelt in front of him and reached for his waistband. His boner bounced a little as I lifted the band up and off, then down his legs. He kicked the shorts away, then looked at me. His dick was at full attention. It pulsed up with his heavy heartbeat.

I marveled at that beautiful, completely naked boy standing in front of me. I didn't have to imagine that he was a girl. I wanted to hump him right away.

"Lay down."

He stretched out under me on the blue mats. I undid my jeans and pulled them off. He was gawking up at me as I pulled my own underwear down. His eyes widened, focusing on my bouncing boner. I pulled my t-shirt up and dropped it by his.

I looked straight into Mikey's eyes. "I'm wanna fuck you, Michele."

"Fuck me, Josh."

I knelt down between his knees and leaned forward, propping myself up on my arms. Our dicks both jumped as they touched together. We both began rubbing them together. Just like Michele, he was humping faster than me.

"Kiss me, Josh." I kissed him on his lips. They felt so good on mine as we did "fishy-lips" while humping our dicks into each other.

We kept this up for what must have been a couple of minutes. We were both getting pretty warm and I was starting to drip sweat off of my eyebrows onto him. The whole room was getting pretty warm.

I was getting winded, and wanted to lay down myself. "Okay, you're turn."

"Huh?" Mikey was getting pretty sweaty himself.

"I'll be Michele now. You fuck me." I got up and stood over him. God! what a sweet sight he was to me, that sweaty, hard-dicked boy laid out on the mats.

"Okay, you lay down." He sat up.

"First we gotta get dressed, then we can strip again." I picked up my underwear and pulled them up my legs. The sweat made them stick to my skin.

"You wanna start from the beginning again?"

"Yes, let's do that. Stripping is part of the fun, isn't it?"

"Okay, I guess you're right." He stood up and reached for his clothes. We both got dressed again. buttoning jeans over our boners and pulling t-shirts over our sweaty chests. We chugged a cup of cold lemonade each and wiped our wet faces with our shirts.

I reached again for the button of my jeans.

"Wait," he said. "Let me do that. The first time I did it with Michele, she let me take her pants off for her. I wanna do that again."

I played the part. "Would you like to undress me, Mike?" That's what she had called him.

"Yes I do, Shelly." He reached for my jeans and undid the snap and zipper. He struggled a bit to pull them down my sweat-sticky legs, but then they slid easily off of my ankles. Then he grasped the waistband of my underwear.

For some reason, I decided to play coy. "No, not those!"

Mikey didn't understand. "Why not?"

"Pretend," I said. "Fight me for them. Just a little." I pushed his hands away.

"Like this?" He quickly grabbed my undies and pulled down. I sort of tried to hold them up until he yanked them harder and they came right down. My dick bounced up at him harder than before.

"Now lay down."

I continued to play. "But I don't want to."

He was catching on. "Then I'll make you." He hooked a foot behind mine and pushed me. I tumbled down onto the mats. Oh yeah, I remembered, he had taken some judo lessons.

"Oh no!" I protested, making it up as we went along. "Don't rape me!" Okay so I wasn't acting like Michele anymore. I was just playing a game.

He played along. "I'll rape you if I want to!" He stood over me and undid his own pants.

"Help, help!" I giggled. "Somebody save me!"

"Nobody can save you now!" He yanked his jeans off, then quickly dropped his underwear. His dick stuck out hard and straight.

"Don't you dare! Don't rape me!" I don't know how I was coming up with this, but we were having fun with this new game. He pulled his t-shirt off. "I'll scream!"

He dropped down onto my body, chest on my chest, leering and grinning. "Your mine! You can't stop me!"

"Aaaah!" I pretended to scream, but not loud. I didn't want his mom to hear.

He pushed my sweat-soaked shirt up to my chest. "Now pretend I'm fucking you." He began to hump his stiff dick into my crotch. I thumped my fists helplessly on his arms and back, and kicked my legs up and down around his. We were both getting super excited with this game.

"Put your hand down there," he panted. "I'll pretend to fuck you that way." So I reached down and held his dick in my right fist while he humped into it. The sweat in my palm and fingers and on his crotch made it all wet and kind of slippery. He fucked my hand faster. His lips crushed into mine with more force than I had expected. I pretended to resist his kiss. He forced his tongue past my lips and teeth, onto my own tongue. We wrapped around each other in our mouths, pulled and wrestled until he stopped and held onto me with every muscle of his smooth body. Our body sweat merged and slurped together.

"Mmmnnn!" he moaned into my mouth as he hunched his hips forward into my hand.

His dick jumped in my hand. Warm globs of sperm shot up past my belly button onto my chest and again down my belly, until the last one dribbled over my hand and onto my totally hard dick.

He released my mouth. "Haaaah!" he panted. He sat up and leaned back as I let go of his dick. Sweat dripped onto my face from his eyebrows and the tip of his nose but I didn't try to avoid it. We were both already soaked in each other's sweat.

"Gotta cool off!" I whispered up at him.

He stood up over me. What a beautiful boy, I thought as I gaped at his naked, sweaty young body. His dick was still half-erect but starting to droop.

He opened the door just a crack and peeked out to make sure that nobody was in the yard. Then he opened it halfway, enough to let fresh air in. The outside air was getting warm, but it felt refreshing and cool compared to the inside.

I sat up. "Let's get dressed again," My t-shirt was already soaked, so I pulled it down over the globs of white goo on my body, and slapped them onto the wet, cotton fabric.

We rested and caught our breath for a few minutes. Then we pulled our underwear and pants back on. This was actually kind of difficult, as sweaty as our legs and loins were.

My dick was still rock-hard under my jeans.

"I'll get a towel," Mikey offered.

"You'll need an excuse for you Mom, won't you?"

"I'll tell her we spilled some lemonade." He poured a cup from the still-icy jug and began to spill it out onto the already-wet mats.

"Pour some on me too," I giggled. I closed my eyes as he poured the last half of the cup onto my face to dribble down over me. Then he went into the house. I noticed he had not yet put his shirt on. Oh well, that will sell the story that it's getting hot out here.

I poured some more lemonade and stood out in the yard to cool and dry off a bit. The evaporating sweat and lemonade helped, but man I felt like one sticky mess.

Mikey came back out quickly with a fairly large beach towel. I recognized it as the one he usually brought out to the neighborhood pool, with a design of a Christian fish done in multi-colored, stained glass style. I chuckled at the thought of wiping up our sex mess with a Church symbol.

We each wiped our faces first, mine then his. Then we traded it off to wipe our bodies, and finally the wet mats in the Clubhouse. We stood outside the door and drank more lemonade.

I was staring at his pretty chest, noticing his just-developing pecs, when I noticed he has staring at my jeans.

"You're still hard."

"Yeah, I guess I am," I giggled.

"You wanna rape me, now?"

Holy shit, this kid could surprise me sometimes.

I looked around to make sure his mom wasn't watching us through the sliding glass door. She wasn't.

I decided to try a surprise attack. With one open hand I shoved him in the chest right through the doorway. He tripped over the door sill and fell backwards onto the mat, spilling the last of his drink and bumping his head pretty hard on the plywood wall.

"Ow! I wasn't ready yet!" He rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mikey. Are you okay?" I really didn't want to hurt him in any way. This was just fun and games, after all. There was no need to truly dominate him as I did to Katie a few weeks before.

"Yeah, I'm all right." I offered my hand and helped him get back up.

"I'll let you get ready, then." I set my cup back on the shelf. A musty funky smell now filled the room. It reminded me of the locker rooms for P.E. class at school. Sweat plus cum, I suppose. But the air had cooled to a tolerable level again. I thought for just a moment about how I might play this round while he poured and drank another sip.

An idea popped into my head. He looked ready. "Game on?"

"Game on," he said, grinning.

"Okay, I'll start outside," I explained. "When I come in, I'm going to fake-punch you in the head. You pretend to get knocked out cold. Okay?"

"Okay. I can do that." I went back outside and closed the door. Then I knocked.

He answered the door, playing along. "Yes? Can I help you?"

For some nutty reason, I went with the Church angle. "Hello, Sir. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"

"Why yes! Come right in." What a bright boy, I thought as I came in and closed the door. "Would you like some lemonade?" he offered.

Instead of answering, I swung a fake roundhouse punch at his face, like the Hollywood movie stunt guys do. He jerked his head sideways, threw himself down on the mat, and pretended to be knocked out unconscious.

Game on! I pulled all my clothes off as quickly as I could. Sticky shirt up and off, wet jeans and underwear down and off. My boner was still aching for this boy. He was watching me through one barely opened eye.

I sat down straddling over his knees and grabbed onto his jeans. I unsnapped the button and pulled the zipper. I tugged his waistband a couple of times but it wasn't coming down easy. So I backed up to grab onto the cuffs at his ankles. Once I got a good grip, I lifted his feet up high and shook him right out of his jeans. They slid off easily as he slumped back to the mat. I dropped them over by mine.

Bending back down over him, I grabbed the waistband of his underwear and tugged. Though pretending to be knocked out, he lifted his butt a bit to make it easy for me. I pulled them off and dropped them in the pile.

This had to be my favorite part of this game: staring at my completely naked Mikey before taking him for my own. My dick was bouncing with eagerness.

I laid down right on top of him and began humping my my boner into the smooth skin of his crotch. I tried to kiss his mouth, but he was still playing knocked out. So I kissed him on his cheek, his neck, and under his ear.

I loved fucking on this boy, even though we weren't really fucking, and even though I was pretending to do him as a girl. (We were no longer pretending to be Michele, I guess, just some nameless female.)

I decided to take the pretending one step closer to real.

I rolled him over onto his belly. His cute boy butt got my full attention.

"Pretend this is me fucking you in the pussy." He didn't say anything, but just stayed knocked out.

I pushed his legs apart a bit and knelt down between them. I put both my hands on his buns and rubbed them for a moment.

I spread his cheeks.

There was his pink little pucker of a butthole. I decided that I was going to actually fuck him there while pretending to fuck a girl's pussy.

I laid down on top of him. I stroked my hard dick up and down the crack of his butt. I reached with my left hand to guide my dick into his hole. I found his hole and pushed the head of my dick into it.

But it wouldn't go in.

I tried a little harder. It still wouldn't go in.

Mikey just lay there, waiting for me to fuck him.

One more try. Nope, too dry and tight. Okay, try something else. I got off of him and wiped my dick with the wet towel.

"Roll back over." He did, then went back to acting knocked out. What a good kid.

His mom had furnished us with a couple of pillows. I grabbed them both, lifted his head and tucked them both under. I pushed his arms down by his sides and straddled him over his shoulders.

"Okay, now I'm gonna fuck you like this."

He lay still with eyes closed. I leaned over his head, propping myself up with one arm.

I put the tip of my dick on his lips. He opened his mouth wide. Man, this kid can play.

"Close your mouth, but not your teeth." Something I learned from Katie. He complied.

I pushed the head into his lips. He closed them around it like a popsicle, with no teeth. If it were at all possible for my dick to get any harder, it did so right then.

I began to hump his face. His tongue, wet and warm, found a comfortable place right along the underside. I could fit about half of my boner into his mouth before he gagged. I backed off but kept humping him while supporting myself on hands and knees.

Now knowing his full depth, I fucked his face just like I had done Michele's pussy. But this time, I wasn't about to stop. I wouldn't have cared if his mom had walked in right then and there, I was going to finish this off.

My brain switched between fucking Michele's pussy, Katie's mouth, and Mikey's face. All of these brought that feeling right down into my inner dick. The nerve tingling built up, and built more until it spilled over the top and I jerked and spasmed in his lips.

He gagged a little, but managed to hold still. I backed out of his mouth for his sake. White sperm was still pumping out of me, landing on his chin, cheek, and whatever you call that spot between your nose and upper lip.

"Oh-h-h-h!" I rasped. I squeezed my dick with one hand, pushing the last drops out onto Mikey's sweaty face. He rolled over and spit everything out of his mouth onto the mats.

Then he looked up at me and grinned. "Game over."

That smile. Those eyes. His sandy, mussed-up hair. That naked boy body with my juice rolling down his face. I have no idea what possessed me to say it, but I know I smiled when I did.

"Mikey, I just love you."

His smile and his pupils grew wider as he looked up at me.

"I love you too, Josh."


Letter From Mikey

Dear Josh,

Hi, this is Mikey. How are you? Are you having fun on your vacation? I have never been to Texas. Do they have lots of cowboys there? In the movies everybody in Texas has guns and horses. I hope you don't get into any gunfights HaHa.

I'm sorry I didn't get to say Goodbye to you before you left. I know you told me you were leaving but I forgot just when. I came to your house but your Mom said that you were gone already. She told me that you will be back before your school starts, and that will be sometime in late August. She gave me your grandparent's address so I could write you a letter. I hope this gets there before you leave to come back here.

I was really hoping to visit you once more before you left because I really wanted to give you a going-away present. Oh well. Now I will just give it to you when you get back. Can you guess what it is? If you can, don't tell me, just pretend it's a surprise. C'est la vie. (That's a French phrase my Mom taught me. It means "That's life.")

Since I do Home School, I don't really have summer vacations like you do. I do get to go on trips away sometimes, just not all summer long. Mom tells me that we are going to visit my grandparents in California for Thanksgiving this November. (Of course Thanksgiving is in November, duh!) She says I will get to see the ocean and maybe even DisneyLand. That should be lots of fun. I asked if you could come with us, but it's a family trip so sorry no you can't. I'm sure you will be with your own family then anyways.

Do you know the boy Eddie R. who lives near us? He's my age and he goes to your school. I met him at the playground and he said he knows you. I'm sorry but I goofed up and told him that we have a secret club. I know I should have kept it secret but I told. Now he wants to join and be in the club. Should I tell him that he can't join our club? Or do you want to let him join? Do you like him?

I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? You can't answer me Haha, so I will give you the good news first.

Remember how our Clubhouse was so hot to play in before you left? My Mom got someone to put an air conditioner box in the window. It plugs in with an extension cord from the house and now it's nice and cool in there. She says it costs a lot of money for the electricity to run it, so I can only use it for two hours a day at most. But now it will be a much cooler and nicer place for us to play when it's hot outside. I really really REALLY look forward to playing games with you in there again when you come back.

Now for the bad news. Cousin Michele got taken away by the police. She's not in jail, but Uncle Ray is. Mom says Uncle Ray hurt her really bad. She won't tell me what he did to her, only that he has been hurting her for a long time and nobody knew about it until now. So the Police arrested him and put him in jail. A policeman came to our house and asked lots of questions about him. They even put his jail picture on Channel 5 news.

They put Michele in a foster home. Mom says that's a home where she will live with another family until she gets adopted by new parents. Until then, she's not allowed to call us or write to us, and we don't know how to call or write to her. I'm really sad for her. I bet she is really sad too. I hope she is okay in her new home. Mom says at least she is safe there and won't get hurt any more.

I used to like Uncle Ray. He was always really nice to me. But now I hate him and I hope he never gets out of jail. I asked Mom what will happen to Aunt Sandy, but she doesn't know yet. She might move in with us, or she might go to California to stay with my grandparents. I bet Uncle Ray is going to Hell when he dies.

I'm sorry to tell you such bad news. But I knew you would want to know about Michele. It all makes me very sad and mad too. But I know I will be happy when you get back home and we can visit and play again.

Write back to me please if you get time. I would love to read a letter from you.

Goodbye for now.


Anonymous 20/08/10(Mon)19:30 No. 26945

I love this story, thank you OP!

MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/08/16(Sun)07:00 No. 26959

Thank you, Anon. There is more to come. I am over 5K words into the next chapter on Mikey. Then another about Katie is waiting to be put to words.

Katie Pt 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/09/20(Sun)05:53 No. 27003

So first I'm Reposting Katie Part 1 (1st and 2nd half) here as comments because it falls in between Mikey Part 1 and Mikey Part 2. Will also delete Katie Pt 1 as a separate entry.
ALSO: posting here Mikey Part 3 (in two halves).


Katie Part 1

“If you can strip me, you can take me.”


I'm sure she said it.

Word for word. Just like that. I heard her.


“But you can't, can you?”


Goddamn that girl is so competitive. Always has to make everything into a challenge. Can't just answer a simple request with a simple Yes or No. Like she just wants to beat someone, somehow. All the time.

Like that time at the public pool I told her I want to see her boob.

See, Katie's a year younger than me, but she's just as big as me. She's not fat, but pretty strong for her age. And now she's growing boobs. So I asked if she could show me one. Just one.

She couldn't just say no. She had to defeat me first. “Okay, let's see who can stay under water the longest. Count time on your fingers.”

She's pretty athletic, so there's no way I could match her holding my breath. But I did have fun trying, and I think she liked that I tried. She even stayed under for so long that the lifeguard came and checked on her, but she kept counting fingers to convince us she wasn't dead under there, and he left. So of course she won.

But later, when we were drying off, she did lift her top real quick and showed me both boobs anyways.

That's when I started to think she likes me. Or maybe she just liked that I played her games.


But even that wasn't enough for her. She wanted to keep up the breath-holding contest, even when we weren't in the pool.

At the playground one evening she challenged me to just sit and hold my breath while she did the same.

“First one to breathe loses,” she said. I don't think I asked what the winner wins or the loser loses.

Oddly, I could sit and hold my breath a very long time. I don't know why or how. Perhaps I was just a lot calmer than Katie. After three tries she still could not sit and hold her breath for as long as me.

“You've gotta be cheating!” she accused. “You're breathing somehow without looking like it!”

I wasn't cheating, but she had to prevent me from cheating anyways. So she invented The Strangle Game.

In the first version, we would sit at the playground park, facing each other. We each put two hands around the other's throat. The idea was to simply tolerate your opponent's strangulation attempt the longest. At this contest, she was by far the best. I couldn't hold my breath for long if I was putting all my strength into holding her neck shut.

We quickly learned a few things:
(1) Somebody might see us and assume we were actually trying to murder each other. So we went to my backyard, which had a bench out of view.
(2) It actually takes fearsome strength to prevent a person from breathing. What we're really doing is cutting off the blood flow to the brain. This still robs that brain of oxygen, even if you can breathe a little. And that doesn't take huge strength.
(3) Katie has stronger arms and hands than I do.
(4) We both really enjoyed this contest. Sometimes she even let me win. And I thought she looked super hot with a purple face.
(5) I get a serious boner when I'm being strangled. Of course she noticed. But she wouldn't tell me if she gets one too. Or whatever girls get. Finally,
(6) We needed a signal to show the other that we were not actually dead yet.

That last part was my idea. I wanted a way to tell her when she should quit when I couldn't just say so. Couldn't just leave eyes open because I liked to close my eyes when trying to avoid her psyche-out glare. Couldn't just hold a hand up because you need both hands to strangle the other.

So we (by 'we' I mean 'she') decided that we would play one at a time, with a watch for timing. One player would strangle the other, the other would endure it while holding hands up. Drop hands, release grip, note the time. Switch roles.

At this game, I could still beat her most of the time. And when I won, she showed me her boobs.

Her boobs? Oh they were small I guess. Shit, she's in seventh grade. She was just growing them this year. And I noticed them. And she noticed that I had noticed them.

Look, Katie's tough. She's a year younger than me, and could probably kick my butt if she wanted too. She's got some size to her, some weight. Not fat, but meaty.

You know what we have in common? We both get picked last for teams. When a ball game is forming, like at the playground park, and a couple of captains start choosing their teams? Katie and I are always the last ones chosen. Me, because I'm a total dork and just unable to play sports. But Katie, she can kick ass and make the ball fly and run the bases and all that stuff, but they still don't like her because she doesn't play team. I mean she's not a team player. She plays for herself, and will razz her own teammates as bad as she will trash talk the opponent. They don't like her for it so they don't choose her.

Me, they just don't choose me because I can't throw a ball worth a shit.


But that day she was on the other team and I was told to play catcher, and I was watching her from behind the plate and she was standing with her legs spread and her butt toward me, and she was wiggling her butt to taunt, well, everyone.

So I reached with my glove and grabbed her left butt cheek.

She turned and kicked me right over on my back. All the kids laughed and made fun of me for the rest of the game.


But I was watching her and noticing her and I wanted her.

I wanted to fuck her. Man, did I ever want to fuck her. And I'm pretty sure she knew it. She certainly knew how to taunt me for it.

I've known Katie for what, maybe three years now? It was just this past year that her boobs started to sprout. I noticed, like I said, but so did her parents. They had her wearing a bra every day now. But just for fun, she would twist the outer t-shirt just over her nipples, and then razz any boy whose eyes were drawn to the little, round bumps in her shirt.


She had done exactly that when she knocked on the door at my place that Friday evening.

“I got some weed. You got a pipe? I'll share if you do.”

Of course, I was gawking at her nipples and just realizing that they weren't real. I was also noticing her pink bra straps that weren't in the least covered by the spaghetti-straps of her brown-striped summer shirt. Her brown corduroy shorts showed her shape well, especially as she was starting to outgrow them. Dressing in brown-on-brown. Katie was no more fashion-conscious than I.

“Pipe? Matches?” she refocused me with a grin.

Mom had already come home from work, changed clothes, made sure I had some dinner, packed a weekend bag, and took off to her boyfriend's house, so I wouldn't see her again until Sunday night. And my big brother had finally moved into his own apartment a month before, so I had the house to myself all night and more. Her timing was perfect.

“Oh yeah, yes! Cool. Come in!” I stammered. “Jake left me some of his stash stuff when he moved out. Whatcha got?”

She headed for the kitchen. “A pretty good bud,” she said, pointing to the small makeup bag in her back pocket. “I washed my brother's car for it. He's got a hot date tonight. Can I get a sandwich?” She was already rooting through the meat and cheese drawer in the fridge.

“Go ahead. No problem. I'll get you some ice water.” I guess her Mom wasn't up to making dinner at her house tonight. Katie knew she could usually find something over at my place.

She quickly built a decent ham and cheese sandwich. “Can we smoke in your room? And play some records?” She headed upstairs before I could answer.

I followed her with her ice water. Okay, so I snuck a sip. Once in my room, I closed and locked the door. This was usual, my habit whenever I was smoking weed in there.

There are two desks with two chairs in the room that I no longer shared with Jake. I started the Pink Floyd album which was already on the record player. She handed me her zipper bag, and I gave her the glass of ice water. Katie went to work on the sandwich while I went to work on the bud.

With the double-fold album sleeve and a pack of matches I broke up the bud and rolled out the seeds into the ashtray, just like Jake had taught me. Use the matchbook to scoop the weed into a plastic film canister. Pour from the canister into the pipe bowl. We had enough for maybe six or eight bowls, maybe more. This made us rich, for now. Once Katie has finished her sandwich, I used two matches together for the first light.

We smoked and we coughed and we giggled and we talked about the other kids in the neighborhood. She told me about some of her friends in her class in school, most of whom I didn't know because I was a year ahead of her. We listened to the album and turned it over to listen to the other side.

She flipped through my box of albums to pick the next one to play. She chose the Peter Frampton live album, because she really thought he looked so super-cute in the cover photo with with long, wavy, golden, rock-star hair. “He can have me anytime he wants!” she joked, and posed like a too-cute model strutting the runway.

“What makes you think he'll want you?” I giggled, while coughing from weed smoke.

“I'll go to his next concert,” she stood up and took the pipe from me, “and I'll make my way up to the front row,” she took a drag off the pipe, “and just as I'm right in front of him,” she set the pipe down, “I'll go...” and she dramatically pulled up her shirt and bra over her face.

Of course I stared directly at her bared boobs. “THAT is how I'll get him to want me!” And she gave me about three more seconds to stare than the joke really required.

Then she yanked her shirt back down and sat back down in the chair. Her cheeks instantly turned beet red as she laughed. Then she pulled her shirt partway back up because her bra was out of whack and she had to adjust it to set her boobs straight again. Of course, I watched with too much interest, until she had everything all back in place.

“Oh, you've seen my boobs before. Why do you want to keep looking at them?”

“Same reason Peter Frampton does.” We both chuckled. “Besides, you've smoked weed before. And now you want to smoke more. Same thing.” I reloaded the pipe.

“So looking at my boobs is like smoking weed to you?”

I lit a big hit off the pipe. Held it, let it go. Pretended to be lost in thought for a moment.

“I honestly can't tell you which I like better.”

I sputtered and blew smoke at my own joke. She grabbed the pipe from me in mock anger. “You dork.”

She took a good toke, held it, let it out.

“It's just that...” she stopped.

“That what?” said stupid me.

She stared straight at me. Her eyes narrowed just a bit. She hesisitated several seconds.

“It's just that … when you look at my boobs,” she paused, “I know you're really thinking about my ...” she blushed red again as she whispered it, “... my pussy.”

I had never heard any girl say that word before.

“Then why did you show me your boobs?”

“Because it's fun! It's Friday night and there are no parties and I've got good weed and I'm here having fun with you! Can't I just show you my boobs without you getting all perverted and stuff?”

It was at this point that I saw through her act. She was trying to get me hot, even if it was just a Friday night diverson. And I realized it. And that made me bold.

We were there alone. She and I. Nobody else. What was said here would go nowhere else. I decided to be as honest with her as I could.

“Katie … " Just spit it out, I thought. "I really want to fuck you.” I felt my face blush.


She stared at me, with a questioning expression. Blink blink. Like, what planet are you from?

She calmy picked up the pipe, seriously looked at me, and lit another toke. Then she spewed the smoke out in laughter.

“Pfffhhhpfffhhhhfffhhhfff! You wanna fuck me!” She coughed on the smoke. I took the pipe, staring at her oh-so-red eyes, wondering how she was going to belittle me now.

“You'd have to be my boyfriend to fuck me,” she declared. “And to be my boyfriend you'd have to be bigger and stronger than me and be able to beat me in things and not lose to me all the time.”

“But you're here hanging with me and not the tough kids. Besides, I beat you in things. Sometimes. Like the Strangle Game, sometimes.”

“That's just holding your beath. That's nothing and it doesn't count.”

“Can't I just see you naked?” This earned a roar of laughter from a thoroughly stoned Katie. I joined in the laughing once I realized I should. I was pretty stoned, too.

So she stood up in front of my chair, looking down on me. Her hands dramatically posed on her hips.

“So you wanna see me naked and you wanna fuck me. Is that right?”

“Umm... yeah?” The honest answer is always the best, right?

“You'll have to beat me at something first.” Oh, Katie. There you go again.

“Like what?” My mind was swimming in possibilities. She, too, looked to be whirring in thought.

“Something you can't win, of course.” She actually winked at me. “Load some more weed.”

I tapped the ashes out of the pipe and reloaded it. Handed it to her. She lit a good drag without coughing.

“Tell you what.” She exhaled a cloud directly, deliberately into my face. “If you can strip me, you can take me.”


Why did she always have to make everything a goddamn competition? Why couldn't she just say yes or no?

So now I'm wondering, does she mean it? Does she want to fuck me? Or does she want to beat me at a new game?

“But you can't, can you?” she taunted.

Of course, my first and foremost thought was that I just might get to fuck her after all. Or else, I might be walking right into another one of her humiliation traps that will end with her laughing at me for being so stupid and weak.

Or should I just turn her down and never find out?

I needed just a few seconds to think. So I got up from my chair and went to change the record. Pink Floyd back in the sleeve. Frampton onto the player, both discs stacked for longer play.

My circular thinking kept leading back to exactly what she had said: If I can strip her, I can have her. God I wanted her. There was no way I was going to pass this chance up. Yeah, I'd probably end up losing. That's just how it works with Katie. But this was a game that I definitely wanted to play.

I figured she probably already had a trick of some sort in mind. Otherwise she wouldn't have made such a challenge. For one, she liked to bet on sure things. For two, I really don't think she had gone “all the way” with anyone before. I wouldn't doubt that she's done herself a few times (or more). But if she's ever actually been fucked, she had never let on to anyone.

Maybe I could try to surprise her. Somehow. Get the first move in before she could react. Except that she was letting me do exactly that, and probably knew what I might try first.

She was smirking at me. "Well? You in?"

I was staring at her clothes, mind racing for ideas. Spaghetti-strap top over pink bra. Corduroy shorts, button and zipper, probably over girlie underwear. Blue and white sneakers, looking a little oversized, with white ankle socks. My brain latched onto the strings of her top lying on the pink bra straps. Could I break those with one good yank down? Only if I catch her by surprise.

One trick came to mind.

I stood directly in front of her. "Look, Katie. I'm having fun just hanging with you. I don't see why we have to turn this into ..."

In mid-sentence, I grabbed the collar of her shirt under her neck, and yanked downward as hard as I could. I also grabbed her bra in that same move. One of the spaghetti-straps tore away from the collar. One of those budding boobs was revealed before my eyes. My eyes stared down, locking onto the thin, oval nipple.

It was in the far left of my peripheral vision that I just caught a glimpse, too late, of her fist coming in on a roundhouse punch, to land on my temple.


My head exploded into pure pain and pressure. My eyes saw nothing but a blast of bright white and yellow light. All sound in my ears was replaced by a warbling tone, akin to a coach's whistle that wouldn't quit. I was utterly unaware of my actual surroundings for some time, I guess for a few seconds but not a long time. Swirling light, harsh whistling, and pulsing head pain made up my entire world.

Pictures slowly started to come back to my eyes. The first thing I noticed was that I was still standing, but kind of tilted. I really thought I should be flat on the ground. The white and yellow fireworks began to fade. In their place was Katie's face, which had a look of shock and horror that I did not yet understand. Her boob was still poking out from her bra and broken shirt.

The whistling in my ears did not stop, but I began to hear her voice, saying "Omigod I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I mean not that hard I'm sorry are you okay?"

Only twice before had my head felt like this, both times at the hands of big brother Jake.

First time, I was riding my bike in circles on the carport, when Jake decided to push me over. Just for fun. I fell over, and the back of my head slammed the concrete floor. I felt it bounce twice before blacking out. I woke to see Jake standing over me. "You're okay," he said. "Get up." That fuck.

The other time, he was beating me up for not cleaning up the kitchen before Mom got home the day before. She yelled at him (it was his chore, after all), so he promised to get me back good. So in the process of delivering on his promised beating, I fell to the floor and smacked my skull against the brick wall at the top of the stairs. I saw that same white and yellow flash before blacking out for I don't know how long.

When I woke, Jake was not there. He wasn't even in the house. I felt blood on my face, and wiped my finger in some to see it with my eyes. That was when I heard Mom's keys in the door as she was coming home from work. I couldn't let her see or know what had happened to me, because as a single mother she was already near the breaking point, and the last thing I wanted to hand her was more trouble. So I hid my face under the cedar chest as Mom walked up the stairs, and told her I was looking for a lost doggie toy. It worked. She walked right past me, into her room to change. That gave me time to wash my face, though my skull was still aching and spinning.

But Jake's favorite way to end a beating (it wasn't a 'fight' because I never fought back, just endured it) was a slug to the gut. This would put the hurt into the deepest, most debilitating part of my body. It would also knock the wind out of me, usually requiring maybe half a minute or more just to recover the ability to draw a single breath.

Katie was still stammering. "No no I would never do that I mean I never wanted to It was an accident really I'm so so sorry..."

I swear that if I ever had the guts or the strength to face up to Jake, I know I would just lose control on that son-of-a-bitch. Punch and kick him until every square fucking inch of him is bruised and hurting. Make his nose bleed. Scream in his face. Break his things.

I could not notice that Katie was in a panic. "NoNoNo! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Can we start over again? Please? NoNoNo! …" Her hands went up to defend her face from something.

And I would finish him off by gathering all the force I could find in my body or the world or even the universe, and deliver it all into one massive, death-dealing fist right into the softest part of his gut! OOOF!


And then time froze.

For all I know the record player might have even froze.

Her face froze. Her yammering stopped mid-rant.

Her eyes froze wide open as if she had just seen God.

Her mouth froze in an 'O' shape like she had been blowing smoke rings.

Her body froze, hunched over at the belly.

I froze where I was standing. I had not yet realized what I had done.


How long did time stay frozen? Does it even make sense to ask that? It felt like minutes that I stared at this scene without understanding what was happening. What was going on? Why was she frozen? Why was my fist in her belly?

Oh fuck. Oh fuckfuckfuck. NoNoNoNoNo. Oh God, no!

Time started creaking to a start again, but very slowly. How I wished it would not!

It took far too long for me to realize that I had just landed the hardest punch I could muster, right into a little girl's gut. And I couldn't undo it.

It took far too long to watch her slowly react. I think she tried to breathe in a couple of times. But that wasn't working. Her mouth stayed open, but her eyes squeezed shut with pain. Her shaking hands moved to her belly, and grasped my fist, still there as guilty evidence. Then she slowly collapsed to her knees. My fist, still curled up, pulled out of her clutching hands. She curled into something like a fetal position, on her knees. She was still not breathing.

She tried hard to draw a breath. “Urk …” Her back heaved.

A few seconds later, again. “Urk …” Heave.

Why was I not helping this poor, helpless, hurting child?

I had been there, and knew of no way to help. But I knew you had to force yourself to breathe. “Breathe in,” I offered, though it sounded supremely stupid before I said it. “Force the air in. Use your muscles.”

She must have understood, because her next sound was a long, drawn out “Uuuuurrrrrrkkkkk!” that sounded like the rustiest wheel in the world finally starting to move, just like Time itself was restarting.

Her back rose. Then another “Uuuuurrrrkkkkk!” and her back rose further.

She exhaled a moan. “Oohhhhhh!” Then urked in another breath. Another moan out. She was breathing again.

She began to rock back and forth in her kneeling, fetal position. Now she's gonna be okay, right?

Whatever my issues with Jake were, Katie had just paid a terrible price for them that she did not deserve to.

What the hell is wrong with me? Not only did I just punch a girl into a near coma, but now I just stood there watching. What could I do? I wanted so badly to kneel down with her and hug her and hold her and soothe her and tell her she was going to be okay.

But no. Once she started to come around, a panic built in me. She was going to recover and then knock my lights out. Or tell our parents. Or go to the hospital. Or send me to jail. And never, ever dare to be around me again. Oh, Katie, why do you have to play these games? Whatever I was going to do, I'd better think of it quick.

Quick thought, sadly, has never been my strong suit. That's the only possible reason that I settled on the seemingly obvious answer.

I had to finish stripping her. Now, before she got her strength back. Then she would have to let me take her, because that's what she said I could do. Right?


She was still, on the floor, on her knees, curled into a ball. She was breathing, but in short, rapid huffs.

“Owwww ...” Instead of moaning, she actually spoke the word.

I was out of time.

I knelt down in front of her. Her hands were clenching her gut. Her shirt, one strap broken, had ridden up, revealing her lower back. I knelt in front of her as her breathing jerked into sobbing. Reaching over her, I quickly grabbed the bottom hem of her striped shirt. Raking it upward, I also grabbed hold of the back strap of her pink bra. And I pulled it all to her head.

“No no no!” she sobbed. “Don't!” She shrunk her body into a tighter curl. Her hands were still holding her gut, but she held her arms and elbows in tight to her side, trying to hold onto the shirt and bra. But from here it was just too easy to pull them over her bent-down head. They were still on her upper arms, pinned to her sides, but her back was now completely bare.

“I said Don't! Stop it! I mean it! I'm not playing!”

“I'm not playing, either,” I replied, meaninglessly. Something in me still thought that I might be getting laid, somehow.

Like I said, quick thinking is not my strong suit.

She was still curled up in a tight, little ball. She showed no sign of uncurling anytime soon.

I moved around in back of her. Her brown shorts has ridden down on her, showing a bit of “plumber's cleavage” as the comedians called it. The frilly, white band of her panties was peeping out over the waist of her shorts.

I looked to be sure that she was is no position to punch me again. Then I put the same move on her shorts as I had on her shirt. I grabbed the shorts and panties by their waist, and gave a hard yank down.

They didn't move. But she did, trying to adjust her position to hold onto her shorts.

“No, don't! Stop it!” she whined.

I wasn't about to stop. Another hard yank down. They moved about two inches down, exposing more of her crack.

She rolled over on her side. “I said stop it, goddammit!”

Another hard yank. Another few inches down. I could see her butt hole.

She extracted her hands from her gut to grab onto her waist band before she lost the shorts. It was awkward because her arms were still tangled up with her shirt and bra.

That was my chance to pull her shirt and bra down from her upper arms, so that they were wrapped around her wrists. Her chest was now bare.

She could barely grip the front of her waistband with thumb and forefinger of each hand. “Stop, you idiot! Game over! Stop! No!”

I again took the back of her waistband in two full fists, and gave them my hardest yank down. I pulled Katie almost a full foot across the floor. Her shorts gave maybe two more inches. I had to stop and stare a moment, because now I could see her bare pussy slit peeking out from under her butt cheeks. She was gripping her waistband with all the might she could muster between thumbs and fingers.

I realized that I could now use her own weight against her. With each hand, I grabbed tightly onto the leg hems of her shorts. Then I got my feet under me and lifted.

She now found herself upside down, on her back and shoulders, bare from hips up, desperately hanging onto one end of her shorts while I held the other.

I tightened my grip with every finger onto the corduroy fabric. One good yank. They came down enough that I could see her bare, bald pussy.


Another yank. This time she lost her grip. The waistband slipped from her grip. She fell right down out of her shorts. I tried to pull them off completely, but her shoes were too big.

Her panties were left behind around her knees. We both reached for them, but I got there first. I slid them down (which was still up in her upside down state) to join her brown shorts, wrapped around her ankles. I realized that the shorts were not going past her shoes. So I twisted them around once or twice to tighten them together like ankle cuffs. Now I had complete control of her feet.
This was a sight that made me stop and stare. Katie was now completely naked from wrist to ankles. She had the torn shirt and bra wrapped around her wrists, and the shorts and panties twisted up with her shoes and socks that I was still holding up in the air. She was not trying to cover anything with her hands. I looked her up and down more than once, then latched my gaze onto her smooth pussy.

Her face was turning completely red. I thought she was highly embarrassed, and she certainly was.

Then I realized that she was also turning red because I was still holding her upside down.

I let her feet down. She was laid out flat on her back on the rug. At least she wasn't curled up in a ball anymore. I was still staring at her pussy.

“Ohhhhhh!” she moaned. “I'm gonna puke.”

The trash can was in easy reach. I held it for her while she gave up the remains of her sandwich. Then I handed her the glass of water. She dropped the shirt, took the glass, rinsed and spat into the can. Laid back down, closed her eyes, and heaved a long, low moan. A few big, deep breaths. She opened her eyes to see me still staring at her.

She read my mind. Given the rock-hard boner I just realized was bulging in my jeans, that couldn't have been real hard to do.

“Don't even THINK about trying to fuck me now, motherfucker.”

Well, that was pretty much all that I was thinking about. I wasn't thinking about how I might fix some of this mess, but how I might salvage getting laid out of it.

“You said I could. If I stripped you.”

“That was before you killed me in the stomach, fucker! That hurt!”

“But you hit me in the head and it hurt bad, too. Fucker!”

“You were supposed to give up after that! Jesus Fucking Christ! I used that same hit when my brother tried to strip me! I whapped him so hard he was dizzy for hours. And he fucking gave up! Why couldn't you?”

So I was meant to lose from the beginning. Just as I had suspected.

I tried a desperation play. “You can't go back on your word.”

“It's my word and I can go back on it if I want. Get over it!”

Goddammit. Now I'm not gonna get to fuck her.

“And now I hurt bad,” she said. “Do I even look fuckable right now?”

Well, that was the wrong question. I couldn't help but smile and chuckle, which told her the answer.

“I don't feel fuckable.” She looked at herself. “My Mom's gonna ask me about this ripped shirt.” She slowly reached for her panties, began to untwist them to pull them up.

I reached and stopped her.

We weren't finished.


Katie Pt 1 (cont) MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/09/20(Sun)05:56 No. 27004


We weren't finished.


“The hell are you doing?” She pushed my hand away, and pulled up her panties.

“You owe me.”

“I don't owe you shit!”

I grabbed her panties and pulled them right back down to her ankles.

“You said I could have you. And I wanna have you. But now I ain't gonna get you. And you gotta make up for that!”

“I ain't gonna make up for shit!”

“Just let me feel up your whole body.” Jeez, I was sounding desperate.

“Leave me alone!” She again reached for her panties. Again, I stopped her.

I began rubbing my hands all over her body. Every inch of skin that I could reach I felt through the tips of my fingers. She kept trying to push me off but I managed to get really good feels of her boobs and even her peach-fuzzy pussy. Then I resorted to tickling her in the ribs, because it made her smile again.

But when I turned her over. I turned her over. Oh when I turned her over.

In one-fractionth of a second I fell in love with her butt. She couldn't reach back there well so I got really good handfuls of both butt cheeks. I rubbed them for a while because it really fed the boner in my jeans, and besides she kinda stopped fighting me while I just, well, rubbed her butt. Those twin mounds of Katie-flesh were just magic in my hands. Oh how lovingly I slid my hands on that flesh. I could settle for a lifetime right here.

She farted. A good one.

And then she laughed! I guess it was pretty funny.

So why did I act insulted? Because here I had finally beaten her at her own game, and only I'm getting the consolation prize. With a fart.

Whap! I smacked her on her butt with my right hand, perhaps a bit too hard.

“Oww!” she complained.

“Fuck you,” I said. Whap!

“Oww! Come on!”

“I said Fuck you.” And gave her four good ones. Right on the cheeks. Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

I guess I was using some strength, because my own hand really stung me pretty good. Her face lit up like I had finally gotten her attention. Wide eyes, gritted teeth.

This was working. I didn't know what working meant, but this was working.

Apparently it meant that both her reaction and mine were both just what we wanted. Or at least what I wanted.


Whap! Whap! Whap! A long series of one per second because I know how to count a second accurately.

“What the... <whap!> Oww! ...are you doing? <whap!> Hey! <whap!> Oww!”

Then she just shut up and took it. To prove that she could, I assumed. And yes she could and no I couldn't dish it out any more because my hand was hurting like oww oww oww. She could take all the spanking I could hand her. And she seemed to enjoy proving it.

One more try. Whap bap bap! Oww my hand hurt. Katie winced a bit but didn't shout.

But god damn her butt was turning red. Hand prints, even fingerprints were starting to show in the skin of her rump. And she was just taking it. She even made a mocking face at me. Nyahh!

“Oh, is this how your mother spanks you? You got some issues to deal with, boy!”

That made me mad.

“Oh, I'll tell you how my mother spanks me.”

“Wait, what?”

Look. My mom knows how to spank. First, use a belt. Second, show no mercy. Use real strength. Ten stripes from the Belt. A leather belt folded in half. Fuckfuckfuck. Those things are evil in the wrong hands. You can set a kid's life and very being upside down with one of them. Ten stripes is all it takes.

Under the Belt, you learn:
(1) The Belt hurts most when it hits the exact same place repeatedly.
(2) Trying to block the Belt with your hands is useless; they will get hurt worse.
(3) You are expected to cry. If you don't, it's not working.
And (4) You may be brave and strong and able to withstand things. And you can take as many as three stripes without screaming. I can't take even two because I'm a wimp. But I don't care who you are. If you're a kid, you will break by the fourth stripe. And then you have six more. And you will be goddamn good and broken.

And I had a belt.

And I had a ready victim.

And worst of all, I had the will, and the training, to do it.


I unbuckled my belt. Pulled it out from the loops of my jeans. It was a plain leather belt, no decorations. I folded it in half. Creased the end. Weighed it in my hand.

Katie began to roll over, asking “What are you...?”

I pushed her back down, face down, onto the rug. I put a knee on her back to make sure she stayed.

I raised it high and I brought it down. Right across her ass cheeks. Slap!

“Aah! Fuck!” She looked at me, wondering what the hell I was doing.

Second stripe, right across the first. Slap! She grimaced, tucked her lips inside her teeth but made no sound.

Third stripe I hit harder. Slap! She had tried to cover her butt with her hands, but quickly found out what I already knew, that it only hurt your hands worse, and that idea was no good. Her hands went to cover her face. She wiggled her butt and kicked her tangled feet.

Fourth stripe: Slap! Good and hard. This is the one the always breaks any kid but she still did not scream, but man she is on the edge of it with her face squirmed up and her teeth gnashing.

Fifth stripe Slap! “Nnnnngggg!” Her eyes were wide and she was breathing in short huffs and every muscle in her body was straining to maintain control. I had never seen anybody (meaning me nor my big brother) take five stripes without absolutely losing it.

Sixth stripe, and she lost it. “AAAAAH!” She screamed like she was being axe-murdered, and didn't stop. Wow, she lasted six.

Seventh stripe put an extra high pitch in her scream. “EEEEEEE!” Her face and every other muscle in her body was clenched as hard as she could. It was like I was putting feverish energy into her butt and it was coming out her mouth as a girl's nightmarish scream.

Eighth stripe, and I was off in a reverie. In the background was Katie's howling in pain. In the foreground was my mother doing it to me, teaching me how to break a person. Every fucking beating you gave to me I'm gonna give right back to you Mom and Ima put all of my strength and anger and rage and resentment and hatred into these last two stripes. That gut slug was for Jake, and Mom, this is for you. I'm sorry, Katie, but you're on the receiving end. Even if you don't deserve it.

Ninth stripe, with all my strength. Whap! Katie had not stopped her screaming, which was surely waking the neighbors. But she renewed her pitch, up high again. Then something caught in her throat like a wrench in the gears. “Gurk!”

Tenth stripe, right behind. All the force I could muster once again. The belt made a whooshing sound.

Whap! She went silent. She arched her back upwards, kind of slowly, pushing up with her arms. Her head tilted unnaturally far back. Her eyes widened, straight upward, wide like I didn't think human eyes could do outside of a cartoon. Her teeth looked like she was biting through a rope. She held her breath. She held it too long. She wasn't breathing.


That's twice in one night now I've put this girl into respiratory arrest, I thought. I gotta stop doing that. Poor girl is tough but she can't take much more of this shit.

She wasn't moving. She wasn't relaxing. She was locked into this electrified pose like she was still getting hit by a thousand volts of electricity. And dying of it.

I wondered if I had broken something inside her. Not like her spirit, but like actual bones or major arteries or muscles.

The red in her butt was turning purple, like bruising. The belt stripes on her skin had already risen noticeably. It made a complete map of everywhere I had just hit her. I thought of the pictures I've seen of slaves who had taken beatings from their masters, but those pictures were all in black and white. What I saw, I thought, was more like an oil painting of Jesus Christ after getting whipped red and purple by the Romans.

Her body began to quiver and shake. Pulsing, kind of. Her head was still tilted back, facing the ceiling. Her eyes closed, then squeezed tightly shut.

She peed, a little. I think she peed.

Was she having an orgasm?

She opened her mouth and cried from deep in her chest, “HAAAAAWWWWW!!!” until her lungs were empty, then wheezed her chest full of air and did it again. “HAAAAAWWWWW!!!” Tears streamed down her cheeks. She was so loud I thought surely the neighbors would hear.

She slowly dropped her pose and sank to the floor, as she continued to cry out. She buried her
face down into her hands.

I reached to touch her.

She responded with a higher shriek on top of her crying, and pushed me away with her hand.

So I continued to watch her cry, until the crying eventually toned down to broken sobbing.

I had broken her. Shit.

What did I break? How do I put her back together?

She was a naked and bruised child. Helpless, damaged, defeated.

I don't know how long I watched her. Every minute I felt like a bigger and bigger shit and had no idea what to do about it. I should say something to her. But what the hell would I say? That I had won the game?

What the hell would she say to me?

She finally managed to control her sobbing long enough to draw in a complete breath. She carefully lifted her body up onto her elbows, and turned her head to look directly at me. She spoke one word.

“OOOOOWWWWW!” she hollered directly at me, for about five full seconds. Drew a breath.

I tried. “Katie, I …”

“OOOOOWWWWW!” she repeated, one note higher. Drew another breath.

“Look, I'm sorr...”

“THAT! (breathe in) HUUUURT!”

She hung her head and broke back into crying.

Surely there was something I could say. Something right. Something needed.

“But you went back on your word.” That wasn't it.

“Only after you slugged me, and way too hard!” she sobbed.

“Well, that was after you hit me in the head way too hard.”

“Well you were stripping me and not quitting!”

At this point I think we both realized that we had already been through this.

She began to roll over on her side, but winced with pain from the wounds on her butt. Laid back down on her stomach.

“So that's how your mother punishes you? Dude, you got issues.”

I sat silently, with no good answer. She was right.

“Okay,” she said softly. “I'm sorry I went back on my word. I really am.”

“I'm sorry I hit you too hard.”

“I'm sorry I hit you too hard.”

“And I'm sorry I hit you too hard.”


Holy shit! She actually chuckled!

She sighed. “We need rules,” she said.


“If we're gonna play games we're gonna need rules.”

It felt like we were quiet for a full minute before that sunk in. We're still going to play games?

“Yeah,” I said, “we're gonna need rules.”

“Like no real hitting.”

“No real hitting. Right. We'll lay out the rules before ... next time.”

“Like no real hitting.”

“No hitting!” I shouted. “You hit me first. Remember that!”

Why was I shouting? We escalated.

“You think you won, and you didn't,” she shouted back.

“Whadya mean I didn't? I beat you solid!”

“I wasn't even fighting back. I didn't even try to escape!”

Shit. She's right. She didn't. I would have.

“Game was already over! See, you think you won but I AAAAKKKK!!!” She tensed suddenly.

I had slapped her swollen, red butt before I even realized it. Man I have got to learn to control these hands.

I took over. “I won here! I'm the one who decided not to take you anyways. And I beat you!” That put a curious look in her eyes. “But if you EVER!” pointing my finger in her face. “ … hit me like that again, you WILL ... be ... fucked!” I must have been impersonating some movie actor.

There was so much in her face that I just could not read. Surprise, I think. Mixed with something else. A bunch of something elses.

But it all broke into giggles. Giggles? My God, this broken, wounded, threatened girl was giggling!

“Heh heh heh” I lamely tried to giggle with her.

She was going to be all right. Now I can breathe, too. Okay not the same thing. But she was going to be all right.

We need the weed. Where's the weed? I looked around at the desk. There it ...


White and yellow fireworks again. But no ringing in the ears this time. Just a good rap on the skull. My brain wiggled like jelly before settling down. Just throbbing ache on the side of my head. That was all. She had held back.

I held still for a couple of seconds, while I let my eyeballs stop rattling. I turned my head back around to face her. Now goddammit I just told her if she ever does that again!

We locked eyes. I saw fear in her, fear that I was going to clobber her again.

But her mouth. Her mouth had the slight turn of a corner that made her look amused. It must have been because of whatever look was on my face. I'm sure she found it ... memorable.

“Skkk!” She couldn't hold back a chuckle. And that made her lose her serious look.

“Yeah, I know. I'm getting fucked, right?”

I stared back at her face, speechless.

She gingerly pushed herself up onto her right side, wincing a bit. Then she stared right at me, and slowly raised her knee to expose what she knew I wanted to see most in the world this night.
I tried for some reason to stay locked onto her eyes.

“You can look.”

Damn straight I looked. I never had a sister, y'know, so I didn't really have any good idea of what girls look like under their clothes.

The first thing I noticed about her pussy, that before had looked like a simple fold of her skin, now had opened, with more fleshy somethings showing inside. Now that reminded me of those Penthouse models, but less hairy. Is this how girls get boners? She was also quite wet down there. And she had left something of a wet spot on the rug. I was still wondering: is that pee or not?

Next, it occurred to me that my own boner was no secret. In fact, Katie was staring at my jeans just like I was at her. I don't think I had ever caught a girl staring at my jeans.

We both went different directions at the same time:

Me: “Maybe you'd like to take a shower?”
She: “I wanna see that.”

See what? I wondered. Oh, duh. That.

“Umm, okay. Sure.” I agreed. She deserved it, after all that. And yeah, it wasn't hard to convince me, either. It was about time I got naked, too. And I was not about to say out loud that I really didn't want to play with whatever fluid she had spilled on herself. “Let's shower. Both of us. You might need a hand.”

I was also thinking that her red bruised and welted butt needed some rinsing or some kind of attention. And I wondered if we had had any appropriate medicine-type stuff around. What would a Mom use on that hurt? Aloe vera?

“Okay, let's shower,” she said. “Don't slap my butt or I'll pound you. Umm, help me out of these shoes? And take your pants off.”

I honestly tried to reach for her shoes and my zipper at the same time, but that didn't work out. Tried once more. No, dummy, you gotta choose one or the other to do first.

Decision: Let's put her first. Get the shoes, pull them off. Plunk them aside. That let's get the twisted tangle of shorts and panties off her ankles. Ploff them aside.

“Socks, too?” Why do I ask such stupid things?

“Yeah,” she deadpanned. “I never shower with them on.”

Pull them both off. Toof those aside.

I briefly considered tickling her on the soles, but quickly decided that she had had more than enough abuse for one night. Jesus H. Tap-Dancin' Christ! can I start treating this girl any better?

Of course I was staring at her open pussy the entire time. She held her pose for me for perhaps another minunte.

“Am I pretty?” she asked.

“Yes, you're very pretty. Beautiful.” As if I knew the first thing about what makes a girl beautiful. If I really wanted to keep looking at her, I guess she must be beautiful, right?

“Hand me the weed.” She sounded tired. “Then take your pants off. My turn to look at you.”

I hopped up to the desk, dumped the ashes out of the pipe, then loaded another bowlful of the bud. I handed her the pipe and matches. “Here you go.”

She was still laying on her side. I could understand why she might not want to sit up, given her blazing red butt. She lit the pipe and took a good drag, held the smoke in while I undid the snap and zipper on my jeans. I wasn't feeling the least bit shy; I wanted to get naked as much as she wanted to watch.

I pulled the jeans down to my knees as she focused on my plain, white briefs. Oh yeah, I remembered, I still have a big boner stretching them out. I was feeling okay with giving her a show. She had earned it.

I stepped on the bottom of one jeans leg to hold it while I pulled the leg out. Then I stepped on the other with the other foot, and pulled that leg out. Toss them aside onto the growing pile of clothes by the closet.

Her eyes were riveted onto my underwear. This made my boner stretch the cotton just a little harder. I think she noticed that. She took another hit off the pipe.

I had to pull the waistband up and over my hard dick to get my underwear down. Then I just let them fall down my legs to my ankles. Her eyes seemed to pop noticeably wider as she stared. It turned me on so much to see her getting turned on by my dick. Nobody had ever been so interested in me before, and now I liked it. I stepped out of the briefs, and kicked them over to the pile.

“And your shirt, too.” She was almost whispering. I pulled my white t-shirt up by the sleeves, over my head. Tossed that over there, too.

She took another toke off the pipe. I stood. She stared. And kept staring. When it started to feel kind of awkward after a minute or two, she held the pipe up and said, “Reload this. Then I'm gonna look at you some more.”

I took the pipe, tapped it out in the ash tray, and loaded another pinch. We were not out yet. This time, I took first hit, then handed the pipe to her. Held the smoke a moment, then blew it out.

She just kept staring while she took another hit. I just stood there, willing to give her all she wanted. My dick was standing out and up, and kind of dancing a bit with my blood pulse. I think she was trying to maintain a straight look on her face but she broke a big smile. I was so happy to see her smile. I was happier to be the reason she smiled. So I smiled back at her.

“Let me touch it,” she whispered.

I knelt down right in front of her face. She had been propped up on her right elbow, so she now laid her right side down on her shoulder so she could get both hands on my dick. She grasped it, and began rubbing and caressing it with both hands, including my balls.

I rolled my eyes back as the sensations of another person's hands on my dick raced through my mind and body. I've rubbed myself there more than once, and this was certainly more intense. I wasn't controlling these hands, someone else was. Someone else who I really, really liked. God, I loved getting my dick played with. I hoped she would never quit.

“You're pretty too,” she told me. I smiled. I was so happy that she thought so. “I could do this for a long time. But I'm ready for that shower now.” She let go of my dick. Oh well.

I took the pipe and set it on the desk. She moved to get up, then stopped and winced with pain. “Owww! Help me up.”

She held out her hand, I reached to hold it. With a little effort and more wincing on her part, we got her on her feet. It took her a moment to steady herself. My boner was pointing directly into her belly. She grasped it in her right hand. “Kiss me.”

We had done a lot of kissing before, and were starting to figure out how we liked to do it. Start with lips only, using them to feel out the other's lips. Then little by little we would invite the tongues in. Let them dance together for a while. Then we'd begin a full-on tongue-wrestling match. We would do this for so long that our lips would get sore from the saliva.

This time, we both went straight for the deep thing. Our tongues rolled and pulled each other over their full length with a passion that surprised me, and probably her as well. I squeezed my arms around her so tightly, like I never wanted to let her go. She let go of my dick and did the same. We held each other tighter and more passionately than ever before. My boner poked into her lower belly. Her boobs rubbed across my chest.

We continued this tongue-swallowing dance for maybe a full two minutes. My right hand instinctively moved down to grope her butt cheek nice and firmly.

“Nng!” she winced, biting my tongue and maybe her own too. We didn't stop kissing, though I quickly put my hand back on her back. We kept at it for a while longer before finally relaxing and catching our breath. Then we hung our heads over each other's shoulders. Maybe another full two minutes of just holding each other.

“I need to pee,” she whispered.

“It might hurt to sit,” I replied. Was that helpful?

“Then help me. And then help me into the shower. I'm not feeling real spry right now.” She stretched out the word “spry” like a word that nobody says very much.

“Can you walk?”

“I think so.” She started towards the bedroom door. “Ow, oww!” She halted. “You walk in front of me, and I'll hold your shoulders,” she suggested. “Move slowly, okay?”

“Okay.” I stood in front of her, my back to her. She put her hands on my shoulders and we started shuffling forward with very short steps. My dick, still quite stiff, swung back and forth as I walked. We got out of the bedroom, into the hallway. “You doing okay?”

“Oh, not too bad, for having been whipped silly. Keep going.”

A few more steps, and we were in the bathroom. I switched the light on.

“Oh, that's bright!” We had been in a fairly dim room for hours.

“Hang on a sec. I'll light a couple of these candles.” Mom always had some in there that she used during her long baths.

Katie slowly lowered herself onto the toilet seat, holding my arm for support.”Hnnnnn....” she whined as she sat, then let go of me.

I lit two red candles with the match box that Mom kept there, then switched off the ceiling light.

“I'll leave you alone for a minute. Have some privacy.”

“Stay?” she requested. “Not like I have much to hide from you anymore.” She closed her eyes as her stream of piss started flowing. I looked around, just for not wanting to be staring at her while she's peeing. When she had finished, she pulled a wad of toilet paper off the roll, wiped herself, and dropped it in the bowl. Flush.

My boner was finally starting to go down. I guess watching someone peeing in pain just didn't seem that sexy.
“Okay, help me up.”

I took her hands in mine and gently lifted her up to standing. Then I helped her step over the edge of the tub, into the shower. I switched on the exhaust fan, followed her in, and pulled the curtain closed. I got the water flowing a nice, warm temperature from the spigot, then pulled the knob to get the shower going. I stood in front of her to keep the spray from hitting her too hard at first.

She moved me backwards a bit to get herself into the spray, front first. Then she bent over a bit to get water flowing down her back. “Eeesh,” she grimaced as it flowed over her butt.

“Do you want me to help wash you?” I offered.

“No, let me do it myself.” With her hands, she lightly rubbed the water around her swollen cheeks. “That's better. You really did a number on me, didn't you?”

“Yeah, sorry,” I said lamely. “We do need some rules.”

“Like 'No real pain'?”

“Good rule.”

She picked up the bar of soap. “I bet this will sting.”

“Try this.” I handed her a plastic bottle off the ledge. “It's body wash. Might be gentler.” She squirted a blob in her hand, set the bottle down, and gently washed her butt, her crotch, and then the rest of her body. The light was dim, but just perfect for watching her soap up her skin. Then we switched places while she rinsed and I soaped up.

Once I had rinsed, she put her arms around me and pressed her cheek into my shoulder. So I did the same. We stood in each other's arms for a couple of minutes, letting the warm water run between us.
What did I do to deserve this? I wondered.

“You paid attention to me,” she replied. I didn't think I had said that out loud. “Besides, I like you.”

For two short sentences, there was an awful lot to think about there.

“Besides that, you made me come pretty hard.” She giggled.

“Huh?” God damn, I am one clueless kid.

“The last couple whaps with your belt? When you really dug in? Made me go … kind of … over the top.”

That explained a few things for me. Still, too much for my slow, stoned brain to process right away. Must think on this later.


She reached over to pick up the bottle of body wash, flipped the top open, and squirted a fair amount between our hugging chests. Then she began rubbing her chest around on mine. All very slippery, and very exciting. Naturally, I reached my hands in between us to rub her boobs. Her nipples were hard and sticking out. My dick was starting to do the same again.

She took hold of my right hand and moved it down to her crotch. “You can put me over the top again, without whipping me. This is how I do it.” She blushed, and I think I did too.

So I started trying to push a finger inside of her hole. Wasn't working.

“Not like that.” She guided my finger up to the top of her slit. “Feel that?” I felt the little bump of flesh there. She inhaled with a short gasp. “That's it. Rub me there. Like that's my dick.”

So I rubbed her there. She closed her eyes and laid her head down on my shoulder, humming “Mmmm...” The soap had made our skin really slippery, which had excited me into hardness again. But as the bubbles and foam rinsed off of us, I could feel a different sort of slipperiness coming from inside her pussy. I recognized the feel of it from that night with Mikey's cousin Michele a few weeks back.

So all girls make this slippery juice? That's what lets fucking thing work so well?

I rubbed more of this slippery juice around her button. She started moving her body, sort of humping my finger, moving her hips kind of the way I do when I jack myself off. Maybe girls aren't that much different from boys after all.

“Yes, like that,” she hummed while holding me tighter. “Just like that.” She moved her grip to my upper arms, squeezing tightly enough to remind me that she really was quite strong. She buried her forehead into my chest. Her dance on my hand got more intense.

“Ahh... ahh... aakh!” Her humming stopped as she squeezed my arms so tight I thought she might leave bruises. Her dancing came to a sudden stop. “Yesssss!” She pushed her hips forward into mine.

I was still rubbing her. She reached one hand down to grab mine, to stop it from moving, to press it into her button. “Haaah!” she exhaled. She held still for a moment, then relaxed.

She threw both arms around me and planted a deep-tongue kiss on me. Oh, how I loved those deep kisses with Katie. I could do that all day.

She grabbed my dick. It was already back to full-on boner.

“Josh,” she said, then paused while she searched for her words. She looked me in the eyes. “I know I promised you could take me. And I really, really want to do that, too. But right now, I don't think … I don't think I'm in any condition to have sex at all. It still really hurts.”

I had already given up on getting laid tonight. But at least now I knew she wanted to.

“But I can still do something … nice for you,” she continued. The warm water still ran between us. “Kind of a present. I learned this ... thing from a friend, and wanna try it on you. Trust me, you'll like it.”

Holding onto my arms, she lowered herself down to her knees, facing me and the shower stream. She took my dick in her fist a began to stroke it. She looked at it carefully from a few different angles. The red light from the candles was kind of dim, but I think I saw her smiling.

Then she leaned forward and kissed the tip with her lips. Then kissed it again. Then she kissed it with her lips around the tip.

“Mmmm...” she hummed as she popped my entire swollen head inside her mouth. She circled it with her tongue. Her hand continued to slide up and down my dick.

She stuck her tongue out of her lips, along the underside of my shaft. Then she actually sucked about half of my dick into her mouth. Her tongue worked the underside. Her hand stroked only the bottom half now.

This is where I closed my eyes and turned my head upward. As much as I loved the sight of her pushing her head into my naked body, the rush of feelings swirling in my body and brain were too much to think about anything but what she was doing to me.

I felt the fingers of her other hand lightly touch my tightened nuts. Ooh, now that was new and different!

My right leg began to shake. I couldn't stop it. Two hands a mouth and tongue and they were all Katie.

My closed eyes saw an burning, electric force grow out of the center of my dick and spill out from the middle of my body, coursing through my veins and nerves until they reached the end of my arms legs and head. From there everything bounced back, surged toward my crotch again, finally combining together as one overwhelming force that crashed straight through my dick. My shaking leg froze stiff.

Katie's tongue was still caressing the underside when it pulsed once, twice, and then RRIPP pumped burst after burst of my life force directly into her mouth. Four, five, six full shots of my sperm filled her face. Most of it spilled out of her lips, falling down her chin and hands, over my dick and balls, dripping into the tub to flow down towards the drain.

She seemed to tense up stiff too. We both held still like that, muscles clenched, for several seconds before we relaxed.

I don't think I made a sound.

Katie kind of said, “Glubf!” then backed off of me. Her tongue pushed the rest of my sperm out of her mouth, without spitting, to drop into the tub.

She caught a stream of shower water in her mouth to rinse with.

“Tanya warned me to expect that,” she whispered.

Tanya, the girl in my class who lived down the street. She had a high-school boyfriend. So that's who told her how to do this.

I had no words. I just stared down at her. She faced up at me.

“Help me up.” I pulled her up by the arms. She looked into my face like she was trying to read my reaction.

Me, I was still dumbfounded. My brain just was not yet up to spoken language.

“Oh, Katie...” was the best I could manage.

“Josh,” she replied, as she threw her arms around me for a tight hug. I hugged her back, but maybe not so tight. She still had to be sore.

This felt good.

“Katie … Katie.” It seemed like there was nothing else to say.

“Josh, Josh.” Okay, now she was mocking me. We both broke into chuckles.

“We can't keep this up.” God, I hated to say that.

“Wha - Whadayou mean?” She looked at me, quite startled. “You don't like this?”

“No nonononono! I love this, I do! I mean the hot water is almost gone. Time to get out.”

That made her laugh out loud. “Don't scare me like that! I'll have to spank you.”

I turned the water off. We let it run off of us for a moment, squeezing it out of our hair, then I helped her out of the tub. She was still quite stiff in her movements.

We dried ourselves off, while still gawking at each other's naked bodies. I watched her take extra care patting her butt dry. “Would you like me to get that for you?” I offered.

“I got it, thanks.” Yeah, I thought, she could probably do without me touching her butt for a long time. I pulled a bottle off of the shelf. “There's some aloe vera lotion here, if you think you might want some.”

“Yeah, sure.” She did not wince this time, as she pumped a glob into her hand and rubbed it on her red sores. I watched her do this for a minute. Then I blew out the candles and we walked back to my room.

“I need to get home soon,” she said. “Mom's gonna wonder where I am.”

“You need help getting dressed?”

“No, thanks. I'm okay.” She bent over to picked up her shorts, but stopped and grimaced. “Oww. Yeah, help me step into these.” So I untangled her shorts and undies, held the undies open for her to step into, and lifted them up to where she could take them without bending. She gently, gently pulled them up to her waist. Then we got her brown shorts on.

I pulled her bra out from her shirt and handed it to her. “I broke the strap on your shirt,” I admitted as she put the bra on. “I think I can staple it together. Or I might be able to sew it, but that will take longer.”

“Staple it,” she decided. “I'll make up a story to explain it to Mom.”

I got the stapler out of my desk and did my best to reattach the loose strap. Meanwhile, she loaded the last bit of the weed into the pipe. She lit it, pulled a hit, and handed it to me.

“Can I walk you home?” I asked.

“Yes, that'd be nice.” So we passed the pipe a couple more times, standing up. Then she pulled her shirt on. “You gonna get dressed, or you walking me home in the nude?” Such a practical girl.

I didn't want to mess with the jeans, so I just put on some gym shorts and my t-shirt. I helped her step into her socks and sneakers, then tied them for her. I was surprised at how hard it was to tie shoes that are not on your own feet. I guessed that all mothers know this already.

I stepped into my flip-flops. Time to go. The image of her staying the night with me crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed the idea as not gonna happen. I just didn't want to leave her yet.

The stairs seemed to give her a little trouble, but she declined my help. I went ahead of her, just in case she should stumble.

Downstairs, she asked, “How about another sandwich? I kinda lost the last one.” This time I got the bread and stuff out for her. She put another ham and cheese together.

Out the door. We walked slowly under the street lights, saying nothing, as she munched her sandwich. Her place was only a couple hundred yards down the quiet, suburban street. We passed the playground park where a couple of other kids we knew were hanging out late. They saw us and waved. We waved back but didn't go join them.

The porch light was off at her place. This likely meant that her parents were already in bed. Maybe her brother, too, if he was home from his date. We paused in the darkness at her door.

“Can I kiss you again?” I don't know why, but I felt I should ask.

“Of course,” she answered. “Can I hit you in the head again?”

“Don't hit me in the head again. Please.” I meant it.

“I won't ever hit you in the head again. Promise.” She paused. “Unless you ask for it.”

“I won't ask for it.”

We kissed with our lips, then with our tongues. Nothing too passionate. But definitely heartfelt. Our eyes locked as we pulled apart.

“Don't ever slug me again.” She meant it.

“I will never, ever slug you again. Promise. Even if you ask for it.”

“Good. I'll decide later if you can spank me again.”

“Um, yeah,” I giggled. “Let me know.”

She slapped me on the butt. “Maybe it's your turn next time. Good night.” She went inside and closed the door.

I listened to the locks clicking shut, then turned and walked back home.

MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/09/20(Sun)06:07 No. 27005

Continuing the story of Mikey & Josh, this chapter may be called "Eddie."

bbb preteen boys gay anal rape

Mikey & Me Part 3

"You're back!"


Mikey practically shoved his Mom aside as he rushed through the door and threw his arms around me so hard that he almost knocked me over. He squoze me much longer and harder than I expected. He felt stronger and a little bigger than I remembered him. "I missed you," he whispered once he calmed down.

"I missed you too," I chuckled as I squoze him back. We looked each other in the face, both of us grinning. I think we would have kissed right then and there - heck, we were both starting to get boners from the hugging - if his Mom weren't standing right there, smiling at this reunion of best friends. But I felt so happy to see Mikey for real again. He seemed giddy with glee to see me, too. I was way glad that I could make his day just by showing up.

I looked him over once top to bottom, and I think he was doing the same to me. I could tell from his sunbleached hair and peeling, sunburned face that he had gotten a lot of outdoor time lately. His plain white t-shirt fell long over his cut-off jeans shorts, which except for the frayed blue bottom edge almost gave the illusion that he had no pants on at all. His legs were also peeling, but also looked more muscular than I remembered.

"Come on in!" Mikey tugged me in by the arm.

His Mom closed the door. "How was your vacation, Joshua? You went to Texas"

"Yes, it was lots of fun. I stayed at my grandprents' house near Austin. We flew on an airplane there and back. We did Fourth of July fireworks and a Texas barbecue at a lake. I got to visit the state Capitol, and go swimming in a natural spring pool. Oh, they even took me to see a Willie Nelson concert!"

"So you like country music? she laughed.

"Well, it's not the same as what's on the shi-" I couldn't say 'shit-kicker' to her, "umm, I mean country radio station here. The people there were like long-haired hippies with cowboy hats. And sorry, Mikey, I couldn't bring you a horse. But I brought you this."

I handed him the orange plushy-toy I was holding. "It's a Longhorn. It's the mascot of the university in Austin where my uncle teaches. His name is Bevo. The longhorn's name, not my uncle's."

"Oh how cool!" Mikey looked over the toy. "I've seen the Longhorns play college football on TV."

"Joshua," asked his Mom, "I was just making some sandwiches for Mikey and his friend..."

"Oh yeah!" Mikey interrupted. "I almost forgot, Eddie's here. He's out in the Clubhouse, waiting for me. For us."

I answered his Mom first. "Yes, please and thank you." She turned to the kitchen.

Then to Mikey. "Eddie's here?"

"Y- yeah," he stuttered. "I hope you don't mind."

"Hey, it's your house. Invite who you want."

"Yeah but it's our Club. I wanted to ask you first."

"I saw that. Sorry I didn't write back. I kinda got lazy and then I figured I would be back here before a return letter."

Mikey tried to read my face for something. Then I realized that I had not answered his question, his request for my permission.

See, I barely knew Eddie. To me he was just one of the younger kids, about Mikey's age I think, that lived in the neighborhood. He was usually alone when I saw him, and hardly ever smiling. I didn't hate him or dislike him for anything. He just wasn't in my circle of friends, and I did not really feel like getting to know him.

"Sure it's all right by me," I assured Mikey. "If you want him in, he's in."

Mikey leaned in close to me and whispered, "He wants to play our game."

Our game? I was about to ask him 'What game?' but his Mom came back just then with a plate of half-sandwiches and paper napkins, which she handed to me.

"Joshua, you take these, they're chicken salad, and Michael you get the pitcher and cups from the counter there. It's iced fruit punch. You boys can stay in the Clubhouse for another hour and a half before we have to turn off the air conditioner."

"Thanks, Mom."
"Thank you, Mrs. ____."


Eddie was idly rolling dice on the floor mats when we brought in the sandwiches and punch.

Mikey pulled the door closed behind us. "Eddie, you know Josh, don't you?"

"I've seen you, around the pool and the playground. Hi, Josh."

"Hi, Eddie. Welcome to our club." I held my hand out to him. He hesitated a moment before shaking my hand. His long, oval face and steel-grey eyes gave me no expression to read, though he was looking me right in the eyes. I got the feeling that he was a little afraid of me, for some reason, or maybe none. Perhaps because I was older.

Mikey doled out the cups and poured red punch and ice for each of us, then set the heavy, glass pitcher on the shelf. "This room is a lot nicer with the air conditioner, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it sure is," I agreed. To Eddie, "It was so hot in here before that we would get totally soaked in sweat."

"That doesn't sound fun," Eddie deadpanned.

"No," replied Mikey, "we could only play in the morning before it got hot. But we still had good fun. Right Josh?"

"Yeah, we sure did." I was remembering pulling Mikey's sweaty pants off. "Hey Eddie, how do you know Mikey?"

"Hanging out at the pool this summer. We were both there alone, well I mean with our Moms but no friends to play with. So we swam together. I showed him some swimming strokes I learned last year..."

"Yeah," interrupted Mikey. "He showed me the side stroke and the breast stroke and the backstroke, and I never knew that regular old swimming is called 'the crawl.'"

Eddie waited a couple of second to make sure Mikey was done talking, then continued. "That's right. There's another stroke I'm still learning at the 'Y' called the butterfly, but it's kind of hard. You might have seen it in the Olympics?"

"I think so. I can't really name the different kinds of swimming. ButI thought it would be funny if an Olympic swimmers competed in dog-paddling," I joked, miming with my arms. Eddie chuckled as he bit into his sandwich.

"So yeah, we've been hanging at the pool at lot," said Mikey. "I got a pretty good sunburn, but it's peeling off now."

I was staring at his peeling legs where they entered his cut-off shorts as we all sat cross-legged. That was when I noticed one side of his ball sack showing just inside the frayed denim opening. Oh my god, I thought. Mikey was wearing no underwear! I felt a sudden eagerness to show him that I had none, either. But I was not yet feeling at ease with Eddie.

"So why do you want to join our club, Eddie?" I tried to sound like an official of some sort.

"Well," he looked a little nervous to answer, "Mikey said you guys play fun games, and I don't have any friends around here. I was hoping to have fun playing with you guys, and maybe you'd have fun playing with me. Then we could all be friends."

"What games do you like to play?" I guess I was sounding like an interviewer.

He gestured to the board games on the shelf. "I like a lot of these, except maybe not Monopoly. I'm learning chess." I glanced at Mikey, wondering if he had coached him on that answer. Mikey smiled.

"Mikey, did you tell him what else we play here?"

"A little bit," he giggled. "Eddie, tell him what really made you want to join."

Eddie's face turned several shades of red as he tried to hide his smile. "Mikey said..." He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his legs. "... that you play ... games ... with your weeners."

That made me chuckle. "How old are you, Eddie?"

"Eleven. Twelve in November."

"You're not eight anymore. It's not a weener anymore. It's called a dick." I gave him a moment with that, then pressed him. "Say it."

"He said that you play games with your dicks." Eddie snorted at how funny it sounded to say that himself. Mikey looked at me, grinning.

I pressed more. "Do you like to play games with your dick? Is that why you want to be here?"

He didn't answer right away, but began rocking back and forth where he sat, arms around legs. I was embarassing him, obviously. But I wanted him to come out and say it. Which he finally did.

"I want to play." He buried his head over into his lap, then look up at me, then at Mikey.

"Stand up," Mikey ordered.

Eddie obediantly uncurled himself, got his feet under him and slowly stood up. As he did, the left leg of his khaki shorts lifted up and out to show the shape, size, and obvious hardness of his full-on boner. I'm sure his face flushed red again, but Mikey and I were staring at his long bulge on display.

Mikey turned to me. "Whatcha think?"

I looked at Mikey, then at Eddie, who was watching me. "You ready to play?"

Eddie's boner seemed to jump one degree harder through his shorts. "Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom first."

"Go inside," Mikey instructed. "My Mom will show you where it is."

"I'll be right back." Eddie walked out, limping rather awkwardly because of his dick stretching his shorts so hard. He actually stumbled a bit stepping outside, then closed the door behind.

I looked at Mikey. "You're Mom's gonna see that huge boner of his."

"Hahaha!" Mikey broke out laughing. "That'll be between him and her!" That made me sputter with laughter too.


"So hey," said Mikey, "I told you in the letter that I have a surprise for you."

"You did, I remember. Whatcha got?"

He stood up and pulled a plastic bottle off the shelf. "Here."

I looked at it. A fairly large, but half empty bottle of Aloe Soothing Gel. Half a bottle of green goop. I gave him my "I don't get it" look.

"Mom got this for my sunburns. In fact this is the second bottle."

"So why're you giving it to me? I'm not sunburned."

"Well see," explained Mikey, "I was rubbing this stuff all over my sunburns. Then I got to rubbing it, well, where I wasn't burnt."

I was picturing this colorfully in my mind. "So you jacked off with the lotion? Was it fun?"

"Well, yeah," he admitted, "but that's not the point. Remember that time before you left, you tried to put it in my butt and it wouldn't go? It was too dry? This stuff is slickery to no end! It's what will let you really fuck me."

That startled me. I wasn't expecting him to go that direction at all. "You want me to fuck you?"

"I'll let you if you want to. That is my welcome-home present to you."

"Now? In front of Eddie?"

"If you want to. While we play the game with him?" He took the bottle of lotion and sat back down next to me.

I had to smile. This gorgeous kid was giving me his body for a present. "You sure it will work? I won't hurt you?"

"I tried it. With my finger at first, then my thumb. Then I did it with that candle that sits in the bottle on my desk. It's maybe as big around as you are. It, umm... I ... we kinda became good friends." He blushed. I laughed.

"You're goofy," I giggled. "But I like you that way." My mind's eye was imagining him shooting sperm while holding a candle up his butt. "But Mikey, I think I'd rather do that with you and me alone. Umm, together. Just you and me. Alone. Together." I scooched up next to him so that our sides were touching. That sort of automatically led him to lay his head on my shoulder. That sort of automatically led me to put my arm around him.

"I've been thinking about a lot," I told him. "For weeks and weeks, ever since I last saw you."

"Me, too," he whispered. "I mean, you too. You've been on my mind. A lot."

I turned my head to face him. I thought for a moment, staring into his green eyes framed by freckles, peeling skin and sun-blond hair, about the one thought I had been constantly daydreaming and night-wishing over the last four weeks of vacation. Then I whispered what I wanted most, "First I wanna make your dick come in my mouth."

His eyes grew wider and a smile broke across his face. With my arm around his shoulder, I pulled his face to mine and planted my lips on his. His mouth and bare legs opened like a bloom on time-lapse film. My other hand went to the crotch of his cutoff shorts, cupping and squeezing the bulge that I found there. His arms tightened around me as our tongues began a full-on wrestling match. I rolled him backwards onto the floor mat and humped my hard-on into his. I reached for the hem of his t-shirt to pull it up.

It was not Eddie's fault that he chose the worst possible time to open the door and walk in. He stared at us as we froze and stared back at him, for perhaps a full 20 seconds or so.

"You... you started without me?" Eddie stammered.

That made us laugh and relax. I rolled off of Mikey and we both sat up. "Yeah, I guess we did," I answered. "It's okay. We'll start again with you. But we should go over the rules of the game."

"What are the rules?" He picked up another sandwich half and sat down.

Mikey began. "The game is played by two people at a time. One is the Guy and one is the Girl. The idea is for the Guy to strip and fuck the Girl while she tries to fight him. Unless the Guy knocks out the Girl, then she stops fighting."

That last bit seemed to startle Eddie, so I chimed in, "There's no real hitting or hurting. Only fake punches. And if the Girl gets punched in the head, she pretends to be knocked out cold, so the Guy can do what he wants to her."

Mikey continued: "Right. The game starts when both players say 'Game On.' It stops when either player says 'Game Off.'"

"So how do you do the... umm, fucking... thing?" asked Eddie.

"The Guy gets on top of the Girl," explained Mikey, "then you hump her crotch like pretending to fuck her. Rub dicks together. The Girl can help the Guy by handling his dick in her hand. Or for more realism, the Guy can fuck her in the mouth, or even in her butthole. The round is over when the Guy shoots sperm on the Girl."

"This is the part where your dick gets happy," I added, hoping to win him over. I don't know why.

Eddie's face looked like he was concentrating hard, trying to learn these rules. His dick was clearly getting hard again, too.

Mikey continued: "Say 'Easy, Easy' if you want the other player to go easier on you. Say any cuss word, it means you want them to get rougher."

I had not yet heard these last two rules. I looked curiously at Mikey, who said, "Yeah, I made it up while you were gone." So he had been putting some thought into this, apparently.

"But the most important rule," I said, "is No real hitting or hurting." Katie and I had learned this the hard way.

Eddie was still processing this when Mikey turned to me. "Let's show him?"

My dick jumped so hard it hurt against my jeans. "Yeah, we'll demonstrate."

"Who do you wanna be?" he asked me.

My brain had long been full of craving to see Mikey's dick, to put it in my hands and mouth. For weeks I had been envisioning him injecting his goo into the back of my mouth so far that I couldn't help but gag and swallow. Now he was here by me in his frayed shorts and white t-shirt, and I just wanted his shorts off and his pretty dick getting hard and pushing into my face. I suppose I could have gone either way, but I had to choose. I looked him in the eyes, smiled, and said, "You take me."

Mikey and I stood up, both of us showing boners through our clothes. He straightened his shorts a bit, then opened the door, stepped out, and closed it behind. Then he knocked.

I opened the door, which swung to the outside, just a crack. "Yes?"

"Game on?" he asked.

I did not open the door any farther. "Game on."

"Hello, Miss," he began. "Would you be interested in subscribing to any magazines? I can offer you some good discounts."

"No, thank you," I replied. "I have all I need." I pulled the door closed.

He grabbed the edge of the door and quickly yanked it wide open. The handle pulled right out of my hands. He stepped in and surprised me with sort of a football block move that shoved me backwards away from the door. I was not expecting that much force. I stumbled back to steady myself at the shelf, just missing tripping over Eddie on the floor.

Mikey hopped inside and pulled the door closed behind him. "Take your pants off," he ordered me.

"No! Why should I do that?" I squeaked in my helpless female imitation voice.

"You're beautiful and I wanna fuck you right now. Now take 'em off!"

"I won't, and you can't make me!" I cowered away from him.

He looked around just a moment, I think to see where Eddie was on the floor. Then he grinned and rushed right at me. In a second, before I could push him away, he had wrapped his arms around my torso and locked his hands together behind me. Then with a grunt he lifted me off my feet, tipped me over, and laid me on the floor mats, where he dropped his whole body on top of me.

I was absolutely shocked by his strength! I had no idea that he could just lift and plant me like that. Now I couldn't push him off of me. Granted, I wasn't trying my very hardest. But the boy was getting strong. He reached both his hands inside my gray t-shirt and pushed it up to my nipples. "Now I'm gonna play with your boobs."

Being a boy, I had never thought of my nipples as anything sexy, nor something to get me roused up. But when he put his mouth on my right nipple and began licking it with his tongue, I felt a jolt of energy surge up through my head and down to my already hard dick. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back to bathe in this wonderful, new feeling. After a few seconds he switched to my left nipple. I was surprised to notice that the right one was now hard and sticking up like I was in an ice cold swimming pool.

"Last chance," Mikey growled. "Take your pants off, or I'll knock you out cold."

"No! I won't do it! Help! Help!" I think I was imitating Nell from the Dudley Dooright cartoon.

He sat up on top of me, then grabbed my wrists and pinned them under his knees. He cocked his right fist back and swung it just above my face.

"Uhh!" I jerked my head to the side and went limp. Though I was pretending to be unconscious, I kept my eyes half open because I wanted to watch the game, too,

Mikey placed his hands on my chest, and slid them down my belly to the waistband of my jeans. He quickly popped the snap, pulled the zipper down, and opened the fly wide. Like Mikey, I wasn't wearing any underwear, which made him grin when my way-stiff dick popped right out at him.

Again surprising me with his new-found strength, he slid his hands under my butt and lifted my hips right off the ground, and easily pulled my jeans down to my thighs before setting me down again. Then he moved down to my thighs and yanked the jeans down to my knees. Then he popped my tennies off my feet, and finished the job by pulling each leg off over my socks. He tossed the jeans at Eddie, who looked surprised when they landed in his lap.

Mikey stood up over me. With one quick motion he peeld his white t-shirt up and off, and tossed it into Eddie's lap as well. My eyes opened wide as I noticed that he actually had pec muscles showing on his chest. I swear his chest was flat and smooth when I last saw him shirtless. I figured it must be from all that swimming practice.

Then he popped open his cut-off jeans shorts and dropped them to his feet. There stood his pretty dick that I had been dreaming about for weeks, pointing straight up and out. At last, my beautiful, naked Mikey was standing right here in front of me again! And stronger and better than ever! Oh, I could have stared at him for a long time, from his gorgeous, peeling face and shoulders to his abs and belly button, to his stiff dick with its tight, hairless balls, to his legs painted with blond peach-fuzz.

"Now I can fuck you, ha-ha!" Mikey cackled with an evil, cartoon villain laugh. Kneeling at my feet, he spread my ankles apart, then leaned forward and pulled my knees up and out. He paused to stare at me for a moment. My dick was so hard at this point that it was bouncing up with my pulse to point high off my belly. He got on all fours and crawled up onto me. My dick jumped as I felt his rub into mine. He buried his face into my shoulder, then began kissing me quietly on the neck and cheek. I wanted so much to wrap my arms around him and squeeze, but I was still pretending to be knocked out.

"Now I'm putting it in your pussy," he said quietly into my ear. I made a little moan as he began sliding his smooth, hard dick along mine. I couldn't help but hump him back. We kept fumbling our dicks around each other for a minute before I reached down to grasp his with my right hand. I didn't have to rub him; he was humping into my hand as I held him.

"Okay," he said, "now pretend you're waking up."

I took his cue and opened my eyes, turning my head this way and that. "Huh? What? What are you doing? No! Stop!" I didn't let go of his dick , but I fought with my other arm and my legs. "You can't do this to me!"

He instantly pinned my left wrist down to the mat. My legs could do nothing but flail as he humped harder. I couldn't buck him off of me. How in the hell, I wondered, did this kid, a year and a half younger than me, get so damned strong? Or was I just that weak? He gritted his teeth and humped my hand furiously with his hard dick. Surely he was going to come soon.

But I didn't want him to come in my hand. "In my mouth," I whispered. He got the point.

He pushed off of me and threw himself back to lean sitting against the far wall. His dick stuck straight upright from his tight ball sack. He looked me in the eyes. "Suck me, bitch."

I had never heard Mikey use that word, "bitch," so it took me a second to respond. In my fake girl voice, "No I won't." Then I remembered his new rules. I added, "Fuck you."

"What did you say?" Mikey grinned. "Did you just cuss at me?"

"Fuck you, fucker." He seemed to pause, just a couple of seconds, thinking what he would do next.

He leaned forward, grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me with irresistable strength toward him. He yanked me from laying back to sitting up to hunched over him in one powerful, swift motion. When the hell did this kid get so damned strong?

"Suck me, bitch!" he repeated. When I failed to move, he slapped his hands onto both of my cheeks and shoved my face down into his crotch. He ground his gorgeous, stiff dick right into my lips and nose. "Put it in your mouth," he ordered, "or I'll hit you again!"

My face buried in his crotch, I could see the wisps of just-beginning, blond pubic hair around his dick, much like the light hair that made his legs turn me on. This young, beautiful boy, just blooming, just starting to outmatch me in strength, just becoming as obsessively horny as me, shoved his boyish-but-strong boner into my face and demanded, commanded that I do as I had been dreaming for weeks. This was exactly the literal Dream-Come-True that I had been wishing for since I last saw him a month ago. Every night for the past four weeks, as I wrapped up in a strange bed at my grandparent's house, my imagination had turned to pictures of Mikey, fully naked, and his beautiful dick in all kinds of sexual acts, but especially pushed into my mouth, where I would imagine the various ways I could make him happy and make him come deep into my skull. How would I suck his dick? I wondered. Well, I would probably do like Katie had shown me, which was like I would most wish done on myself. Now I would put all those dreams into reality on the real Mikey's dick that at last was right here in my face, demanding that I do just that.

I just had to open my lips slightly and BAM the head of his pink dick popped right into my mouth. With real force, he pushed my face down onto his dick until I gagged on it hitting the back of my throat. He let loose just a little, until maybe half of his length was on my tongue, and I stopped gagging. This was exactly where I wanted to be. I was in Heaven, pure bliss, just what I had been dreaming of, and I hoped to give some of that joy back to him.

I sucked on him just like you would on an icy Bomb Pop, that red-white-and-blue, dick-shaped frozen treat that the ice-cream trucks sell that kids would suck on, working their little-kid tongues just like this to get from one flavor layer down to the next.

I wrapped him up in my lips, and stuck my tongue out along the underside to make sure I reached that spot on the underside, about an inch below the head, where all those nerves came together to make the oh-shit-that's-it place. At least that's where it is on me. I assumed that he had the same spot in the same place.

Apparently I was right, because it wasn't but maybe thirty seconds of his dick deep in my mouth, with my tongue working circles around that spot that he muttered, "Ahh... AHH!" His dick jerked once, then twice inside my lips. Before I realized it, my mouth was full of warm, salty goo. "AhhAAH," he grunted, as he pumped more cum into my mouth than I could hold. I managed to swallow some, but I gagged and most just came spilling out of my lips, around his hard cock and smooth ball sack.


Eddie, still sitting next to us, was rubbing his own hard-on through his khaki shorts. He stopped and blushed red when both Mikey and I turned to notice him again.

"Your turn," I smiled at Eddie. "You wanna play a dick game?" I reached over and placed my hand on his hand that was still on his crotch.

"Well, yeah, but..." he stammered as he pushed my hand away. "Well, I got a question for you first."

"What's that?" I asked. Mikey was starting to wipe up the mess on his crotch with the napkins from the sandwich tray.

"Are you two like," he paused, "... gay boyfriends or something?"

Mikey and I looked at each other a moment before we chuckled. "No no no!" we both said together. I explained, "It's not gay because we're pretending one of us is a girl. It's like we're just practicing for when we have real girlfriends."

"But you have real girlfriends. Or at least girls who wanna be your girlfriends."

Mikey and I looked at each other again. This was news to both of us.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"That girl Katie," he said to me. "The big one who's always fighting? She likes you, Josh. She told me so. And she hopes you like her, too." He turned to Mikey. "And Allison? The little long-haired girl who lives by me? She says you're nice and cute and she wants to kiss you. But she told me not to tell you, so don't tell her I told you."

Myself, I had already had more than one tough run-in with Katie. I had never told Mikey that that's where I got half the rules for our game. As for Mikey, he was surprised and speechless about Allison as if he had just found out he was from Mars.

Not really knowing what else to say, I turned it back around on Eddie. "So there's gotta be some girl who likes you, right?. You wanna be ready for her when the time comes?"

Eddie was quiet for a moment, looking at his feet, while he processed this idea. "I don't know about any girls who wants me." Then he asked, "Do I have to do the play fighting thing?"

"You don't want to do the rape part of the Rape Game?" asked Mikey.

"No, I don't like the hurting thing," Eddie mumbled as he looked at the floor. "Even if it's just pretend. I mean, why do we have to be fighting and hitting? Like, if you're practicing for a real girlfriend, you shoudn't be fighting her. You should be... loving... her."

Mikey looked at me. I shrugged. The kid had a point. A hell of a point.

"What would you rather do?" asked Mikey.

Eddie thought a moment. "Can we play like we're boyfriend and girlfriend in love? And than we..." he blushed again. "I want to screw a girl who I love, and who loves me."

"Who do you want to be the girlfriend?" asked Mikey. "Me or Josh?"

"You," he answered, pointing at Mikey. I didn't feel insulted. I would have picked him too.

"Tell you what," I suggested. "You two get started. I've gotta go hit the bathroom."

Mikey smiled. "Ask my Mom how much time we have left with the A/C."

Mikey and I both pulled our clothes back on. I was truly thankful for the air conditioner that was keeping this from becoming as sweat-fest like last time. I must thank his Mom for that, I thought to myself.

The sun was really bright and hot as I left the Clubhouse shed. Fortunately the house was only ten steps or so away. Inside the sliding glass door, I saw Mkey's mom on the couch, reading while a game show played on the TV. She looked up from her book. "Hello, Joshua."

"Hello, Mrs. _____." I tried to sound formal around her, saying 'Hello' instead of 'Hi.' "I need to use the restroom, if I may."

"Of course you may," she replied. "That door right there." I knew where the bathroom was, as all the townhouses in our subdivision had pretty much the same floor plan.

Then, for some reason, I decided to play her one step further. "May I ask what you're reading?"

"Oh. This is The Bible. Have you been reading yours?" She was there that time the preacher gave me one.

"Some of it," I answered honestly. I tried to think of a specific part. "I like the story of Jesus being born on Christmas Day. 'For unto you this morning is born a King, that is Christ the Lord.'" I was actually trying to quote Linus' speech from 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' as best I could remember. That part always gave me chills for some reason.

She smiled at me. "That's very good, Joshua. Did you know that your first name is from the Bible?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said. My Mom had told me long ago that I was named for my great-grandfather, but I knew Joshua was also a guy in the Bible. "My middle name is Daniel, who is also a guy from the Bible. And my brother's name is Jacob. But, umm, if you'll excuse me, I must use the restroom." Using this formal talk with her was actually kind of fun. I hoped I wasn't overplaying it.

"Of course, go ahead." She smiled wider. I guess I impressed her. I really wanted her to like me, so that I could stay close friends with Mikey.

"Oh, and if I may ask," I continued, "How much time do we have left with the air conditioning in the Clubhouse?"

She looked at the starburst-shaped clock on the far wall. "You may have another 45 minutes."

"Thank you, Mrs. _____." My sucking up must have worked, because that was maybe 20 minutes more than she had originally given us.

Inside the bathroom, I unzipped and took a good, long whizz. Looking at my own dick, I thought about how it might be pumping cum onto one of those boys out there soon. I got the feeling that Eddie really didn't trust me much, and I still wasn't real happy with his horning in on our Club. Mikey, on the other hand, clearly loved me, and now seemed like he really wanted me to fuck him. I wanted to do that too, but maybe not with Eddie watching us. Or maybe anyways.


I walked back out to the Clubhouse, where Mikey and Eddie were sitting close together, facing each other. Mikey's legs were wrapped around Eddie's waist. Eddie's hands were both up in Mikey's t-shirt, feeling his young abs, while Mikey's was rubbing Eddie's crotch through his khaki shorts. Eddie froze for a moment and watched me as I walked in, but got back to fondling Mikey once I sat down against the wall with another cup of punch and sandwich half.

"Can I feel your boobs," asked Eddie. His hands moved up when Mikey nodded, making circles on his chest under the white t-shirt.

After a minute of this, Mikey whispered, "Take it off me." Eddie lifted the t-shirt over Mikey's head as he raised his arms, the dropped it to his side.

"Do you like my boobs?" asked Mikey.

"They're pretty," Eddie played along. "Can I kiss them?"

"Yes, I'd like that." Mikey laid back onto the floor mat and threw his arms back, his legs still around Eddie's waist. I could plainly see Eddie's hard boner stretching his shorts up and out.

Eddie couldn't bend over far enough to kiss Mikey's chest until he shifted his legs back behind himself so that he was pretty much laying on top of Mikey, whose legs were still wrapped around Eddie's waist. He laid a soft kiss on each nipple.

"Suck them, like candy," Mikey whispered. Eddie rolled his lips and tongue around one nipple for a few moments, then shifted to the other while pinching the first in his fingers. Mikey closed his eyes, and rolled his head sideways. Both his nipples were now pointing surprisingly high up off of his smooth chest. They continued this for maybe a full minute, until Mikey said, "Kiss me."

Eddie's eyes opened wide. I think mine did, too. "On the lips?"

"Uh huh," Mikey answered. Eddie hesitated. "Or on the cheek. Or my neck."

Eddie moved upwards on the young body under him, closed his eyes, and began laying kisses on his cheek and neck. Mikey wrapped his arms around Eddie, and clamped his legs tighter about his waist. Within seconds they were instinctively grinding their hips together.

My own dick was getting plenty hard again at this point. It was bent over uncomfortably inside my jeans, especially with no underwear. So I popped my snap open, unzipped, and straightened it out with my hand. Then I stretched my legs out and began rubbing myself inside my jeans.

Mikey's reached his right hand down between them, into Eddie's crotch, and rubbed him there. Then he moved his other hand down, where he took hold of Eddie's shorts, popped the snap, and lowered the zipper. He pinched the waistband of the white underwear with one hand, and reached inside with the other.

Eddie's entire body tightened up. He raised his head from Mikey's neck, eyes barely open as he held his breath for maybe five seconds, then gulped and breathed again.

Mikey gazed into his squinting eyes. "Would you like to take my pants off, Eddie?"

Eddie looked down at him and nodded. He slid down Mikey's body, running his hands down his chest and his belly, finding the waist of Mikey's short, cutoff jeans. He fumbled with the snap for a moment until it popped, then he pulled down the zipper. His eyes widened and stared as he pulled the two wings apart and Mikey's totally hard dick bounced out without restraint of any underwear.

"That's my pussy," Mikey told him.

I must admit, I was staring too. What a beautiful boy he had just unwrapped. I pulled my own boner out of my jeans, stroking it harder as Eddie pulled the cutoffs down Mikey's peeling legs and off his ankles. My favorite friend was once again completely naked right in front of me. Only I wasn't pretending he was a girl.

"Take yours off now," Mikey said quietly.

Eddie reached down with both hands, grabbed the waistbands of his unzipped shorts and underwear together, and pulled them both down to his knees. His dick popped out with a little bounce.

Eddie's dick looked different than mine or Mikey's. I had never seen an uncircumcised dick before. It was hard and upright, but seemed to be covered by a sock made of skin that hid the head inside. It was good sized, bigger than Mikey's, maybe as big as mine, and had a short but dark mound of curly hair above it. His ball sack was also larger and darker than Mikey's, though it was drawn up in a tight, wrinkled bundle. The head of his dick sort of popped out of its sock when he leaned forward and rubbed it back and forth against the smooth boy under him.

"Hey, Josh," Mikey stuck his right hand out at me. "Put some of that lotion in my hand." I let go of my own dick long enough to reach for the bottle on the shelf and squeeze a blob into Mikey's right palm.

Mikey threw his left arm over Eddie's back, and reached his handful of aloe vera down between them to grip his dick. "Fuck me, Eddie."

This seemed to be what Eddie had been wanting the whole time. He wrapped his arms around Mikey's body under him, buried his face into Mikey's shoulder, and began humping the hand that held his dick.

He humped steadily for maybe half a minute, then got faster and more urgent. Whap whap whap! he fucked Mikey's hand hard and fast for just a bit more until he shoved his hips full force into Mikey's body, and pulled his arms super-tight around him. He held still a moment, burying his face into Mikey's neck, then one more powerful hump, then another.

"Ahhhh!" Eddie finally breathed out, relaxed, and collapsed onto Mikey's body. He lay there, not moving, for most of a full minute, as Mikey stroked his hair and back. I myself eased up on rubbing my own dick.

Encouraged by a little push from Mikey, Eddie rolled off of him onto the mat. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. His dick, still quite hard, lay pointing up at the wet stain on his belly. The shorts and underwear around his knees gave him an appearance of having just been violated.

Mikey, on the other hand, was grinning, on the verge of laughing. Naked and still on his back, with a puddle of Eddie's goo smeared around his belly and his half-hard dick, he looked over at me as if sharing the punch line to a secret in-joke, then at Eddie, who was still catching his breath. "Is that what you came here for, Eddie?"

He turned his head toward Mikey. They locked eyes for several seconds before Eddie broke into a grin. "Yeah. Yeah, I think so." They both chuckled at each other.

"Now just think of when you get to do that to a real girl," Mikey said. Eddie's face blushed as his eyes seemed to reflect what was crossing his mind, but he didn't answer.

"Here, guys," I handed them each a paper napkin from the sandwich tray. "These are the last two." They each wiped the mess from their bellies and dicks. Mikey wiped the leftover aloe juice in his palm on his sunburnt legs. Then they both pulled their clothes back on, and sat up on the floor mat.

"Have some punch, guys," I suggested. "You both look kinda thirsty." I poured punch for everyone, with my dick still half-hanging out of my open fly. We gulped it down while looking around at each other. The punch was giving us all bright red stains on our lips and tongues.

Mikey spoke the obvious question: "What now?"

My pants were the only ones still unzipped. "My turn."


Mikey & Me Part 3 (cont) MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/09/20(Sun)06:11 No. 27006


My pants were the only ones still unzipped. "My turn."


Mikey turned to Eddie. "You wanna be his girlfriend now?"

Eddie's face flashed a look of nervousness as he searched for words. He still didn't seem to trust me. "I wanna rest right now." He leaned against the wall and drank more punch.

Mikey looked at me, smirking. "Game on?"

"Game on," I answered. "Stand up."

Mikey and I both stood up. My pants, still unzipped, fell a little around my hips. I tucked my dick in so it wouldn't catch on the zipper teeth.

"You're under arrest," I told him.

He played along right away. "For what? I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Are you arguing with a police officer? I said you're under arrest! Now put your hands against the wall!" I grabbed his arms, spun him around, and pushed him against the Clubhouse door.

Mikey put both hands high up on the inside of the door. "What's this all about, Officer?"

"I think you're carrying drugs. Now spread your feet." I kicked the insides of his ankles to make him spread them apart a little more. "Wider! Now I'm gonna search you."


It was back in early summer, just after school let out, that I got to stay up late as I wanted pretty much every night, whether Mom was home or out staying with her boyfriend. This often meant throwing a blanket in front of the TV in the living room and watching late night shows until they ran a sermonette, played the Star-Spangled Banner, and signed off for the night around 2 or 3 o'clock.

One of those nights, as my eyes were feeling bleary while watching an old episode of Perry Mason in black-and-white, I decided to take a walk out in the night air. My little dog BooBoo followed me outside.

I wasn't going far. I just wanted to stretch my legs, ease my eyes, and get some fresh air. I also liked staring up at the stars, even though there weren't many to see here in the brightly lit city. BooBoo followed me across the commons lawn between my place and the next townhouse, out to the sidewalk. I watched him as he peed against the fence surrounding the trash dumpster, then we started down the sidewalk.

A car came slowly from around the corner at the far end of the street. I scooched BooBoo off into the lawn to keep him safe. The car slowed as it got near us, then it pulled over in front of us. A searchlight flipped on. The beam moved around a bit, then locked right onto me. I realized that this was a police car.

I stood still in the light beam for what seemed like a long time, perhaps a full minute. Finally, two cops got out and approached me. One shined a flashlight in my face. The dog sniffed around nearby bushes. The cop with the flashlight, who looked to be the older one, walked up close to me.

"Got any ID on you, son?" The other cop, the junior guy, stood a few feet away.

"No, sir, not on me. I got a student ID card in my house."

"What's your name, son?"

"Joshua _____."

"You live here?"

"That house right there." I pointed to the townhouse behind me.

"It's two a.m. What're you doin' out past curfew?"

"I was up late watching TV, and just wanted to take my dog out to pee."

The older cop shined his flashlight at the dog, then back into my eyes. "It's a violation for you to be out this late." His jumior partner stood back and watched, arms folded.

"I'm sorry. I'll go back inside."

"Do you know Shannon _____?"

That was an older kid from the next neighborhood over. He was a friend of my brother's. "I've heard of him. I go to school with his little brother."

"You know he's a drug dealer, right? He's wanted for selling marijuana around here. He sells to little kids like you."

"I wouldn't know. I don't associate with him. I know he has a fast car but that's all."

"Are you carrying any drugs?" He played his flashlight up and down my body.

"No, sir. I don't do that."

"Hold your arms out. Straight out sideways."

I did as he said. With one hand he felt around my t-shirt, the waist of my jeans, then the small lump where my limp dick lay beside my zipper. I had no underwear on underneath.

"You sure you're not carrying any drugs?" He felt about my dick. "Some users hide bags of dope right here." I looked over at his partner, who was breaking a smile.

The older cop felt his fingers closer around my dick. "That's not a bag of dope?"

"That's ... that's me."

He gripped my entire dick in his hand through my jeans, and rubbed it back and forth. The other cop was bending over in silent laughter.

"Okay, that's you." He released his grip. "Take your dog and get back inside. And go to bed."

I called BooBoo, who followed me back across the lawn to the house. As I trotted back, I heard the junior cop laugh at his partner, "You son of a bitch!"

"Shut up," said the older. They got back into the cop car and watched me walk back to my house. My heart was pounding hard as I went back inside, closed the door, and threw the locks and chain.


So yeah, I was thinking of that asshole cop when I decided to "search" Mikey.

"Honestly, Officer," Mikey protested. "I don't do drugs."

"Shut up, punk." I began to feel up his chest through his t-shirt, then worked my way towards his waist. "You look like a pot smoker to me. I've seen you hanging out with that guy Eddie. We know he sells drugs to little kids like you."

Eddie let out a laugh behind me as my hands reached up under Mikey's shirt to feel his waist. Mikey giggled, too. "He's a dirty hippie and I don't hang with his kind."

I groped his soft dick through his cutoffs. "You're lying, boy. I think you're hiding a bag of marijuana right here." I groped and rubbed his dick as it got bigger and stiffer under his zipper and denim.

"That's not marijuana, Officer," he objected, while starting to hump back at my hand.

"Then it must be heroin, or maybe cocaine. I know you drug users like to hide your bags right here." I reached both hands around his waist and popped the button open. "Last chance. Are you gonna confess or not?"

Mikey turned his head sideways and sneered. "Never, you fucking pig!"

So he wanted to get rough. That made me harder than I was already getting from groping his body. I shoved my chest into his back, pushing his chest hard up against the door. "That's it, punk! I'm gonna find your drugs wherever you hid them. And keep your hands up high!"

With both hands around him, I pulled his zipper down and shoved one hand inside his shorts. I gripped my fingers around his little dick, which was now getting firm. "You're telling me this isn't a bag of dope?"

"That's my dick, I told you."

I ran my fingers down further to cup his ball sack. "And what about this?"

"That's my balls, you stupid shit!"

Another cue. He liked this game as much as I did. "I've had enough of your mouth!" Releasing his balls, I knelt down behind him and yanked down hard on his shorts. They slid quickly right down to his ankles.

"Now turn around!" He shuffled around so his erect dick was right in front of my face. Man, how I loved looking at this pretty boy naked! I groped and fondled his stiff dick and balls some more, then said, "Okay, it's not here. Where'd you hide your stash?"

"You'll never find it, you fucker!"

I stood up, grabbed him by the shoulders, spun him around, and shoved him against the door again. "There's only one place left to search."

I looked behind me at Eddie. "See that bottle?" He picked up the aloe lotion from the floor. "Put some in my hand." He popped the cap and squeezed a small dollop in my palm. "More," I said. He doubled the pile of lotion.

I turned back to Mikey, and kicked again at his ankles. Step out of those shorts. Spread wider."

"What are you gonna do, officer?" he asked as he complied.

"Shut up! I know where your drugs are hidden. Legs wider!" I pushed his butt cheeks apart and wiped a goodly bunch of lotion into his crack. "Is it here?"

"I'll never tell." He stepped his feet a bit further apart.

I felt around his puckered hole with the tip of my middle finger. Then I wiped my thumb around in the lotion and pushed into him. He resisted for just about one second before it popped in to thr knuckle.

"Ahh! God damn you!" Mikey cussed again. So I pulled my thumb out, rubbed it around in the lotion again, then shoved it into him again, this time as far as it would go. He closed his eyes and sucked a breath in through his teeth with a hiss.

"It's in here somewhere. And I'm gonna find it." I twisted my thumb around inside him as he started to squirm. With my other hand, I reached around him to grip his fully erect dick and rub his balls.

"Do it," he whispered. "Fuck me."

That was all I needed to hear from him. I no longer cared that Eddie was watching us from behind me, wide-eyed in disbelief. Mikey and I both wanted, and yes even needed this, right here and now. It was time for us to fuck.

I pulled my hands away from him. Keeping my chest on his shoulders, pushing him into the door, I dropped my open jeans to my knees. My right hand still hand plenty of aloe lotion which I rubbed all over my completely hard dick. I pushed it into the crack of his butt, sliding it up and down a couple of times between his warm, slippery buns. Then, with my lotioned right hand, I pointed my dick straight into him, and poked it around a moment until I found his hole. I pushed inward, just a little.

Mikey gasped. Every muscle of his entire beautiful body tightened up. I was surprised at how easily the head popped inside him. I held it there, waiting to see how he was taking it. After just a few seconds, he began to relax. I took that as my cue to continue.

I pushed into him just a little more, then backed of to just barely inside. The lotion was working just as he said it would. I easily began pushing half my dick into him and back out, again and again.

He opened his eyes, but looked at the door, not me. "I told you you wouldn't find anything there." Then he added, "You fucker."

With that permission, I pushed my dick all the way up into his butt, just as far as I could. "Huck!" he gasped a short breath in. His fingers clawed at the plywood door. I pulled most of the way out, then shoved into him again. His mouth hung open, his eyes closed. and his cheek flattened against the door.

My dick told me in it's own powerful language that this was exactly what I needed to be doing. I grabbed both hands onto his hips and began pumping into him over and over, as far as I could. Each shove wrapped my dick in new sensations, making it harder and begging for more. Mikey's breath heaved in time with my pumping deep inside him.

I could feel that this wasn't going to take long at all. That familiar tingle along the underside of my dick started to grow and spread across my groin. Mikey writhed against the door with his eyes closed and mouth open. I bent my head forward to kiss him full on the mouth.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the door. "Michael?" called his mom.

We both froze, eyes popped wide at each other. A rush of whatever-that-is that runs through your brain and spine when you're caught ran right through us both.

The door would open. We would both tumble outside in full fuck. His mother would scream in shock. She would shout cuss words we had never heard from her before. She would beat me with fists and chase me away, never to see my friend again. She would punish Mikey and sentence him to severe soul-cleansing at church, never to be trusted again. And Eddie, well who the hell cares what would happen to him?

But that did not happen.

"Michael? You have a telephone call," she called from outside.

I pulled out of Mikey and nearly fell backwards as I fumbled to pull up my jeans.

"Just a minute, Mom!" Mikey turned and reached for his shorts on the floor.

"Hurry up. It's Michelle calling collect, long distance," she called from the other side. I was amazed, but grateful to no end, that she did not open the door.

"I'm coming, Mom!" That sounded kind of funny to me as he yanked his shorts up over his hard-erect dick and buttoned-zipped as fast as he could. He pulled his t-shirt down over them, then opened the door and bounded out before I could get my own pants pulled all the way up. Fortuneately, she followed him and did not look in on us inside. I quietly reached out and pulled the door closed again.

I turned to look at Eddie. My hard dick, covered in aloe lotion, was still sticking up out of my unzipped pants, and he was staring right at it.

"Your turn," I said.


"My turn for what?" asked Eddie, looking up at my face.

"To be the girlfriend."

He gulped. "Do I have to?"

"Come on," I urged him. "Mikey did it twice. And I still haven't got to come."

He thought a moment. "You can lay on top of me, like I did on Mikey."

"Game on, then?"

He looked me straight in the eyes. "You're not gonna fight me?"

"I won't fight you, no."

"Okay then," he assented. "Game on."

I knelt down beside him where he sat. "Lay back," I said quietly, and pushed him gently backwards by the shoulders. I could sense nervousness in his eyes as he looked up into mine. "I'll be nice, don't worry." I straddled him across his knees and pushed his shirt up his torso. He lifted his chest up a bit to allow me.

"You want to take it off?" he asked.

"No, just leave it here," I said, and pushed it up just far enough to see his nipples. "I wanna play with your boobs." I rolled them around in my hands a bit, then bent over to lick each one in turn. His nipples responded by poking up hard, like he was in a cold pool. "You like that?"

"It's okay." He did not seem that into this.

Oh well, I thought. I reached down to his shorts. With both hands I undid his button and zipper. "I'm gonna pull your pants off now." He didn't move as I grabbed the waist on his shorts and underwear at the same time and slid them down. It took a couple of tugs to get them below his butt. His dick popped out, half-hard, and his shorts and briefs easily slid the rest of the way down to his ankles and off his feet where I dropped them.

I sat up and looked at his nearly naked body. He wasn't as pretty as Mikey, I thought. But he wasn't ugly either. He was a little pudgy but not fat. His dick seemed to grow a little stiffer as I gazed at him.

I got up on my knees and pulled my unzipped jeans down halfway. My own dick was still quite hard from fucking Mikey just a minute ago. I reached for the bottle of aloe and rubbed a little bit onto it. I leaned over him and lay my body full onto his. Both of our dicks jumped a bit as they touched together. I looked straight into his eyes. I could see my face reflecting in his pupils as he looked up at me.

"Put your hand down there," I instructed him. He reached down between us, took my lotioned dick in his palm, and curled his fingers around it. I thought about kissing him on the lips as I started to hump his hand, but thought he would freak at that. So I went kissing around his cheek and neck while I fucked his palm, sliding in and out of his fingers with long, slow strokes.

I sure could have done this until I squirted in his hand. My mind, however, was occupied with how amazing it had felt to be up inside Mikey's ass. And now I wanted to try Eddie's. I paused and loked into his eyes. "Roll over," I told him.

"Wha... What're you gonna do?" he stammered.

"I'm gonna pretend to fuck you from behind."

"Pretend?" he asked nervously.

"Just pretend." I wasn't sure if I was telling the truth or not. "I'm just gonna rub it between your butt cheeks. Come on." I rose up and pulled him over by one arm. He resisted a little, but not much, and then flopped over onto his belly. I pushed his legs apart at the ankles and put my knees between his. I pulled his wrists from his waist to up by his head. Then I squirted a glop of the aloe lotion into my hand and smeared it between his cheeks and on his butthole. What was left on my hand I rubbed onto my erect dick.

"Just pretend," he repeated nervously.

"Yeah," I said. "Just pretend." I lay down on top of him and slid my dick into his crack. The lotion was cool and felt kind of refreshing. I put my full weight on top of him as I rubbed up and down between his slick ass cheeks. As I got harder I reached both my arms under his to grip him by the shoulders. He really couldn't move now. The lotion made sloppy slurping noises as I slid around on his flesh.

This felt absolutely wonderful to my hard dick. But I guess I got greedy or something, and wanted more. "Eddie," I said, "Let me fuck you."

"You mean for real?" he squeaked. "I don't wanna do that."

"Come on," I insisted. "It'll be fun."

"Will it hurt?" He looked at me with his head turned sideways.

"The lotion keeps it from hurting. You saw how much Mikey liked it. It'll be the just as good for you."

He thought about that a moment. "Use more lotion?"

"Sure thing," I replied. I put another glob of aloe from the bottle in my hand, and wiped it in his butt and on my dick. I wiped my middle finger around in the lotion and pushed it just a little but into his hole. He gasped, closed his eyes, and clamped his anus around my finger as I worked it around. "Relax, this will help make it easy."

I laid down on top of his back again. Just to keep him still, I wrapped one arm back under his to grab his shoulder from underneath, while guiding my dick into place with the other hand. It took a moment for me to be sure I found just the right place. Then I pushed into him.

The head popped right inside him, just like it did with Mikey. But Eddie reacted much differently. "Oww!" he complained. "That hurts!"

"Shh-hhh!" I whispered in his ear. "Just relax." I held still a moment to let him get used to it. "Getting better?"

"No," he whined. "It still hurts. I don't wanna do this."

"Just give it a moment." But instead of giving him another moment, I pushed further up into him.

"Nah! Stop!" he complained loudly. "Easy easy!" He was remembering Mikey's rules.

I know I really should have released him. And I know that I became a totally mean shithead at this point. But I wanted to fuck. And I didn't care about Eddie hurting. I didn't really want him in our club to begin with. And now he was helpless underneath me, and I felt a sense of power to do whatever I wanted. And what I wanted to do was fuck this little kid until I had enough and he would run away crying and never come back. I reached my free hand around to his face.

"Game offpff!" he tried to say as I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up!" I fucked my dick up into him as far as I could. The lotion let me slide up into him easily.

"Rrrmmm!" he tried to yell in pain. I pulled my hand tighter over his mouth, muffling him, and started fucking his ass. I did not try to be gentle at all. I fucked him with my full length, as far as it would go and then some. I fully expected to hurt him, and I didn't care.

His eyes were wider than wide open. He flailed his arms helplessly about the floor. He tried to kick at me with his feet but they could not reach me from his position. He tried to fight and struggle and yell but he could do nothing but wiggle a little. In fact, his struggling turned me on even more. I shoved my dick harder and faster into and out of his tight, slippery hole.

He tried to bite my hand but couldn't. He screamed but was muted as he couldn't move any air through my hand. He pounded the floor with his fists and feet as I kept shoving myself into him. He punched me in my hips but from that angle couldn't muster any real force. His muted yelling turned to crying.

It was the crying that did it to me. Yes, I know it says something horrible about me, but his bawling pushed me over the top. That unstoppable feeling built and overwhelmed me within three or four more fuck strokes into his quivering ass. Shoving as far into him as I could while pulling the opposite direction with my hand over his mouth, I tensed up and held it there. My dick began to jerk inside him. A second later, I could feel all the cum that had been building up for the past two hours squirting through the inside of my dick into the depths of my victim. Burst after burst pumped into him as I felt his cool tears rolling over my hand. I stayed still, completely tensed up, for at least ten seconds, shoving him from this end while pulling him from that. "Mmnnnn!" he bawled as loudly as he could, which wasn't much, the way I was muffling him.

Unlike Eddie, Mikey had perfect timing. He swung the door open and froze as he witnessed the scene he had walked in on. His eyes popped wide. Eddie and I both looked at him with wide eyes, too, the difference being that Eddie's were flowing with tears.

"Close the door," I whispered. He stepped in and pulled it closed.

"What are ... did you ... ?" Mikey fumbled for words, then found them. "Let him go! Now!"

I immediately released my grip on Eddie with both hands.

"Bawwwhhh!" he cried loudly. "Get out of me! Get out! Awwwhaaww!"

I pulled my dick out of him and backed off.

"What did you do to him?" Mikey asked me incredulously.

Eddie answered for me. "I told him 'Easy Easy' but he didn't Easy Easy!" he shouted as he sat up and backed away from me. "I told him 'Game Off' but he didn't do that either!" He grabbed his shorts and started putting them on as fast as he could. "I told him he was hurting me and he did it on purpose! Awwhaww!" he cried loudly as he pulled them up. He shouted at me, "You hurt me on purpose! I hate you!"

"Josh!" Mikey shouted. "Apologize to him right now!"

I sat up on my knees, with my pants still halfway down, my dick still stiff and covered in all sorts of goo. But I had no words. I knew that I needed words, but I had none. I knew that I was guilty as any criminal who committed crime on an innocent person, guilty as my brother whenever he beat the fuck out of me and I didn't deserve it, guilty as when I was little and got caught hitting my dog. I had no words. I just stared blankly at Mikey. I could not look at Eddie's face.

Eddie was still crying as he stood up and buttoned his shorts. I couldn't tell him that his underwear was still on the ground, and I doubt he would have cared.

Mikey was the one with compassion. "Are you okay, Eddie?" he asked.

Eddie yelled at me full volume, "I hate you! You're mean! I don't wanna be part of your club!" He started towards the door, but was having trouble walking. He tried anyways. "I'm gonna tell everyone about your club! And I'm gonna tell 'em that you're a gay faggot who butt-fucks little kids! I'm gonna tell the girls who like you and they're gonna hate you!" His voice rose to full volume. "AND I HATE YOU!" He shoved his feet into his sandals and burst out the door, then out the backyard gate, leaving both open.

Mikey looked at me with a raging fury that I had never seen on his face, like I never thought he could make. "You shit! You fuck! You stupid asshole!" I had never heard him cuss so much. I had no answer but more blank stare. "He's my friend! Why did you do that to him?"

"I... I was playing the Game." I knew it was a lame answer.

"The Game has rules!" he shouted. "All games have rules! No real hurting, remember? If you don't follow the rules, you're not playing the Game!" He then quieted down, as he realized that we were probably attracting his Mom's attention. "He's gonna tell everyone what we do here."

"He can't do that without telling what he did here, too," I tried.

"I wouldn't bet on that. He looked pretty mad."

He was right, and I knew it. "I'm sorry, Mikey." Mikey had never been mad at me, and I didn't like it one bit.

"You need to say that to him, not me." Right again.

We heard the sliding door of the house open. Mikey's Mom was coming out.

"Pull your pants up," he whispered. Then he reached for the heavy jug with the last of the punch and knocked it over onto the floor mats. I fumbled with my pants, not getting why he spilled the punch jug.

His Mom opened the door and looked in just as I got my jeans zipped. "Are you kids all right? What was all the yelling?"

"I'm sorry, Mom," said Mikey. "Josh accidentally knocked the jug over on Eddie's head, and he ran out bawling. I think he's okay, but his head got bumped kinda hard. Looked like it must've hurt. I'll get a towel and clean up the spill."

Damn, I thought, this kid can lie better than anyone I know.

She looked around at the spilled punch mess on the floor. Then she looked me straight in the eyes, for maybe a full five seconds, with a curious, unsmiling expression that I could not read. A chill ran down my spine as I realized, to my shock and horror, that Eddie's white underwear was still laying there on the mat, right beside me. Mikey saw it, too.

"Okay, you do that," she said to Mikey. "But play time is over for today. Turn the air conditioner off when you've cleaned up." She went back into the house.


"Mikey?" I said when he came back with a towel.

"Yeah?" He knelt down and sopped up the spilled punch.

"I'm ... I'm sorry I hurt your friend."

He sat and looked at me. "You gotta tell him that, not me." Second time he had told me that.

"I doubt he wants to here that from me," I mumbled. I shoved Eddie's briefs under the floor mat.

Mikey finished wiping up the spill. "He might. But that's between you and him."

"But he was your friend, not mine."

Mikey bit his lip. "You didn't want him in our Club, did you?"

"No, not really."

"So why didn't you say so?" His face looked so pained.

"Because you wanted him in," I whined, "and I wanted to give you what you wanted."

"Well, I invited him because I thought you would like him." He waited, but I had no answer. "Did you hurt him just to drive him off?"

"I didn't think I was gonna hurt him. I mean, you were really enjoying it when I was doing the same to you. I thought it would be fun for him, too." I really did not know if I was lying or not.

Mikey sighed, paused a moment, then explained, "I told you, I got myself ready. My finger, then thumb, then the candle, remember? He didn't do any of that. He wasn't ready."

That had not occured to me. I sat there silently, thinking about it. I knew that I had hurt Eddie on purpose. I knew that the Game had rules for good reasons that we had already learned. I had broken them, and now things were messed up.

"We gotta go now," Mikey said quietly. Then he piped up. "Oh! I almost forgot. That was Michelle on the phone."

"What'd she have to say?" I had not thought about her for some time.

"She's okay, but she misses everyone and wishes she could see any of us. She said she was breaking rules by calling, but she did anyway. She said to say Hi to you, too. And she told me where she is."

"Where is she?" I asked.

The door opened again. "Turn off the air conditioner now," Mikey's Mom ordered sternly. "Play time is over. Time to go home, Joshua."


Ana Pt 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/05(Tue)06:00 No. 27119

This is not part of the Mikey and Me series. There will be more of that, but I set it aside for now. In the meantime, here is the first part of a fantasy about spanking a young girl.

Tags: mg preteen spanking whipping punishment

Story for Ana



"God Dammit!"

I wasn't busy. I had finished making a pot of soup from scratch, and was just now pulling some garlic bread out of the oven for a mid-afternoon lunch. Or dinner. Whichever. When you live and work alone you can eat what you want when you want. So that wasn't why I felt bothered when the doorbell rang.

I felt bothered because they used the doorbell. Anybody that actually knows me knocks on the door. The doorbell sends the cat into hiding and starts the dog barking. And it means it's somebody who I don't know, which means probably no one that I want to see. A pollster? A census worker? A religious nut? I just don't want to talk to anyone who rings the doorbell.

So I ignored it. Grady, my aging cat, had already run into the back bedroom. Sammy, my little mutt dog, should have been barking, but he wasn't. Why not?

Oh yeah, I remembered, he was outside in the front yard. He liked to be out at this time of day so that he could bark at the kids walking home from the bus stop. He was harmless, of course, but he sure liked barking at them. He liked defending his territory from all potential invaders. My house is in a rural area where many yards are not fenced in, and the local dogs are free to run up and down the street as they like.

These kids arrived daily in three separate batches. First, around 2:30, the elementary schoolers, about five of them, would walk by, usually accompanied by a mother or two who would be chatting with the kids. Not quite an hour later, the middle school bus would drop off a single girl who would pass silently by, alone. Then, about 4:15, three high school boys would walk by, usually yelling trash talk at each other. Sammy liked barking at them all.

I checked the clock. It read 3:25pm, and Sammy was not barking.

Ding-dong! The doorbell rang again. Still not a sound from Sammy.

Sigh. Looks like I gotta answer it, I thought. So I turned off the oven, dropped my oven mitts, and went to see who was at the door.

I opened it to see, through the screen door, the middle school girl who walks by every day about now. She was certainly fresh off the bus, and holding Sammy in her arms.

"Is this your doggie, Mister?" He licked her in the face as she held him. She petted his dirty, white fur.

"Yes, that's Sammy. Was he chasing you or something?"

"No," she said. "He usually comes and barks at me from the yard. That's okay, but today I stopped and called him over to me. He ran right up wagging his tail, so I petted him. But then he started following me home to my house, even after I told him to go home. So I thought I should bring him back here."

"Well, thank you for bringing him back." I pushed the screen door open, expecting her to put Sammy down. Instead, she took it as an invitation and walked in. She set the dog down inside, then just stood looking at me for a moment. I wasn't sure what she was waiting for.

"Oh," I said. "Would you like a reward? How about a dollar for bringing him home?" I reached for my wallet, which was sitting on the TV tray nearby.

"Actually," she said, then paused.

"Actually, what?" Did she want more, just for bringing the dog to my door?

"Actually, I'm kinda hungry. It smells like you have something good cooking."

"I just made some soup," I said. "Beef vegetable. And some garlic bread. You may have some, if you wish."

"Thank you, Mister...?" she questioned.

"My name is Sam, but please call me Mister P_____."

"You have the same name as your doggie?" she giggled. "That's funny."

"No," I protested. "I'm Sam, he's Sammy. I never call him Sam, and he never calls me Sammy."

She giggled again. "You're silly."

"But to you, I'm Mister P_____. And you are...?"

"I'm Ana," she replied. "Ana C_____. I live two houses that way. And I know your name. You came to our class once on Career Day, and told us how you use math to help solve crimes."

"Oh, so your in Mrs. B____'s class." Sheila, my ex-girlfriend, had invited me to talk to her class a few months back, hoping to show her kids the importance of mathematics. The kids seemed unimpressed because I don't carry a gun or chase bad guys. But seeing Sheila was always great. We had a good run before she decided that she liked another woman better than my kinky ass. In fact, I still had some cuffs and gags in a box, and a couple of ropes with hooks and other devices stuck in the ceiling and floor, about which I sincerely hoped Ana would not ask.

But that's what I did through my workday at home: solve crime with mathematics. In my days as a patrolman, I did use to chase crooks the traditional way, running and driving about the city, working a shift out of a police station. But that ended when some idiot trying to get away from the scene rammed my cruiser and broke my back. With a few months pf physical therapy, I finally got back on my feet, but couldn't stand for hours at a time. And I sure couldn't outrun anyone anymore. No longer able to pass a the force physical fitness test, I took a disability pension and started a new career working from home as a criminal analyst. This involved uncovering patterns in crime sprees that I could use to either predict where a serial criminal would strike next, or pinpoint where he was basing his work from. Which had nothing to do with this young girl in my house.

I took a moment to look her up and down. She looked about four feet tall. Her skin tone suggested Hispanic heritage. Her black hair, parted on the side, was cut short, just reaching her silver ear studs on the side, and her neck on the back. She was slender, well under 80 pounds. Even so, her school uniform (white polo shirt tucked into khaki jeans) looked rather tight fitting. She was growing, and clearly due for an up-sized outfit. Her hips had not widened, but her butt showed its round shape through the tight seat of her pants. I tried not to pay too much attention to the outline of the junior bra clearly showing under her shirt.

"Hello, Ana. I don't mind sharing my lunch with you, but aren't your parents waiting for you?"

"My Mom won't get home 'til after six o'clock," she explained. "And my Dad, well, the police deported him to Mexico a few months ago. I never knew it, but he was here in America illegally. At least that's what Mom told me."

She followed me into the kitchen. Sammy tagged along at her feet. "That's very sad," I said. I hoped she didn't see me as a part of those police. "Is your Mom in danger of being deported?"

"No, she's white."

"But you won't get any supper 'til after six, then. Did you eat lunch at school?"

"Not lunch," she replied. "They gave me a free breakfast this morning, but I didn't have any money for lunch."

"They won't put it on account and let you pay later?" I asked.

"Oh, they will, but Mom hasn't paid the bill in a while. They'll still give me a lunch if I ask, but I don't want to put Mom deeper in debt. She's pretty broke, even though she works full time."

"Well, I'll give you some soup and garlic bread right now. Go pull out another TV tray. It's in the rack by the sofa. We can eat in front of the TV."

"Thanks, Mister P_____." She skipped into the living room. "Do you have Disney Channel?" she asked from the other room.

"I think so," I called back. "The paper on top of the TV tells which channel that is."

I ladled the hot soup into two bowls, and divided the bread onto two plates. I heard the TV come on, and the channels switching. I brought the bowls over to the trays.

"My favorite cartoon is coming on right now," she called as I went back to the kitchen.

"What cartoon is that?" I brought the bread plates in next.

"It's called 'Star vs. the Forces of Evil.' It's about a magical princess from another dimension who gets sent to Earth while she learns how to use her magic wand. She's living with a half-Mexican Earth family, kinda like mine." She paused. "Like mine was."

Sounded fun to me. I was going to drink a beer with lunch, but now that I was dining with a kid, I grabbed a can of Sprite for each of us. I brought them and a couple of paper towels to the trays, where Ana was already digging in. She had removed her shoes and socks, setting her bare feet on them under the tray.

She stopped eating and looked up at me as I came in. "Oh, I- I'm sorry. Was I supposed to wait until we say Grace?" She looked nervous.

"No, don't worry," I replied. "I don't do that here. I think God knows if you're thankful, whether you tell Him or not."

She smiled "Well, thank you for this. It's delicious!" She went back to eating and watching the cartoon. I sat down to do the same.

Today's episode of the cartoon, it seemed, revolved around the teenage princess going through puberty. But being from an alien race, she went through the whole process in one disastrous day, which included turning into a giant flying insect and trapping all the schoolboys in sticky cocoon webs of purple hearts. Finally, she returned to normal, but found that she had grown a small set of wings on her back.

I thought that was kind of weighty, if not downright racy, for a Disney cartoon. I decided to ask her opinion.

"Do you understand what this puberty thing is about?" We had finished lunch, so I pushed the trays away from the sofa.

"Kind of," she answered. "My Dad told me it's the age when boys and girls start wanting to have sex."

I was surprised to hear a girl her age use the word "sex" so casually, so I turned the talk back to the cartoon. "You know it doesn't all get done in one day, right?"

"Of course, silly!" she chuckled. "That's just a funny cartoon. And no, I don't think I'm gonna turn into a flying princess or trap boys in magic webs. But Mom said it won't be long before I have my first period."

Again, I tried to veer away from the explicit talk. "So you're not falling in love with any boys at school?"

"No," she sneered. "The boys my age are all dorks. And the older boys pretend to love girls but they really just want to fuck."

That shocked me. "That is NOT an appropriate word for a child to say!" I told her sternly.

Her face froze, staring at me like a burglar caught in the lights. Then she looked down. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Look," I explained, "you can talk to me about anything, but do not use that word. That is for adults only."

"I won't." She stared a moment at her hands folded in her lap. Then she looked up at me. "Are you going to punish me?"

I tried to hide a laugh. "No, I'm not going to punish you."

"My Dad would have punished me with a spanking."

"I'm not your Dad."

"My Dad was strong."

"I said, I'm not your Dad."

"So you're not strong?"

This girl was starting to annoy me. "I'm strong," I said tersely.

"But you're not going to spank me?"

"No, I'm not going to spank you!" I was trying not to shout.


I stared at her face. She stared right back, as if daring me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

That did it. "You wanna get spanked? You're gettin' spanked!"

I swear a smile broke across her face as I grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her hard from where she was sitting. She practically leaped across me, landing with her waist in my lap. The round seat of her tight pants raised up right in front of me. She was softly giggling, her face buried down into the sofa seat.

"You're not supposed to be enjoying this," I insisted.

She turned her face up to me, giggling. "Fuck fuck fuck..."

Whap! I brought my open hand down hard on her round bottom. She gasped, closed her eyes, and buried her face back in the seat. Four more times I slapped her bottom hard. I paused and waited a moment. She neither moved nor made a sound. So I went back at her. In quick succession, I laid maybe a dozen more hard swats onto her pants. She reached her hands back to try to cover her butt.

"Hands down," I commanded. She pulled her hands back to her face, then held them there while I put another half dozen swats into her.

It was about time to stop. My hand was beginning to sting from the hard slapping. But worse than that, I realized that my dick had become fully erect beneath her. I hoped she would somehow not notice, even though I was wearing fairly lightweight sweat pants.

"Have you had enough. young lady?" I asked her.

She turned her head and looked at me for a few seconds. Then she reached her hands down into my lap underneath her hips. I was afraid she was reaching for my hard-on, but after her hands fumbled around a moment, I realized that she had just undone her button and zipper.

"What are you doing?" I asked incredulously. But before I could stop her, she had grabbed her waistband and pushed her pants and underwear down to her thighs, leaving her bare, tan bottom exposed right in my lap. She returned her hands up to her face.

"Try that," she said.

"No!" I instinctively jumped. "Get up!"

She looked at me in surprise. "What?"

"Get up, I said! Time for you to leave, right now!" I pushed her off of my lap. She landed butt-first on the tile floor with a thud. "Pull your pants up!"

She stood up rather clumsily, and looked at me with hurt in her eyes, before tugging her underwear and jeans back up. I caught myself eyeballing her bare, bald vagina as she did. I'm certain that she noticed that as well.

I'm also certain that she noticed my erection pushing my sweatpants up from my lap.

She zipped and buttoned her pants. "I'm sorry I made you angry, Mr. P_____," she mumbled. Tears were welling from her eyes. "Please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you, Ana," I tried not to sound angry. "But you may not use that F-word in my house again. And you will keep your pants on while you are here."

She sniffed a tear back. "So... you mean I can come back?"

I could not resist her puppy-dog eyes. "Of course you can come back. Just promise me you'll be a good girl. Otherwise, I'll have to..." I didn't intend to step into her trap, but realized that I was doing exactly that. "... I'll have to punish you."

A grin broke out on her face. "I promise, Mr. P_____! I'll be good!" She headed for the door, then stopped and turned back. She climbed onto the couch and kissed me on the cheek. As she did so, she "accidentally" laid a hand onto my erection. I tried not to jump, as I didn't want to make her cry again. She blushed with embarrassment, then get up and bolted for the door. "Thank you, Mr. P_____!"

"Your shoes!" I called before she was gone.

She dashed back in, grabbed her shoes and socks from the floor, then ran barefoot out across the yard.

"Arf! Arf!" the dog barked after her.

"You said it, Sammy," I laughed. "You said it."


The next day, a Tuesday, I was barely able to work. My back was fine, but my mind was completely occupied the entire day thinking about Ana from the day before.

Of course, I had jacked myself off the minute she was gone and I was sure she wasn't coming right back. Between the memories of her bare, young bottom in my face and tears welling from her eyes, it had taken all of twenty seconds from pulling my sweats down on the sofa to spurting a big load on my shirt.

Then, the next morning, in the shower, my mind picturing her bald pussy slit just before pulling her pants up, I shot another load from a handful of conditioner onto the tile wall.

I fumbled through my workday at the computer. At least it was none too stressful at the moment. I had just wrapped up a long-running case by correctly predicting when and where a large drug shipment would land, and nothing new was pressing for my attention at the moment.

Nothing besides Ana.

All day long she was on my mind. Between rerunning yesterday's visit and hoping she would stop by again, I was not in the least interested in thinking about anything else. By two o'clock, I was thinking about what she might like to eat when, I mean if she stopped by. I decided on grilled cheese sandwiches. Every child loves those, and so do I. At three o'clock, I let Sammy outside and started preparing grilled cheese for two. By 3:20 I was watching the clock, then watching out the window. At 3:25, right on time, Sammy ran out to meet her as she walked into the yard. She picked up the pooch and petted him as she walked up to the house.

Long story short: Ana came back. We ate grilled cheese sandwiches while watching her cartoon (which, bring funny and having an interesting plot, I was really starting to get into). And we talked about our lives: work, school, home, etc. And then she started dropping F-bombs until I threw her over my knee and spanked her bottom, with pants on. Then she apologized for the transgression, and we continued to talk about things while she played with Sammy. Before she went home, I put twenty dollars in her pocket, telling her it was to pay the lunch lady at school. Her pants were tight, so I had to put a little too much effort in shoving the money into her pocket.

We repeated this routine for the rest of the school week. She would stop in for a meal, a cartoon, conversation, a spanking, and to waste some time. I convinced her to use the wasted hour for getting some homework done. She seemed to like working at the same table as me.

I learned a lot about Ana, and myself, that week. Some of the things I learned:

- Ana really missed her father. She described him as a little too strict, but also a little too loving. Oddly (to me), she loved him for both of those qualities. Apparently he got deported when he did some construction work for someone who didn't want to pay him, and so they turned him in to La Migra.

- She had a very sharp mind for her age. School work was a breeze, if kind of dull. She liked math and science, and had a good understanding of how cars and computers work. She also had a keen understanding of what other people were thinking and feeling, which made me a little uneasy.

- She obviously enjoyed getting spanked, though she never cried, and she always wanted more. She also enjoyed cuddling afterwards. I really don't think it was sexual for her, at least not overtly, but something else. Something more cerebral. Longing for her father, or for structure, or what I'm not sure. Maybe she knew. She was smart enough, but I never asked her directly.

- I was getting fully aroused every time I lay this eleven year old girl over my lap and slapped her bottom. She knew it too, because I kept playing her game, and because she felt my erection poking into her waist every time. But it seemed to make her happy. Of course it was wrong. We both knew that. But we were alone, and I felt confident that she was smart enough to keep a secret. And I drew the line at taking her clothes off. If that ever happened, I was certain we would both lose control of ourselves. But every day, within minutes or her leaving to go home, I was in the bedroom jacking off to visions of her young face and body.

She explicitly asked about my rule the next Monday. After thinking about her all weekend, and on through the next day, I was overjoyed (as was Sammy) when she came to the door right on time. This time I had bacon and scrambled eggs ready to go with the cartoon. Instead of dropping F-bombs, this time she demanded punishment by slugging me in the arm, repeatedly, until I finally got the clue to why she was doing that.

One good butt-whapping later, as we sat hugging and rocking on the sofa, she dropped the question. "Why won't you spank me with my pants down?"

I avoided the question (or not) with my own question. "Why do you want me to spank you with your pants down?"

"Because it will hurt more."

That sounded odd. "You want it to hurt more?"

She nodded. "The way you do it doesn't really hurt. It's fun, but it's not a real spanking."

I had to think about that. Not so much why she wanted it to hurt more, which was a good question, but rather, "What makes it a real spanking?"

"A real spanking," she looked up at me, "makes you cry."

Simple enough. So I asked the other question. "Why do you want me to make you cry?"

"Because it feels better when you love me after."

Damn, I thought, this kid is on another plane. She'll be unstoppable when she grows up. My brain was rather slow wrapping around what she wanted and why, much less what I was going to do about it. I guess I was too slow, because she went back to her original question.

"So why won't you do it?"

"Because..." I paused to think. "Because things will get out of hand."

"How do you mean?"

I rocked her in my arms, perhaps two full minutes, while I thought about how to answer that. I came up with this:

"Ana, I'm going to tell you a story. And you can help me."


Ana Pt 2 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/06(Wed)00:44 No. 27120

"Ana, I'm going to tell you a story. And you can help me."


"A story?" she replied. "About what? How do I help?"

"A story about a little girl. Help me here: What was her name?"

"Ana," she blurted.

"No," I said. "That's your name. The girl in the story was named something different."

She thought a moment. "Amy."

"Okay," I said. "Amy liked to visit her neighbor, who was named what?"

"Stan," she suggested, getting the idea.

"So Amy enjoyed visiting with Stan," I continued. "They would share meals and watch cartoons and talk and play with his doggie..."


"... yes, his doggie Stannie. But for some reason, we don't know why, but every day she would do something very wrong, something bad, that deserved punishment. So he would spank her for this, not because he wanted to hurt her, but because he loved her, and he wanted her to be good."

Ana released her hug on me, and sat up to listen.

"Amy wanted to be good, and to be loved. But she was worried the spanking was not severe enough to make her into a good and lovable girl. And so she asked for harsher punishment. But the man..."

"Stan," she interjected.

"...Stan, did not want to hurt her badly because the girl, Amy, did not do anything that horribly wrong. How could he give her big punishment for a little wrong?"

Ana did not appear to like where this story was going.

"'But then,'" I continued, "'one day, after eating...' what did they eat?"

"'Bacon and eggs,' answered Ana, glancing at her lunch plate on the tray.

"'...after eating bacon and eggs,' I continued, 'and watching cartoons, Stan walked outside to the mailbox, to check the mail. And while he was outside, Ana ... I mean Amy, saw that he had left his wallet on the TV tray. She knew she shouldn't, but she picked up the wallet and looked inside.

"She was astonished to find one hundred dollars inside! Five twenty-dollar bills! Now maybe it was because she and her mother were poor and really needed the money, or maybe because she really wanted to be punished, she took the money out of the wallet, folded it flat, and shoved it into her shirt, inside her bra. Then she put the wallet back in exactly the same place, hoping Stan would not notice.

"But when Stan returned with his mail, and sat down at the TV tray, to her horror he picked up his wallet and looked inside. He was shocked to find his money missing! He was even more shocked to realize that only one person could have taken it.

"'Did you take my money?' he asked Amy.

"Amy was very scared, because she knew that she was guilty, and did not know what to do. So she lied. 'No, I didn't take your money,' she answered.

"The made Stan very angry. 'It was in here just a minute ago, and now it's not. I think you're lying!'

"'I'm not lying,' Amy protested, although she knew that she was. She was frightened because Stan was getting angrier. She wondered what would happen if he found the money in her bra.

"Stan knew, of course, that Amy must have taken the money, and that she was lying about it. So he grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her off of the sofa. 'Put your hands up against the wall,' he ordered, just like a police officer, as he pushed her to the wall. 'I'm going to search you for that money.'

"He was very strong, so she felt like she was being thrown against the wall. She couldn't fight him, so she obediently put her hands up on the wall. 'Legs apart!' he shouted, as he kicked her ankles apart, just like in the movies.

"'I think the money is in your pocket,' he said. But her pants were small for her growing body, and so they were very tight. So her could not easily put his hand into her pockets. So instead, he felt around outside her pockets. First her back pockets. He ran his hands around first one back pocket, then the other, feeling and squeezing each one very closely and carefully. In fact, Amy wondered if he was really fondling her butt to see just how it felt from the sides, from underneath, and from the middle, between her buns.

"But he didn't find the money there. So he moved his hands to her front pockets. Reaching both hands around her, he closely felt about each of them. He even felt very closely between her front pockets where there were no pockets, only a zipper. But still he could not find the money.

"So he decided to reach into her pockets. But her pants were to tight. His hands would not easily fit inside the pockets. So he reached around her waist from behind, and took hold of the front of her jeans to open them.

"Amy quickly took her hands off the wall, and grabbed Stan's hands to stop him from doing that. But his hands were stronger, and she could not stop him as he popped open the snap, then took hold of her zipper and pulled it down.

"'Hands on the wall,' he commanded her again. He grabbed both her hands and placed them high above her head on the wall.

"Amy felt so helpless as she leaned against the wall with her pants open. Stan's hands went back to searching her for the money. One by one, he pushed a hand into each of her four pants pockets, feeling carefully all the way to the very bottom. This pushed her jeans down her narrow hips a little bit, exposing the waist band of her panties. Still, he did not find the money.

"But seeing the waist band of her... what color?"

"White," said Ana, blushing.

"... seeing the waist band of her white panties gave him another idea. 'Perhaps the money is in here,' he said. He pushed one hand into the front and the other hand into the back of her panties, searching down into them. With both hands, he closely felt her bare bottom and her bare ... What do you call it?"

"Vagina?" Ana was beginning to squirm in her seat as she listened. Consciously or not, she laid one hand into my lap, on top of my growing erection.

"...and her bare vagina," I continued, "feeling closely inside each fold of skin. But still he found no money.

"He pulled his hands out of her underwear, and tugged her sagging jeans back up to her waist. 'Since you are not wearing shoes or socks,' he said, 'I can only think of one other hiding place.'

"Amy knew that she was caught when he reached both his hands under her shirt. He felt around her waist, then up over her belly, and finally pushed up her small bra. One hand gripped and squeezed one of her budding nipples. The other found the folded money inside the tiny cup.

"Her face blushed hard red as he held up the folded money for her to see. Her bra was out of place, her pants were open, and now she was caught in a serious crime."

Ana's hand tightened it's grip on the growing tent in my pants. Her other hand she placed between her own thighs, pressing up into her crotch.

"Stan looked her in the eyes. 'You have been a very, very bad girl,' he said.

"'I'm sorry,' she said as tears began to well up in her eyes. 'I should not have stolen your money.'

"'That's right. And now you must be punished, so you will become a good girl."

"'I want to be good,' Amy pleaded. 'I really do.'

"Stan picked up a box that was sitting beside the sofa. 'Sit down,' he told her. When she did, he pulled from the box four leather cuffs, each with a buckle and a metal ring attached. 'If you agree to being punished, then you will put these onto your wrists and ankles.'

"She agreed. It took a couple of minutes for her to strap the four cuffs around her wrists and ankles, and get each one buckled tight, but not too tight. Then Stan pulled two metal clips from the box. One he snapped through the rings on her ankle cuffs, so that her feet were held together. With the other clip, he joined her wrists together.

"He sat down on the sofa next to her, and looked into her eyes. Her face held both excitement and fear, for she did not know what he had planned. 'First,' he told her, 'take these three pills. They are ibuprofen, and they will help you after your punishment.' He put the pills in her hand, and she popped them in her mouth. Then he handed her a cup of water, which she held with both hands because they were clipped together. She drank it and washed down the pills. 'Now,' he told her, 'comes the spanking.'

"She knew what to expect from a spanking. This was only a little different because her hands and feet were clipped together. She lost her balance when Stan grabbed the clips on her wrists and pulled her across his lap. She could not put her hands in the way, nor could she kick her legs about as he began to swat her on the butt with his open hand.

"He swatted her harder and longer than ever before, because her crime was worse than ever before. Fifty strong swats he laid into the round seat of her tight but unzipped pants. The pain in her bottom was becoming almost too much to take. But she was a very tough girl, and she did not yell nor cry. And his erection that she felt pushing into her waist from his pants told her that he still loved her very much."

By this point in the story, Ana was actively rubbing my hard dick through my sweat pants, and her own crotch with her other hand as well. In response, I pushed the fingers of one hand into the back of her jeans and panties to feel the top half of her bare butt.

I continued. "But do you think that was enough punishment for such a serious crime? Was that a hundred dollars worth of spanking?"

"Of course not," Ana laughed. "She needs more."


"Stan thought so, too. He stood her up in front of him. Now, her ankles her clipped together, so she couldn't walk. So he picked her up, carried her across the room to a different wall, and set her down. He set her bare feet onto a square, metal plate that had a ring and another clip in the middle. When Stan attached this clip to the one on her ankles, she realized that she could not move either foot more than an inch from the center of the plate. The steel felt cool on her bare feet. But she was stuck there in place, facing the wall.

"Next, he unclipped one end of a white rope from a hitch on the wall. She had noticed this rope before, but never asked about it. Now she saw that it went up through a hook in the ceiling, and back down. One end had a clip, which Stan attached to the clip holding her wrists together. When he pulled on the other end of the rope, she was surprised that her hands and arms were being pulled up, until they were high above her head. He tied off that end of the rope to the hitch in the wall.

"So there she was, unable to move, arms held up high, her pants unzipped, and a strong man ready to punish her. She was not really afraid, because she knew that he loved her. But her mind was racing with apprehension about just how he would punish her.

"For about two minutes, however, he did absolutely nothing. He just stood there, watching her shiver with anticipation, enjoying the look on her face as she wondered what was going to happen. Then he stepped up behind her, where she could not see him.

"She tried to move away, but all she could do was jerk about a bit on the rope. She could do nothing but flinch as he placed both his hands inside the hem of her shirt and lifted it up over her chest and head. He couldn't take it completely off, because her hands were tied together, so he left the shirt sitting on her head. The hem fell down around her eyes, making a loose blindfold.

"Then he opened her bra at the ... front or back?"

Ana was lost in the story. "Hmm? What?"

"Your bra. Does it open from front or back?"

"Oh. It's a pullover," she giggled.

"Okay, so he pushed her bra up, which had never really been put back in place since he found the money there, up to her armpits. Then he reached both hands around her and grabbed and groped her budding, little boobs. He rolled his fingers around her tiny little nipples, feeling them getting larger and stiffer as he did so. While doing this, he hugged her tightly and pulled her body back into his own. She felt his erection poking through his pants into the small of her bare back as he pushed his hips into her backside. This was not the punishment she was expecting. It felt embarrassing, and even kind of good, despite him pinching and squeezing her chest just a little too hard. But she could do nothing but feel it as he continued doing this for a couple of minutes."

I looked down at Ana sitting next to me on the sofa. Her eyes were closed. I realized that my hand had unconsciously migrated up her young body, reaching around under her arm. I was rubbing her flattened boob through her shirt and bra as I talked.

"Then, just as she got to wondering what he would do next, he released his grip on her chest, and he backed his hips off of her back. His hands slid slowly around to her side, then moved down towards her hips. 'Am I going to lose my pants next?' she thought to herself.

My own hand mimicked the story, sliding to her side of her shirt then slowly down.

"But before his hands quite got down to her waist, he began to... TICKLE HER!"

I wiggled my fingers into Ana's side, and brought my other hand to her other side to do the same. She squealed loudly with uncontrolled laughter. Her body collapsed into a tight ball as she squeezed her arms onto mine, trying to stop my hands from digging into her shirt.

"Amy squealed and laughed just like you," I continued, as I let up on tickling Ana's squirming, young body. "But unlike, you, her hands and feet were stretched apart, so she could do nothing but wiggle and laugh while he kept tickling her. He moved his fingers all about her sides, onto her back, and around front to her belly, finding new skin to attack all about her bare midriff. She could not stop laughing, nor writhing about in her cuffs. Her knees collapsed under her. Now her entire weight was hanging on the rope that held her wrists. Her ankle cuffs prevented her from getting her feet under her. So she swung wildly from side to side, completely helpless to stop his fingers. She was laughing so hard that her squealing turned into real screaming. Tear began to run from her eyes and down her cheeks. Her face turned red as every muscle in her body tensed up hard. Her laughing turned to coughing as she ran out of breath, and was unable to breathe air in without gagging. She knew she could not take this any longer. So Stan decided to give her a rest."

Ana huffed. "I bet I could take it."

"You do?" I asked. "Are you sure?"

"I'm a tough girl," she boasted with a smile. "Besides, tickling isn't punishment. It's fun!."

"I think you're right on both counts," I agreed. "You are a tough girl, and tickling isn't real punishment. But at least for the moment, Amy needed a break. For one, she had to catch her breath. Her side hurt from all her laughing, squealing, and breathing hard, kind of like it does when you run really far really fast.

"But she had another reason she needed to stop. "I really have to pee now," she told him, once she had caught her breath and got standing on her legs again.

"Stan chuckled at her predicament. 'How are you going to do that?' he asked.

"'You're going to have to let me go!' She knew Stan was playing with her. And he was.

"'You're the one who put the cuffs on yourself, remember?'

"'If you don't let me go, then I'm going to pee right here on your floor!' she protested.

"'Oh, we can't have that, now, can we?' Stan thought a moment. 'Okay. I'll be right back.' And he walked down the hall.

"'Aren't you going to let me go?' Amy yelled at him. 'I gotta pee right now!' She began to dance about, as much as she could, trying to hold her pee in.

"'Coming!" he replied. He trotted back into the room, holding a shallow, plastic tub, which he set on the floor just behind Amy's feet. 'It's the cat's litter box,' he explained. 'I even put extra litter in it for you.'

"Amy couldn't believe it. 'How am I supposed to pee in that?' she asked while she squirmed her legs tighter.

"'I'm gonna lower your rope,' he answered, 'just enough for you to squat over the litter box. That is where you will pee.'

" Amy still did not see how this was going to work. And she could barely hold it another second. 'But I can't even pull my pants down!'

"Stan laughed. 'Jeez, I gotta do everything for you? Okay, here you go.' Her pants were already open, and the tickle torture had made them fall just a bit. So Stan easily grabbed her pants and panties by the waistband and pulled them down to her knees. Then he tugged her pants legs a little more to pull them down to her ankles. Finally, he untied the rope from the hitch on the wall, and lowered Amy, hanging from her wrists, low enough that she could spread her knees and squat over the litter box.

"This felt so embarrassing to her. She was now naked from her neck to her ankles, dangling none too steadily from a rope, with Stan watching her carefully as she released a heavy stream of yellow pee into the litter box. She stared up at the ceiling over her wrists, where the rope went through its hook, while she tried to hold herself steady enough to not make much of a mess as she continued to go. Even so, she felt some of her warm pee trickling down the insides of her legs.

"It seemed to take a long time, but she was relieved to finally pee it all out. She squeezed her muscles to force out one last squirt. Then she looked around. Stan was right behind her, having watched her very closely the whole time. Now, while she was still squatting over the box, he unwound a wad of toilet paper from a roll in his hand. 'Hold still,' he said, 'while I wipe you clean.'

"He carefully reached between her squatting legs to wipe off what had spilled there. Then he wadded up some more paper and wiped her vagina and bottom clean. Finally, he dropped the paper into the littler box, and set it outside the back door. 'The cat will have to do without for a while,' he said.

"Amy, who was still squatting bare-bottomed over the floor with her arms in the air, looked at him with questioning eyes. 'What about me?'

"'Oh yes,' he said. 'You probably want to stand up now, right? Tell you what. I'll pull the rope, and you pull up with your arms. Ready? Here we go.' He untied the rope from the hitch and pulled it through the hook. Amy pulled herself upright as her wrists went up, until she was standing again. Of course, her feet were still latched to the metal floor plate, and her arms were still high over her head. And now her pants were down around her ankles.

"'Could you please pull my pants up again?' she asked him.

"'Of course,' Stan answered. First he pulled her white panties back up into place over her butt and around her waist. Then he pulled her khaki jeans up from her ankles, over her knees, and up to her waist. They were tight, so it took a little tugging to get them in place. However, he did not close her zipper nor her snap button, but left her pants hanging open.

"'You look thirsty," Stan said. 'Would you like a drink of water?'

"'Yes, please." So he poured a small cup, put a straw in it, and put the straw to her mouth.

"'Not too much,' he said as she drank, 'or you will have to pee again.'

"'Thank you," she gasped when she had finished drinking. "Now what?"

"'Oh yes,' said Stan. 'Where were we? Were we still tickling?' He grabbed her sides once more with his fingertips.

"'Nooo!' Amy squealed as she tried to squirm away. 'We did that enough already!'

"'Okay, okay. Perhaps you're right. What's next then? Hmm. Oh yes! Punishment. You were being punished for stealing. And a certain little girl I know told me that tickling is not punishment. That was just play. Now, you did not seem very impressed with being hand-spanked over my knee with your pants on. I didn't hear you cry once.' It isn't real punishment unless you cry, is it?"

Ana sat curled up under my arm on the couch.

"I'm asking you, Ana, not Amy."

She snapped out of the story. "What was that?"

"I said, it isn't real punishment unless you cry. Do you agree?"

"Yes, yes that's right," said Ana. "Real punishment makes you cry. And cry pretty bad too, if it's for something you did really bad."


Ana Pt 3 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/06(Wed)04:59 No. 27121

"Yes, yes that's right," said Ana. "Real punishment makes you cry. And cry pretty bad too, if it's for something you did really bad."


"Okay, so Amy answered, 'That's right, the spanking was not real punishment because I didn't cry. And I didn't cry because I'm a tough girl." She turned toward him and put on a brave face, even though she was still tied to a rope high above her head and a steel plate under her feet.

"'Yes,' Stan agreed. He looked at her naked, young boobs, which were being pushed out just a little by the junior bra wrapped around her chest above them. 'You really are a tough girl. But there are two other reasons why you didn't cry. One of them is because your jeans protected your bottom. The other is because I only used my hand to swat you. Now, as for the first one, I think I've pulled your pants back up just a little too far. Let's fix that first.'

"He stepped up beside her, put his hands on her back and her belly, and turned her to where she was facing the wall again. Then he slid his hands down to the front and back of her pants. But instead of grabbing them by the waistband, he pushed his fingers inside her open pants, where they found the waistline of her panties, front and back. He wiggled his fingers inside that, then slid both his hands deep down inside her panties. Ana closed her eyes as she felt them move over her skin inside her panties.

"His right hand in back spread out to run fingers over the round, young buns of her bottom. His left hand spread out across her hips, running left and right, then came together over the slit of her hairless vagina. The fingers of both his hands crept farther down her skin, until they touched together between her legs. As they did, they forced her tight pants to come down, just a little bit.

"Then he pulled both hands back up along their crevices just a little. All ten fingers continued to feel about her skin. But again they pulled together, this time to open her crevices wide enough for a finger to enter. With one hand, he placed a fingertip onto the tight pucker of her butt hole. With the other, he rubbed one fingertip over the little button of skin at the top of her slit.

"This set off a bundle of nerves she hadn't felt before, which made her suck in her breath and tighten every muscle below her waist, right down to her toes. She tried to push her body tighter into his hand, but that wasn't easy because of how she was tied up.

"Then, while one finger continued to rub her there, another began to rub her further down, working its way between the lips of her vagina. This felt very rough at first. But after a few moments, she noticed that somehow her skin was becoming very slick and slippery. Amy realized this warm, buttery juice was coming from inside her. She did not know why, but she did know that it made his rubbing feel a lot better, and more interesting.

"Amy rubbed back at his hand as it excited her slit into slippery juiciness. She kept her eyes closed, but intensely felt every minuscule movement within her tiny pussy lips. She felt his face come close to her cheek, where he placed a gentle kiss. She wanted to turn and kiss him back, but he whispered in her ear, "Shhh. Hold still."

"She stopped rubbing on his hands, and held her entire body perfectly still. She felt the finger that was rubbing her button stop its movement, and it pressed in and up on her, making her catch and hold her breath. Then the other finger, rubbing up and down her slippery slit, moved just a little farther down, to the bottom of her opening. It circled a moment around then hole of her vagina. Then with a slight press, slid easily up and inside of her.

"'Ahh!' Amy gasped. She had never felt this before."

I paused to look at Ana, who had again placed a hand in my lap, where she was squeezing my erection through my sweats. "You tell me: Had Amy ever felt this before?"

"Once," she whispered, looking up at me. "Once when Dad was loving me. I mean her. Her Dad."

"Okay. Amy had only felt this once before, when her Dad had been loving her. She couldn't help but suck in her breath as he pushed his finger deeper inside her. She tried to squeeze it with her inside muscles to hold it back, but her butter-juice was so slippery that it just slid up into her. It went all the way up to the second knuckle of his middle finger. But to her it felt much larger and longer.

"He held his finger still until she relaxed a bit and started to breathe again. He twisted it around a little, then began sliding it out a little then back into her slippery hole. Her eyes still closed. she began to bob her head up and down in synch with him."

I paused to look at Ana, who had closed her eyes and stretched out her legs from the sofa. Her left hand kept a tight grip on my hardened dick, but her right hand was now rubbing her pussy slowly but firmly through her pants.

I continued. "Amy knew that a man's penis was a lot larger and longer than this, so she imagined she was feeling the smaller penis of a young boy whom she really liked. And she imagined that what she felt from the finger on her button was the boy's body somehow rubbing against her at the same time. She imagined that boy completely naked, no body hair, pushing his skinny little penis in and out of her buttery hole while his bare skin slid across the rest of her slit."

Ana, eyes closed, rubbed her own crotch harder, deeper, and lower through her pants. Her left hand renewed its grip on my stiff dick.

"The boy's arms wrapped around her tightly," I continued. "His hands rubbed her back and shoulders. He kissed her on the neck. He whispered that she was beautiful. He pushed into her deeper and faster. He rubbed on her button harder. It all got more slippery with more butter juice..."

"Ahh, AHH!" Ana gasped. Her hips jerked upward, her legs closed around her hand which pushed hard into her crotch. Her other hand did a death grip on my dick. I made myself bear it while I watched this little girl in the throes of what could be her first real orgasm.

I kept the story going. "The feelings in Amy's body grew and grew until they washed over her like a huge ocean wave, crashing into all parts of her insides at once. Her insides pulsed and gripped the young boys penis. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him and kissed him, until the wave had washed over her and receded back into the ocean. She opened her eyes, and took a deep breath. Her imaginary boy turned back into a man's hand."

I looked down at Ana, who was almost sliding off the sofa altogether. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. She just stared at me blankly for several seconds. Then she seemed to remember where she was and what she was doing. Her face turned deep red with embarrassment, but she also broke into a smile. The eased her grip on my dick, then relaxed her arm, legs, and hips from their tight spasms.

"Had she ever felt that before?" I asked. "I mean Amy."

Ana was breathing hard, like she had just finished a long run. "No," she huffed, "never."

"Amy had never felt such a thing before," I continued. "She looked up at the man who had just pulled his finger out of her hole. He was smiling at her. She smiled back, hanging from her rope.

"'What did you feel?' he asked her.

"'I felt every good feeling in the world all at once, and it exploded inside of me.'

"'But it didn't hurt? It didn't make you cry?'

"'No, it didn't. It felt good, it made me happy and filled me with love."

"'That's good,' he said. 'But it was not punishment.'

"'No,' she admitted, 'that did not feel like punishment."

"'Then it's time we got to that part.' Stan's hands, still inside Amy's panties, pushed them down, together with her open pants, to the top of her thighs. This was just enough to bare her entire bottom, and also her vagina. He paused a moment to stare at this beautiful girl, hanging helpless from a rope, unable to move, with her pants down to her legs, her shirt over her head, and her bra pushed up to her shoulders. The sight of her lovely young face, her preteen boobs, her smooth tan belly, her tight round ass, and her bald pussy still glistening with juice, was so beautiful all made his dick harder than he had ever known..."

"Mister P_____?" Ana interrupted.

"Yes, Ana?"

She cuddled up close to me. "May I ... umm, may I put my hand ... in here?" She tugged the waistband of my sweats, where my boner was trying to poke out.

"Yes, you may," I said. I stretched my legs out.

With how she was sitting next to me, she couldn't really angle her hand down into my pants. It was easier for her to just pull the waist down. When she did, my hard dick bounced free in front of her. I saw her eyes bulge before she wrapped her hand around the bare shaft.

"Go on," she insisted. "What happened next with Amy?"

"Amy was looking worried," I continued. "She knew it was time for her to finally get punished. She was not sure what Stan was going to do, except that he was going to do it to her bare bottom. And with her hands tied up and her feet tied down, she knew she could do nothing to stop him or get away.

"Stan looked into her face and saw the fright in her eyes. 'Don't worry,' he told her. 'You know that I love you.' He reached for her shirt that was pushed up over her head, He twisted it into a narrow band which he lowered down over her eyes . He tied the excess fabric into a knot behind her head. She was now blindfolded. She could see nothing except the shirt tight against her eyes. So she closed them.

"'You're going to spank my bare bottom?' she asked nervously.

"'No, Amy, I'm not.'

"What could that mean? she wondered. What was he going to do, if not spank her? She heard him walk over to the other room, them come back. She heard a swishing sound in the air, like someone swinging a stick.

"'I'm not going to spank you, Amy." Swoosh! went the sound again. "I'm going to whip you."


"A wave of fear swept over every her every nerve. "Wh- wh- What is that?" she stammered.

"Whap! She heard the sound a tiny fraction of a second before her bottom stung worse than a hundred bees all at once. "Ahh!' she shouted. The sting did not go away, but stayed there, burning her skin.

"'This is a teacher's rod,' he explained. 'Teachers in the old days used it on kids who were bad.'

"Whap! 'Aha!' she shouted again. The sting on her bottom doubled before the first one quit hurting.

"'Of course, the students would not have bare bottoms. This is made to hurt through pants. But you're a tough girl, aren't you?'

"Whap! The stinging just got worse and worse. She gritted her teeth and tried not to shout. But she had never felt anything like this. It was not a deep pain, not down into the muscle, but a sharp sting that stayed on the skin. She tensed the muscles of her bottom as hard as she could,

"'That's my girl,' Stan said calmly. 'Your tough, and tough girls don't cry, do they?'

"Whap! 'Ssskkk!' She sucked air in through tightly clenched teeth. The sting was just eating at her like a constant attack of hornets. Instinctively she tried to cover her bottom with her hands, but they were tied way above her head. Yet she still tried to move them. All she ended up doing was writhing about where she stood.

"Whap! 'Ahh!' she let out a yell while trying not to. She tried to move away, but her feet were clipped solidly to the plate she was standing on. She tried twisting around.

"Whap! This one landed on her hip, because she had turned part way around. It stung just as much, but at least the sting was not stacked on top of all the other stings.

"Stan took hold of her shoulder. 'So you want to turn around? See what happens when you do.' He turned her farther around. She could not see, but now she was facing away from the wall.

"Swoosh! She heard the sound and flinched, but nothing hit her.

"'Psyche,' laughed Stan. Whap! 'Ahhh!' Amy screamed in pain. This one fell across her budding boobs, catching the left one straight across the nipple.

"Amy could not see it, but every stroke of the rod left a red welt on her skin. It was not quite a bleeding cut, but it did rip through the top layer of skin, leaving her nerves screaming at her brain to stop the pain. So far, five red stripes sliced neatly across her beautiful, bare bottom, forming a pattern that looked a little like a game of Pick-Up Sticks. One cut a corner around her smooth, brown hip, and one sliced across her young chest, right across the middle of her left nipple. And she had no idea how many more stripes she had coming.

"Stan turned her by the shoulder again to face back to the wall. 'We're going to finish the rest of this part quickly now,' he told her. "Ten seconds, tops.'

"What did he mean by 'this part,' she wondered? Was there something more after this? She couldn't imagine what could be any worse.

"'Ready?' he asked. She nodded, and clenched every muscle in her body.

"Whap! She clenched her teeth and held her breath. Whap! two seconds later. 'Eeezh!' She tried to stay quiet. Whap! 'Mrrh!' Whap! 'Rrrrkk!' Whap! 'Gahk!' It took her every effort told hold back the screams and the tears rushing about her brain and body. Every stinging welt stacked up higher on top of the others. There were now ten bright red stripes criss-crossing the skin of this child's bottom, plus two others that still stung her hip and chest.

"She waited, body taut and tense, teeth clenched for the next blow. It did not come. 'Shhh. Relax,' whispered Stan.

"Her knees gave out beneath her. She would have collapsed entirely but for the rope that still held her arms in the air. She hung limply from her wrist cuffs.

"Stan's hands picked her up under her shoulders and lifted her back onto her feet. Standing up again made her butt muscles flex, which started the sting all over again making her writhe about in pain on her rope. 'Hold still,' he told her. 'Now you get some lotion.'

"Amy tried to stand still, but for some reason her left leg began to shake uncontrollably. She could not stop it, but she did manage to hold back the crying the begged to burst from her face.

"It stung a little at first, but the cool lotion that Stan's hand gently spread over her bottom really did ease the greater sting of her welts. After he had covered her entire bottom, he applied some to the stripes on her hip and across her chest. Then he went back and lovingly applied more to each stripe again.

"She didn't even realize how much her shoulders here hurting until Stan loosened her rope enough that she could drop her hands down the chest height. She used them to wipe away the tears she had been holding back since the first stroke of the rod. She relaxed as the blood flowed back through her shoulders, and the pain in her bottom subsided."


Ana looked up at me. She had been squirming in her seat as she listened. She was still stroking my hard dick in her hand. "But she didn't cry?" she asked.

"She did not cry," I answered. "She really was a very tough girl."

"But if she didn't cry," Ana asked, "that means her punishment wasn't over?"

"That's exactly what Amy was thinking," I answered. "She had been holding back her screams and her tears like a tough girl. But she wondered if she had just cried out from the beginning, would it all be over? And now that she had endured being whipped with the rod, did she still have more punishment to face? So she asked him. 'Am I done yet?'

"Stan lifted the blindfold off of her head. He looked at her face which had endured so much pain without crying. He knew then that he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone in the entire world. He wanted to kiss her and take away all her pain. He wanted to dress her in pretty clothes and play fun games with her. He wanted to cook her more meals and watch more cartoons with her.

"But first they had to finish the task in front of them. They both knew that she had stolen a lot of money and lied about it, and that she had to be properly punished so that she could become a good girl. And it was not proper punishment if it didn't make her cry. And so far she had not cried.

"Stan poured a fresh cup of cold water, put a straw in it, and offered it to her. She drank and drank, just now realizing how thirsty she had become. It was refreshing, and gave her new strength. But still she wondered.

"'What else do I have to take?' Amy asked.

"'I will make you cry,' Stan answered. 'I know you're a tough girl, but what we do next will make you cry. I promise.' he left her and walked into the back bedroom.

"Amy's wrist cuffs were now hanging just in front of her face. She knew she could easily unclip them and be free. She could undo the clips, pull up her pants, run away, and not have to face any more punishment. But she also knew that doing that would make her a bad girl. She wanted desperately to be a good girl. And she knew that Stan loved her so much that he would do anything to help her to be good. So she waited for him to return.

"He did return shortly. He had something in his hand, and he did not hide it from her. He held it up to show it to her. It was a very thick and heavy leather belt. It looked like something a motorcycle biker or a weightlifter might wear. It was as thick as her finger, and as wide as her hand. It had holes punched in it. There was a buckle at one end, and the other end was just heavy leather with more holes in it.

"'You will get twenty hard swats with this belt,' he told her. 'That will make you cry, and then your punishment will be finished.'

"She looked at it with total fear in her eyes. She knew this was more than she could take. She might be able to take one hit, or even two or three. But there was no way she could withstand twenty heavy hits from this belt.

"But as he untied the rope, and pulled her hands back up high above her head, she knew there was nothing for her to do. She had agreed to be punished, and now she had no choice but to be properly punished.

"When her hands were raised high above her head, and he had tied the rope onto the hitch, he put his face close to her ear, and whispered quietly, "I love you, more than anyone in the world." This made a warm feeling of love flow through the nerves and blood of her body. She felt this would surely ease what was to come.

"This time, he did not blindfold her. She looked down and watched as he took hold of her pants and yanked them all the way down to her ankles. Then he pulled her panties down just as far. Her young body was now naked from shoulders to ankles. The sight of her bare belly and juvenile pussy made his dick leap. But he was concentrating on the twin, round globes of her firm bottom, which stuck out at him in the way she was standing in her trap. This was where he was going to concentrate the harshest punishment he had ever dealt into a young girl who could not possibly withstand it."

"He looked into her eyes and asked her, 'Are you ready?'

I looked down at Ana. She was looking up at me with her eyes as wide as could be. I asked her, "Was she ready?"

Ana hesitated. She looked genuinely frightened. But after a moment, she spoke.

"Y- Yes. She's ready." She curled up tight against me on the sofa, and tightened her grip on my hard dick. With her other hand, she stuck her thumb into her mouth, and began to suck it like a little child.

I continued the story. "'I'm ready,' whispered Amy. She drew her breath in deep, tensed up her bottom, and clenched her teeth. 'Ready.'

"She waited. One, two, three seconds seemed like forever. When would it start? Could she keep count?

"POW! Her entire body exploded in heavy pain. The blow that landed on her bottom did not just sting her skin, but drove through her deepest muscles, right into her bones. Her thoughts shattered into flying burst of light and pain.

"'Aahwww!!!' she cried loudly. Her lungs emptied, and her knees collapsed. She was once again hanging solely from her wrists.

"POW! POW! POW! The blows crashed into her one after another. Each one alone was beyond what her body could absorb. POW! POW! She could not count them. She flailed wildly, trying in vain to move away from the blows.

"'Haaawww! Haaawww!' she screamed with her mouth wide open. Her chest heaved. Tears began to flow freely from her eyes, down her cheeks, and into her open mouth. Her eyebrows folded up with sorrow. Her nose began to run.

"POW! POW! POW! He kept the blows coming as hard and as fast as he could deliver them. POW! POW! POW!

"'Haaawww! Haaawww! Haaawww!" she could not stop screaming and crying as loud as her lungs were able. Her tongue hung out of her wailing and drooling mouth. Her eyes bulged as they flowed with tears. She did not even try to hold back, because she could not even hold a thought in her brain.

"POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! The blows kept crashing into her bottom, bursting through the deepest parts of her entire body. Her muscles screamed. Her skeleton raged. Her mind completely blanked out in blinding light. She could not even try to move from the blows. She just hung there as they came.


"'Uuuuuhhhh! Uuuuuuuhhhh!' Her screams quieted to sobs as her lungs ran out of strength. Tears continued to stream from her blood red eyes, rolling off of her chin. Her nose was running snot into her gaping mouth. She dangled there from her rope, bawling, waiting for the next blows to fall.

"But no more blows came. She was finished."

Ana still had a grip on my dick, but had stopped stroking it. She stared up at me, eyes wide with astonishment. "She cried."

"Yes, she cried as hard as she possibly could. She was a very tough girl, but everyone has a breaking point. And there was nothing she could do but to feel the pain, and to cry."

"What if she had told him to stop? Would he have stopped?"

"If she had wanted to quit, he would have stopped with only the light punishment. But she had really made her decision when she put her cuffs on."

"But she was a good girl now?"

"Oh, I think she was really a good girl from the beginning. But now she knew it. And she would never try to steal again."


Ana Pt 4 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/07(Thu)03:56 No. 27123

tags preteen sex

"Oh, I think she was really a good girl from the beginning. But now she knew it. And she would never try to steal again."


Ana resumed stroking my dick. "What happened then? Did he love her afterwards?

"Amy hung limply from her rope. She could not stand. She could not even think. She could not focus on whoever was releasing the rope and easing her down. She continued to bawl as unknown hands laid her gently out on the floor. She cried as somebody, somehow, wiped the tears and snot from her face. She began to breathe again as somebody smoothed cool lotion onto her bottom. She began to settle down as somebody lifted her and carried her away. She regained her senses as someone laid her out onto a soft bed and began to remove the cuffs from her wrists and ankles.

"He pulled her shirt and bra up over her head and off of her arms. Ana moaned softly as she moved her arms about, getting the blood to flow through her shoulders again.

"Then he pulled off her jeans and panties that were bundled around her ankles. He watched her as she eased her legs apart, curled them up to her waist, then stretched them out wide again.

"When she had moved her limbs enough to feel comfortable again, she spread her arms and legs out wide, and gazed at him. 'Do you love me?' she asked.

"He stared down at her naked, brown body stretched out across the bed. From her beautiful face with its tousled, short hair, to her smooth midriff with her boobs that had flattened when she lay down, to her legs, spread wide apart, that joined together by her bald slit the was just barely opened up, to her bare feet with light-colored soles and toes stretched apart.

"He put his face up close to hers and whispered quietly into her ear, 'Yes, I love you very much.' He kissed her softly on the cheek.

"She turned her head to look at his smiling face, and she smiled back at him. She put her hands up to his face to touch him softly. Then she took hold of his face with both hands, pulled him to her, and kissed him on the lips.

"'Then love me now,' she whispered.

"And he did."

Ana squeezed tighter into my side. She was stroking my dick harder and faster. With my arm around her, I placed my hand on her round butt and squeezed.

"'Tell me how he loved her,' she cooed.

"Well, he didn't want her to have to move very much, because he knew that she must be very sore from her punishment. So he quietly told her to lie still and close her eyes.

"She felt him get up from beside her in the bed, and move around to her feet. She heard him remove his own clothes and drop them to the floor. Then he climbed onto the bed between her wide-spread feet.

"He placed a hand under each of her knees and lifted them, and pushed them apart. She thought he was going to climb on top of her. But instead, he wrapped his arms under her legs, and placed his hands on her belly. She felt his breath on her thighs as he lowered his head into her crotch. She felt the stubble of his whiskers tickle her sensitive skin. She felt his tongue begin to lick the slit of her pussy.

"A wave of electricity flowed through her entire body as his tongue slipped across her button. She tried to push her hips up into his face, but the soreness in her behind told her that she'd best just lay still and let him do the work. She kept her eyes closed as she felt her tiny button react to his licking and sucking. His tongue swirled around it in circles, then across this way and that, then his lips squeezed hers in a kiss. She felt her warm butter juice filling her slit as her lips swelled and opened up.

"She gasped as she felt his finger once again push into her slit, smearing her slippery juice up and down her lips. She held her breath for just a moment as he pushed it up into her hole, up to the second knuckle. She couldn't help but squeeze it with her inner muscles, even if they were sore.

"She began to breath heavily as the good feelings swirled through her body and brain. His tongue now concentrated on one motion, sliding up and down directly over her button. His finger pushed upward inside of her, towards her bare pubic mound, where it found what felt like the other side of her button.

"She couldn't help stretching and flexing as the feelings grew and built up. She wrapped her legs around his neck and back. Her nerves began to sing. Her nipples hardened. Her legs squeezed. Her pussy pulsed. Her eyes rolled. Her lungs filled. Her mind and body burst with light as the wave of orgasm flowed through her, from her pussy to her head and back.

"'Ohhh oh hohoho!' Her moan turned into a laugh as her orgasm turned into a tickle on her button. She wiggled her hips as he pressed his tongue tight into her pussy. Then she relaxed as it all subsided within her. Her eyes opened. His tongue came off of her.

"But his finger remained inside of her. She felt him begin to twist it about, then slide it out and back into her, spreading her slippery juices as it opened her hole up wider. She gasped as he pushed it in deeper, all the way up to the last knuckle. He continued to twist it and push it in and out and back in.

"Then he removed his finger from her entirely. But then he rubbed another finger in her slippery juice. Before she could wonder what he was doing, she felt her hole being opened wider as pushed two fingers inside of her. She had never been stretched like this before. He pushed and twisted his fingers as one. She couldn't help but hump back onto his hand as her inner muscles squirmed and pulsed.

"Then he slowly removed his hand from her body. She watched him as he stood up on his knees, pushed her knees farther apart, and stared at the pussy hole that was now wide open and dripping with juice between her smooth, brown legs. She stared at the full length of his dick as he smeared it with her juices from his fingers.

"She knew that he had been getting her ready for something. And there was only one thing that could be.

"'Are you going to fuck me?' she asked quietly.

"He gazed into her eyes. 'Do you want me to fuck you?'

"Her mind quivered. Once again, she had been given a big girl's choice. Just like choosing to put the cuffs on herself, she knew there would be no turning back. But she had already decided.

"'F- f- fuck me,' she stammered. 'I want you to.'

"He leaned forward over her flattened chest and placed gentle kisses onto each of her tiny but erect nipples. She reached out to touch his cheeks with shaking hands. She stared into his eyes as his face closed with hers. She closed her eyes as their lips met in a kiss. He did not try to push his tongue into her, but simply caressed her lips with his.

"Being quite a bit taller than her, he had to break off their kiss to slide his hips up to hers. She winced a little as her sore bones complained about spreading her legs wider. She looked over his muscular chest and abs as he held his upper body up by his arms.

"She felt a thrill as his hard dick made contact with her pussy. But he didn't push it in right away. Instead he lay it along her slit, and slid it back and forth in her juices. She had gotten to really like getting her button pushed, but getting it rubbed in slippery juice by this man's dick was another level entirely. She humped her pussy back up into him, ignoring the soreness in her pelvis. She was now completely hungry and ready for him, and he knew it.

"'I'm giving you one last chance to back out of this,' he told her as he stopped rubbing against her. 'If you want this, then guide me into you with your hand.'

"This was not a decision she had to make again. She already knew how much she wanted this, and she wasn't about to change her mind now. So she reached down between them, where he had just lifted his hips off of hers. Her fingers grasped his erect dick, the bottom side now covered in her juices. She felt it jump a little in her hand. She adjusted her hips one more time before touching the smooth tip of his dick to her slit. Then she slid it down her slippery skin until it was poised right at her entrance.

"'You ready?' he whispered."

I looked down at Ana, who was curled up beside me, looking up at me, and hanging on every word of my story.

"What do you think, Ana? Was she ready?"

Ana nodded silently, and squirmed a bit in her seat. With her hand, she was moving my dick around like she was Amy putting it in position.

"Amy nodded silently," I continued.

"It took only a slight push for the head of his dick to pop inside of her. 'Ahss!' she gasped. She was surprised at how easily she opened wide enough to accept this intruder. It did sting a fair deal as she was stretched out, but that was nothing compared to the stinging she had already taken that afternoon.

"He held still there, for a minute, with the head just inside her, to give her a moment to get used to it. He eased out of her, but then pushed the tip right back in, just barely enough to be inside her. And again, he pulled the tip out and pushed it back in, just barely.

"Amy was starting to enjoy this feeling, now that she was getting used to the stretching. She could tell that her vagina was pushing out more juice, making it much easier on both of them. But she wondered to herself, Isn't this supposed to go deeper inside?

"As if he were reading her thoughts, he slowly but firmly slid into her by another couple of inches. 'Hssht!' she said as she clenched her teeth and sucked air in. Now she had the sense of something large going deep inside her.

"Again, he held still for a few moments, allowing her to adjust to this new feeling. Once she relaxed again, he slid it out to the tip, then back in. He continued this a few more times. Her juices spread around him as he did. She was being stretched like she had only imagined, but it was no longer too bad. Her lips still stung a little at the entrance, but what she felt from his dick sliding within her completely overwhelmed that. She was really starting to like this fucking thing.

"Then he held still, motionless, inside of her. 'Are you ready for this?' he asked.

"'Ready for what?'

"With one more push, his dick slid effortlessly all the way inside of her, until it pushed on what must be the very bottom end of her hole. 'Ahahh!' she softly cried. She had no idea just how deep her pussy really went. But now she had a full grown man pushed all the way inside, stretching her out deeper than she thought possible.

"Again he held still there, allowing her to get used to it. She glanced down between them where their hips almost met. She could see that his dick was not entirely inside her, maybe only halfway or a little more. At least a couple inches had not gone inside. She wondered how she was going to handle this extra length when he was already pushing against her back wall.

"'It's okay," he said, again as if reading her thoughts. "I won't put it all the way inside you. You're too small for that.'

"Part of her felt relieved. But part of her also felt disappointed. In a back corner of her mind, she wondered how old she would have to get before she could take his full length completely inside her. She knew he had had adult girlfriends before (including her own teacher), so she hoped she wasn't going to be a big disappointment to him. She loved him, and she truly wanted to give him everything she could.

"But those thoughts evaporated as began sliding in and out of her full depth. Though her entrance still stung a little, she absolutely loved the feeling of his dick sliding along her inner walls. It wasn't quite the same as when he touched her button, but this somehow felt more deeply satisfying.

"She tried moving her hips to fuck him back at the same time, but she felt just a little too sore, and also thought she might mess up the rhythm he was getting into. So instead, she wrapped her legs around him, feeling his bare butt with the soles of her feet. Her hands she stroked around on his chest. She tried to wrap her arms his bare body, but he was still holding himself up at arm's length so she could not quite reach around him.

"'Kiss me,' she begged. Because of their height difference, he had to hunch his back a bit to do this. But their lips met again, and her arms slid around his neck and pulled him to her with strength that surprised him. She couldn't help but open her mouth as they kissed. He took this as an invitation to push his tongue into her. She had never tongue-kissed before, but she quickly found herself tongue-wrestling with him in between both their mouths.

"He lifted on hand off the bed, placed it on her tiny boob, and began squeezing and pinching her erect nipple. This sent an extra surge of excitement through her. Her mind swam in a sea of feelings from her chest being grabbed, her mouth being kissed, every inch of her skin that touched this man, and above all her pussy being fucked deeper and better than she had ever imagined could happen.

"That was when she began to throb and spasm from the innermost depths of her body, where she was being fucked most deeply. This sent completely new but wonderful sensations coursing through her body and brain. It was kind of like the orgasm she got from getting her button rubbed, she thought, but different. This was more subtle, but deeper. She felt her muscles contracting around him, pushing out warm juice that flowed out from her pussy and rolled down her skin into the crack of her bottom.

"She squeezed him tightly, with all her strength. She pulled him into her with her legs, her arms, and her tongue, as the muscle spasms deep inside her pussy crested and flowed through her entire body. She released her mouth from his as she moaned with closed eyes, 'Ohhh! Ohhhhh!'"

Cuddling beside me on the sofa, Ana was now stroking my dick with more strength and vigor. I continued the story.

"She rode this wave of passion as he kept fucking her as deeply as her young body would allow. Even as her own spasms subsided, Stan seemed to be building his own wave. Their tongues were no longer intertwined, he released his grip on her boob, and collapsed onto her body with his full length and weight. She was completely trapped under this grown man's body that continued to fuck her to her full depth. His head was well above hers, and her own face was now buried in his chest.

"His arms slithered under hers and firmly gripped both her shoulders from underneath. His breathing grew heavier as he fucked her faster and harder. His dick began to slam into her back wall over and over, with more and more force. His grip around her shoulders tightened as he sped up. She flung her head back with her mouth wide open in a silent moan. She felt she could not take any harder pounding on her inner walls.

"Suddenly he changed his rhythm. He slowed down, but his breathing got deeper. One, two, three times he pushed long deep strokes into her. Then he stopped, holding perfectly still, as deeply into her as he could force himself. His arms shook. He threw his own head back. 'Ah! Hahh!' he grunted.

"She felt his dick begin to pulsate. A new warmth flowed deep into her body. She knew it must be coming from him. She had heard of sperm before, but she had no idea how it worked. Now she knew he was filling her with it. But she felt it overflowing from her, flowing down her butt cheeks along with her own juices."

I had to pause the story at this point. Ana was now jerking my dick furiously, and I felt myself about to go over the top. I pushed my hips up, and my pants farther down. My arm that was wrapped around her instinctively reached under her shirt. My hand slid up her belly. My fingers pushed aside her little bra and squeezed a small handful of her juvenile boob and nipple.

That was enough. My dick began to jerk and pump. I threw my head back and spurted cum onto my own shirt, then dripped a bunch more onto her fist as she slowed her stroking. Apparently, she had learned from someone when to stop stroking a dick.

"'Like that?' she asked, looking at me for approval.

"'Exactly like that," I chuckled as I relaxed.

She stopped stroking me, but kept her grip on my dick. I kept my grip on her boob. "Keep going," she demanded. I realized that she meant the story.

"'Hah!' he grunted once more, with one more thrust into her back wall. Then he relaxed, and eased his grip on her shoulders. With his arms, he lifted his chest up off of her. They locked eyes again. They both smiled. He lowered his face to hers, and their lips met again in a very sweet kiss.

"He lifted his face from hers and gazed into her eyes. 'I love you,' he whispered. As if to emphasize the point, he began fucking her again with his still hard dick, for perhaps another ten seconds. Then he pulled himself out of her. She was mildly embarrassed at the slurping noise the resulted, and she felt a fresh flow of warm fluids from her pussy roll into her butt.

"He got up off of her, onto his knees. He gazed at her naked, little body, legs wide open, freshly fucked, with a variety of sex fluids dripping from her. She was worried that she must look very silly right now. But to him, she was the most beautiful sight in the entire world.

"'Don't move,' he said. 'I'll be right back.' He hopped off the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom. In a minute, he came back, rubbing his dick with a washcloth. He handed another warm, wet washcloth to her. 'Here,' he said, 'wipe yourself off.'"


At this point, bright Ana got the clue. She hopped up off of the couch, ran into the kitchen, and returned with some paper towels. She proceeded to wipe the white goo off of her and me both, while I continued with the story.

"'You can stay if you like,' Stan told her, 'but you might need to go soon if you want to get home before your Mom."

"She looked at the clock on the side table. 'I've got a little time,' she said, 'but yeah, I think you're right. May I please rinse off in your shower?'

"'Of course you may,' he answered. 'But try to keep your hair dry, so your mother won't know that you just showered.'

"So she climbed out of the bed. She needed a little help to stand up, because she was just realizing how sore her pelvis was. But she limped into the shower once Stan got the water warmed up but flowing gently. She rinsed herself off, then stood in the flowing water for a couple of minutes, letting the warmth flow over her sore places. He told her that she could pee in the shower, so that she wouldn't have to sit on the toilet just yet. Then she dried of with a fresh towel that Stan handed her.'

"He applied some fresh lotion onto her bottom, then helped her get her clothes back on. As they left the bedroom, he saw that she was still walking rather stiffly. 'You're Mom might ask you why you're limping.'

"She stretched her legs a bit to loosen them up. 'I'll tell her that I slipped on the sidewalk and fell on my butt. It'll be okay.'

"'Do you have some ibuprofen tabs at home? Take two tonight, then two tomorrow morning. A hot bath will help, too.'

"'Yeah I think we have some,' she said. 'Thanks. Oh! Hey, one more thing before I go.' She beckoned him close to her face. He bent down to listen.

"She planted a short but sweet kiss on his cheek. 'I love you too, Stan.' Then she turned to go. 'And you, too, Stannie!' She waved at the dog on his blanket.

"'Maaaow!' The cat came out from down the hall. 'Maaaow!'

"'Oh, and I love cats, too! What's it's name?'

I turned to Ana on the couch. "What's the cat's name?"

"What's your cat's name?" she asked back.


"Then Stan's cat is named... Shady."

"'His name is Shady,' replied Stan. 'And I don't know why he's being so loud.'

"'Give me a moment,' Amy said. 'I speak Cat.'

"Stan was surprised as she knelt down (slowly, because she was still sore) to speak with Shady.

"'Meow,' said Amy.

"'Maaaow!' Shady replied loudly.

"'Meow meow?' she asked.

"'Maoow.' Shady ran back down the hall.

"Stan helped Amy stand up again. 'What'd he say?' he laughed.

"She looked at him as if he should already understand. 'Silly!' she said. 'He's wondering what happened to his litter box.' She turned to go.

"'Oh! Right! Gotta take care of that.' He waved to her as she headed out the door. 'Goodbye.'

"'Goodbye! See you tomorrow!' She was still walking a bit awkwardly, but she was across the lawn before Stan realized what she had just said.

Ana laughed. "She spoke Cat! That's funny. But did her Mom find out?"

"No," Sam answered. "Amy got home before her Mom, and spread some old homework out on the kitchen table. When her Mom came home, she was happy to see Amy hard at work on it. But Mom was tired from work, so she heated of some leftovers for both of them, then asked Amy to take care of the dishes while Mom took a shower and went to bed.

"Amy cleaned up the kitchen and put her homework away. She listened for her Mom to finish with the shower, then saw the light under her door go out as Mom went to bed.

"Amy went to her room and took off her clothes to prepare for a hot bath. She took a look at her sore bottom in the mirror. It was looking pretty bruised, but nothing she couldn't hide. The bath would feel good, then she would find the ibu pills.

"It was when she was putting her clothes into the dirty clothes basket that she noticed something poking out of the back pocket. She pulled on it, and was astonished to find five neatly folded twenty dollar bills.

"She whispered to herself, 'Thanks, Stan.'

"The End."

Amy and I gazed silently at each other for maybe a full minute. Then she shifted her gaze to the far wall.

At last she spoke. "Stan? Um, I mean Sam?"


She was still looking at the far wall. "Was that story about me?"

"No," I replied. "That story was about Amy, who is a make-believe girl. You are a real girl."

"But, what I mean is," she turned back to me, "Will Amy's story happen to me?"

"No, I don't think so. I mean, maybe it could, but I doubt it. Amy made a lot of choices. I don't believe you would make those same choices."

She sat upright. "Like what choices?"

"Well," I began, "First you would have to choose to come back here at the usual time, say tomorrow, even after you've been warned in the story what could happen.

"Second, you would have to choose to steal a hundred dollars out of my wallet," I picked up the wallet from the tray and showed her that it did indeed contain several twenties, "after you've been warned in the story what could happen.

"Third, you would have to choose to voluntarily put the cuffs on yourself, after you've been warned in the story what could happen.

"Fourth, you would have to choose NOT to tell me to stop when it hurts, after you've been warned in the story what could happen."

The trace of a smile drained from her face.

"Finally," I leaned close in to her and said quietly, "you would have to choose to guide my penis into your vagina with your own hand, after you've been warned in the story what could happen."

She looked shaken. Her eyes widened but looked away from me. Her hands trembled.

"Don't worry," I said. "I just don't picture all those things happening."

She sat still another minute, visibly shivering.

I placed my arms around her and hugged her tight. She flinched at first, but then warmed up and hugged me back. Her trembling settled down.

"I- I- I think maybe I'd better go now, Mister P_____. Mom will be home soon." She picked up her shoes and socks and walked to the door. "Goodbye, Mister P_____. Thank you for the lunch. And the story."

"Goodbye, Ana." I waved. "Thanks for coming over."

Halfway out the door, she stopped and turned.

"Mister P_____?"

"Yes Ana?"

"Be sure you have a condom."

Her short, dark hair bounced as she trotted out across the yard.



Mikey Pt 4 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/16(Sat)04:27 No. 27131

Back to the story of Mikey and Me.
This chapter follows sequentially after Mikey Pt 3, which is also called "Eddie".

Mikey Pt 4, in which Mikey informs Josh that they will have to stop seeing each other.

Tags: mb bi oral anal teen preteen


"I'm not supposed to be here."


Mikey had called my house just a few minutes ago, to see if I was home. "Can I come over?"

I hadn't seen him in over a month, since before school started again. The last time I had gone over to his place, he looked really nervous but would not explain beyond, "You can't come visit me. Mom says so." I assumed that she had become suspicious of our playtime activities. I was sure that must be because she had noticed Eddie's underwear on the floor of our Clubhouse last time I was there. Just how much did she know?

"Yes, please, come over!" It was Saturday afternoon, and my Mom had already checked out for the weekend to hang with her boyfriend. I had the house to myself until Sunday evening, barring any surprises.

Mikey must have hurried, because it was less than three minutes later when the doorbell rang.

I had barely flung the door open when we were hugging each other tightly, strongly, like we just never wanted to let go. Our arms wrapped around shoulders and waists with real force for a good long time. Oh how I had missed him! I had been hoping to see him once more before my school started up again. I looked for him at the neighborhood playground and the pool, but hadn't seen Mikey for weeks. And I couldn't see him at school because he was home-schooled.

I pushed him back by the shoulders so I could see his face. His sparkling eyes locked onto mine and his cheeks pulled into a wide grin. I know mine did the same. I looked him up and down at arms' length. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a picture of Elton John, blue swim trunks, and well-worn blue flip-flops. He carried a small, zippered backpack.

"I've missed you," I whispered.

He looked into my eyes for maybe five full seconds, then, without a word, reached his hands around my head and pulled my face into his. Our lips smashed together as our arms wrapped around each other with real force.

I went with him, letting him kiss me good, while also wondering if any neighbors could see us. He sensed my hesitation and let me go.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. Come inside." We stepped in and I closed the door. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in so long!"

"I'm not supposed to be here," he answered. "My Mom doesn't want us to visit any more."

"Why not?" I was fairly sure that I already knew. Did she know or suspect that we were getting naked?

"She won't really tell me. But she did say once that you might be a 'bad influence' on me." He drew quote marks in the air with his fingers around those two words.

"I came over to your place twice," I said. "Both times she told me you weren't home. I got the feeling she didn't want me visiting anymore."

"I think you're right. She's acted kinda weird towards me lately, too." Mikey shook his head. "Taking me to church like three times a week. Started me on some teen counseling program with the church's Youth Leader, and I'm not even a teen yet. So yeah, I think she suspects something between us. But she won't come right out and say it."

We stared into each others eyes. We both realized that we couldn't keep seeing each other, at least not like we had been. His eyes began to tear up and turn red. I felt mine doing the same. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. We embraced in the most heartfelt hug I had ever felt.

"So what are you doing here now, if you can't be here?" I asked, finally releasing him.

He looked down for a moment. "Let's sit down." I gestured to the sofa. We both sat and faced each other. He set his backpack on the floor. I put my hand on his knee. He placed one hand on mine.

"So what's up?" I asked. "You're not supposed to be here."

"My Mom had to go help Aunt Sandy out. Seems she's kind of a wreck right now, after losing her family and all. Mom said she'll be back late tonight. She also said I could go swimming at the pool, so yeah I'm at the pool right now, if anyone asks."

"Well, I'm glad you came over here. I've missed you." I squeezed his knee.

"I've missed you too, Josh." He squeezed my hand back. "I'm really happy to see you again. But I need to talk to you about something."

There was a quiver, a shaking in his voice that worried me. "About what?"

He paused for several seconds. I waited patiently for him to pull his thoughts together. He drew a long breath, then let it out as a sigh. He looked at me with moist eyes.

"So I said my Mom suspects something is up between us. She's not going to let us see each other. And I don't see how we're going to ever change her mind. Especially since she's right."

"She is right," I admitted, "if that's what she thinks."

"She may be a bit overboard with her Christianity," he said, "but she's not dumb. Trust me, I've learned that. I mean, I can get a lie past her now and then. You've seen that. But keeping this, us, from her, once she suspects? That's not gonna work. Josh." He gripped my hand harder, "We can't keep seeing each other." A tear spilled out of one eye, down his cheek.

I knew he was right. I had been rolling this whole situation around in my head for the past month, and could find no other answer. I had thought of dozens of possible lies we could tell. Plenty of excuses that wouldn't work. Every possible and even impossible course of action we could or could not take. I considered going back to just being regular friends like we used to be. I even imagined how we could possibly "bump off" his Mom, which of course I knew was beyond silliness. Mikey was absolutely right, and I knew it.

A pain grew in my chest that I just could not ignore. My face screwed up into some miserable shape as I broke into tears. I threw my arms around him. He did the same. We squeezed together tightly as we sobbed over each other's shoulder.

"What am I gonna do without you, Mikey?" I whispered into his ear.

He leaned back and looked at me. "That's what I'm here to talk about." He wiped his eyes with his fingers. "It's time for you to take a girlfriend."

That was a surprising thing to hear from him. "A girlfriend? Who?"

"Katie ____ would be the obvious choice, I think. Everyone knows she likes you."

"How do you know that?" I asked, though I thought it was obvious, too.

"Me and the other kids see how she messes with you at the playground, and at the pool, too. Eddie told you that he knew. Not like it's a secret or anything."

And here I thought it was a secret. But I still didn't understand. "So why do you want me to take her as a girlfriend. I mean like, go steady with her or what?"

"Yeah, I think you should," he said. "For one, we can't be... umm... close friends anymore. And I want you to be happy. Have someone to hug and kiss. Maybe she'll even fuck you, I don't know. And for two, if Eddie starts telling people that we're gay lovers, having a real girlfriend would be a good... umm, what's the word? Rebuttal? A good answer to prove that you're not gay."

"Mikey..." I really didn't know what to say. This kid was wise beyond his young age. He could give me so much to think about, a week's worth of things to consider, in just a few short sentences. That was surely one reason I liked him so much.

See, southern Arizona in this era was not a place that was real friendly nor tolerant of gay people, especially in junior high school. Just a rumor that you were gay could mean the end of all friendships, becoming a social pariah, and possibly getting the shit kicked out of you regularly. Even worse if it was actually proven to be true.

Mikey was looking out for me.

"And what about you?" I wanted the same for him.

"The kids in this neighborhood? Almost none of them that I care about, besides you." That made me blush. "I'm home schooled, you know, and I can avoid all of them easily. I have a whole 'nother circle of friends with my church, so it's not like I don't have any friends. So I'm not worried about Eddie starting rumors or anything."

"Won't you want someone to love and hug and kiss, too?"

"I'll always love you, Josh, even if we can't hug and kiss." This made a warm feeling run up my spine. "But I can take care of myself. I often do, anyways."

"What about that girl Allison?" I asked. "Eddie said that she likes you."

Mikey thought a moment. "Maybe he's right. I don't know. Allison is cute, and I wouldn't mind kissing on her. I think she's too young to fuck, but that's okay with me. Umm, I mean it's okay that I don't fuck her."

"She's about the same age as Michelle," I suggested.

Mikey chuckled. "Yeah, but she's not Michelle. At least I don't think so. I don't really know, but I wouldn't assume so. Michelle is one of a kind. Allison seems... sweeter. More innocent."

"Yeah," I agreed, "you're probably right. Still, you two would make a cute couple, I think."

"Cute?" Mikey laughed. "Maybe you're right. I might have to have a chat with her."

We looked at each other silently for several seconds, until I spoke up. "So where does that leave us?"

Mikey smiled and picked up his backpack. "We have about five or six hours left."


Within seconds we were bounding up the stairs, down the short hallway, and into my room. Door locked behind us, we threw arms around each other and kissed with our lips while trying to wrestle each other's t-shirts off.

As soon as our t-shirts fell to the floor, he ran his hands around my chest, feeling my nipples as they became stiff and pointy. I shoved my hands down the back of his swim trunks to feel and squeeze his tight buns. We ground our hips together. Both our dicks were already as stiff as any horny boys' had ever been once they knew they were about to have sex.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I stopped and looked at him. "Game on?"

"Forget the game," he answered. "I don't want to play it."

"You don't? What do you mean?"

He leaned in close to me. "You don't need to pretend I'm a girl now. I don't want you to pretend. Just fuck me for real, Josh. Me, Mikey. Your boyfriend. Just play with me like it's the last time you'll ever get to play with me. That's what I want from you."

I held him back at arm's length and looked at him from top to bottom. Everything about him was just gorgeous: his tossled blond hair, his shiny green eyes, his sun-freckled cheeks, his slightly chapped lips, his peeling shoulders, his strong pecs, his flat belly, his cute innie button, his swim trunks sticking straight out at me where they completely failed to hide his stiff boner. My God, this boy was beautiful.

I wanted that dick in my mouth right now. "Can I suck you first?" I asked eagerly.

"Of course you can."

I pushed him backwards about two feet until his back was up against the closet door. Then I dropped to my knees in front of him. I placed three or four light kisses on the stretched-out part of his swim trunks. They bounced happily around under my lips.

I tugged on the string at the front of his waistband. The bow knot came undone. With both hands, I pulled the front of the waistband out and down. My delight and eagerness grew as the head of his dick popped out in front of me, followed by his stiff shaft, his bare hips, and then his tight little ball sack. Finally, I just yanked the trunks all the way down his peach-fuzzed legs to his ankles.

For about ten seconds, I paused to gape at his beautiful dick pointing straight up and out at me, surrounded by white hips below his tan line and a wisp of light brown pubic hair. Then I placed both my hands around him onto his butt cheeks, leaned forward, and took him as deep into my mouth as he could go. His young dick was not real big, smaller than my own, so I could pretty much take it all the way in, with a little effort.

So many times I've laid in bed, or just sat around daydreaming about having Mikey's dick in my mouth. I would think of all the different ways he could come in my mouth: spilt on the edge of my lips, injected deep into the back of my throat, or laid down somewhere in between onto my tongue, dribbling his juice out of my mouth or swallowing it down. I might sense when he was about to come, ready to count how many times his dick pulses inside my mouth before he squirts, or else being completely surprised by his glob of warm boy goo popping into my face, sudden and unexpected.

I had imagined how quickly I might put him over the top, using the very best technique I could come up with. I also thought about stretching it out, giving him ongoing pleasure for who-knows-how-long until he couldn't stand it anymore and my own mouth would be sore from working him so long.

He said we had several hours left, and that it would be our last time together. I wanted to stretch it out for both of us to enjoy for as long as possible. But I also wanted to give him the very best feeling I could give. And I was in pure heaven having my hungry lips and tongue all over Mikey's hard, gorgeous dick.

"Ohh! That's good." he moaned softly. I rolled my eyeballs up to see his face as he tilted his head back onto the closet door. His hands gripped the back of my head, fingers digging into my hair. I was about to start sliding up and down his dick, but he instinctively began fucking into my face before I did. So I just formed my mouth, lips, and tongue into the best fuck hole I could make for him. My lips formed a tight, slippery ring around his humping shaft, while my tongue slid along his underside where I knew those nerves that mean everything were concentrated.

Yes, I could have done this for a very long time. But we were both so lost in our passion that we didn't care. He began to hump harder and faster into my face. I rolled my tongue and squeezed my lips around his pumping dick as best I could.

My hands felt his buns tighten up. I saw his belly heave in and out. He turned his face down to look at mine. His fingers gripped forcefully into my hair.

"Oh Josh! Oh Josh! Ah-hah!" He squeezed his eyes hard closed. With my hands on his butt I pulled him as far into me as I could. The tip of his pulsing dick hit the back of my mouth as I tried not to gag.

Blap! went the first burst of warm cum straight into the back of my throat, right down deep inside me. Three more rapid-fire shots filled my throat and mouth to overflowing. I gagged once before I could suppress it and force-swallow more down. The rest just spilled out onto his dick and balls, and down my chin.

"Gah!" he shouted loudly as he shoved once more into my head as far as he could. His hands pulled my head into his body; my lips felt his pubes and balls. We both held still that way for maybe twenty or thirty seconds more. His hips shook in spasm a couple more times before he relaxed and pulled out of my mouth.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho!" Mikey laughed. He pulled me up by the head with remarkable strength so that I was standing in front of him again. He looked me in the eyes. "That was amazing," he whispered. then planted a kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did likewise. Our kiss turned into full-on tongue wrestling before we let go.

"So that's what I taste like, huh?" Mikey smiled at me. He wiped a bit of remaining goo off of my chin with his finger, and put it in his own mouth.

I squeezed his softening dick so that one last, good drop of white juice oozed out of his head. I wiped it off with my finger and popped it into my mouth. "I like the way you taste," I said. I wasn't lying.

He pressed his forehead to mine. We stood like that, just connecting head to head for a bit.

Mikey straightened up. "I gotta use your bathroom."


As Mikey shuffled off to the bathroom, I reached down into my own jeans to straighten out my boner which was getting bent into the wrong direction. I thought about what would come next. He might play with my dick, or maybe we would fuck as soon as he got back. Either way, we would need some music.

I flipped through the box of records, looking for a double album, for more uninterrupted time. I pulled out the one by Electric Light Orchestra, stacked both discs onto the record player, and turned the switch to Play. The first disc dropped to the platter, and the tone arm moved over and dropped onto the first song.

Mikey wasn't a weed smoker, but I wanted some, and I had some that I got from Shannon's little brother Shawn at school. So I pulled out my stash box as the record started, packed a little into the pipe, and lit up. Mikey came back in, naked of course, and closed the door as I exhaled my second toke.

"I'm guessing you don't want any of this?" I sort-of-offered as I looked his tanned body up and down. The pale part beneath his tan line just fascinated me.

"No, thanks. But go ahead." He was about to sit in the other chair, then pointed to the lower bunk bed and asked, "Can I lay down here?"

"Yeah sure," I answered. "That's my bed. Jake used to have the top bunk, but he's moved out now."

He laid out on my unmade bed and turned to face me. He propped his head up on one hand and rubbed his dick with the other. "I like this song. I hear it on the radio a lot."

"Me too," I agreed. "For some reason it reminds me of Katie. I think I had a dream once about her and this song was in it. Or the other way around, I don't really remember. But I hear it and I think about her."

Mikey continued to rub his dick. "You like her, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think you're right." I kept staring at his naked body, while burning the last of the weed from the pipe.

"You wanna fuck her, don't you?" he asked.

I spewed the smoke out laughing. "Of course I do! Like, over and over."

"So you haven't done it with her yet?"

"No, I haven't. But she showed me her boobs a few times. And I stripped her once."

That perked him up. "Details?"

I chuckled, and thought a moment. "Oh, it was kind of like the Rape Game you and I play. She dared me to strip her, so I did. But man, she really fought back."

"Wow. But you won?"

"Well, I got her clothes off," I began. "And I spanked her. Naked. Like, with a belt. Pretty hard, too. That was kinda fun, at least for me. But the hitting with fists part was no fun. We sort of hurt each other. So we agreed to never hit each other again. But no, we didn't fuck."

"You hit each other with fists? That sounds intense." He stopped rubbing his dick. "Good thing you and I have rules."

"That's kinda what made me wanna make rules for you and me. Like no hitting, no real pain?"

Mikey sat up on the bed. "Have you talked to her since then?"

"No, not really. We've seen each other at school and around the neighborhood since then. But we haven't talked, just exchanged looks. I'd kinda like to talk to her, but I wonder if maybe she hates me now."

"You think she's wondering the same thing about you?"

Once again, Mikey's mind was sharper than mine. Was it his Christian upbringing, or his home-schooling? Was it that he didn't smoke weed? He could think up such deeply thoughtful shit. Me, I could come up with nothing but a blank stare.

Seriously. I really tried to put myself into Katie's shoes, to think about what she might be thinking or feeling. But like all girls, her mind was a complete mystery to me. What went in? What came out? How did it all get sliced and stirred and cooked in between? I tried to imagine, but I found nothing.

Mikey let me off the hook. "Okay, never mind." He laid back down on his belly. "But she might still want to be your friend. I don't know for sure, but she might."

I continued to stare at Mikey. Specifically, I stared at his hips, the side of his butt, that portion of pale skin between his tan lines where he now had no shorts or underwear on. That part that made my dick hard when I saw it. I quit thinking about Katie altogether, and switched to thoughts of rubbing my dick on his smooth skin.

Of course, he read my thoughts like a neon sign. "You wanna fuck me?"

My dick went completely hard faster than I could pull my clothes off. I saw him smile as he watched me quickly strip naked. His eyes widened a bit as my boner sprung free of my underwear.

"Hand me my pack." I picked up his backpack from the floor. He unzipped it, pulled out his bottle of aloe lotion, and tossed that pack back to the floor.

I crawled into the bunk, on top of him. I laid down on his back and wiggled my stiff dick in between his buns. I wrapped my arms under his shoulders to pull hisbody tight to mine. As he turned his head to the side, I planted kisses on his cheek. He twisted his neck around a bit further, and we kissed on the lips. I instinctively began to dry hump his butt. Our tongues connected between our lips.

"Spread this on me. And on you, too." He pushed the aloe bottle into my hand.

Releasing his shoulders, I rolled off of him, and squeezed a blob of lotion into my left hand. I rubbed my fingers around in it, then wiped it into the crack of his butt. He startled a bit; I guess it was kind of cold.

"Get me ready with your fingers first," he reminded me. I remembered. So I wiped my middle finger in the lotion. I found his hole with my fingertip, and circled around just a bit before pushing it inside him.

"Aha!" he gasped. "Yeah, like that." I finger fucked him a little bit, in and out and in again, making sure the lotion got down inside of him. Then I pulled it out and wiped my thumb in the slippery stuff.

"Mmm," he hummed as I pushed my thumb into his hole. A couple of times in and out, and he was slippery enough to shove it in all the way up to the base.. His sphincter tightened hard around my thumb as I twisted it this way and that. A little more massaging, and he started to loosen up.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, ready." A smiled beamed across his face.

I pulled my thumb out of him. I put another dollop of lotion in my palm, and rubbed it all over my stiff dick. I wiped the excess lotion over his buns. I crawled back up over top of him and put my knees between his, spreading them apart. I placed my hard, slippery dick betewen his buns and slid up and down his ass couple of times.

With one hand I guided the tip of my dick to his hole.

He buried his face into the pillow as I leaned into him.

"Ding, dong!" The doorbell rang.


Mikey Pt 4 cont'd MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/16(Sat)04:57 No. 27132

A short section that I accidentally left off the end of Mikey Pt 4.

"Ding, dong!" The doorbell rang.


I stopped, closed my eyes, and thought, "God damn it!" to myself.

After a couple of seconds, Mikey turned his head and asked, "Are you gonna get that?"

I took that as a reminder that I did have a choice. "No," I answered, and leaned into him again. We were both so ready to fuck that I slid into him easier than I expected.

"Ahh! Oooh," he gasped and moaned. I held myself still inside of him for a moment. He turned his face back down into the pillow, arched his back a bit, and stretched his legs out behind. I kissed his neck.

"Ding, dong!" rang the doorbell again.

"Fuck 'em," I said out loud, and began to hump slowly in and out of Mikey's ass.

"Fuck me instead," he giggled. I laughed too, then laid my body down on his back. I ran my arms back under his shoulders, then laced my fingers together in back of his neck. Not that he would try to escape, but I liked the feeling of having him completely immobilized while I fucked him.

And I started to fuck him good. The aloe lotion let my super-stiff dick slide easily all the way into him. Our preparation kept him from hurting, and let him enjoy it as much as I did. Together, we found just the right pace to fuck. Not too fast, but fast enough. I closed my eyes and fucked, bathing in the wonderful feeling of it all. Now this is exactly the way I had always wanted to fuck Mikey.

"BOMP BOMP BOMP!" Someone pounded on the door. Someone who was not going to be ignored.

I froze. I knew that knock. Only one person banged on my front door like that.

That was Katie.


Katie Part 3 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/16(Sat)06:08 No. 27133

Continuing the story of Mikey and Me.
This follows sequentially after Mikey Part 4.
Katie Part 3, in which Katie asks Josh to be her boyfriend, and introducing young Allison.

That was Katie.


God damn it.

"I gotta get that," I said to Mikey. I pulled out, crawled off of him and out of the bed, and pulled my jeans and t-shirt on as he watched. I had to carefully tuck my boner in under the zipper before pulling it up. "I'll be right back."

I closed the bedroom door behind me and headed downstairs, hoping my boner would subside by the time I reached the door. It did, maybe halfway. I put my eye to the peep hole.

It wasn't Katie. It was Allison, the little blonde-haired girl who lived in the subdivision. The one who Eddie said liked Mikey. I had no idea why she would be at my door. Checking once more that my boner was tucked away, I opened the door.

"Allison," I said. "Hi." She was a cute little girl, I think nine years old then. She struck me as looking a lot like Michelle, blonde and thin, with a tiny, button nose, only maybe a little younger. Over her blue jeans, she wore a pink t-shirt with sparkly, iron-on letters that read "DONT GO BREAKIN MY HEART", which was the big Elton John hit song at the time. Her sandals each had a blue-painted, leather flower on the straps, and showed the pink polish on her toenails.

"Hi, Josh," she replied nervously. She looked like she was trying to think of something to say.

"What's up?" I asked. I was genuinely curious.

"I, umm," she paused, "I wanted to ask you..." She paused again, then glanced off to her right. Her hands made a gesture, saying something like "What do I do?"

I stuck my head out the door and looked over that way, quickly enough to catch a glimpse of Katie's head ducking back behind the corner of my yard's picket fence.

That explained the loud knocking on the door.

"I, umm," she tried again, "I want to ask you something. For Katie. She wants me to ask you. Because, well, umm, I think she doesn't want to ask you herself." She twisted her hands together and shuffled her feet like she was afraid to ask.

So, I thought, Mikey was right. Katie wants to talk to me after all. This could be good.

"What's that?" I asked. I smiled on purpose, trying to put her at ease. "Go ahead. It's okay. You can ask."

"Well," she began, "Katie wants to know if, umm... if you'd be willing to be her boyfriend."

That surprised me. I thought she... well, I had no idea what I thought that she thought. Or what she thought that I thought. I knew I would kinda like to be her boyfriend, but this was gonna take some discussion. So I decided to say just that.

"Tell her," I began slowly, "tell her that I might be okay with that, but we'll have to talk some things out first."

Allison broke into a smile and almost did a little happy dance. Apparently, she was really hoping that Katie and I would get together.


I remembered that Allison had been hoping for some time that Katie and I would become an item. Specifically, I remembered one time a few months back, when several of us neighborhood kids were hanging around at the playground after dark. Katie and I were sitting on the big cement culvert section that served as a cheap playscape piece. We were chatting about whatever, when Allison came up and said, "Come look at this, guys! Come see!"

We followed her over to a spot in the shadows, out of the glow of the streetlights, where she knelt down, poking into the grass. "It's right here. Look at this!" she said excitedly.

Katie and I knelt down in the grass, facing each other, to see what was there. I saw nothing but grass.

"What do you want me to see?" I asked Allison.

"See this!" she said, as she grabbed the collar of Katie's loose, oversized t-shirt and pulled it down, giving me a clear view of Katie's bra inside. This was her entire plan, I gathered.

Katie quickly grabbed her shirt and rolled over in the grass. "Allie, you dork!" she laughed.

Allison turned to me with a beaming look that said something like, "Wasn't that neat?"

"You dork!" I echoed with a grin, and tossled her hair. What a kid.


"Go tell her," I said. "She can come talk to me. I'll wait right here."

Allison excitedly ran off around the corner. I stepped back inside, left the door open, and thought about what I would do or say to Katie. I wanted her on my side, whatever that meant, so I thought I should show her that I'm on hers. I guessed that she might be kind of nervous, since she had sent Allison to talk to me first. I would have to put her at ease somehow.

Allison popped her head inside, knocking lightly on the door. She saw me beckoning her into the living room, so she beckoned likewise behind her. Katie timidly followed her into the house and closed the door behind her. She looked at me with what looked like a hundred questions in her eyes. We hadn't seen each other for weeks, not even at school nor the neighborhood playground.

"Hi," she said lightly, with a slight wave of her hand.

I quickly looked her over. Her feet were bare, but not dirty. Her white shorts looked a tad oversized, maybe loose enough to push a hand up her leg if she would let me. Her shirt was an old baseball jersey that had no team name, only the number "10" on front and back. It was white with light blue sleeves. I think she got it for her tenth birthday (thus the number 10), and it was now getting rather tight as she grew bigger. I'm sure this was her favorite shirt, because she wore it quite often, and it was getting rather faded and worn. It also looked liked she had again done the trick of pinching and twisting the shirt over her boobs to make it appear like her nipples were showing through. I made an effort to avoid staring there, and quickly moved my eyes back to her face. I noticed that she had brushed her neck-length hair out smooth.

I stepped up close to her, and look into her eyes. They were jittery, darting all around my face reflecting there. I made the obvious choice, I think, to wrap my arms around her and hug her tight. My head over her shoulder, I whispered, "Hi."

I must have startled her, because she didn't respond for maybe ten seconds or so. Then I felt her slide her arms around me and hug back. We held like that for another however-many seconds. As we squeezed our chests together, I realized that she was wearing no bra. She had not done the shirt-twisting trick, but I was actually feeling her real nipples getting hard under her jersey.

Allison, standing beside us, was gawking at us with her hands clasped in front of her mouth, like she was watching the happiest movie ending ever to hit the screen. I chuckled a bit, which made Katie see her and laugh too. "Allie, you dork!" she giggled. We released our hug, but held hands a moment while smiling at each other. We were both so glad to put an end to the tension between us.

So we had broken the ice. But Katie and I had some talking to do. I thought it best to not send Allison away, because Katie might feel more at ease with her around. So I beckoned them all to the dining room table.

"Have a sit, I'll pour some soda." I gathered three cups with ice cubes and a big bottle of store-brand cola, and poured some for everyone.

"Got any snacks?" asked Katie. Poor girl was always hungry. I looked in the fridge. A bowl of mixed fruit looked handy.

"Apple, orange, or pear?" I offered.

"Apple, please." Katie scooted into a chair.

"May I have a pear, please?" asked Allison, as she sat next to Katie.

"Sure thing." I brought the whole fruit bowl and some paper towels to the table. I began peeling an orange, and soon we were all munching fruit and sipping soda.

"So are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Allison was apparently dying to know. Katie and I both laughed. But then Katie looked at me for the answer.

"If I was your boyfriend," I asked her, "what would you want me to do?"

"You can't have any other girlfriends!" Allison blurted out. Katie gave her a death glare, but I busted out laughing. Then Katie smiled, too.

"Right. No other girlfriends," she echoed.

I nodded. "Ok, you got it. What else?"

She thought a moment, then continued, "Be nice to me. Hang out with me. I don't mean like taking me on fancy dates, because I know neither of us has any money. But treat me nice, whenever you can. Never be mean to me. Don't ever hurt me. Alway be on my side."

"And tell her she's pretty!" Allison interjected with a smile.

"Allie!" Katie shushed her, grinned, then turned back to me. "Tell me when you think I look pretty."

I took the opportunity. "You look pretty right now."

"Aww!" Allison bubbled, while Katie blushed.

"Anything else?" So far I was liking her list of demands.

She thought a few moments while sipping more cola. "I think ... well ... I'd want you to kiss me sometimes. Hold hands. And hug. I like the way you hug."

"Would this be in secret, or in public?" I wondered aloud.

"Both, I think. I want our friends to know that we're going steady, that we're a couple. I don't mean brag about it, but if someone asks you if we are, don't say we're not." She paused a moment. "You know how I'm sometimes kind of a tomboy?"

"Of course," I answered. "I like that about you."

Katie smiled. "Good. Thanks. But some of the kids at school ... they think that means that ... that I'm ... that I don't like guys. If you know what I mean."

"They think you like girls instead of guys?" I sure never thought of her that way. "That's stupid!"

"Well, they are kind of stupid, but yeah," she said. "And I wanna show them they're wrong. I wanna show them I really do have a boyfriend."

I could really sympathize with that, but I wasn't about to say why.

Allison said it for me. "And you need a girlfriend for the same reason!"

"Allie! Shut up!" Katie shouted. She wasn't smiling. Allison shrank down in her chair.

My own heart skipped a beat or two. Did she know something? "What do you mean by that?" I asked Allie.

She looked at me, then Katie, afraid to speak again.

"What do you mean?" I pressed her. She stayed silent.

Katie spoke for her. "Somebody tried to tell us that you're gay. But don't worry, I know you're not." She looked me in the eyes, like she really meant it.

That got me mad. "Who the hell said that?"

Allison spoke up again, "It was Eddie! He said you and Mikey _____ are gay lovers. But he's stupid and I know it. I've seen you kissing Katie before so I know he's lying!"

That got my steam up even more. I wanted to go beat his face right then. I couldn't have him spreading rumors like that, even if, especially if they were true.

"I told him I'd pound his head in if he ever said that again!" Katie growled.

"And you having a girlfriend will prove him wrong," Allison added.

"Allie, will you just SHUT UP!" Katie shouted far too loudly. Allison curled into a ball in her chair, trying to hold back tears from suddenly being yelled at.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Katie apologized. "I didn't mean to yell at you." She stroked Allison's hair to calm her. Then she looked back at me. "But she's right, you know. If the big kids around here hear that, having a girlfriend might keep you from getting beaten up. And I don't want you to get beaten up. Especially when I know it's not true."

"And I know he's lying about Mikey, too," Allison cried. "I know because he kissed me once."

I was really hoping that Mikey would keep quiet upstairs, and not come walking downstairs naked or anything that would give away his presence. That would totally screw this whole thing up beyond belief if they even knew he was up there with his ass lubed up and waiting for me to return.

I decided to turn the subject away from rumors of us being gay.

"Katie," I began. "Can I tell you what I want from you as my girlfriend?"

Katie laughed and looked me straight in the eyes. "I know exactly what you want."

Allison put her hands over her ears and started saying,"La-la-la-la-la-la ... " But she was grinning again, which was good.

I chuckled too, knowing that she was right. "Well, I meant that I want you to be on my side too, and not try to compete with me in everything."

"I'll arm wrestle you for that." She had the perfect comeback, all right. "Okay, sure. We won't be a competition. What else?"

"Well, like you said, spend time together with me. Walk with me and hold my hand. Smile at me. Kiss me sometimes. Tell me you like me. And don't keep it a secret."

"Okay," she agreed. "I'll do it. Anything else?"

"Yeah." I looked into her eyes. I had to say it. "I want to have sex with you."

"LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" shouted Allison as she clasped her hands back over her ears, her cheeks turning red.

Katie busted out laughing loudly. She stood up from her chair, reached for the button of her white shorts, popped the button and dropped the zipper. "Right here, right now, lover boy!" she hollered while laughing.

I'm sure my eyes popped wide open, as did my jaw.

Allison jumped up and grabbed Katie's hands. "Nonononono!" she frantically shouted. "Not right here!"

Katie bent over, still holding her fly, laughing and blushing red. "Okay, not right here and now," she giggled. Allison stepped back, while Katie zipped her shorts back up, but left the button hanging. "But you can kiss me. Right here and now. Come here." She beckoned me to stand.

I stood up and stepped up close in front of her. She took both my hands in hers.

"Are you my boyfriend?" she asked, looking into my eyes.

"Yes, I'm your boyfriend. Are you my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I'm your girlfriend."

"I'm gonna kiss you, real good."

"Kiss me real good."

We both smiled at each other. In one quick motion we wrapped arms around each other and locked lips. As was our habit, we kissed first with our lips, then with a little tongue, then went into full-on, deep tongue wrestling as we pulled each other tighter in our arms. I heard Allison coo a little "Aww!" as we held our kiss.

Feeling my dick getting good and hard, I moved both my hands down to Katie's butt, grabbed ahold of her cheeks, and pulled her hips into mine. She responded by doing the same. We began grinding our pants together at the zippers as we continued to wrestle our lips and tongues together. I was sure she could feel my dick getting hard through my jeans.

Katie relaxed her grip first. "Not right here and now," she giggled. "There are children present." I gazed at her erect nipples, which were trying to poke through her shirt.

"I feel like I should throw rice or something!" laughed blushing Allison.

"Now that was a good kiss," I said, smiling at Katie.

"Yes," she agreed, also smiling. "That was good. I'll want more of that later."

"You tell Mikey that he can kiss me like that whenever he wants!" Allison blurted out. Katie and I both looked at her and laughed.

"Tell him yourself," I said. "He's right up ..."

Oh, fuck. I realized too late what I was saying. They both turned shocked expressions at me.

"... stairs." Shit.


"Mikey's here?" Allison and Katie both spoke at once. The difference was that Allison's face showed glee while Katie's had a look of shock.

Questions fell out of Katie's mouth as fast as they popped into her head. "He's been here this whole time? What's he doing up there? Why didn't he come down yet?" She got louder. "Why'd it take you so long to answer the door?" Her eyes popped wide as her voice rose to a full shout. "WERE YOU TWO BEING GAY UP THERE?!"

Allison's jaw dropped. She looked at Katie, then me, not knowing what to say.

I couldn't think of much to say, either. "No," I lied, "of course not! We were ... umm ... playing." Jeez, I thought, that didn't sound any better.

"I'm going up there," Katie declared, as she ran for the stairs. She paused at the landing. "And if I find him naked up there, I swear I'm gonna pound you!" She turned and ran up the stairs, two at a time.

I ran after her. Allison ran right behind me. My thoughts were pure panic. We weren't two minutes into this relationship and I was already about to get pounded. Not only would she kill me, but her heart would be broken and so would Allison's. Then word would get out to the neighborhood and I would be dead. How could I possibly stop her?

She reached the closed bedroom door before I could catch up. I couldn't remember if I had locked it or not. Apparently I hadn't, because she threw it open, burst inside, and shouted, "Mikey!"

She was still standing in the doorway when I reached her maybe two seconds later. Allison bumped into me right behind, and peered over my shoulder at the sight inside.

"Hi, Katie," Mikey deadpanned.

He was sitting on the floor, dressed in his t-shirt and swim trunks, looking up at us. Also on the floor, in front of him, was my chess set. Pieces were arranged on the board like it was the middle of the game, with a few captured pieces set to the side.

"Oh! Hi, Allison," he continued. "Come on in. Josh, it's your turn. I captured your, uh, castle while you were downstairs."

Damn, I thought once again, this kid is good. This was maybe the third or fourth time he had saved our asses by making stuff up on the spot. Apparently, he had also hidden the bottle of lotion and my underwear. He had even made the bed.

Katie, who was puffed up like a mad cat, seemed to deflate right in front of us.

Allison hopped down by Mikey's side. "Ooh! Can I move the horsie?" She grabbed a white knight on the chess board and began jumping it over other pieces like they were checkers, until she reached the other side. "King me!" she beamed at Mikey. Mikey smiled, took a king out of the pile of captured pieces, and put it in place of her "horsie." They giggled together.

I remembered that Mikey did not know chess at all. Maybe I was a super nerd, but I quickly noticed that the game board was set up all wrong. A king cannot be a captured piece. Also, several pawns were on their first rank, and both black bishops were on black squares, all of which never happen in a game of chess.

Fortunately, Katie did not know chess, either. She gazed at the board, then Mikey, then turned to me.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. Her face had the look of a shamed puppy. "I went off crazy on you."

I could not think of what would be the right thing to say. I just stared back at her, waiting for my heartbeat to settle down.

Allison spoke up. "So you're not gonna pound him?"

Now Katie laughed. "No, silly. He's my boyfriend now."

Mikey looked up at us. "You guys are boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

"Yes," I said, "we are. We had a good talk while you were waiting."

"They kissed reeeally good!" chirped Allison, grinning.

"Would you girls like to hang out a while with us?" Mikey asked. I was glad he thought of that.

It occured to me that both Mikey and Allison were wearing Elton John shirts. Hers had the song title ironed on; his showed Elton's face wearing oversized, red glasses. Perhaps they would make a good couple, I thought.

"Oh yes, let's hang out, Katie!" Allison begged.

"Okay. Sure. I wanna sit anyways." Katie said.

Me, I needed a minute to myself. "Guys, I gotta go use the bathroom," I said. "Be right back. Umm, Katie, there's some weed on the desk. Pack us a pipe if you want." I turned to leave the room, then paused and looked back. "Oh, and Mikey? Allie wants me to tell you that you can kiss her, reeeally good."


Allison's jaw dropped open, but in a joyful way. She and Mikey turned and looked into each others' eyes like they were telepathically sharing a thousand happy thoughts. Katie slumped into the chair at the desk. She suddenly looked rather tired as she began packing weed into the pipe. I turned, walked out, and pulled the door shut behind me.

I flipped the bathroom light on and closed the door. The face in the mirror surprised me. My face was drained of color like a dead guy in a movie. I took a few moments just to breathe.

Man, I thought, I had come that close to shattering my life into a pile of broken glass. Only Mikey's quick thinking saved us both from disaster of all sorts.

And what kind of relationship will I have with Katie, if she's gonna be ready to pound me whenever something goes wrong?

At least Mikey and Allison seemed like they could be happy together. And I did not mind that at all. It was high time for him and me to end our shenanigans. I think he knew that as well. Our secret affair was dangerous and not so secret after all. While I truly did love him, and I know he loved me too, I think that we really were just sort of practicing up for the day when we landed real girlfriends. And it seemed that this was the day. That chapter was ready to end.

I stood at the toilet and took a good long pee. It occured to me that I needed to clean myself off down there. My dick and crotch were still soaked in aloe lotion and Mikey's ass. It would not do at all to let Katie smell or feel or even worse taste that on me. So I soaked a wash cloth in warm water and washed myself clean before heading back to the bedroom.

Back in the room, I saw Katie sitting at the desk smoking on the pipe. But I did not immediately see Mikey nor Allison, just Mikey's black shirt on the floor. Katie directed my gaze up to the top bunk. Allison looked up to wave at me, as did shirtless Mikey who lay under her. Then they went back to their kissing.

"They look happy, don't they?" I asked Katie.

"Yeah," she said, handing me the pipe. "They sure do. But Allie had BETTER BE KEEPING HER CLOTHES ON!"

"They're on," she retorted from the top bunk. "You just mind your own boyfriend!"

I laughed and spewed out my hit of pot smoke. So I burnt down the rest in the pipe and handed it back to Katie for a refill.

"I'm sorry, Josh." She looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. "I was wrong to accuse you, and I was wrong to say I would pound you. I should have trusted you. And I'll never pound you."

I fumbled for words to accept her apology. "I'm glad to hear you say that," I tried. "You're still my girlfriend, and I still like you."

"And you're still mine, too," she answered. "Boyfriend, I mean. How can I make it up to you?"

"You can start by reloading the pipe," I suggested. "There's more weed in the stashbox."

"HE WANTS SEX!" shouted Allison from the top bunk. All four of us busted out laughing.

"You go back to kissing your new boyfriend!" she returned. "And Mikey, you'd better be keeping your clothes on too!"

"She already took my shirt off before we even got up here!" he objected. Then they went back to kissing in the bunk.

Katie handed the reloaded pipe back to me. "Kids," she chuckled. I hit the pipe twice and handed it back. She drew on it and set it down.

"Well?" Katie asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Well, what?" I asked back, stupidly.

"Well, sex." She blushed.

I'm sure I was blushing, too. "Now?"

"Now." She stood up.

We stared at each other just a few seconds. My dick was already getting hard in my jeans. Her nipples quickly pressed out against her shirt. I stepped up closer to her. We quickly wrapped our arms around each other. Our lips, then our tongues crashed together. It was like I was trying to pull her entire body inside of mine, and she was doing the same to me. Though she was just as tall as me, she dipped down just a bit to face up at me as we kissed. I sensed that she was making herself submissive to me. So I decided to take charge of this situation.

Without releasing our kiss, I brought my arms around to her front and placed both hands on her pear-sized boobs. I squeezed them lighty through her cotton shirt. I pinched her nipples and rubbed them around between my fingers. She moaned into my mouth, so I knew she liked that, and I kept it up a little longer. Instinctively I humped my crotch into hers.

She released one hand from my back and slid it around between us to the front of my pants, where she began to grope and rub my stiffening dick through my jeans. Our lips, tongues, and teeth continued to clash as we felt each other.

With both hands, I reached down under her shirt. I ran them over the skin of her belly, around her waist, and up her back. Then I slid them under her arms, around front, up to her boobs. She gasped as I took them both in hand and gently massaged them. Her nipples were pointing out harder than I had ever seen.

I slowly broke off from our kiss, and looked down into her smiling eyes. "Can I take your shirt off?" I asked her quietly.

"Do it! Do it!" laughed Allison from the upper bunk. Mikey joined in and they both chanted, "Do it! Do it! Do it!"

"Oh, pfftt!" Katie razzed back at them. She looked back at me smiling, and raised her arms into the air. I lifted her shirt up to her chin. It was a little tight on her, but the jersey's oversized neck let it slip easily over her head. I held onto it as it slid off of her arms.

"Hey Mikey!" giggled Allison. "Look at her boobs!"

Mikey lifted his head from the pillow and turned to watch as Katie pivoted and posed with arms high, like a gymnast who had just stuck the landing. This seemed to flatten her boobs out on her chest somewhat.

"Haha! Nice!" he laughed.

Katie grabbed her shirt from my hands and threw it at him, but it hit both him and Allison in the face. "Not for you!" Katie taunted. "These belong to Josh now." Allison threw the shirt back at me.

"Ha!" I laughed, and let the jersey drop to the floor. Then my eyes locked onto Katie's boobs. She had turned back to face me, still holding her topless, arms-up pose for my benefit. I couldn't hold myself back from her, nor did I want too. I knelt down on one knee, pulled her chest into my face, and planted my mouth over one of her boobs. Left or right, I don't remember. I do recall rolling her erect nipple around on my tongue. She brought her arms down and grabbed the back of my head. But she wasn't trying to stop me; she was pulling my face into her skin.

With her arms down, her boobs loosened up and pushed a good ball of smooth, tender flesh into my mouth. I sucked on it lightly, not wanting to accidentally hurt her. Then I switched over to her other side and did the same.

"Ohh-ho you!" she laughed, I guess because it must have tickled her. She let me continue sucking on her hard nipple for a minute, then pulled me back up by the head. "Your turn," she said, smiling. "Arms up. Like you're surrendering."

I raised my arms high, saying, "Don't shoot, Officer!"

"You dork," Katie chickled. She grabbed the bottom edge of my plain blue t-shirt and pulled it up over my head. Then I dropped my arms so she could get it the rest of the way off. She dropped it onto the growing pile of shirts on the floor by the bed.

She took a step back to get an eyeload of me. The grin on her face made me feel good that she was actually enjoying staring at my body. I was no strong man, but just for fun, I flexed my arms and tensed up my stomach, kind of like a body-builder or Incredible Hulk sort of pose. It must have worked, because her eyes popped open wide.

"Oh, wow!" she said quietly. Her eyes were scanning up and down from my chest to my belly to the bulge in my jeans.

I was truly enjoying her reaction, being proud that I could have that effect on a girl, when PIFF! another shirt landed on my head.

Katie and I both turned to see a topless Allison laughing at us from the top bunk as she lay on Mikey.

"What are you doing taking your shirt off?" Katie barked at her.

"I'm keeping my pants on, that's what!" Allison retorted. "What are you doing?"

"Show him your boobs, Allie!" urged Mikey with a chuckle.

"I don't have no boobs! See?" Allison sat up to show us her flat, little girl chest. Though no different than any little boy's chest, her tiny nipples sure looked perked out with some excitement.

"Stop staring at her!" Katie poked me in the arm as Allie lay back down atop Mikey. Maybe I was staring at Allison just a little too long.

I decided to play along with the girls' game. "Mikey, are your pants on?"

"They're swim trunks," he answered, "but yes ... umm, more or less."

"But he's got no underwear on!" Allison proclaimed.

"Nobody wears underwear with swim trunks," Mikey countered. Still staring at them, I saw her push one hand up inside a leg of his trunks.

"What about you, Josh?" Allison asked me, though she was looking Mikey in the face. "Do you have underwear on?"

"None of your beeswax!" Katie objected. "That's for me to find out! You mind your own boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm doing just that," Allison replied wickedly, as Mikey closed his eyes and bent his head back. "Now you mind yours!"

I looked back at Katie. "Well?" she asked.

"Well, what?" I asked stupidly.

"Are you wearing any underwear?" she snickered.

"Umm," I blushed and stammered for the right response. "You should check and see."

That must have been the right answer. Katie reached with both hands and took hold of the tabs on the waist of my jeans, then popped the snap button open. She paused to stare just a moment before taking hold of the zipper and slowly pulling it down.

Her eyes locked onto the part of my dick that was now visible along with my tuft of dark pubic hair.

She pulled one flap of denim to the side. I saw her bite her lip as my hard dick sprung out in front of her.

"I want your dick." she whispered without taking her eyes off of it. "This is mine," So much for her acting submissive.

"It's all yours," I assured her.


Katie Part 3 (cont'd) MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/17(Sun)06:05 No. 27134

Continuing the Mikey and Me saga: The rest of Katie Part 3, in which everyone (Josh, Katie, Mikey, and Allison) gets happy in Josh's bunk bed.

Tags: mgbg teen preteen sex


"It's all yours," I assured her.


She put her hands on my shoulders and with some force, pushed me sideways into the bottom bunk.

CLONK! "Owww!" My head bounced off of the side of the upper bunk because I didn't duck down when she pushed me in.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Katie wrapped her hands around my head as I fell back into the lower bunk bed. "Accident! I didn't mean it!"

I knew she didn't mean it, and I felt no urge to hit her back. I just closed my eyes, lay back on my pillow, and moaned, "Oww..." as Katie crawled on top of me.

Allison poked her head and bare shoulders down from the top bunk. "Are you okay?"

"He bumped his head. I'll tend to him," Katie replied.

Allison rolled back up top with Mikey. "He's not wearing underwear, either," she informed him with a giggle. I was glad he had the good sense NOT to say something dumb like, "I know."

Katie caressed me like an injured puppy. "Does it hurt? Can I help make it better?"

It wasn't that bad. I just needed a moment to recover. But for fun I said, "Yeah, lemme spank your ass."

"You'll do no such thing!" she declared as she sat upright on me, and bumped her own head on the underside of the upper bunk. "Bah! Dangit!"

We both broke out laughing. She collapsed on top of me and planted a juicy kiss on my lips. With one arm I pulled her in tight to me, and with the other I planted three good slaps onto her butt.

"Nonononono," she laughed. "No spanking today."

At the same time, we heard Allison in the top bunk say, "No no! You can't do that."

"But you're doing it to me," Mikey objected.

"That's right," she countered. "I can do this to you but you can't do it to me. I'm too young."

There was a bit of rustling up there. Then we saw Mikey's swim trunks drop over the edge to the floor.

"So when do I get to take your's off?" Mikey asked.

"How old are you?"


"When I'm twelve, then."

"Aww!" whined Mikey.

"Okay, maybe when I'm eleven, then. Now lay back." Allison seemed to have things under control up there, so Katie and I grinned at each other and resumed our kissing.

Katie was sitting on me, topless, and my dick was still hanging out of my open jeans. Getting my head clonked sort of softened it up, but now her kissing and grinding on me was bringing it back to life. I grabbed ahold of her white denim shorts, popped the button, and tugged on her zipper. Then I pushed both hands down the back of her shorts and got two good handfuls of her butt.

"Katie?" I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Yes, Josh?"

"I wanna fuck you." I may have blushed, I'm not sure.

She giggled. "Oh we're gonna fuck, all right. Right now."

"Yaay!" came Allison's soft comment from the peanut gallery.

"Pfftt!" we both sputtered laughing. Katie scooted her way farther south on my body until she was facing my crotch. She ducked down to place one good, wet kiss on the shaft of my dick, chuckled as it jumped in her face, then grabbed my jeans and tugged them down. When she had them down to my knees, she crawled off the foot end of the bed and, one by one, pulled my pants legs off of my real legs.

With my jeans dropped off the end of the bed, Katie sat there a moment, staring at my naked body. Her eyes seemed to lock onto my boner. A smile broke across her face. I couldn't help but smile at her, too.

"I'm just getting a good look at my prize," she grinned, tossing her hair. "You look good, Josh." I felt myself blushing as she crawled back up on top of me. She gave my hard dick a solid squeeze, planted a sweet kiss on my lips, then rolled over to lay beside me.

"Now take mine off," she whispered.

It had been months since I had gotten her pants off. And last time I had to fight her for it. This seemed to be going much more smoothly. We were both ready for it.

So I shuffled over between her knees, grabbed a couple handfuls of hem, and tugged. She lifted her hips from the mattress, and they slid right down to her ankles. With a couple wiggles of her feet, I was holding her empty shorts, and looking at the pink panties that would be next.

"Wait, lemme see those," she said before I dropped her shorts off the end of the bed. I handed them to her. She shoved her hand into one pocket, then another.

"Here," she whispered as she pulled out a packaged rubber and showed it to me.

"Don't ask." She knew what I was wondering. I silently guessed that she got it from her big brother's room, and left it at that.

But that made it official. We were going to fuck. We both smiled and blushed.

Again she held her hips up as I pulled her thin panties down below her pussy, then off of her legs. Now it was my turn to stare.

"And this is your prize," she smiled. My dick pushed up as hard as it had ever been since... well, since I was fucking Mikey a little bit ago. But this was different. Now I had a real girl, whom I really wanted to fuck, who was really naked, and who really wanted to fuck me. My eyes locked onto her pussy, with it's light tuft of brown hair and bulging, pink lips.

She tore a corner of the rubber package and handed it to me. I had never used a rubber before, but I knew what the basic idea was. Apparently they make them rather idiot-proof, because I figured it out on the first try.

"Come here," she whispered when I got it rolled all the way down. She spread her legs out on either side of me. I leaned over her, placed my covered dick on her crotch, laid my chest over hers, and kissed her.

Katie's lips wrapped around mine. Her arms wrapped around my back. Her legs wrapped around my thighs. I briefly had a vision of being pulled in by a giant Venus fly trap, but let that image drop as I wrapped my own arms around her torso. We pulled each other in tight. Our mouths opened, and our tongues quickly wrapped around each other. We started pushing our crotches together.

Time to fuck, I thought to myself. I broke off our kiss. Our eyes locked. I raised my hips off of hers just enough to let my dick point straight out of me and into her. Her mouth opened a little as I pushed it gently into her pussy.

It didn't go inside. So I pushed a little harder. She grimaced. I guessed I wasn't hitting the right spot. So I moved a little and tried again.

Still not working. Moved again. Pushed again.

"Let me," she offered. Pushing a hand between us, she moved the tip of my dick to the right spot. "Right there."

I pushed. Her skin surrounded the tip. Her eyes closed, so I held still for a moment. Then she opened them and gave me a nod.

I pushed again. Her skin went past my tip and now squeezed the top of my shaft. I felt warm, wet juice inside her. Her eyes widened, locked into mine.

I pulled back a little, just enough to bring my tip part way out. I felt her warm wetness spreading around me. I was a little surprised that I could feel that through the rubber.

I pushed in again slowly. This time, it didn't stop. "Haah!" she inhaled and pushed her head back as I slid more deeply inside of her. I decided to hold still a moment to let her adjust.

"Is it in?" I turned to see Allison's grinning face poking down from the top bunk, her long hair hanging down.

"God, is it ever!" laughed Katie.

"They're doing it!" Allie eagerly announced to Mikey as she turned her attention back to him. Mikey shushed her, allowing me to turn back to Katie.

Again we locked eyes. Again we kissed. Again she closed her eyes as I began to slide slowly in and out of her. Her slippery juices quickly spread around my entire dick, allowing me to push my full length into her. Her tongue pulled on mine like she was going to take it for her own.

As we fucked, I gained confidence that maybe I was doing this right. I guessed that maybe my practice with Mikey was paying off. I began to fuck her with a rhythm that just felt like it ought to feel this way. In return, Katie began to run her hands up and down my back, and rub the soles of her feet up and down my legs. She even grabbed my butt with both hands and pulled me into her.

I buried my face down into her shoulder, planting kisses on her neck. I was now fucking her with my full length. Unlike Michele or Mikey, Katie was just deep enough to take my dick all the way in. I could just feel that I was hitting her back wall, the bottom of her well so to speak, when I scrunched my crotch up hard against hers, making her face wince for a moment.

Our arms writhed around our bodies. At some point our hands found each other and intertwined. I pushed her hands up beside her head and held them there. Pushing them into the mattress, I straightened my arms and raised my chest up off of hers. I looked down at her boobs and saw her nipples swollen and fully erect. I watched how her chest heaved as I continued to fuck her as deep into her pussy as I could reach.

She tried to move her hands back around me, or somewhere, but my arms were still pinning them down beside her head. She tried a little harder. I don't know why, just being silly, I guess, but I held her hands down with all the force I could from that angle. She struggled to move them but couldn't. This quickly became a very fun game.

"You're trapped," I mocked as we continued to fuck harder.

She took that as a challenge.

I was not ready for her real strength, and I doubt it would have mattered if I was. Before I realized what was happening, she was rolling me over onto my back and hopping on top of me while I was still full fuck deep inside of her.

The problem was, the bed was a single, only so wide. Our rollover just overshot the edge of the mattress. We tried to stop, but looked at each other wide-eyed as we realized that we were not stopping at the edge. We dropped maybe a foot and a half or two, hands still intertwined, hips still together.

We landed hard on the shag carpet. I thought we would stop there, but she kept us rolling. Her legs, still wrapped around me, wrapped even harder, holding us together. Somehow we ended up still in deep fuck, without breaking my dick off. Except that when we stopped, Katie was now on top. She instantly pinned my hands down beside my head.

"Gotcha," she smiled.

Glancing to my left, I could see Mikey and Allison peeking from the top bunk to see what had happened. Mikey looked worried. Allie was grinning with glee.

But Katie demanded my full attention. After all, she was sitting on me, completely naked, and had my hands pinned down. I don't know that I was completely helpless for real, but I was not interested in fighting her at this point. My eyes shifted between her face and her boobs. Both of them looked bigger hanging over me.

Once she saw that I wasn't going anywhere, she began to fuck me. I had almost forgotten that I was still dick-deep inside of her pussy. She was new to this position, so it took her some experimenting to figure out what would work right.

She began by bouncing up and down on me like a jockey in the saddle. My dick popped out of her when she rose her hips up a little too high. She squirmed her hips until she managed to maneuver it back in, and resumed bouncing a bit more carefully.

Had my hands not been pinned, I would have reached up for a double handful of her boobs that were staring right at me. But I couldn't, so I watched the changing expressions on her face as she danced on my dick.

She tried wiggling this way and that: side to side, back and forth, round and round in circles, and even twisting left and right. Myself, I think I liked the jockey thing best, but I didn't say so. This was her turn.

I think she was getting a little tired, because she leaned down to lay on top of my belly. She relaxed her grip on my wrists. Her fingers ran into mine. Her eyes stared into mine before closing as she kissed me again.

She began to rock back and forth on top of me. But that made it hard for her to hold her lips on mine. So she switched to humping with her hips. I wasn't going as far in and out of her, but this let her grind her entire slit on my pubes. This seemed to be what she was looking for. I pushed my hips up to give her as much of my dick as possible. Her tongue dived to the back of my mouth.

She fucked me faster. She ground her pussy on me harder. She kissed me with so much force that our teeth clacked. I held my dick up high for her, but otherwise completely surrendered to her and enjoyed the ride. This was so different than fucking Michele, or even Mikey. Katie was hungry for me. I let her feast.

That fucking feeling was starting to add up in my own dick pretty well. I knew that I was beginning to build up to orgasm. But before I did, Katie completely tensed up every muscle in her body. Her hands crunched mine. Her tongue wrapped around mine and pulled it into her mouth. She stopped grinding and simply mashed her pussy into me. Her feet shook against my thighs.

"Huuuh!" she cried, without releasing our kiss. My dick felt warm wetness flowing from her pussy, soaking between us and flowing down over my balls.

"Ahh!" she exhaled. Then she relaxed. Her mouth and hands released mine. Her body slumped. She lifted her head and opened her eyes.

" Holy...," she searched for the word, "FUCK!"

I laughed, staring at her reddened face. Mikey and Allison laughed from the top bunk. Katie laughed, but she was also trying to catch her breath, so she ended up coughing and sputtering.

"Back on the bed," I urged her as soon as she caught her breath. She hopped off of me and into the bottom bunk. I hopped right in on top of her. I spread her legs apart with mine, wrapped my arms around her, kissed her on the mouth, and effortlessly shoved my hard dick deep into her sopping, open pussy.

At this point I wasn't trying to be cool nor suave nor sweet. I wanted to fuck her until I came. And that's exactly what I did. Once back inside her, I fucked her full, long, and fast. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she now surrendered to me. Our wet skin made a slapping sound. My heaving shook the bed.

I fucked her furiously as my dick responded to the slippery sliding. I have no idea how long it took. But the wave built up in my dick, then crashed through my head and back. I clenched every muscle. I pushed into her as far as I could. I held my breath. I looked into Katie's face, with her eyes closed and head thrown back. I felt the sperm rip through my dick inside her, pulse after pulse.

We both held stone still for several seconds, until my hips shuddered and I dropped onto her like a heavy blanket. I lay there, eyes closed, catching my breath, until she whispered, "I can't breathe..."

I disentangled my arms and legs from her. With a slight slurping sound I pulled out of her wet pussy, I rolled over on my side. I pulled the filled rubber off of my dick and set it aside.

Katie pointed to the upper bunk. It was shaking, just barely, but definitely.

"Are they doing it?" she whispered quietly.

Not being the subtle sort, I sat up, grabbed the upper rail, and pulled my head up over.

"How's it going up here?" I asked loudly.

Mikey, laying on his back, turned his head toward me, but his eyes remained half closed and rolled back. His teeth bit on his lower lip. He was breathing hard but said nothing.

"Be just a minute," Allison chirped, as she concentrated on pumping Mikey's hard dick with both hands.

I almost advised her to try putting a finger into his butt. Fortunately, I decided that would be kind of stupid. So I dropped back down into the lower bunk.

Katie playfully slapped me in the face three or four times. "You dork!" she giggled. "Leave them alone."

I didn't have a good response to that, so I just lay back down beside her and started kissing her again. She's a good kisser, I thought. I could keep this up for a while. So I did.

"Oh! Ahaha!" squealed Allison from above. "Look at that!"

"Look at what?" Katie asked her.

"Oh, nothing," Allie giggled. "But I think we're gonna need a towel up here."

"Yeah, me too." Katie turned to me. "You got some towels?"

"Hang on!" shouted Mikey. "I got some in my swim bag."

The upper bunk rustled around a moment. Katie turned her head just in time to watch Mikey climb down the ladder, facing us, totally naked. His dick was still erect, and swung back and forth as he stepped down each rung. His belly and chest were crisscrossed with several stripes of spattered, white sperm. Katie and I both watched him intently.

"Hi," he waved at us when he reached bottom and realized how closely he was being observed. Katie turned back to me, giggling while her face blushed deep red.

Mikey opened his swim bag, dug out a large towel, and tossed it into the top bunk.

"You guys need one too?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure. Please," I replied.

He dug a little further in the bag and tossed a smaller towel to Katie and me. "Here ya go."

"Bring me my shirt, too," called Allison.

He grabbed her shirt and his own swim shorts off the floor and tossed them up there as well. Then he climbed back up the ladder to rejoin Allie.

I couldn't help but watch him as he flexed his beautiful, nude boy body up the steps past us. His face carried a mischievious smile. His dick was still semi-erect and swinging with each movement of his sculpted legs. The stripes of cum shifted with his taut belly as he climbed. God, how I loved seeing that boy naked, I thought.


I broke from my reverie to look at Katie. She was staring at me, apparently for the past several seconds. She was not smiling.

I, being a clueless oaf, had to ask.


She continued to look at me blankly, with an expression I was too stupid to read.

"Nothing," she said as she turned and began to wipe herself off with the towel. "Nothing at all."


Confessions of Dan'l, Chapter 1 Part 1 MikeyAndJosh!BUf3a8nZe6 21/01/31(Sun)07:39 No. 27158

There will be more chapters to the Mikey and Me series. But for now, I am obsessed with this rather violent tale. This is the first 7,500 words of "Confessions of Dan'l", the story of a serial rapist and murderer. Do not read if this turns you off.

Tags: rape murder violence teen sex bg Mg anal

[The following is a work of fiction. All characters and events are purely products of the author's imagination. Places have been picked randomly off of a map.]


Confessions of Dan'l

Part 1


October 1993


My name is Daniel Joseph "Dan'l" H_______. I am an inmate on Death Row at Idaho Maximum Security Institution, awaiting execution by lethal injection.

I am writing these pages in confidence to my attorney, Mr. James P. D___, Esq., to be kept confidential until after my execution. Once I am dead, he is free to release them to anyone concerned.

I have been convicted by jury of abducting, raping, and murdering one Elizabeth S______, age 9 years, in April of 1985. I hereby admit that I did in fact commit this crime. I concur that the jury did reach the correct verdict in my case, and that an appropriate sentence was handed down. I deserve and accept my fate.

I have also been the subject of various other investigations related to other crimes in Idaho and Montana. I write now to reveal the truth, as best I know, behind crimes for which I have been suspected, and others for which I have not.

I do not ask for forgiveness, nor even understanding. I ask only that truth be told.



My grandfather, Joseph P. H_______, was a decorated war hero, having served in the U.S. Navy in Pacific Theater of World War II. He was awarded the Navy Cross for heroic deeds at the battle of Okinawa. After the war, he was involved in tests of atomic bombs in the Pacific. Upon leaving the Navy, he made a career as an electronics technician, and installing underground fallout shelters throughout Idaho and surrounding states.

His fallout shelter business was successful for two reasons. First, his experience with A-bomb tests made him the area's leading expert on the subject, at least in the eyes of his customers. Second, he patented the idea of planting pre-fabricated steel modules in the ground, instead of custom building in a hole.

Grandfather married Miss Chloie R______ of French Corner, ID. They had two children: Daniel and Ruth. He bought a plot of land in the mountains east of Idaho City. He built an extensive fallout shelter for himself and his family there, because he was certain that nuclear war with the Soviet Union was inevitable, and the resulting fallout would require living underground for at least several weeks. Ironically, he died in 1970 from cancer that may have been caused by the fallout he endured in his Navy days.

Grandfather's own shelter contained three modules: one for kitchen/dining/living space, another adjoining for bed and bathroom/shower, and a third, underneath the bed/bath with fresh water and sewage storage tanks equipped with pumps. It was fitted out with systems for ventilation and electricity, and covered with three feet of earth, except for an entrance hatch that was large enough to move furniture and appliances through.

To honor grandfather's service and heroism, Boise County named the one-lane, gravel road to his property "Okinawa Highway." He objected strongly to this, because all his memories of Okinawa were horrible, and he wanted to forget that the place ever existed. At his insistence, they eventually shortened the name to the much more pleasant-sounding "OK Hiway."

Much to my grandfather's anger, his two children began and carried on an incestuous relationship. When Ruth became pregnant in 1964, he kicked them both out, forbidding them (and their son) to ever return. He refused to see them (and their son) ever again, even on his deathbed. But Grandmother was much more forgiving, so she left them the property on OK Hiway and the proceeds from selling the shelter business in her will when she died in 1974.

Of course, that son was me, born June 4, 1965. Having the same first name as my father, they called me "Dan'l". He went by "Danny." No, it was never confusing, at least not to us.

Idaho City is a small town, but very old. Everyone there knew all about our family. Naturally, we were shunned and mocked until Dad moved us maybe thirty or so miles away to a new property east of Boise, where nobody knew us at all. We all liked it better that way. But he hung onto the land on OK Hiway, because the shelter might come in handy in case the Russians ever attacked us with nukes. I guess he must have thought we would have at least an hour's warning before the Russian missiles landed.


The Harrison School Three

In fall of 1977, I was a seventh-grader, age 12, at William Henry Harrison Middle School, on the southeast side of Boise. I was an okay student, making B-average grades. I especially liked science and history classes. I think it was because I was good at memorizing, so I could remember all the different classes and species of plants and animals, as well as dates and places of historical events.

I hated P. E. class terribly. I have always been lousy at sports. I wasn't strong, I couldn't run very fast, nor throw a ball very far, and had no interest in tackling or getting tackled in a football game. Even worse, I hated showering in the locker room with the other guys, who always made fun of me for no other reason, I think, than that I hated being made fun of while naked in the shower. It just made me not want to go to school at all.

Recess was just as bad. While it was supposed to be fun time to unwind, for me it was time to be taunted for being bad at the games everyone else wanted to play. I just wanted to sit and stare at the bugs in the grass, or the birds in the trees.

It had been like this for me all through sixth grade. Seventh grade looked like it was going to be no better. And I still had to get through eighth before getting out of that damned school.

But seventh grade brought me one blessing. That was a younger girl, named Rhonda C______. Rhonda was just as low on her sixth grade social totem pole as I was. I didn't share any classes with her, but I always saw her sitting on the sidelines at recess. The only person who would talk to her was her big sister Jenny, a tall eighth-grader.

At lunch in the cafeteria, Rhonda was always sitting with her sister and her big friends. I think Jenny insisted on it. But at recess, she usually sat alone.

Then one magic day, she walked over to me, by the fence at the far end of the field, and asked what I was staring at in the grass.

I pointed out the two different types of ants crawling around. There were red ants and black ants. Sometimes, I showed her, they would just pass each other by. But other times, they would bump into each other, and then a war would start. The reds would fight the blacks, and they would try to kill each other, or take the other captive. Usually the red ants usually seemed to win, dragging hapless black ants into their ant hill in the dirt to face who knows what horrible fate below.

I could even quote her the phylum, class, order, genus, and species of the ants (they were all the same except for the species). This fascinated Rhonda. She asked me more about the ants, and then about the trees and birds beyond the fence. And I told her about the different kinds of clouds that slid overhead.

This made me want to look up facts in class that I could share with her at recess, like why we could sometimes see the Moon during the day, or what kinds of flowers were blooming this time of year.

Maybe it was because she simply paid attention to me, I don't know, but I really thought she was beautiful. Not that I had any idea what beautiful really meant. I mean, she didn't look like the popular girls who hung in a clique and went steady with the popular guys. But to me she was absolutely beautiful.

Her face was freckled, her hair light red, short but not real short, and just a little curly. She typically wore a t-shirt or colored tank top with a short skirt, or sometimes short pants. Of course, I remember her mostly from the warm weather days, before the fall turned cool.

Her big sister Jenny would often stop by to check on her. Jenny would always cast a suspicious, disapproving eye on me, before running off to rejoin her big girl friends. I'm sure she was just being protective of her little sister, but I didn't like her at all.

No one, much less any girl, had ever talked to me friendly like Rhonda did. Her eyes sparkled as we discussed weeds and rocks. She would challenge me with questions like, "What time of year does the American robin live around here?" If I didn't know by the next day, she might just have the answer herself. She was very bright. I wanted to kiss her. I mean I really, really wanted to kiss her.

One warm day in early October, I worked up the nerve to ask if I could kiss her. And that turned out to be the biggest mistake of my miserable fucking life.

She said yes.

I couldn't believe it. No girl on Earth could have possibly wanted to kiss a dopey little kid like me. But Rhonda had just agreed. Right now, at recess. Right here on the playground.

Within a mere second, visions flew through my head of us kissing, then going steady, then getting married, then having a car and a family, then making careers as famous scientists, touring the world giving lectures on all the different plants and bugs and rocks and clouds of southern Idaho, all while constantly hugging and kissing our way through our happy lives.

She said yes.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she said again. "You can kiss me." I think she was smiling, but I was not sure.

I leaned my face into hers. I locked my eyes onto hers. Then we both closed eyes and moved our faces together.

Our noses bumped first. The smooth warmth of her nose on mine made me think what a good thing the Eslimos have by kissing the way they supposedly do.

Then our lips touched. Hers felt soft and dry to me, except for maybe a bit of chapped cracking in the middle. But the intimate contact with another human being, a girl human being, pushed an electric sprak through my brain. I wondered if she felt the same.

I don't remember if it was her or me who first moved our lips, but we did, one after the other. I felt just a trace of moistness on her lips as we flexed just a little further onto each others' mouths.

I placed a hand on her shoulder. My right hand on her left shoulder. My left hand moved to her knee. I squeezed her shoulder just a bit.

She froze, sudden and stiff. Her eyes opened wide. Mine opened enough to wonder what was up. She pulled her lips off of mine.

Rhonda screamed. She closed her eyes and screamed at a pitch that pierced my ears and surely caught the attention of everyone on the entire playground. I had no idea what would be causing her such pain. I looked around to see if a snake or a scorpion had crawled onto her.

To my horror, I saw even worse. My right hand, squeezing her shoulder, had somehow slid down to her chest, and was now squeezing her flat breast. I had now idea how it got there, nor why it continued to squeeze her.

She kept screaming. Kids everywhere were turning to look in our direction. I yanked my hand back from her as fast as I could think.

Whap! She slapped her hand hard across my face, then got up and ran for the classrooms. I saw her sister intercept her by the basketball court. Rhonda cried, Jenny spoke to her, Rhonda pointed over to me, they looked my way. Everyone looked my way. Jenny quickly ushered her sister away.

Recess over, I returned to class, wondering how badly I had screwed up. The day carried on with nobody saying anything to me, but I could hear bits of whispering among the other students: "He grabbed her boobs." "She doesn't even have boobs." "He's a pervert."

At lunch, Rhonda sat with her sister, as usual. But this time she was surrounded by all of Jenny's eighth grade friends. I really wanted to apologize to her, to tell her that I'm sorry and I didn't intend to touch her there, that she's not in danger and that I'm not really a creep. But there was no getting near her.


I muddled through the rest of the day with my head in a complete mess. The teacher wouldn't even talk to me directly. I just couldn't wait to get the bus ride home over with, so I could get out of this suddenly hostile crowd. Maybe once I got home, Mom or Dad could give me some good advice.

When the last bell rang, I headed for the bus quickly, hoping to get a seat by myself so I could hide down low for the entire 30 minute trip out of town. But before I could get there, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside.

It was Tuna. Christina, that is, the overweight 8th grader who went by Tina, but everyone called her Tuna. I assumed the nickname was a joke on her size, although I had never known that tuna fish were particulatly fat, or strong, or ugly or whatever. More likely, it was just a stupid nickname that some stupid middle schooler had come up with. Still, she was easily the largest girl in the eighth grade. And middle school seemed to be an age when the girls outgrew the boys.

Tuna pulled me aside from the stream of kids heading for the buses. At first I was worried she would clobber me, because everyone seemed to be turning against me all of a sudden. But she was smiling, and looking excited. "Come here," she urged. "Follow me!" So I followed without arguing.

She tugged me around the corner to the bathroom building. "I've got a proposition for you," she whispered. "I hear you like titties." She reached in back of her head to remove the tie on her ponytail, then shook her long, brown hair free around her shoulders.

I started to back away. "Look," I said, "that was a misunderstanding. I never..."

"Shh!" Tuna put a finger to my lips. "I got real boobs. And I'll let you see them. I might even let you touch them. Just let me do the same with your... thing." She looked down at my crotch, still smiling.

"Right here?" I looked around, but saw nobody else nearby.

"No, you silly. In here!" Again grabbing my wrist, she tugged me towards the door that said "GIRLS."

I resisted. "I can't go in there! I'm not a girl!"

"It's okay," Tuna insisted, pulling me through the door. "Nobody else is in here after school. The janitor's already finished in here for the day. Now come on!"

So I followed her in. She was right in that I saw nobody else in there. It was just her and me. She pushed me up against a wall next to the sinks.

I was still trying to figure out what she wanted. "You want to touch my... thing? Why?"

She blushed. "First let me look at it. I really wanna see it. I've never seen a boy's thing before. And I'll even show you my titties first."

Tuna, being a chunky girl, certainly did have real titties. She probably had the biggest pair in the whole school, at least among the students. She clearly had a bra on under her dark blue t-shirt. Even then, now that I started looking, I could see her large nipples showing through.

"Have you ever seen a girl's titties?" she asked with an sly lilt.

"Just, umm, my Mom's." Jesus that sounded stupid to me.

"Well, I think you'll like these. Now just stand there, okay?" She backed up two steps from me, and lifted the lower hem of her t-shirt up to her bra. I swear she had a full square yard of pale skin showing on her rotund belly. I did not find it attractive. Just fat. But I was still watching her hands.

She fumbled her fingers just a bit to catch hold of the underwire of her bra. "You ready?" she asked.

"Umm, yeah... I guess." How lame I must have sounded. But she was still smiling, so I felt encouraged.

Tuna lifted her shirt and bra up to her neck. Two full-grown boobs bounced out from underneath and hung there. She stared at me, still grinning.

At first my eyes focused on the large pink circles, two or three inches around, then the nipples the size of chalk stubs poking out. I had heard somewhere that enlarged nipples meant that a girl was sexually excited, and man did hers look enlarged. Then I took in the entire picture of chubby Tuna almost half naked right in front of me. This aroused a throb in my jeans.

"Now show me yours," she tittered. She dropped her hands, but left her boobs exposed.

"You wanna see my... dick?" I knew that was what she was asking for. Maybe I just wanted her to ask again. And I wanted to be sure she wasn't asking to see my chest. I mean, I would have felt stupid if she wanted to see my chest and then I showed her my dick.

"I do," she said. Her smile seemed to take on a more wicked shape. "Drop you pants. For me."

Well, I thought, she had indeed showed me her boobs. So I popped open the button to my jeans and pulled the zipper down. I watched Tuna's eyes as she focused on my crotch. They (her eyes) popped wider as I pushed my pants and underwear down to my thighs, and my dick popped out. Seeing her naked chest now had me half-erect, which I found terribly embarrassing. I'm sure that I was blushing.

"I like that," she said. "That looks nice." She licked her lips while eyeballing my naked dick.

Of course I had no idea what a girl might find nice looking about a dick. I was just glad that she didn't point and laugh. Still, I had no idea what I should do next.

Tuna seemed to know. "Would you like to touch them?" she asked, running her hands over her enlarged nipples. "I'll let you." She stepped up closer to me, within easy reach. I realized, at this close range, that she was nearly a full head taller than me.

I had never touched a girl's titties before. At least, not counting that morning's incident with Rhonda, which of course wasn't the same thing at all.

She hiked her shirt and bra just a little higher up above her chest. I guess I seemed hesitant, because she took my hand herself and placed it on her right tit.

My other hand moved itself to her other tit. Both my hands felt the smooth, pale flesh through the fingertips. Together they brushed over her stiff nipples, given them a gentle squeeze. I didn't want to pinch her too hard. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them to look into mine.

My exposed dick jumped up, taking notice of what my hands were feeling. Tuna noticed what my dick was doing, because she looked down and gasped in an open mouth smile.

"Can I touch it?" she asked softly. "I want to hold it."

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded, while my fingers continued to explore her fat tittie flesh.

I rolled my eyes as I felt her soft hand wrap around my dick. I gasped as she began to slide her hand back and forth along the shaft. Her other hand cupped under my balls, gently rolling them about in her fingers.

I knew from having handled myself enough times that I was going to squirt my sperm on her arms any second now. I couldn't even think about how she might respond to that. I was just feeling her hands on my hard dick and my hands on her big boobs.

"Close your eyes," she whispered, "and I'll kiss you." Of course I closed them. I leaned forward for her kiss.

I waited for her kiss for two, maybe three seconds. She tightened her grip on my dick and balls.

"Too tight!" I grimaced. Her grip tightened even more, with crushing force. Horrible pain shot through my balls. I would have collapsed except that she was forcefully holding me up.

"I got him, girls!" she shouted.

My eyes sprung open. Tuna's smile now looked completely evil as she pushed me against the wall and she redoubled her crushing grip on my bare organs. "Aggh!" I yelled. "Let go! Let go!"

My head was thrashing about in pain when I saw two figures walk out from the toilet stalls. It took me a moment to recognize them as Jenny and Rhonda.

I realized that I had been set up.

Rhonda stood back, but Jenny walked right up to me, still writhing in Tuna's grip, and cocked her arm back. She said nothing, but tucked her lips into her mouth as she threw her fist into my face. Her power punch landed right between my mouth and nose. My teeth cut into my upper lip as my head bounced off the cement wall. My stunned eyes could just make out an expression of pure hatred in Jenny's face.

Tuna released her grip on my dick and balls. But that was no relief, as she immedialtely slammed her knee hard up into my crotch. "Uhh!" I grunted with all the air in my lungs as a burst of pain completely crippled my lower body. I collapsed to my knees on the hard tile.

Tuna pulled her shirt and bra back down, then delivered a hard whollop to the side of my head. My eyes saw nothing but a blinding flash of light as I fell sideways to the floor. I opened my eyes just in time to see a shoe land a hard kick to my nose. Another foot pounded into my gut and ribs. Debilitating pain burst from my stomach, head, and crotch.

I tried to curl into a defensive ball, but my muscles ached too much to respond. I tried to scream for help, but found no breath in my lungs. At least two more fist punches landed on my temple, sending fireworks through my head.

I must have gone pretty much limp by this point, because I did nothing as various hands pulled me by the ankles away from the wall. I could not resist as the lifted my legs up, removed my shoes, and tugged my open pants off. I tried to reach for my underwear but that got yanked off, too. Two strong arms pulled my ankles apart and pinned them to the floor.

"Holy shit, Tuna" Jenny laughed, looking at my erection which somehow wouldn't go away. "You really got him excited, didn't you?"

Tuna chuckled. "All the boys get hard for me,"

Jenny turned to her sister. "Okay, now, Rhonda! Now!"

I opened my eyes to see young Rhonda's face wrapped up in anger as she walked up between my spread legs. She looked me in the eyes, then at my exposed crotch. She gritted her teeth, raised her foot, and stomped down onto me like she was trying to kill a bug on my balls.

"Huurk!" My lungs noisily filled with air as the ache spread through my loins.

"Not like that," said Jenny. "Remember how we taught you to kick the football?"

Rhonda nodded, and took one more look at me before backing up two carefully measured steps. The big girls reset their grip on my ankles. "Now!" shouted Jenny.

Rhonda took two quick steps forward, then swung her right leg from all the back back to full force forward, landing the toe of her shoe square on my balls.

My lungs were now full of air, and I know I screamed bloody murder when her kick crushed into me. I kept screaming until Tuna bashed her heavy fist into my face to shut me up.

"Okay, tell him!" commanded Jenny.

Rhonda obediently knelt down over me, her face filled with rage. With both hands she grabbed my chest through my shirt and squeezed her fingernails hard into my pecs."You!" she shouted in my face, "You don't EVER touch my chest!" She released her grip, but then laid three quick, hard slaps onto my cheek. "And don't ever talk to me again!"

She stood up and walked away, crying. I started to watch her go, but the big girls stole my attention with several more hard kicks to my sides and ribs.

Jenny looked down at me in disgust. She loudly hocked a loogie and spit it into my bleeding face before following her sister.

"Hope you liked my tits," Tuna snarled. She took one more good look at my naked crotch. "You actually had a pretty nice dick. Not anymore." She stepped on my ankle with her full weight as she followed the other girls out.


I don't know how long I lay there on the floor of the girls' bathroom. Crippling pain rolled through every muscle and bone in my body. Trying to move only made it worse. So I just drooled and bled on the floor for a while, until my brain started to process thoughts again.

My first thought was: How could sweet, innocent little Rhonda become so violently angry over a simple, absent-minded mistake? Couldn't I have just apologized and promised never to touch her again?

My second thought was: How am I going to get home? I've surely missed the bus, and home is over ten miles away. And I did not feel in shape for a long walk. At least the tile floor felt cool. I wished I could fall asleep, but I hurt too much to relax.

It may have been hours before I got around to lifting myself off the floor, using the porcelain sinks for support. I found my pants, underwear, and shoes, then took several painful minutes slowly easing them on.

Looking at myself in the mirror (they were polished steel, not breakable glass), I saw that I looked as bad as I felt. I washed most of the blood off of my face in the sink, and tried to push most of my mussed-up hair back into place. Then it was time to go.

I hobbled out the door. I was surprised to find the sky was now dark, and the street lights were on. I realized that I must have been down for a long time. Nothing to do now but walk. It wasn't quick, but I walked. Down the sidewalk. Past the school office, now closed and dark. Out to the street, turn north. One long block to the main road, turn east. Hurting all the way.

At the first traffic light, there was a convenience store with a pay phone out front. But I had no money to call my parents. I wasn't thinking clearly enough to try a collect call. So I kept limping along.

Boise may be a big city, at least compared to the rest of Idaho, but it dies off quickly on the outskirts. Nobody passed by me close enough to realize my plight. Nobody stopped their car to offer me a ride, not even the policeman who cruised by. I slowly left the city lights behind and walked on along the highway in the dark. Of course it hurt, but it had hurt the whole way and now it couldn't get any worse. My mind had gone blank, so I just kept going. No thoughts of Rhonda, nor Jenny or Tuna, nor school or anything else, except for the route home.

I must have made it at least two miles, because I remember passing the poultry processing plant before a car pulled to a stop beside me. A van, actually. A large, white van like Dad's. The passenger side window rolled down. "Hey! Dan'l!"

It was Dad, I finally realized. Dad had come looking for me, and finally found me limping along the dark highway.

"What the fuck happened to you?" he shouted.

I just stood there, and began to cry.

He got out and looked me over. "Hol-ee shit," he muttered. Then he lifted me into the front seat and drove me home, without another question.


I woke sometime the next day. Mom was dabbing a cloth on my face, which really stung my skin. She made me swallow a couple of her pain pills, and some orange juice to wash them down. She poked around my body to see where I hurt the most. My ribs brought the sharpest reaction to her touch. My balls ached terribly too, but she did not poke me there.

Dad came in and asked me questions about what happened to me, while Mom listened. I told them about Rhonda and how I touched her on the chest, and how Tuna had lured me into the girls' bathroom, and how they and Jenny beat the hell out of me. My swollen and painful lips made it hard to talk, so I gave them the short version. Dad asked a few more questions about the girls.

"Are you gonna call the cops on them?" I asked.

"No," Dad answered. "I'm gonna have a talk with those girls myself. I know where the C_____ girls live; I bought scrap metal once from their daddy. And I'll find out about this Tuna kid."

"You bring me when you do," growled Mom. "I want a piece o' them myself."

This talk worried me. "Could you please be nice to Rhonda?" I asked. "I still think she's okay."

Dad scoffed. "After she kicked you like a football? Maybe not."

"What about missing school?" I asked.

"Today is Saturday," Mom reminded me. "If you're not ready to go back by Monday, I'll call and tell them you have a stomach bug. Now you go back to sleep. You got a lot of healing to do."

I spent the rest of the weekend in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom. I was glad to see that my dick still worked, at least for peeing. Mom got some bandages and ointments and stuff from somewhere in town, and wrapped my ribs. Dad was gone most of the weekend, but did come back Sunday afternoon with more pain pills that Mom was running low on. I guessed that those were not from a regular doctor. Mom told me that I was to stay home from school on Monday.

So I slept in Monday morning. When I woke, both Mom and Dad were gone. I got myself out of bed, and found a couple more pills that Mom had left for me. I also found that I could now get around a bit, and managed to get myself some lunch without too much trouble.

It was after dark when Mom and Dad got home. Mom put new bandages on my ribs, and gave me another dose of pills. Dad brought in a pizza for dinner.

"Eat up," he said. "You and me are going out for a ride."

"Not Mom?" I asked.

"Mom's stayin' here. Just you and me. And you're not going to school tomorrow, either."

We ate, then I got dressed and went out to the van. Dad stopped me just before getting in.

"One rule for this ride," he said quietly but intensely. "Do not talk. Do not say a word. Try not to make a sound at all. Can you do that for an hour?"

I agreed and got in the van. When the dome light came on, I was shocked to notice a person in the back, face down, bag over their head, arms and legs tightly bound with hemp rope, and tied off to the rails on both sides of the van. From the person's size, I guessed it might be Tuna. I looked at Dad, about to ask, but he held his finger to his lips, telling me to stay quiet. So I just buckled myself in and stared straight ahead as Dad started the van and my heartbeat raced.

He turned north on the main road, away from Boise. I guessed we might be heading to the property on OK Hiway. That was about an hour's drive, as I recalled. I settled down, I think, but spent most of the time wondering and imagining what Dad had in mind for Tuna, assuming I had guessed right.

Every now and then, the bundle in the back made some muffled shouts and rustled about a bit. My bound and aching ribs kept me from turning to look. Dad turned up the country music on the radio to drown out the noise.

When he turned east just before Idaho City, I knew that I had correctly guessed our destination. Ten minutes later, when we reached the final turn onto OK Hiway, he turned off the headlights and drove through the darkness by moonlight and memory.

After another ten minutes, we pulled up to the gate in front of Grandfather's old house. Dad reminded me again with a finger to his lips to stay quiet, then handed me a key and gestured for me to get out and open the gate.

I held the gate open as he drove through, then closed and locked it back up. I followed the van down the driveway to the back of the house. Dad parked it and got out. I walked with him out through the tall grass in the back yard. I had been on this property once or twice before, but only in the house and front yard. This was the first time I had seen the hatch to the fallout shelter.

He used another key on his keyring to open a padlock. Then he pulled open each side of a flat, steel double door by the handles. In the moonlight, I saw a wide, wooden staircase leading down into the darkness. Somewhere nearby I could here a small motor running, which I realized later must have been the shelter's generator.

Dad gestured me back to the van. Before opening the back, he paused and quietly told me, "I know you're still hurting, but I want you to help me haul her out by her shoulders. She's pretty heavy. Once I untie her from the van, put your arm under hers and pull. If she fights, just drop her and I'll take care of it. And not a word, okay?"

I still had no idea what he had planned, but I was certainly going to be a part of it. My heartbeat raced, but there was nothing I could do but obey. Dad was in charge.

He open the back door of the van. The inside light came on. The body inside lifted her sack-covered head. I could tell by her size and clothes that this was indeed Tuna.

Dad undid the ropes that secured her to the sides of the van. Her hands were still bound behind her back, and her legs were tied together at the knees and ankles of her jeans. He gestured for me to grab an arm. Together we tugged her out of the van as she began to yell and wrestle about. As soon as she was out, we dropped her onto the ground. She flexed and rolled herself over, still yelling. With a fist punch into her fat belly, Dad changed her yelling into groaning and crying.

He rolled her back over, and again we each grabbed an arm and dragged her, kicking and crying, to the open hatch. He pointed down the dark stairs. "Toss her," he said, and together we dropped her through the hatch, onto the stairs, and watched her tumble, screaming again, down the stairs into the darkness.

I swore I could hear other voices inside, either talking or whimpering or crying or something. I looked at Dad. "You've never seen this place, have you?" he asked. "Your grandfather built it years ago, in case of nuclear war." He stepped down the staircase and hit a lightswitch on the wall. I followed him down into the now illuminated room.

"Can you close those doors?" he asked. It was rather painful on my ribs, but I did manage to pull each half of the heavy doors up and over, closing them down above me. There was a handle inside that latched them together, so I pulled that shut, too.

Then I stepped down the stairs to the floor. Dad was wrestling Tuna, still bound and crying with the bag over her head, under a wooden bench, in front of a picnic-style table. I was shocked to see two other bodies already under this bench, face down on the wooden floor. Their arms were tied behind their backs, and connected with ropes over the bench to their bound ankles. Their heads were covered with the same animal feed sacks as Tuna wore, draw strings pulled tight.

By their size and clothing, I instantly knew who the other two people under the bench were.

Once Dad had muscled fat Tuna under the bench, and tied her bound wrists over the bench to her bound ankles, he loosened and pulled off each of the three sacks over their heads.

One by one, each of them, Tuna, then Jenny, then little Rhonda, each with terribly messed up hair, turned their heads to glare at me, supreme fear and hatred in their eyes, as if I was somehow to blame for all this.


This was not the time to ask him how he had captured these girls. Is was not until days later that I got him to explain. But since I am writing this account for posterity, I will write here what he eventually told me. To my knowledge, the police never learned much about this during their investigation.

The C______ girls lived close enough to the school that the buses did not provide service to their house. So they rode their bikes to school and back every day. A quick drive through their street revealed a short section of the gravel road that was out of view to the neighbors.

Sunday afternoon, Dad drove up to OK Hiway to get the fallout shelter set up with fresh generator gas and water. He got the ventilation system going to change out the old, stale air. Lastly, he checked that the sewage tank was nearly empty. Then he refilled the van with gas and returned home.

Sunday night, Dad stocked the van with several lengths of rope, and some of the empty chicken feed bags, the kind that closed with drawstrings, that Mom had been saving just in case they might come in handy. Then early Monday morning, before sunup, they drove out and idled the van on the girls' home road where it wouldn't be seen.

Right on time, Jenny and Rhonda came riding down the street. Just as they were about to pass the van, Dad pulled out right in front of them and stopped. Jenny ran into the side of the van and fell over onto the gravel, scraping up her knee and elbow.

Mom ran out and helped Jenny get up, apologizing for Dad being such a stupid driver. She opened up the side door and crawled in, saying she had some Bactine and Band-Aids somewhere in there. Dad told Jenny to sit inside the side door while they cleaned her scrapes. Rhonda stood by and watched. Neither of the girls knew that these were my parents.

Mom passed the medicine bottle to Dad, who sprayed it on Jenny's knee and elbow. She winced from the sting, but held still.

"Come closer," Dad told Rhonda. "I want you to see this." Rhonda stepped up close to look at Jenny's scrapes.

That was the moment that Dad slammed his fist square into Jenny's face. She was completely stunned for the short moment that it took Mom to drop a feed sack over her head and pull the string closed. Dad lifted her by the torso and tossed her back into the van where Mom made quick work of tying her up.

Rhonda screamed and started to run. But Dad grabbed her quickly by the arm, silenced her with a punch to her soft belly, then threw her in. He tossed both bikes in behind them, then climbed in himself. He closed the door, and quickly put a sack and ropes on Rhonda, too.

Now Jenny began to scream, so he delivered one more punch into her bagged face before climbing up to the front seat and driving off. Mom stayed in the back, immobilizing the girls with more rope.

About an hour later, they loaded the kids, one by one, into the fallout shelter. The girls cried and asked why this was happening, but Mom and Dad told them nothing. Mom helped them go to the bathroom with hands still tied and heads still bagged. She gave them each a drink of water, then Dad tied them to the underside of the bench. They were left crying in the dark as Mom and Dad locked up the shelter and returned home.

On the way back, they tossed the bikes off a cliff into an arm of Lucky Peak Lake.

Then they went to work finding Tuna. I had told my parents that she was the fattest girl in 8th grade. So they stopped by the local pizza joint that sponsored the Harrison MS softball team. Sure enough, there was a poster on the wall featuring last year's team. The fattest girl in the picture was listed as Christina O_____, 7th grade. They bought a pizza to go and left.

A nearby pay phone had a phone book with only one listing for that last name. The listed street was in the right end of town for Harrison School. They found the cul-de-sac and parked the van at the end at the end of the school day. About half an hour later, a bus dropped off a single overweight girl. They watched her as she walked up a driveway and let a pair of small, white puppies out of the house to play before going inside.

With a couple slices of pepperoni off the pizza, Mom lured the tail-wagging puppies over to the fence line. She picked one up and petted it while she carried it back to the van.

They drove back to the pay phone, timing the drive. Mom got out and waited that same amount of time for Dad to drive back before calling the number from the phone book.

"Hello, is this Tina?," she asked. "I think this is your puppy who wandered over to our house. Could you come get him?"

Dad stood by the open van door as Tuna walked up the road. "Your puppy is right here," he said.

As soon as she looked in, he pushed her over into the van. This wasn't easy, as she was much heavier and stronger than Jenny. But she was only an eighth-grader after all, so she really had no chance. He quickly dragged her in and pounded her into submission. Then he got a couple of ropes and a drawstring bag onto her before dropping the puppy out onto the road. Tuna cried and struggled as Dad drove back to meet Mom at the pay phone.

Mom took over the driving while Dad finished the tie-down job on the way home. That's when they met me inside with a pizza for dinner.

I had wondered why the pizza seemed kind of old and cold by the time they got home.


Confessions of Dan'l Chap 1 Pt 2 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/02/02(Tue)05:53 No. 27165

Dan'l continues his story of the Harrison School Three.

Tags: mg bg rape sex anal violence

I had wondered why the pizza seemed kind of old and cold by the time they got home.


There and then, I did not know that Tuna had taken a beating a couple of hours ago. Nor did I know how long Jenny and Rhonda had been lying in the dark. Lastly, I did not know that seeing me in the shelter was their first realization of just what this was all about.

Dad paced back and forth in front of the girls, like a sergeant inspecting a line of troops.

"Are these the girls who beat you up?" he asked me.

Getting beat up by girls sounded shameful to the middle school mind, so I mumbled quietly when I said, "Yeah, that's them."

"Did all of them hurt you?"

I decided on the spot that I would try to go easy on Rhonda. I don't know why, but I still liked her. So I lied. "Not her," I said, pointing to Rhonda.

"The little one didn't hurt you?" asked Dad. "The other day you told me she kicked you hard in the nuts. Now did she or didn't she hurt you?"

Shit, I thought. I forgot I had already told him that. "Yes," I mumbled, "she did. She kicked me twice."

He turned to Rhonda. "Hey, little girlie, whaddya think of that? This boy is still trying to protect you, even after you kicked his nuts in, twice. I think he really likes you."

She just stared back at him, trembling with fright.

"Well," he shouted, "Whaddya got to say? Speak up! Now!"

"I... I-I'm sorry," she stammered.

"Don't tell me," Dad pointed to me. "Tell him!"

She looked over my way, and began to cry. "I'm... I'm sorry, Dan'l. I'm sorry I hurt you. You didn't deserve it."

Dad squatted down in front of her. "He didn't deserve it, huh?"

She quivered. Tears began torun from her eyes. "No, sir."

"So tell me, Little... What's her name?"

"Rhonda," I reminded him.

"Okay, so tell me, Little Rhonda," then shouted at the top of his lungs, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT?!"

She screamed and ducked her head down into the floor. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't want to! My sister made me do it!"

Jenny threw a shocked look at her little sister. "I did not!" she protested.

Dad, still squatting, shuffled to his right, in front of Jenny. "So, Big Sister, this was your idea?"

"No!" she cried. "I just wanted to protect my little sister. It was Tuna's idea to beat him up!"

"You LIAR!" Tuna shouted at Jenny. "You asked me to help you!"

"Nuh-uhh!" retorted Jenny. "You said we needed to teach him a lesson!"

"And you told me to trap him in the bathroom!"

"You're a liar! You wanted to squish his dick!"

"You're the liar! You wanted to smash his face!"

"Shut the FUCK UP!" Dad roared, as he smashed his fist into Jenny's crying face. She screamed and cried into the floor. Drops of blood ran from her nose.

Then he turned to Tuna, who quickly turned her face down to the floor. Dad grabbed her by her long hair and pulled her head up. She looked up at him silently, not with fear, but a look of hatred on her face. I wanted to punch her myself.

But Dad did not punch her. He stood up and walked around beside her. She quickly turned her face away when she saw him swing his foot back. His work boot crashed into the side of her face, I think on her jaw. "Uck!" she shouted, as blood began to drip from her mouth.

"All right, now answer me this," Dad commanded. "Why did you want to beat him up anyways? Jenny, you answer."

"He grabbed her boobs on the playground," she whined.

"I barely touched her chest, and it was by accident!" I protested.

Dad shushed me. "Why was that such a big deal? Why not just make him apologize? Why the big reaction to such a little thing?"

Rhonda was silent. After a moment, Jenny spoke up. "A couple of years ago, our father used to try to play with my boobs, but I fought him like hell. So he tried the same thing with Rhonda. She couldn't fight like me, so the only thing she could do was to scream like crazy whenever he did that. And that's what she did when Dan'l grabbed her chest."

"I didn't grab her chest!" I insisted.

Dad turned back to me. "Okay, so this is their father's fault. So Dan'l, you answer me two questions. First, should Rhonda get off easier than these other two?"

Rhonda looked up at me.

"Y- yes," I stammered, looking back at her. "She should, if I have any say."

"Okay, you got it." He pointed to the big girls. "And which of these deserves the worst?"

I thought about it a moment. Neither of them looked up, but kept their faces to the floor. I really didn't know who had instigated the whole incident. They had both beat me pretty hard.

Two things made up my mind: One, Jenny had been trying to protect her little sister. Two, Tuna had pulled the whole "You can touch my tits if I can touch your dick" trickery. And maybe I just hated her worse just because she was fat and ugly. And she wasn't showing any signs of being sorry right now.

"Her," I said, pointing at Tuna. "She deserves the worst." Jenny looked up to see who I was pointing at. Tuna did not. I think she already knew who I would choose. She mumbled something into the floor.

"What's that, Fat Girl?" Dad pulled her face up by the hair again. "What you got to say?"

"I said I'll FUCKIN' GET YOU FOR THIS, Dan'l!" she shouted at me, her face contorted in anger.

Dad laughed. "Whatcha think of that, Dan'l? She's gonna fuck and get you for this!" He turned back to her. "Which you gonna do first? Fuck him or get him?"

"I wouldn't fuck a loser twerp like you if your stupid daddy punched me a hundred times!" she shouted. "And you're so weak you couldn't hurt a rabbit!"

That did it. I was done with her. My eyes latched onto the pegboard behind the table, where various pots, pans, and kitchen utensils were hung. I grabbed a mid-sized frying pan.

"Now you're thinkin'!" laughed Dad, as Tuna tucked her face under her as best she could. Of course, the back of her skull looked like a solid target. But I didn't want to kill her. I wanted to make her sorry. So I swung the pan down onto the fingers of her curled-up fists, tied together and draped over the bench.

"Baahh!" she screamed as I heard her knuckles snap. "You fuck! You fucking fuck!"

"Dan'l!" It was Rhonda trying to shout over Tuna's screaming. "Dan'l!"

I looked at her. "What?"

"I... I need to go to the bathroom. Right now."

I looked at Dad. "Untie her," he said. So I undid the rope between her wrists and ankles, and pulled her out from under the bench. Dad pulled her up on her unsteady feet.

"Now you listen to me, little lady," he said quietly as I untied her ankles, then her wrists. "You're gonna get off easy, because Dan'l here still likes you, even after you did what you did to him. But here's what you're gonna do.

"First, you're gonna go to the bathroom. But your gonna do it with the door open, and Dan'l's gonna watch you to make sure you don't pull any tricks."

Rhonda stretched her arms and shook her feet, trying to get the blood flowing.

"Second. You're gonna make it up to Dan'l by letting him fuck you."

Every face in the room turned to Dad.

"But she's only eleven!" Jenny objected. Then she cringed as Dad grabbed the frying pan off the table and smashed it onto her hands. "Aha-how!" she cried. She had opened her hands out flat, which I think meant less damage to her knuckles.

"She's old enough to kick his nuts in!" he shouted back. "Now she's gonna get fucked. And Dan'l's gonna be the boy to fuck her!" He turned back to Rhonda. "Have you ever been fucked before?"

She was shaking. "N- No, sir. Never."

"Well, you're both in for a treat, then. I mean, it might hurt a little at first, but I think a sweet little girl like you will be fuckin' like a pro in no time. Now go pee. Or shit, or whatever you gotta do. It's in there." He pointed through the doorway that led into the adjacent steel room.

Rhonda looked at me like she never had before. I was no good at figuring out faces, so I just led her into through to the other pod. I found a light switch easily enough. We were in a dimly lit room with two double bunk beds laid end to end, a small table between them, and wooden floorboards to the left. To our immediate right I saw an all-steel shower stall and a wooden door. I opened this door and flicked the light switch to find a toilet, sink, and mirror.

Rhonda rushed in and pulled the door to close it. I stopped it with my foot. "Dad says it has to stay open. And I gotta watch you."

Again, she gave me that unreadable look, before dropping her pants and sitting on the toilet. I felt terribly uncomfortable as she glared at me while peeing. I'm sure she was uncomfortable, too.

I had never seen a girl drop her pants before. I mean, I knew that girls did not have dicks, but I had never seen what they do have. In the few girlie magazines I had looked at, the women had hairy bushes. But Rhonda just had a simple, naked slit that must be where she pees from.

"No! Baa=haaa!" a girl cried from the other room. I did not look to see what Dad was doing to which girl. I just kept watching Rhonda on the toilet.

She stayed sitting there a little longer. At first I thought she was delaying, but then I realized that she had to poop, too. I think I blushed more knowing that, for some reason. Anyways, I waited for her to finish, then watched her wipe with the toilet paper. She had just stood up and pulled up her pants when Dad came into the room.

"Come here, Sweetheart," he said, as he tugged her out of the bathroom by the arm. "Flush that for her, Dan'l." I pushed the flush handle, and heard a pump somewhere putter into action as water flowed through the toilet. It sounded like the water and poop were dropping into a tank right below.

He sat down on one of the lower bunks, and positioned Rhonda in front of him. "You, dear, have some apologizing to do. Now you hurt his dick and nuts real bad. You know that, right? You're gonna make up with him by making his dick and nuts feel good again. And you'll do that by letting him fuck you. You really don't have to do much. Just get naked, then lay down while he fucks you. If you do this like I tell you, I promise you will not get a beating like the other girls will. Got it?"

Rhonda looked over at me. "I'm sorry, Dan'l," she said quietly. "I'm really, really sorry I hurt you. I think you're nice, and I'll never do anything like that to you again." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke.

I put my arms around her and hugged her tight. Of course, I was careful not to touch her chest, which was what started this whole thing. She sobbed hard on my shoulder for a minute or two before Dad got tired of watching us.

"Okay, Romeo and Juliet. Enough of that. Now get to fucking. That bed there." He pointed to the other bottom bunk. Rhonda looked at me, then started to climb in.

"No no no!" Dad sounded exasperated. "You gotta take your clothes off first. Both of you. Now get to it!" He sat back on his bed to watch.

We pulled our clothes off and dropped them on the floor while nervously eyeing each other. In a minute we were both naked except for my rib wraps, both covering our crothes in our hands, and both staring at each others' bodies. I had never seen a naked girl before, outside of a girlie mag. Of course, she had seen me mostly nude when she was kicking me in the nuts. I think it was that memory that kept my dick from getting hard right then.

We stood there for a minute, looking stupid.

Dad heaved an exasperated sigh. "Neither of you know what to do, do you?" He glared at us. "Okay, I'll show you. Just wait here."

He got up and walked into the other room. He heard some rustling in the other room. "No! No!" whimpered Jenny's voice. "Now get up!" said Dad.

A minute later, he pushed Jenny, legs untied but hands still behind her back, through the door into the bathroom. He reached under her short skirt and yanked her panties down. She squealed in protest.

"Oh shut up," he said. "Now sit and pee. Shit if you need to."

I didn't watch, nor did Rhonda. Our eyes were latched onto eath others' bodies. I was noticing the small mounds on her chest that had started this whole thing. I think she blushed when she dropped her hands to her sides, revealing her bald pussy.

I have seen other naked girls since then. But Rhonda, right then and there, was absolutely the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before or since. I could have stared at her for ages. I could have made masterpiece paintings and scuptures of that girl's nude body that would grace the world's finest museums. That moment seared into my brain like a branding iron.

Light red, wavy hair, all mussed up. Freckles under her big, brown eyes. Small, button nose. Pink lips, not too big nor too small, but no need for lipstick. The soft triangle shape of her chin. More freckles on shoulders sloping to thin arms. Boobs just barely growing out, topped with red (not pink) nipples over small areolas. Rib cage giving way to a flat but not gaunt belly with an innie button. Pelvis barely wider than her waist. Smooth, hairless pubis dropping to her slightly mounded vulva. Thin but not skinny thighs, covered in light peach-fuzz hair. Calves with some signs of muscle, perhaps from bike-riding. Delicate feet covered in white, cotton ankle socks, her only clothing, with a blue stripe on top.

For the rest of my short life to this very day, that memory of her at that moment, standing naked in front of me was and is the end-all-be-all of pure, unsurpassed beauty. I would never again see anything so lovely. Any time my lonely brain needed comfort, which turned out to be plenty, it would conjure that image, and know that there was once true beauty in this world.

This is the picture that I will carry in my head when I am lying on the execution table.


Dad dragged Jenny in from the bathroom. Her hands were still tied behind her back. Her ankles were untied, but constrained by her panties that Dad had not lifted back up. She squealed with fright as he ripped open her button-down shirt and lifted her bra, revealing two round boobs the size of small apples.

She looked over at Rhonda and me, both standing there naked by the other bunk, looking lost. I saw terror in her eyes. She squealed again as he shoved her down onto the bed.

"Now watch," he told us. "I'm gonna show you how to fuck."

He laid her out face up on the bed, then pulled the panties off of her ankles. She was still wearing her white sneakers and ankle socks. He spread her legs apart, and positioned himself on his knees between them.

"Did your Daddy ever do this to ya?" he sneered. "I bet he did. I bet you're good at it, too." He flipped her white skirt up to her belly. Jenny said nothing, just stared straight up at the upper bunk.

"See here, Dan'l," Dad said to me, though he was looking down at Jenny's nude crotch. "Up here, top of her slit, that's her clit. You rub there to turn her on. That gets her all juicy wet, so she's easier to fuck. If she don't get wet, you just rub some lotion on her, and on you too." He rubbed roughly on her pussy.

I glanced over at nude Rhonda. I don't know why; perhaps I expected her to confirm what Dad was saying. She just looked at me blankly. Then we turned back to Dad.

"But down here," he continued, "at the bottom of her slit, that's her hole. That's where you put your dick in her." Still kneeling, he opened his pants and pushed them down.

"Now, you gotta be hard to do this, else it won't work," he instructed. "You might get good and hard just from seein' how pretty she looks naked. Or she might have to help you by using her hands, or even her mouth. But this little girl here," he looked down at her, "she can't use her hands, and I don't trust her mouth. Fortunately, she looks real pretty as she is right now, gets me plenty hard just seein' her like this." He stroked his dick to show us. Rhonda and I looked at it. Jenny did not.

He leaned forward and used his hand to aim his dick into her. "Now we're ready to fuck," he said. "you put it right at the bottom of her slit, and find the hole. Then you push the head in, like this."

Jenny gasped, and closed her eyes. Her legs flexed out straight, then back.

"Now you lay down on top of her. Push it all the way in." He did just that.

"Haah!" Jenny shouted.

"Now you fuck her by sliding it in and out. But not too far out, or you gotta stick it back in. Then you fuck her until you feel yourself coming inside her." He began to hump into her.

Jenny opened her eyes and threw her head back. Her hands gripped the side of the mattress, fingers clutching into the sheets. Her sneakers kicked into the upper bunk, one after another. She grunted a soft "Ngh!" each time Dad thrust into her.

After about a minute of this, Dad pulled out of her and sat up. He looked at Rhonda. "Now you, little girlie, are gonna do that for Dan'l here, until he's happy. And by that, I mean when you make him come."

Rhonda and I exchanged glances once again.

"And if you don't," Dad said to Rhonda, "you will get this." He looked at me. "You, get me that bottle of lotion that's in the bathroom."

He grabbed Jenny's legs and rolled her over onto her stomach. "No! Don't!" she begged as he pulled her down the bed until her legs fell off the end.

I found a pump bottle of Jergens on the shelf, and brought it to Dad who was now standing behind her. He pumped some into his palm. "No, no, no!" Jenny pushed her face into the bed began to cry as he wiped the lotion into her ass. Then he wiped the remainder onto his stiff dick.

"Did your daddy ever do this?" he snarled.

Rhonda grabbed my arm as she realized what was about to happen.

"Haiee!" Jenny wailed as Dad pushed into her ass without any further ado. "Take it out! Take it out! Urk!" She hushed as Dad slapped her hard on the face.

Her head bounced, her eyebrows scrunched up and her tears began to flow into the mattress as she hissed through her gritted teeth. Her feet kicked at empty air. Her tied hands clutched at Dad's shirt behind her as he grabbed her by the shoulders and pumped her ass faster and harder.

I put my hand on Rhonda's head as she buried her face in my shoulder.

I knew he was coming inside her when he tensed up hard and shoved himself as far into her as he could. Jenny raised her head up, eyes and mouth wide open, but made no sound.

Dad finally pulled out of Jenny's ass. Her face collapsed, sobbing, into the sheets.

I could see blood on his dick as he stood and pulled his pants back up. He walked over to Rhonda, still clutching my arm, and lifted her head by the chin.

"Now you, little cutie, you make this boy here real happy, just like I showed you." Dad's voice was soft but menacing. "You fuck him like you love him more than anyone in the world, 'til he comes in your pretty little pussy. In the meantime, your sister and I will be in the next room, with Miss Piggy. When you're done, you both come back out here without your clothes!" He dragged Janny off the bed by her arm, still tied behind her back, and stood her on her feet. Her rumpled skirt fell to cover her privates, but her open shirt was fallen behind her back, and bra up over her exposed tits. She stumbled and cried as Dad dragged her into the other room. and closed the door behind them.


"Rhonda," I whispered, putting my hands on her shoulders.

She looked up and stared at me a moment with teary eyes. Then she crawled into the bottom of the other bunk, and laid out flat on her back.

I was trying to hold back my own tears."You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do," she said. "And so do you." She gestured for me to come join her.

I had forgotten just how smart I already knew she was. Of course she was right. A sudden cry from the other room reinforced her point. So I crawled into the bed and lay beside her.

As beautiful as I found Rhonda's naked body, I found myself loving her face even more. She was trying to smile behind the tears she held back. I reached out a hand to smooth her mussed-up hair, if only a little.

I realized then that I had fallen completely in love with her.

This time, I didn't ask her. I simply leaned over her face, placed a hand on her shoulder, and kissed her. We both closed our eyes and let our lips feel their way about. Whether it was her or me, one or both of us was quivering.

My hand did it again. Without trying, I opened my eyes and realized it was covering her flat breast. Then I realized that her eyes had opened, too, and were staring at me. But she didn't scream. She just held still.

"It's okay," she whispered. "It's okay."

We closed our eyes again and went back to kissing. I did not feel the need to kiss her deeper, but I did want to keep doing it for longer. Perhaps I was trying to put off what I had to do to her. So we kept kissing.

My fingers slid around her tiny nipple, and felt it rise into a solid bump. Then my hand migrated over to her other nipple and did the same.

I hadn't realized how hard my dick had become until I felt her soft hand squeeze around my shaft. I don't think she meant to, because her eyes shot back open and her hand froze in place. I closed my eyes again, and she took that as permission to slide her fingers up and down my dick.

Her other hand took hold of mine, which was fondling her nipple, and guided it to her pussy. "Remember, it's at the top," she whispered close to my face.

My fingers explored her smooth, bald skin until one found her slit. Sliding my middle finger up and down on her, I could feel a bump of flesh rising where she said. I gave that a gentle squeeze.

"Hah!" she quietly inhaled, eyes closed. "That's it. Do that." So I squeezed and toyed with her like that a little longer. Her mouth opened slightly, her tongue licked her lips. Her grip on my dick squeezed just a little tighter.

She pushed her pussy up into my hand. Her slit seemed to relax and open. My finger slid easily in between her labia. I slid it further down and realized I was touching her hole. I figured she might not be ready for that yet, so I slid it back up to the top. A streak of slippery wetness spread under my fingertip.
So Dad was right, this is how I get her wet and ready. So I pushed my finger down into the moisture again, pulled it back up, and rolled it around her little bulge.

Her hand squeezed my dick tighter still. Her head lolled to the side, eyes closed and mouth open. Again I leaned down to kiss her lips.

Rhonda's free hand wrapped around my head and pulled me tight into her face. I wrapped my other hand, the one that I was laying on, under her head and did the same.

I had never kissed with passion before. We sucked and tasted on each other's lips like it was the last bit of water in the desert. Our tongues definitely got involved, not deeply, but each tasting and feeling the other's lips and tongue. Our noses rubbed together. We each combed through the other's hair with one hand while rubbing genitals more furiously with the other. I felt her pussy getting wetter and more slippery by the second.

I decided it was time to explore her hole. My thumb took over rubbing her bump, while my middle finger, being the longest, slid down her slick skin to the bottom end of her slit. I pushed my fingertip just barely inside.

I swear her hole literally pulled my finger right up inside her, like it was being inhaled. "Hah!" she breathed close into my face as we just barely broke off our kiss. I twirled my finger around inside her a little, while my thumb kept rubbing the slickness around her bump.

"Mmm," she hummed. She was obviously liking this, so I kept it up. She slid her inside leg underneath mine, and hooked her foot around, trying to pull me closer. I rolled over a bit to get more on top of her. She dropped her grip on my dick, but immediately ran that arm loosely around my back, on mu rib wraps. Her other hand continued to comb through my hair. I moved my face down to her chest and wrapped my lips onto her nipple, which was now surprisingly stiff and straight.

Her pussy was pushing more warm juice into my hand as I continued to rub it inside and out. Her breathing changed: out-in-hold, out-in-hold. Her hand flew out of my hair and gripped my hand on her pussy, pulling it tightly into her. She held my hand still there while she ground her crotch up against it. She lifted her head.

"Ahh!" she shouted, surprisingly loud. She let go of me and flopped back flat onto the mattress. Her pussy pumped, and made a little slurping noise as she filled my hand with warm liquid.

She took a moment to catch her breath. When she opened her eyes, she looked into mine like she could see straight into my brain. Her inside arm, the one wrapped around my rib bandages, pulled me gently on top of her. She gave me a slight nod.

Rhonda was ready to fuck.

I laid my body out straight over hers, and pried my legs in between hers. She not only spread her legs apart, but lifted her knees up to my hips. My dick, which had never been harder than right now, wasted no time finding her hole. With just a little help from my hand, I rubbed the tip around in her warm juice for a moment. Then I pushed inside of her, just a little bit, just enough to put the tip inside.

"Hssk!" she inhaled and gritted her teeth.

I paused. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she whispered, holding her breath. "It hurts. Just gimme a moment."

I held still long enough for her to huff a couple of deep breaths in and out, and to get used to whatever she must be feeling down there. After maybe a half a minute, once her breathing had settled down, she gave me another nod.

"Okay," she whispered a mere inch from my face. "Do it."

I flexed my hips forward. I felt my dick slide into her wet warmth, meeting some sort of abrasive resistance from her tight walls.

She threw her head back, eyes squeezed tight shut, mouth wide open in a silent yell. Her fingers dug into my upper back.

I tried to make my dick go easy on her, but it seemed to have a different idea. Without any help from my brain, I began sliding my dick out and back into her, again and again. As I did, her slick juice got spread around more, reducing her resistance to my intrusion. Again, I realized Dad had been right: her wetness made her much easier to fuck.

I never did get any real rhythm going, I just pumped her mindlessly as my dick demanded more of this warm, slippy-sliding feeling.

I accidentally popped out of her at one point. As I fumbled to get the tip back inside her, she actually began humping herself up onto me, pushing her butt right up off of the sheets, like she was trying to climb up my dick to get me back inside her. I let her thrust up to me a few times like this before pushing her back down into the mattress.

I laid my head over her shoulder. She took my earlobe into her lips and started sucking on it. I wrapped my arms under hers to grip her shoulders from underneath. my hips thrust harder and faster into her as my dick demanded more and more.

"Mmmh-huh-huh!" she moaned and grunted into my ear. Her body, then the entire mattress began to bounce as I slammed hard and furious into her body.

I squeezed her as tight as I could when my dick seemed to explode inside her, taking my brain and my entire body with it. This wasn't my first orgasm; I had made myself come into a rag before. But this was a whole different level of passion. I was now hard in love, and I was pushing into her as hard as I could love her, and I was pumping my love into her, burst after burst, as hard as I could. And she was taking all my love deep inside of her. I had never known such a feeling, and I wondered if I would ever feel it again.

I lay still on top of her for a minute, maybe more. I had no desire to move. Any move I made could only take me farther away from this beautiful human who I loved so deeply right down to the inside of her body that I never wanted to pull out of. She held still, too, waiting for me.

When I finally did move, it was only to put my lips back onto hers. We kissed, and pulled each other in tight with our arms, before relaxing at last.

I felt my dick starting to relax, too. I pulled it slowly out of her. There was an embarrassing, slurping sound. She giggled, her cheeks blushed red, and she smiled at me.

My God, she smiled at me! After this whole insane ordeal, she was smiling. That was all I wanted in the entire world right then. Everything I could give, or do, or endure, I knew would be worth it just to see beautiful Rhonda smile at me. And here she was, doing exactly that. She had made me truly happy. My balls and ribs didn't even ache from last week's - oh, I didn't want to remember that. I was in Heaven. And I was there, with Rhonda. And that was more than enough.

For the first, and only time in my life, I was happy.

Bap! Bap! Bap! went the knock on the door. "Hey, you guys done in there?" yelled Dad from the other side. "Come on out if you are! Without your clothes!"

I had wondered why the pizza seemed kind of old and cold by the time they got home.


There and then, I did not know that Tuna had taken a beating a couple of hours ago. Nor did I know how long Jenny and Rhonda had been lying in the dark. Lastly, I did not know that seeing me in the shelter was their first realization of just what this was all about.

Dad paced back and forth in front of the girls, like a sergeant inspecting a line of troops.

"Are these the girls who beat you up?" he asked me.

Getting beat up by girls sounded shameful to the middle school mind, so I mumbled quietly when I said, "Yeah, that's them."

"Did all of them hurt you?"

I decided on the spot that I would try to go easy on Rhonda. I don't know why, but I still liked her. So I lied. "Not her," I said, pointing to Rhonda.

"The little one didn't hurt you?" asked Dad. "The other day you told me she kicked you hard in the nuts. Now did she or didn't she hurt you?"

Shit, I thought. I forgot I had already told him that. "Yes," I mumbled, "she did. She kicked me twice."

He turned to Rhonda. "Hey, little girlie, whaddya think of that? This boy is still trying to protect you, even after you kicked his nuts in, twice. I think he really likes you."

She just stared back at him, trembling with fright.

"Well," he shouted, "Whaddya got to say? Speak up! Now!"

"I... I-I'm sorry," she stammered.

"Don't tell me," Dad pointed to me. "Tell him!"

She looked over my way, and began to cry. "I'm... I'm sorry, Dan'l. I'm sorry I hurt you. You didn't deserve it."

Dad squatted down in front of her. "He didn't deserve it, huh?"

She quivered. Tears began torun from her eyes. "No, sir."

"So tell me, Little... What's her name?"

"Rhonda," I reminded him.

"Okay, so tell me, Little Rhonda," then shouted at the top of his lungs, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT?!"

She screamed and ducked her head down into the floor. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't want to! My sister made me do it!"

Jenny threw a shocked look at her little sister. "I did not!" she protested.

Dad, still squatting, shuffled to his right, in front of Jenny. "So, Big Sister, this was your idea?"

"No!" she cried. "I just wanted to protect my little sister. It was Tuna's idea to beat him up!"

"You LIAR!" Tuna shouted at Jenny. "You asked me to help you!"

"Nuh-uhh!" retorted Jenny. "You said we needed to teach him a lesson!"

"And you told me to trap him in the bathroom!"

"You're a liar! You wanted to squish his dick!"

"You're the liar! You wanted to smash his face!"

"Shut the FUCK UP!" Dad roared, as he smashed his fist into Jenny's crying face. She screamed and cried into the floor. Drops of blood ran from her nose.

Then he turned to Tuna, who quickly turned her face down to the floor. Dad grabbed her by her long hair and pulled her head up. She looked up at him silently, not with fear, but a look of hatred on her face. I wanted to punch her myself.

But Dad did not punch her. He stood up and walked around beside her. She quickly turned her face away when she saw him swing his foot back. His work boot crashed into the side of her face, I think on her jaw. "Uck!" she shouted, as blood began to drip from her mouth.

"All right, now answer me this," Dad commanded. "Why did you want to beat him up anyways? Jenny, you answer."

"He grabbed her boobs on the playground," she whined.

"I barely touched her chest, and it was by accident!" I protested.

Dad shushed me. "Why was that such a big deal? Why not just make him apologize? Why the big reaction to such a little thing?"

Rhonda was silent. After a moment, Jenny spoke up. "A couple of years ago, our father used to try to play with my boobs, but I fought him like hell. So he tried the same thing with Rhonda. She couldn't fight like me, so the only thing she could do was to scream like crazy whenever he did that. And that's what she did when Dan'l grabbed her chest."

"I didn't grab her chest!" I insisted.

Dad turned back to me. "Okay, so this is their father's fault. So Dan'l, you answer me two questions. First, should Rhonda get off easier than these other two?"

Rhonda looked up at me.

"Y- yes," I stammered, looking back at her. "She should, if I have any say."

"Okay, you got it." He pointed to the big girls. "And which of these deserves the worst?"

I thought about it a moment. Neither of them looked up, but kept their faces to the floor. I really didn't know who had instigated the whole incident. They had both beat me pretty hard.

Two things made up my mind: One, Jenny had been trying to protect her little sister. Two, Tuna had pulled the whole "You can touch my tits if I can touch your dick" trickery. And maybe I just hated her worse just because she was fat and ugly. And she wasn't showing any signs of being sorry right now.

"Her," I said, pointing at Tuna. "She deserves the worst." Jenny looked up to see who I was pointing at. Tuna did not. I think she already knew who I would choose. She mumbled something into the floor.

"What's that, Fat Girl?" Dad pulled her face up by the hair again. "What you got to say?"

"I said I'll FUCKIN' GET YOU FOR THIS, Dan'l!" she shouted at me, her face contorted in anger.

Dad laughed. "Whatcha think of that, Dan'l? She's gonna fuck and get you for this!" He turned back to her. "Which you gonna do first? Fuck him or get him?"

"I wouldn't fuck a loser twerp like you if your stupid daddy punched me a hundred times!" she shouted. "And you're so weak you couldn't hurt a rabbit!"

That did it. I was done with her. My eyes latched onto the pegboard behind the table, where various pots, pans, and kitchen utensils were hung. I grabbed a mid-sized frying pan.

"Now you're thinkin'!" laughed Dad, as Tuna tucked her face under her as best she could. Of course, the back of her skull looked like a solid target. But I didn't want to kill her. I wanted to make her sorry. So I swung the pan down onto the fingers of her curled-up fists, tied together and draped over the bench.

"Baahh!" she screamed as I heard her knuckles snap. "You fuck! You fucking fuck!"

"Dan'l!" It was Rhonda trying to shout over Tuna's screaming. "Dan'l!"

I looked at her. "What?"

"I... I need to go to the bathroom. Right now."

I looked at Dad. "Untie her," he said. So I undid the rope between her wrists and ankles, and pulled her out from under the bench. Dad pulled her up on her unsteady feet.

"Now you listen to me, little lady," he said quietly as I untied her ankles, then her wrists. "You're gonna get off easy, because Dan'l here still likes you, even after you did what you did to him. But here's what you're gonna do.

"First, you're gonna go to the bathroom. But your gonna do it with the door open, and Dan'l's gonna watch you to make sure you don't pull any tricks."

Rhonda stretched her arms and shook her feet, trying to get the blood flowing.

"Second. You're gonna make it up to Dan'l by letting him fuck you."

Every face in the room turned to Dad.

"But she's only eleven!" Jenny objected. Then she cringed as Dad grabbed the frying pan off the table and smashed it onto her hands. "Aha-how!" she cried. She had opened her hands out flat, which I think meant less damage to her knuckles.

"She's old enough to kick his nuts in!" he shouted back. "Now she's gonna get fucked. And Dan'l's gonna be the boy to fuck her!" He turned back to Rhonda. "Have you ever been fucked before?"

She was shaking. "N- No, sir. Never."

"Well, you're both in for a treat, then. I mean, it might hurt a little at first, but I think a sweet little girl like you will be fuckin' like a pro in no time. Now go pee. Or shit, or whatever you gotta do. It's in there." He pointed through the doorway that led into the adjacent steel room.

Rhonda looked at me like she never had before. I was no good at figuring out faces, so I just led her into through to the other pod. I found a light switch easily enough. We were in a dimly lit room with two double bunk beds laid end to end, a small table between them, and wooden floorboards to the left. To our immediate right I saw an all-steel shower stall and a wooden door. I opened this door and flicked the light switch to find a toilet, sink, and mirror.

Rhonda rushed in and pulled the door to close it. I stopped it with my foot. "Dad says it has to stay open. And I gotta watch you."

Again, she gave me that unreadable look, before dropping her pants and sitting on the toilet. I felt terribly uncomfortable as she glared at me while peeing. I'm sure she was uncomfortable, too.

I had never seen a girl drop her pants before. I mean, I knew that girls did not have dicks, but I had never seen what they do have. In the few girlie magazines I had looked at, the women had hairy bushes. But Rhonda just had a simple, naked slit that must be where she pees from.

"No! Baa=haaa!" a girl cried from the other room. I did not look to see what Dad was doing to which girl. I just kept watching Rhonda on the toilet.

She stayed sitting there a little longer. At first I thought she was delaying, but then I realized that she had to poop, too. I think I blushed more knowing that, for some reason. Anyways, I waited for her to finish, then watched her wipe with the toilet paper. She had just stood up and pulled up her pants when Dad came into the room.

"Come here, Sweetheart," he said, as he tugged her out of the bathroom by the arm. "Flush that for her, Dan'l." I pushed the flush handle, and heard a pump somewhere putter into action as water flowed through the toilet. It sounded like the water and poop were dropping into a tank right below.

He sat down on one of the lower bunks, and positioned Rhonda in front of him. "You, dear, have some apologizing to do. Now you hurt his dick and nuts real bad. You know that, right? You're gonna make up with him by making his dick and nuts feel good again. And you'll do that by letting him fuck you. You really don't have to do much. Just get naked, then lay down while he fucks you. If you do this like I tell you, I promise you will not get a beating like the other girls will. Got it?"

Rhonda looked over at me. "I'm sorry, Dan'l," she said quietly. "I'm really, really sorry I hurt you. I think you're nice, and I'll never do anything like that to you again." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke.

I put my arms around her and hugged her tight. Of course, I was careful not to touch her chest, which was what started this whole thing. She sobbed hard on my shoulder for a minute or two before Dad got tired of watching us.

"Okay, Romeo and Juliet. Enough of that. Now get to fucking. That bed there." He pointed to the other bottom bunk. Rhonda looked at me, then started to climb in.

"No no no!" Dad sounded exasperated. "You gotta take your clothes off first. Both of you. Now get to it!" He sat back on his bed to watch.

We pulled our clothes off and dropped them on the floor while nervously eyeing each other. In a minute we were both naked except for my rib wraps, both covering our crothes in our hands, and both staring at each others' bodies. I had never seen a naked girl before, outside of a girlie mag. Of course, she had seen me mostly nude when she was kicking me in the nuts. I think it was that memory that kept my dick from getting hard right then.

We stood there for a minute, looking stupid.

Dad heaved an exasperated sigh. "Neither of you know what to do, do you?" He glared at us. "Okay, I'll show you. Just wait here."

He got up and walked into the other room. He heard some rustling in the other room. "No! No!" whimpered Jenny's voice. "Now get up!" said Dad.

A minute later, he pushed Jenny, legs untied but hands still behind her back, through the door into the bathroom. He reached under her short skirt and yanked her panties down. She squealed in protest.

"Oh shut up," he said. "Now sit and pee. Shit if you need to."

I didn't watch, nor did Rhonda. Our eyes were latched onto eath others' bodies. I was noticing the small mounds on her chest that had started this whole thing. I think she blushed when she dropped her hands to her sides, revealing her bald pussy.

I have seen other naked girls since then. But Rhonda, right then and there, was absolutely the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before or since. I could have stared at her for ages. I could have made masterpiece paintings and scuptures of that girl's nude body that would grace the world's finest museums. That moment seared into my brain like a branding iron.

Light red, wavy hair, all mussed up. Freckles under her big, brown eyes. Small, button nose. Pink lips, not too big nor too small, but no need for lipstick. The soft triangle shape of her chin. More freckles on shoulders sloping to thin arms. Boobs just barely growing out, topped with red (not pink) nipples over small areolas. Rib cage giving way to a flat but not gaunt belly with an innie button. Pelvis barely wider than her waist. Smooth, hairless pubis dropping to her slightly mounded vulva. Thin but not skinny thighs, covered in light peach-fuzz hair. Calves with some signs of muscle, perhaps from bike-riding. Delicate feet covered in white, cotton ankle socks, her only clothing, with a blue stripe on top.

For the rest of my short life to this very day, that memory of her at that moment, standing naked in front of me was and is the end-all-be-all of pure, unsurpassed beauty. I would never again see anything so lovely. Any time my lonely brain needed comfort, which turned out to be plenty, it would conjure that image, and know that there was once true beauty in this world.

This is the picture that I will carry in my head when I am lying on the execution table.


Dad dragged Jenny in from the bathroom. Her hands were still tied behind her back. Her ankles were untied, but constrained by her panties that Dad had not lifted back up. She squealed with fright as he ripped open her button-down shirt and lifted her bra, revealing two round boobs the size of small apples.

She looked over at Rhonda and me, both standing there naked by the other bunk, looking lost. I saw terror in her eyes. She squealed again as he shoved her down onto the bed.

"Now watch," he told us. "I'm gonna show you how to fuck."

He laid her out face up on the bed, then pulled the panties off of her ankles. She was still wearing her white sneakers and ankle socks. He spread her legs apart, and positioned himself on his knees between them.

"Did your Daddy ever do this to ya?" he sneered. "I bet he did. I bet you're good at it, too." He flipped her white skirt up to her belly. Jenny said nothing, just stared straight up at the upper bunk.

"See here, Dan'l," Dad said to me, though he was looking down at Jenny's nude crotch. "Up here, top of her slit, that's her clit. You rub there to turn her on. That gets her all juicy wet, so she's easier to fuck. If she don't get wet, you just rub some lotion on her, and on you too." He rubbed roughly on her pussy.

I glanced over at nude Rhonda. I don't know why; perhaps I expected her to confirm what Dad was saying. She just looked at me blankly. Then we turned back to Dad.

"But down here," he continued, "at the bottom of her slit, that's her hole. That's where you put your dick in her." Still kneeling, he opened his pants and pushed them down.

"Now, you gotta be hard to do this, else it won't work," he instructed. "You might get good and hard just from seein' how pretty she looks naked. Or she might have to help you by using her hands, or even her mouth. But this little girl here," he looked down at her, "she can't use her hands, and I don't trust her mouth. Fortunately, she looks real pretty as she is right now, gets me plenty hard just seein' her like this." He stroked his dick to show us. Rhonda and I looked at it. Jenny did not.

He leaned forward and used his hand to aim his dick into her. "Now we're ready to fuck," he said. "you put it right at the bottom of her slit, and find the hole. Then you push the head in, like this."

Jenny gasped, and closed her eyes. Her legs flexed out straight, then back.

"Now you lay down on top of her. Push it all the way in." He did just that.

"Haah!" Jenny shouted.

"Now you fuck her by sliding it in and out. But not too far out, or you gotta stick it back in. Then you fuck her until you feel yourself coming inside her." He began to hump into her.

Jenny opened her eyes and threw her head back. Her hands gripped the side of the mattress, fingers clutching into the sheets. Her sneakers kicked into the upper bunk, one after another. She grunted a soft "Ngh!" each time Dad thrust into her.

After about a minute of this, Dad pulled out of her and sat up. He looked at Rhonda. "Now you, little girlie, are gonna do that for Dan'l here, until he's happy. And by that, I mean when you make him come."

Rhonda and I exchanged glances once again.

"And if you don't," Dad said to Rhonda, "you will get this." He looked at me. "You, get me that bottle of lotion that's in the bathroom."

He grabbed Jenny's legs and rolled her over onto her stomach. "No! Don't!" she begged as he pulled her down the bed until her legs fell off the end.

I found a pump bottle of Jergens on the shelf, and brought it to Dad who was now standing behind her. He pumped some into his palm. "No, no, no!" Jenny pushed her face into the bed began to cry as he wiped the lotion into her ass. Then he wiped the remainder onto his stiff dick.

"Did your daddy ever do this?" he snarled.

Rhonda grabbed my arm as she realized what was about to happen.

"Haiee!" Jenny wailed as Dad pushed into her ass without any further ado. "Take it out! Take it out! Urk!" She hushed as Dad slapped her hard on the face.

Her head bounced, her eyebrows scrunched up and her tears began to flow into the mattress as she hissed through her gritted teeth. Her feet kicked at empty air. Her tied hands clutched at Dad's shirt behind her as he grabbed her by the shoulders and pumped her ass faster and harder.

I put my hand on Rhonda's head as she buried her face in my shoulder.

I knew he was coming inside her when he tensed up hard and shoved himself as far into her as he could. Jenny raised her head up, eyes and mouth wide open, but made no sound.

Dad finally pulled out of Jenny's ass. Her face collapsed, sobbing, into the sheets.

I could see blood on his dick as he stood and pulled his pants back up. He walked over to Rhonda, still clutching my arm, and lifted her head by the chin.

"Now you, little cutie, you make this boy here real happy, just like I showed you." Dad's voice was soft but menacing. "You fuck him like you love him more than anyone in the world, 'til he comes in your pretty little pussy. In the meantime, your sister and I will be in the next room, with Miss Piggy. When you're done, you both come back out here without your clothes!" He dragged Janny off the bed by her arm, still tied behind her back, and stood her on her feet. Her rumpled skirt fell to cover her privates, but her open shirt was fallen behind her back, and bra up over her exposed tits. She stumbled and cried as Dad dragged her into the other room. and closed the door behind them.


"Rhonda," I whispered, putting my hands on her shoulders.

She looked up and stared at me a moment with teary eyes. Then she crawled into the bottom of the other bunk, and laid out flat on her back.

I was trying to hold back my own tears."You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do," she said. "And so do you." She gestured for me to come join her.

I had forgotten just how smart I already knew she was. Of course she was right. A sudden cry from the other room reinforced her point. So I crawled into the bed and lay beside her.

As beautiful as I found Rhonda's naked body, I found myself loving her face even more. She was trying to smile behind the tears she held back. I reached out a hand to smooth her mussed-up hair, if only a little.

I realized then that I had fallen completely in love with her.

This time, I didn't ask her. I simply leaned over her face, placed a hand on her shoulder, and kissed her. We both closed our eyes and let our lips feel their way about. Whether it was her or me, one or both of us was quivering.

My hand did it again. Without trying, I opened my eyes and realized it was covering her flat breast. Then I realized that her eyes had opened, too, and were staring at me. But she didn't scream. She just held still.

"It's okay," she whispered. "It's okay."

We closed our eyes again and went back to kissing. I did not feel the need to kiss her deeper, but I did want to keep doing it for longer. Perhaps I was trying to put off what I had to do to her. So we kept kissing.

My fingers slid around her tiny nipple, and felt it rise into a solid bump. Then my hand migrated over to her other nipple and did the same.

I hadn't realized how hard my dick had become until I felt her soft hand squeeze around my shaft. I don't think she meant to, because her eyes shot back open and her hand froze in place. I closed my eyes again, and she took that as permission to slide her fingers up and down my dick.

Her other hand took hold of mine, which was fondling her nipple, and guided it to her pussy. "Remember, it's at the top," she whispered close to my face.

My fingers explored her smooth, bald skin until one found her slit. Sliding my middle finger up and down on her, I could feel a bump of flesh rising where she said. I gave that a gentle squeeze.

"Hah!" she quietly inhaled, eyes closed. "That's it. Do that." So I squeezed and toyed with her like that a little longer. Her mouth opened slightly, her tongue licked her lips. Her grip on my dick squeezed just a little tighter.

She pushed her pussy up into my hand. Her slit seemed to relax and open. My finger slid easily in between her labia. I slid it further down and realized I was touching her hole. I figured she might not be ready for that yet, so I slid it back up to the top. A streak of slippery wetness spread under my fingertip.
So Dad was right, this is how I get her wet and ready. So I pushed my finger down into the moisture again, pulled it back up, and rolled it around her little bulge.

Her hand squeezed my dick tighter still. Her head lolled to the side, eyes closed and mouth open. Again I leaned down to kiss her lips.

Rhonda's free hand wrapped around my head and pulled me tight into her face. I wrapped my other hand, the one that I was laying on, under her head and did the same.

I had never kissed with passion before. We sucked and tasted on each other's lips like it was the last bit of water in the desert. Our tongues definitely got involved, not deeply, but each tasting and feeling the other's lips and tongue. Our noses rubbed together. We each combed through the other's hair with one hand while rubbing genitals more furiously with the other. I felt her pussy getting wetter and more slippery by the second.

I decided it was time to explore her hole. My thumb took over rubbing her bump, while my middle finger, being the longest, slid down her slick skin to the bottom end of her slit. I pushed my fingertip just barely inside.

I swear her hole literally pulled my finger right up inside her, like it was being inhaled. "Hah!" she breathed close into my face as we just barely broke off our kiss. I twirled my finger around inside her a little, while my thumb kept rubbing the slickness around her bump.

"Mmm," she hummed. She was obviously liking this, so I kept it up. She slid her inside leg underneath mine, and hooked her foot around, trying to pull me closer. I rolled over a bit to get more on top of her. She dropped her grip on my dick, but immediately ran that arm loosely around my back, on mu rib wraps. Her other hand continued to comb through my hair. I moved my face down to her chest and wrapped my lips onto her nipple, which was now surprisingly stiff and straight.

Her pussy was pushing more warm juice into my hand as I continued to rub it inside and out. Her breathing changed: out-in-hold, out-in-hold. Her hand flew out of my hair and gripped my hand on her pussy, pulling it tightly into her. She held my hand still there while she ground her crotch up against it. She lifted her head.

"Ahh!" she shouted, surprisingly loud. She let go of me and flopped back flat onto the mattress. Her pussy pumped, and made a little slurping noise as she filled my hand with warm liquid.

She took a moment to catch her breath. When she opened her eyes, she looked into mine like she could see straight into my brain. Her inside arm, the one wrapped around my rib bandages, pulled me gently on top of her. She gave me a slight nod.

Rhonda was ready to fuck.

I laid my body out straight over hers, and pried my legs in between hers. She not only spread her legs apart, but lifted her knees up to my hips. My dick, which had never been harder than right now, wasted no time finding her hole. With just a little help from my hand, I rubbed the tip around in her warm juice for a moment. Then I pushed inside of her, just a little bit, just enough to put the tip inside.

"Hssk!" she inhaled and gritted her teeth.

I paused. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she whispered, holding her breath. "It hurts. Just gimme a moment."

I held still long enough for her to huff a couple of deep breaths in and out, and to get used to whatever she must be feeling down there. After maybe a half a minute, once her breathing had settled down, she gave me another nod.

"Okay," she whispered a mere inch from my face. "Do it."

I flexed my hips forward. I felt my dick slide into her wet warmth, meeting some sort of abrasive resistance from her tight walls.

She threw her head back, eyes squeezed tight shut, mouth wide open in a silent yell. Her fingers dug into my upper back.

I tried to make my dick go easy on her, but it seemed to have a different idea. Without any help from my brain, I began sliding my dick out and back into her, again and again. As I did, her slick juice got spread around more, reducing her resistance to my intrusion. Again, I realized Dad had been right: her wetness made her much easier to fuck.

I never did get any real rhythm going, I just pumped her mindlessly as my dick demanded more of this warm, slippy-sliding feeling.

I accidentally popped out of her at one point. As I fumbled to get the tip back inside her, she actually began humping herself up onto me, pushing her butt right up off of the sheets, like she was trying to climb up my dick to get me back inside her. I let her thrust up to me a few times like this before pushing her back down into the mattress.

I laid my head over her shoulder. She took my earlobe into her lips and started sucking on it. I wrapped my arms under hers to grip her shoulders from underneath. my hips thrust harder and faster into her as my dick demanded more and more.

"Mmmh-huh-huh!" she moaned and grunted into my ear. Her body, then the entire mattress began to bounce as I slammed hard and furious into her body.

I squeezed her as tight as I could when my dick seemed to explode inside her, taking my brain and my entire body with it. This wasn't my first orgasm; I had made myself come into a rag before. But this was a whole different level of passion. I was now hard in love, and I was pushing into her as hard as I could love her, and I was pumping my love into her, burst after burst, as hard as I could. And she was taking all my love deep inside of her. I had never known such a feeling, and I wondered if I would ever feel it again.

I lay still on top of her for a minute, maybe more. I had no desire to move. Any move I made could only take me farther away from this beautiful human who I loved so deeply right down to the inside of her body that I never wanted to pull out of. She held still, too, waiting for me.

When I finally did move, it was only to put my lips back onto hers. We kissed, and pulled each other in tight with our arms, before relaxing at last.

I felt my dick starting to relax, too. I pulled it slowly out of her. There was an embarrassing, slurping sound. She giggled, her cheeks blushed red, and she smiled at me.

My God, she smiled at me! After this whole insane ordeal, she was smiling. That was all I wanted in the entire world right then. Everything I could give, or do, or endure, I knew would be worth it just to see beautiful Rhonda smile at me. And here she was, doing exactly that. She had made me truly happy. My balls and ribs didn't even ache from last week's - oh, I didn't want to remember that. I was in Heaven. And I was there, with Rhonda. And that was more than enough.

For the first, and only time in my life, I was happy.

Bap! Bap! Bap! went the knock on the door. "Hey, you guys done in there?" yelled Dad from the other side. "Come on out if you are! Without your clothes!"


Confessions of Dan'l Chap 1 Pt 3 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/03/02(Tue)05:24 No. 27207

Bap! Bap! Bap! went the knock on the door. "Hey, you guys done in there?" yelled Dad from the other side. "Come on out if you are! Without your clothes!"


Rhonda followed me through the door, into the more brightly lit kitchen area of the other pod. Both of us being completely nude, it felt rather embarassing that everyone in the room turned their heads to look at us. Tuna, still bound underneath the bench; Dad, sitting on the bench; Jenny, lying hogtied on the floor by the stove. Jenny's nose and mouth were bleeding. I guess Dad had punched or kicked her in the face while tying her back up.

"Over here," Dad commanded. All eyes followed us as we stepped in front of him.

"Did you make him happy?" he asked Rhonda.

She looked at me a moment, so I nodded at her. "Yes, sir. I think I did."

"You think you did." Dad reached out to examine her crotch, feeling the drying juice on her pussy and inner thighs. He sniffed his fingers. "Hmm. Okay."

He looked at me next. "Dan'l, did she make you happy?"

I smiled at Rhonda while answering. "Yes, she did. Very happy."

He brushed his fingers through my wet pubic hair, then pushed aside my limp dick and balls. Looking down, I noticed a smear of red blood mixed in with whatever else was sticking to my skin and hair.

"Your balls still hurt?"

"No, they're okay."

"Looks like you had fun, all right," he said without laughing. "We could hear you guys bouncing the bed from in here. Now, Dan'l, one more question: Does little... um, what's her name?"

"Rhonda," she and I answered together.

"...little Rhonda here, does she deserve any more punishment for what she did to you?"

I didn't have to think that one through. "No, she doesn't. I think she's paid for it in full."

"Okay then, you go and get your clothes back on."

Rhonda and I both turned to head back to the bedroom.

"Not you, Rhonda. You sit over here." He dragged the wooden chair from one end of the picnic table and set it by the opposite. "Dan'l, you go get dressed."

While I pulled my clothes back on in the bedroom, I wondered about what Dad had in mind for the other girls. Maybe he was going to beat them, or whip them. Or maybe he was going to have me punish them. I had a feeling Tuna was going to get fucked somehow, because both the other girls were. I wondered if I could get my dick hard again to punish-fuck her. And what would happen after that?

"Ahh! No! Don't!" A chorus of screams from the other room broke my thoughts. I finished tying my last shoelace and hurried back to the other room.

The first thing I saw was Jenny, still tied up on the floor, crying, her horrified gaze aimed at Rhonda's chair. Tuna had also raised her head from the floor to look. Dad was standing behind Rhonda, whose eyes and mouth were wide open in a look of complete terror, but she made no sound.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize that their was a length of rope tied tight around Rhonda's neck, and that Dad, behind her, had inserted the handle of a large cooking spoon through it. He had already twisted it a couple of times around.

I ran at him, grabbed his hands, pulled them off the spoon. She bent forward, furiously trying to loosen the twists behind her neck, at the same time as Dad swung a backhand slap into my ribs. Of course, he knew from before exactly where they hurt the worst. The sharp burst of pain in my side sent my to the floor with a yell.

"You get the fuck away!" he screamed at me.

Rhonda had just loosened the rope enough to let the spoon drop, which allowed her to inhale a noisy breath. But it seemed like it took less than two seconds for Dad to grab the rope, pull her back, reinsert the spoon handle, and start twisting again.

"Ahwk!" Rhonda's scream was cut short as the rope tightened about her neck. Jenny started to scream for her. Tuna struggled against her ropes, but couldn't break free.

Me, I lay on the floor, ribs stinging, staring in disbelief.


In the course of my thoroughly fucked-up life, I have witnessed a lot of mind-bendingly horrible events. Many of them were directly caused by my own actions. Many hours I have been doomed to relive these events in my head, especially after having been given plenty of free time in prison.

My brain has become steeled to most of these events, in a way that the term "hardened criminal" correctly applies to me. Though I do have a certain sense of sympathy toward the plights and sufferings of my various victims, I have somehow managed to not let them bother me. I do not cry for them.

But the memory of these next two minutes has haunted me like nothing else. I have tried to block it, but have found it impossible to willfully forget. It never fails to bring me to tears. This is a memory I have never been able to confide to a friend, nor cellmate, nor any of the professional counselors, attorneys, psychologists, nor psychiatrists that have tried to pry this secret from me.

To be sure, this was not about anything that I did. It was about what I failed to do; what I could have done but did not. For years I have considered all the alternative realities that could have been.

I could have fought through the pain in my ribs and continued to fight my father.

I could have grabbed the frying pan from the table, or some other available weapon, and beat him over the head.

I could have untied Jenny, or Tuna, and attacked him with their help.

I could have found a can of bug spray that might have been in a cabinet and attacked him with that.

I could have told him that I loved her, or found something else to say that might make a difference to him.

I did none of these things.

I just lay on the floor and watched.

I watched Dad twist the heavy spoon around again and again behind her head. I watched the rope tighten into Rhonda's soft neck. I watched her eyes and mouth open wide. I watched her face turn ghastly purple. I watched her look to me for help that I would not give. I watched her hands clutch at the rope and at the utensil behind her. I watched her scream with no breath and no sound. I watched her wrestle back and forth, trying to escape the chair. I watched her stocking feet flail and kick the floor and the empty air. I watched her bare chest heave with fruitless effort. I watched Dad grimace as he put the full strength of his hands and arms into one more twist of the rope. I watched her tongue stick out of her swollen lips. I watched her entire body stiffen. I watched her eyes roll back in their sockets. I watched pee dribble down her legs and pool onto the chair and floor. I watched her desperate kicking slow to intermittent jerks of her legs. I watched her arms drop limply to her sides.

I watched her naked body rattle with one final spasm.

I watched Dad hold her like that for I-don't-know-how-much longer.

I did nothing but watch.

For any psychiatric mind-plumbers who may be reading this, hoping to find some clue of what happens in a human brain to turn an everyday dorky kid into a Death Row sociopath, I offer this tidbit: While I have no idea what happened to my Dad when or how or why, I can tell you the exact moment I felt it.

It was right after I was watched Dad relax his grip on Rhonda, easing her into the chair, where she slouched, then tumbled forward onto the cold floor. Tuna was crying face down into a pool of snot. Jenny was wailing loudly. Dad was looking over his handywork. Poor Rhonda, she was facing me, her head at a bizarre angle, cheek to the floor, eyes open, staring straight at me.

It was at that precise moment that it happened.

It started like the rush of adrenaline that you get when you suddenly find yourself caught red-handed at something, a tingle that runs up your spine. But this did not end there. It rushed into my head. A loud, waterfall sound, topped with a high-pitched whistle, drowned out all the girls' noise. A yellow tint overtook my vision, getting brighter until it was like staring at the Sun, if the Sun were far closer than it is. I lost all sense of where I was and what was going on.

After some time, perhaps minutes, I don't know, my senses came back to me. I saw and felt Dad tapping me on the face. "Dan'l? Get up, Dan'l." The girls were still crying and yelling, especially Jenny.

"You said she wasn't gonna get punished!" Jenny cried.

"I said she won't get punished like you will. And she won't."

"But she didn't deserve that!"

Dad knelt down in front of Jenny's bloody face. "And Dan'l didn't deserve what he got, either." He stood up and walked over to Rhonda.

"You know what she deserved? She deserved an apology, that's what. And Dan'l here was ready to do that. But YOU!" Dad pulled Tuna's head up by the hair. "You decided to beat the snot out of him. For what? For touching her tits? You gave him a thousand times more than he deserved. And I'm only gonna give you ten times worse than that. Okay, maybe twenty." He shoved her head back into the floor.

"But why'd you have to kill her?" Tuna shouted angrily.

"Same reason I have to kill you," he growled. "Because of what you did to my boy, and because I ain't gonna leave no witnesses behind. Ain't nobody gonna ever know what happened to you."

Now it was Jenny's turn to snap. Her crying turned into uncontrollable bawling as she realized her fate. Tuna was more stoic; she shook her head and cried, saying, "No. No. No."

Rhonda, lying on the floor, was still staring at me.

I wanted to cry for her. I really did. She did not deserve any of this. She was sweet and pretty and curious and smart and harmless. I was seriously prepared to forgive and forget what she did to me; that was just what her stupid sister made her do. I wanted to leave this place and go back to school with her where we could meet together on the playground and talk about birds and bugs and clouds and plants and try to forget that we had a forced fuck.

I wanted to cry for losing her, and I wanted to cry for her losing her beautiful self. But I couldn't. I just didn't feel it in me. I felt nothing but hate. Hate for my Dad, for Jenny and Tuna, for this shelter, for school, for the entire state of Idaho, the entire fucking world, including myself. But not for sweet, sweet Rhonda. Not her.

Of course I could not lay into my Dad for what he did to her. He was not a particularly strong man, but to a 12-year old boy with hurt ribs he was downright mighty. And he was right: this was all Jenny's fault. She was the reason this had gotten out of hand when a simple apology would have solved everything. And now she would not stop making that infernal noise.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted at her.

She did not seem to hear me, but kept howling and blubbering away on the floor.

I stepped in front of her. "I said, Shut the fuck UP!" With that last word, I landed my shoe into her face, between her nose and cheek.

"Ahh! Ohh!" she screamed even louder.

"Shut up!" I yelled again. This time I kicked hard directly into one of her exposed boobs. That made her scream sheer bloody murder, much like I did when she had her sister kick my nuts in.

This was not what I had meant by "Shut up." And I was out of patience.

I began to pelt her hog-tied body repeatedly with the hardest kicks I could muster. I kicked her face, her chest, her gut, her groin, her thighs. With each blow I shouted, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Each kick just made her noisier. "Shut up! Shut up!" Kick. Kick.

She thrashed and rolled over. So I kicked her in the ribs, her back, her ass, her neck, her skull. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I stomped her other boob into the floor, which brought out an extra shrill shreik.

I think it was my next kick to her soft gut that finally shut her up. "Hurk! Hurk!" was the only noise she could now manage as she heaved limply on the floor. With each effort at breathing, a clot of blood sprayed from her open mouth.

She had finally shut up. So I stopped, and tried to catch my breath from the effort.

Tuna and Dad were staring at me in stunned amazement.

"Damn, boy!" Dad muttered after a moment.

He looked around, grabbed two of the drawstring bags, and knelt behind Jenny's bound and broken body. I think she was aware that he was pulling a bag over her head, then the second one over that, but she made no effort to resist. She moaned and coughed when he pulled the out drawstring tight.

"Want me to finish her off for you?" he offered.

"Fuck you." I had never cussed to my Dad before. He looked surprised, cocking one eyebrow, but otherwise did not react.

I looked around the assortment of kitchen utensils hanging from hooks on the wall. My first thought was the heavy iron skillet, but then my eye settled on the large, marble rolling pin dangling from the leather strap. Dad and Tuna both followed me with their eyes as I pulled it off the hook, then stepped back in front of Jenny.

"Set her up," I growled at Dad. He wrestled her limp mass upright, onto her knees while I adjested my grip on the heavy pin.

Dad tried to be helpful. "Remember how I showed you to hit a baseball?" I nodded.

The sacks over Jenny's head occasionally jerked in random spasms. I knelt down to whisper one last message directly into her ear, so that only she could hear.

"I ... love ... Rhonda."

She seemed to mew one more soft cry.

I stood and adjusted my stance in front of her. I turned to cast a glance at Tuna, who was staring right back at me.

Jenny's skull make a frightful cracking sound as the stone weapon impacted the side of her head. Dad quickly let go of her, and she flew over sideways onto the floor.

I looked back to see Tuna retching on the floor under her face.

I looked over to see Jenny's feet twitching in her ropes.

I looked at Dad, wondering if I should hit her again.

"Don't worry," he seemed to read my thought. "She'll stop in a minute."

After about a minute of standing over her, that was exactly what she did.

I hung the rolling pin back on the hook, and sat down on the bench by Tuna.

I had committed my first murder.


The room was finally quiet. For perhaps the next two minutes, nobody made a sound.

Jenny had stopped twitching. The only movement on her was a red stain growing on the sack over her head.

Rhonda had not moved since she tumbled from the chair. Her eyes were still open, but as I had moved, she longer appeared to be staring at me; now she seemed to be staring at her sister.

Dad was staring at me. Maybe he was giving me a chance to settle down; maybe he was wondering what the fuck he had turned me into.

Tuna was also staring at me. She was still hog-tied under the very bench where a freshly minted murderer now sat, one whom she knew must hold a mighty grudge against her. I looked down at her. I was not in the least interested in trying to read her face, whether it was fear, or anger, or shock, or hatred, or all rolled together. I just quietly watched her stare back at me.

Her eyes began to well with tears. She turned her head away from me, facing down into her warm puddle of vomit. She began to sob.

I was not in the mood for it. "Shut up!" I yelled.

She took a lesson from Jenny and shut up immediately. She did not even sniffle back the snot that started to run from her nose.

Dad stepped over to me, put his hand on my shoulder. "You okay, son?"

I was about to say something snarky, like "Do I look okay?" But I said nothing. I was liking the silence, however awkward, of everyone having finally Shut The Fuck Up.

Dad gave me maybe one more minute of peace before kneeling in front of Tuna.

"Now, as for you, Deep Dish," he said softly, "I hear you have a great pair of tits. I think it's time I got to see 'em."

"Fuck you," she sneered back at him.

"Soon enough," he chuckled. "Soon enough."

"Untie her feet," he told me as he stepped over to the kitchen and began going through the drawers. "It'll be easier to fuck her. But leave her hands tied. Easier to beat her."

It took me a moment to figure out how to undo the knot tying her bound feet to her bound ankles over the bench. With some effort, I managed to drag her out from under the bench by her arms. I didn't intend to, but I dropped her where her face was staring right into Rhonda's. She lay quietly as I untied the knots from around her ankles.

I should have been ready for her, but I was still new to this criminal dominance thing. The second her ankles were free, she swung a strong kick right into my face, sending me tumbling backwards. By the time I sat back up, she was getting to her feet and making for the stairs. She seemd incredibly well coordinated for someone who had been restrained in an awkward position for so long; I guess that was the athlete in her.

By the time I got to my feet, she had made it up the wooden stairs leading to the hatch, and was trying to turn the latch handle with her head. She actually got it turned, and was pushing up on the steel door with her back, when Dad bounded up the stairs and grabbed her by the ankle.

"No!" she shrieked, as she kicked furiously to get free. Dad lost his grip, and she pushed again on the doorway, alomst opening it, when I got my hands on her other ankle.

"Lemme go!" she screamed and kicked as Dad and I pulled her back down the stairs by both ankles. The heavy door fell back, slamming her head into the top step. Her face bounced hard onto each step as we dragged her back down onto the cold floor.

"Turn her over," Dad commanded once we got her away from the steps. I pulled her arm, he twisted her legs until she was face up. If nothing else, seeing us face-to-face got her to stop yelling and kicking.

"Now sit on her." I obeyed, straddling her large waist. I knew she probably could have bucked me off if she tried, but I guess she saw the futility of that.

Dad glared down at her. "Dan'l tells me you were showing him your big titties last time you met. What say we pick up from that point, huh?"

He handed me the kitchen scissors. "You do the honors, okay?"

"The honors?" I didn't understand. I thought he wanted me to stab her or something.

"Cut her shirt off! Have some fun them titties! She cut you short last time, didn't she?"

So I snipped the scissors up the middle of her blue t-shirt, exposing her fat belly and white bra. Two more snips and her bra sprung open. Her big boobs flopped to either side.

Tuna did not fight me; she just gave me her most disgusted look. But I didn't want to look at her face; I hated her.

But I could look at titties. Dad was right: I wanted to play with these more. So I rolled my hands around her smooth, pale boob-flesh, and played with her nipples, ignoring her annoyed facial expression.

Two things surprised me within a minute: Her nipples got stiff, and so did my dick.

Dad noticed me adjusting my pants where my dick was trying to stretch. "You oughta try fucking her titties. She got good'uns."

I looked up at him, wondering how one would possibly fuck tittites.

"Hang on," he said. "Just keep doing what you're doing." He disappeared into the other room while I got back to Tuna's boobs.

Dad reappeared with the bottle of Jergens, and squirted a couple of globs on her chest. "Pull your dick out," he instructed. "Put it here. Then push her tits together with you hands, and fuck 'em."

Her look of disgust intensified as I open my pants and extracted my freshly-hard dick. She had not seen it since the other day in the girls' bathroom. Yet she kept staring at it as I skooched up her belly and wrapped her boobs flesh around it.

And yeah, it felt pretty good as I slid back and forth wrapped in her smooth skin. Her boobs weren't flabby or floppy, just big. And I was getting a pretty good hard-on from fucking them.

"You do have some really good titties, y'know. I kinda like 'em." I don't know why I said that, but I did. Yeah, it sounded stupid. But I don't think I was trying to compliment her; I was certainly not in the mood for that. I guess I was making fun of how she offered to show them to me the other day, and now here I was fucking them and she couldn't do a thing about it.

"Fuck you," she snarled.

Dad laughed out loud. "Now that sounds like an invitation, don't it, Dan'l?"

I stared her in the face a moment, considering it. Do I really want to fuck this fat, hateful girl?

"Don't you fucking dare!" growled Tuna.


Confessions of Dan'l Chap 1 Pt 4 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 21/03/13(Sat)05:52 No. 27215

Okay, this will wrap up Chapter 1 of this violent child rapey murder stuff. We'll get back to Mikey and Katie and friends next I promise.

"Don't you fucking dare!" growled Tuna.


That was enough of a challenge for me. My mood right then said whatever would piss her off more was good by me. So I slid down to where I was sitting on her thighs and undid the snap and zipper on her jeans. She tried to throw me off by kicking her legs, but I sort of rode her like a bucking horse.

"Pull her pants off," I told Dad. I held her down by the belly and shoulders while he tugged at the ankles of her jeans.

"No, nooo!" she whined as the jeans slid off her legs. Her hands, tied behind her back, grabbed hold of her white panties, but that wasn't hard to yank from her grip. "God damn it, no!" I avoided her kicks by prying my whole body between her legs.

This dominance game stiffened my boner up even more. I shoved my open pants further down my legs. With my knees, I pushed her thighs apart and wiggled my hips into place. With one hand, I guided my dick to her hole. I was not at all interested in getting her wet and ready.

"Don't you dare put that in me!" Her face was total anger and impotent rage.

"Fuck you," I retorted, and shoved into her.

It didn't go in. Well, I thought, I gotta somehow make her wet after all. Or tell Dad to get me the Jergens bottle.

At the same time, I was also thinking about making sure that her untied legs couldn't somehow kick me in the balls. Apparently, I had forgotten that I had another weak spot, and she knew it. Dad had just shown it to her a few minutes ago.

With a look of pure defiance on her face, she jammed her knee up into my rib wraps.

"Oww!" The sharp pain curled me into a ball on top of her. "OWW!" I yelled louder when she did it again.

"Uff!" was Tuna's response as Dad's boot crashed into her cheek, throwing her head to the side. His second kick on the back of her head sent a burst of blood spitting out of her mouth.

I rolled off of her and curled up in pain. Dad stepped over to check on me.

"You all right, Dan'l? Gonna be okay? Just stay there, kid. I got this."

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the sounds of him beating Tuna. He must have quit after a minute or so, because her yelling settled down to mere crying and whimpering.

But I had to look as a new sound, her muffled screams, indicated some new struggle was erupting. Dad was forcefully shoving something into her mouth. (I figured out later that this must have been her panties, wadded up in a ball.) She kept struggling as he worked a length of hemp rope between her lips and tied it around the back of her head.

I tried to go back inside my closed eyes to nurse my pain. It even worked for another minute. But Tuna's muffled yelling put an end to that.

Opening my eyes again, I saw Dad with his pants down, pumping Jergens lotion into his hand, spreading it on his dick. When he knelt down and wiped some into her ass, I knew what was coming and decided I did not want to watch.

I decided that I wanted to lay down in the other room. The pain was subsiding in my ribs enough that I could stand, pull up my pants, and shuffle around the ongoing violence.

Before I got to the door, my eye was drawn to poor Rhonda, still crumpled on the floor. Her bloodshot eyes seemed to be fixed on her sister lying across the room. For some reason I felt I had to remove her from this madness.

Doing my best to ignore the pain in my ribs (and the sight of Dad bending Tuna's legs up over her head), I grabbed hold of Rhonda's wrists and pulled her across the floor, through the doorway, into the other room. I laid her out straight on the wooden floorboards beside the bed, then pulled off a blanket to cover her. I left her head exposed, but pushed her eyelids closed.

I laid on the bed next to her and tried to close my own eyes. I felt profoundly tired. My eyes wanted to droop shut, but they also wanted to watch Rhonda lying there, as if she were sleeping peacefully. My brain kept running a picture loop of Jenny's bagged head bouncing off the rolling pin. And I could not get my ears to stop listening to that rising pig-squeal coming from the next room.

Yet I must have dozed off somehow. To this day, I have a memory of a dream, or perhaps a nightmare: standing inside a whirlwind, as amorphous globules of flashing colors swirl around me; I frantically look in every direction but find nobody; voices shout but are drowned out by rushing wind; I try to resist but the wind pulls me around until I begin to merge with the flying bursts of light; I yell for someone, anyone to find me and help me.

"Shh, shh, shh!" Dad quieted me when I jumped awake. "It's just me. I need your help."

I lay there a minute, quite disoriented, staring at the upper bunk, until the world stopped spinning and I came back to my senses.

"In here," he called quietly. I slowly stepped out of bed, still dizzy from the dream, just narrowly avoiding stepping on Rhonda asleep under her blanket.

Passing the bathroom where the light was still on, I noticed a toolbox sitting by the shower, open, with a couple of tools laying nearby on the floor. Not my business, I didn't think about it. I walked through the door into the other room.

Tuna lay curled up on her side, still nearly naked, whimpering quietly into her gag. I may have been slightly disappointed that she was still alive, that Dad hadn't just finished her off while I was asleep. I just didn't want to hear her noise anymore.

"Grab an arm," Dad instructed. "In there."

Tuna's noise level rose again as we dragged her limp body through the door, to the bathroom. I had assumed he was going to give her the chance to pee and/or poop. He pushed the tools and toolbox out of the way.

There wasn't room enough for both of us to pull her through the door, so I stood back a step or two and watched as he tugged her fat mass inside. With a little more struggle he sat her up on the toilet.

That was when I noticed the shower stall. Specifically, the steel floor plate, with a cutout for the drain, had been removed and set aside. Another plate below that had also been removed, leaving an oval-shaped hole in the shower floor, with several bolt holes around the edge. This was apparently a manhole into the sewage tank below the bathroom.

Tuna sat nearly naked on the toilet, hands still tied behind her back, glaring defiantly at my Dad with wet eyes. Her heavy breath snorted through her nostrils like an angry bull.

"Well, go!" he growled at her. "I'm sure you gotta piss by now." Then to me, "Make sure she doesn't go anywhere. I'll be right back." He squeezed past me into the other room.

Tuna and I stared awkwardly at each other, but neither of us moved. Her breath eased up as she seemed to settle down.

"Hmm hurruh." I could not make out what she mumbled through the gag, but I wasn't about to remove it. Nor did I ask her to say it again. I kind of wondered if she was saying, "I'm sorry."

Her head drooped down. I heard the pee begin to flow through the toilet.

She must be really hurting, I thought; she'd been beaten with fists and feet, ass-fucked for probably the first time, and her arms had been tied behind her back for hours and hours. Furthermore, having seen both her friends murdered, she was likely as certain as I that she would be next to die.

As if to confirm my thought, Dad showed back up in the doorway, holding the last feed bag. "Step back, son," he instructed me.

Tuna's eyes went wide, and she began to shake her head as Dad stepped toward her. "Nuh nuh nuh!" she protested through the gag as he slid the bag over her head. She jumped up off the toilet, but only fell to the floor as he tightened the drawstring and tied it behind her neck. She thrashed like a wild animal in a trap as he tugged her by the arms into the shower.

I watched from just outside the bathroom door as Dad shoved her head downward into the oval opening in the shower floor. "Uhhrr!" Tuna screamed and writhed wildly. He gripped her hips and shoved her further into the hole. Her yells became muffled when her fat stomach plugged the opening in the floor plate, keeping her from falling any further down. Apparently my grandfather had not intended the sewage tank to be serviced by stout people.

It was truly a bizarre scene, I recall. From outside the door, I saw Tuna's naked lower half sticking up; her legs wildly kicking, her fat belly stuck in the hole, her hands desperately trying to grab anything from thin air behind her back. I remember noticing her hairy pussy and somehow thinking, "That's not sexy at all."

Dad grabbed hold of her by one ankle. He lifted and shook her, trying to get her to go down. I wondered if he would have to rub her belly in Jergens or something. But he landed one good kick in her stomach that made her convulse, and her entire thrashing, yelling body slid right down through the hole, like she was being gobbled by a monster, landing a fraction of a second later with a thick thud at the bottom of the tank.

A muffled but horrifying scream rose from the steel depth. I don't think I have ever heard so mournful a sound before or since. And it lasted for the next several minutes.

"Hey," Dad pulled my attention away from the wailing. "Help me with the next one." I followed him into the main room, where we picked limp Jenny up by the arms and dragged her to the shower. He pushed her blood-soaked head sack into the opening, then lifted her by the waist and dropped. She dropped down into the hole much easier, but the crying from below rose to a new height as she landed, I assumed, on top of Tuna.

"One more," said Dad.

"Dad," I hesitated. He looked at me patiently. "Let me. Please." I knew we had to hide Rhonda's body, but I couldn't just let him toss her down there head first like the others.

Without a word, he gestured for me to go ahead.

Not being a real strong boy, I found that I couldn't just pick her up off the floor. So, after wrapping the blanket around her and offering her a silent apology, I had to drag her by the wrists to the bathroom and then ask Dad to take over, gently please.

He seemed to understand, and did not mock me for it. Instead, he respectfully tucked the blanket around her torso like a shower towel so it wouldn't fall off, then carefully hoisted her by the wrists, and lowered her slowly, feet first, into the black hole in the floor. Fortunately I could not hear her hit bottom for all the moaning and groaning from Tuna.

I just stood there for a minute, thinking I was going to start crying for Rhonda. I thought it odd that I didn't. I mean, I felt a terrible sadness for losing her, and for her own sweet sake. But I had no tears for anything anymore.

Besides, when Dad saw me standing there on the verge of blubbering, he put me to work. We spent the next half hour or so cleaning up.

First, we threw all kinds of evidence down into the tank: the girls' clothes, shoes, soiled bedsheets, ropes, et cetera. Then we wiped down everything, floors, table, beds and what not with cleaning supplies from the kitchen, and threw all that down the hole, too.

I couldn't stand to hear Tuna's crying rise one more time. I think she had managed to work the gag out of her mouth, because her muffled voice became a clear "Nooo!" screamed at the top of her lungs. I sat on the stair steps while Dad closed up the hole in the floor and ratcheted down the nuts on the cover plate, before replacing the steel floorboard in the shower.

After one last look around to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything, Dad pushed the door plates open. I turned off the lights and followed him up and out. I climbed into the passenger side of the van and waited while he locked the doors, cut off the generator, and did whatever else before getting in and starting the van.


I don't think either of us said a word on the trip back. Dad turned on the country music station, and drove without headlights until we reached the paved road the led into Idaho City. I felt so tired, I was sure I was going to drop off to sleep, but my mind was still just too worked up.

The drive home was about an hour. The only part I really remember was when the news break came on the radio, and the guy read a short note about two girls, Jennifer and Rhonda C_____, reported missing in southeast Boise. The were last seen leaving for school that morning on their bicycles. The public was asked to contact authorities with any information concerning their whereabouts. Nothing was said about another missing girl.

We got home around midnight, I think. Mom offered me the last of the leftover pizza, but I was in no mood to eat. Dad told her that my ribs were hurting, so she changed out the wrappings and gave me a pain pill and water before sending me off to bed.

"You're not going to school tomorrow," she told me. "I already told them you got a stomach bug. I'll give them another call tomorrow."

Sometime that night, the same dream came back, the same as the one I had in the shelter: Globs of colored light were spinning in a rushing whirlwind around me. I tried to grab onto something to make everything still and stable while voices called out to me with words I could not understand.

I woke with a violent start. My bedroom light was on, and Dad was staring at me, asking me what happened. I had no idea what was going on, or why he was asking that, but I just stared wordlessly back at him. Apparently the bricks and boards that made up my bookshelf had somehow been knocked over, and he was asking me how this had happened. Still I had no words for him, just a terrified stare. I really had no idea how they got knocked over, but I could not even manage to tell him that. I could not even tell him about the dream.

"All right, son," he sighed. "It's okay. I'll fix it tomorrow. You just get some sleep."

He got up to leave, and was about to turn out the light, when he stopped, turned, and looked at me again. I was still sitting up in bed, probably still looking terrified. He walked over to me, got down on one knee, and in a most unusual gesture, wrapped his arms around me in a strong hug.

"I know," he whispered. "It's been a hell of a day. But it's over now. You can rest. New day tomorrow."

I broke into tears, sobbing into his shoulder.


I stayed home for two more days, mostly sleeping. By Wednesday, my ribs were feeling better, and my bruises had mostly faded.

That afternoon, two sheriff's deputies came to the house. They said that they were investigating the disappearance of some girls from my school, and they wanted to ask me some questions. Mom brought me out to the kitchen table, in my jammies, to talk to them.

Besides my absence the day they disappeared, the deputies said some of the students reported that I had grabbed Rhonda's chest last Friday. I explained to them what had really happened on the playground: how we had kissed but I accidentally put my hand in the wrong place and she freaked out and I was really sorry because she was my only friend at school and I would never ever want to hurt her and please don't put me in jail for touching her like that.

Mom explained that I had been home sick with a stomach bug since Monday, perhaps induced by my sadness in being shamed by my only friend and most everyone else at school. She said she had been home with me the whole time, only going out for sick-kid supplies, and that she thought I might be ready to go back to school tomorrow.

They asked about Dad, and what kind of vehicle he drives. She said he normally drives the green pickup truck out back, but his friend had been picking him up for work lately. As if on cue, Dad and his friend arrived in another pickup truck with a flatbed trailer. When questioned, they produced receipts showing that they had been collecting and selling scrap metal since Monday.

I found out later that they had actually been getting rid of the white van.

I dreaded going back to school on Thursday. Everyone was worked up about the missing girls, especially now that they knew a third girl had disappeared. They were all worried about who might be next. Kids were told not to go to school or back home without a parent or trusted adult.

Some of the kids had thought that I had also disappeared, but the teacher knew that I was an excused absence. They were not exactly happy to see me back in class, but more like they were relieved that there was not another missing student. And nobody said another word about me having touched Rhonda's chest last week.


For maybe a month, the case of the missing girls was all over the television and radio news. They became known as "The Harrison School Three." At first, people seemed to think the missing girls must have been kidnapped. But when nobody demanded ransom for their return, they began to fear the worst.

Police reported that they figured out when and where the C_____ sisters had been abducted, based on signs of scuffles and tire tracks in the gravel road a short distance from their house. Unfortunately, the granite gravel was too coarse to give them more solid clues like the type of tires that made the tracks. But they knew that the girls and their bicycles had left the road then and there.

As for Tuna, they knew that she had arrived home that afternoon because (a) the bus driver reported dropping her off, and (b) her parents found the house unlocked, the TV on, and the puppies outside when they came home from work. There were no signs of struggle, but they did find a record of a phone call being made to the house that afternoon from a pay phone a few miles away. They could not lift any useful fingerprints from the pay phone, and there was no security camera there. The only other clue was a neighbor who reported seeing a white van parked nearby about that time.

After about a month of constant coverage, the case dropped out of the news. There was simply no more news to report. People came to accept that the three girls would never be seen again. No funerals were held, because people did not want to admit giving up hope. But that spring, the school hired an artist to paint a large mural in the cafeteria, showing the faces of the three girls in decorative, golden ovals, reminiscent of portraits found on money, with the words "In Memoriam" in cursive over the top. I personally thought the paintings were rather third-rate. But I did find myself staring at them more than I should have. Especially Rhonda.

Especially Rhonda.


It was about two years later when the case was opened again.

Every so often, they lower Lucky Peak Reservoir, northeast of Boise, for routine maintenance and cleaning. This lowers the water level in the adjoining Robie Creek to the west, along Highway 21 from Idaho City.

Somebody found two bicycles among the uncovered rocks below a cliff, and they were soon confirmed to belong to the C_____ sisters. The case was back on the nightly news, and a Cold Case unit from State Police was assigned to reopen the investigation.

They found an additional lead when Jenny and Rhonda's father recalled a detail from years ago, when he had sold some scrap metal to someone hauling a flatbed trailer with a white van, perhaps like the one seen near Tuna's house. An old receipt was dug up, and within a day state troopers were knocking at my door.

I was away at school when Mom answered the door, stupidly brandishing her little .25 caliber revolver. She fired one foolish shot, and was instantly killed by five of at least forty bullets the cops fired back at her.

They hauled Dad off for questioning, but he would say nothing. When they found out that he had sold off a white van just after the girls had vanished two years ago, they jailed him on suspicion of murder. This was legally questionable, as they had no solid evidence that he had done anything, nor even any evidence that the girls were actually dead. But they were not about to let him go.

A social worker from the state placed me in a group foster home in Boise, where eight other kids were being watched by an elderly Mom and Pop while they hoped to be adopted by or reunited with someone.

Being in jail for crimes against children makes one rather unpopular in any incarceration facility. My father was there only three days there before someone stabbed him dozens of times with a sharpened toothbrush handle. Nobody cared to seriousy investigate who had murdered him.

I was informed that I had inherited my parent's property, but was too young (age 14 by then) to move back there by myself. I was also unable to keep up with property taxes, so within two years it was auctioned off by the county, and the proceeds (less taxes) placed into a trust fund administered by the state.

About a year later, somebody in Boise County (which oddly does not include the City of Boise) noticed that taxes on the property on OK Hiway were going unpaid. The land was still officially in my grandmother's name; it seemed Dad had never changed it to his own name. But soon an investigator connected the land to him, as he had been the one paying the annual property taxes. When somebody found the fallout shelter on the land, detectives descended on the place and the case of The Harrison School Three was open again.

They found the place suspiciously clean and free of dust for something built in the '50s. The gasoline in the generator and the water in the supply tank were deemed to be years old, but not decades old. They found a clean-out pipe for the sewage tank, but never found the service hatch under the shower floor.

The one solid clue they found was a single, blond hair, which turned out to match hair from Tuna's bedspread at home. This confirmed that at least one of the girls had been there.

Further searches around the property yielded nothing. Remarkably, they found nothing to connect me to the girls' disappearance, beyond being absent from school (with excuse) at the time they disappeared.

The case has remained unsolved to this day.


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