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Roommates (loli) Anonymous 12/10/06(Sat)11:32 No. 17319 ID: 5c8966

It all started when I was 19, in my first semester at college. I'd moved away from home and into my first apartment, and got my first roommate as well. He was a year younger than me, but unlike me he hadn't spent a year after graduating highschool saving up his money for tuition and rent. His parents died in an avalanche at a ski resort, and between their considerable savings and the payout from the life insurance, he could afford college and not have to work for years. I hadn't known it when I met him at orientation and we decided to share an apartment, but he also had custody of his 11 year old sister.

The apartment was big, and nicer than I could have ever afforded on my own, so all three of us had separate bedrooms (hers was supposed to be a laundry room or something originally.). I also discovered my roommate was a bit of a dick who neglected his little sister.

I don't think it was intentional, more a result of losing his parents and having to adjust his plans for the future to revolve around caring for his sibling, and he probably wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. But unless he needed to give her a ride or buy her something she needed, he basically didn't interact with her. He also barely did anything with me; maybe once a week he'd play video games with me, but he spent nearly all his time in class or shut in his room studying.

His little sister was cute, with her blue eyes, freckles, and short, light brown hair, but obviously way too young for me. She didn't play with dolls or anything, so I guess she was mature for her age, but she also spent all her time shut in her room when she wasn't at school. And I don't think she had any friends at her new school either.

After a month or so with my new roommates, we'd settled into a routine. If they weren't exactly friendly, they weren't bad either; quiet, clean, and they were the only way I could afford a really nice apartment just a block from campus.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. It'd have saved me a lot of grief.

949 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 18/03/06(Tue)06:38 No. 25433 ID: 8e2488

She better be pregnant

Anonymous 18/03/07(Wed)03:30 No. 25436 ID: d1edc9

You are a god, OP... No matter the delays, the waiting, whatever happens... You are number one

Anonymous 18/03/10(Sat)15:04 No. 25444 ID: 06eb22

10 out of 10... would penetrate again...

Had me rolling...

Anonymous 18/03/22(Thu)23:36 No. 25467 ID: a557d6

Back to her vitamins while she's sore.

Anonymous 18/03/29(Thu)14:25 No. 25477 ID: 6d0371

Are they ever going to try ass, too? I'm so excited :D

Anonymous 18/04/13(Fri)20:07 No. 25506 ID: 6d0371


Not sure if you have to bump on 7chan to avoid 404, just making sure.

Anonymous 18/04/20(Fri)14:34 No. 25514 ID: 93166e

It's a low-traffic website.Some threads here are five years old

OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/04/20(Fri)23:41 No. 25515 ID: c34b76


THIS thread is six years old. It'll disappear eventually without bumps, but leaving the front page isn't the end of the world.

Anonymous 18/04/21(Sat)08:14 No. 25517 ID: 56b278

Hey OP, you doing all right?

Anonymous 18/04/26(Thu)00:22 No. 25524 ID: c34b76


Yes, just busy. Remember, I write whenever the mood strikes me and I'm not super busy, hence why there's long stretches of nothing.

I'm working on more, but I'm not going to rush it.

Anonymous 18/04/27(Fri)09:37 No. 25526 ID: 56b278

I get ya, I've been keeping up with this story from the beginning, or damn near, so I'm used to it. More of a general are you in good health, how's life treating you, that sort of shit.

The+Bard 18/05/03(Thu)02:44 No. 25528 ID: ff7502


At least your stuff comes out more often than the Song of Ice and Fire books.

Anonymous 18/05/05(Sat)15:12 No. 25531 ID: 4a7dea

Just a quick question. Is there any reason you stopped updating the Damocles ASSTR page?

Anonymous 18/05/14(Mon)04:20 No. 25542 ID: c34b76


I was never updating it in the first place. Read through this thread, someone was doing it on my behalf.

Anonymous 18/05/28(Mon)12:58 No. 25564 ID: 6d0371

bump <3

Steven R. Overton 18/05/30(Wed)04:06 No. 25569 ID: f7d3f6

I came to Elit in search of a compatible place to share my (abridged) memoirs, now getting a final polish and being posted in an adjacent thread. While browsing the different stories to take the temperature of this place (and finding it well suited to my tastes), I was drawn into OP’s story and have now joined the many unfortunate souls chained to our computers, ever anticipating the return of our own m'sieur Godot.

I can only beg his legion of other fans to take my word for it that I had my own narrative completely typed out, with the exception of a few details, when I encountered this story, and all similarities (and I see there are many) are completely coincidental. This in itself lends OP’s story a ring of authenticity for me, despite his (quite proper) disclaimer that it is purely a work of fiction.

From my own experience and exchanging notes with many others with similar histories, both as the older and younger partners in the relationships, I sense a very familiar pattern, especially in the growing emotional connection between the parties. These affairs often begin (relatively) innocently, develop organically and graduate to deep emotional and spiritual bonds, at least for the younger partner, who necessarily has a smaller well of emotional experience to draw from. I could go on and on, but I’m (mercifully) shutting up.

TL, DR: New reader; totally hooked!

Anonymous 18/05/31(Thu)14:25 No. 25582 ID: 5cab3d

Welcome aboard mate. Enjoy the wait lol.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/06/11(Mon)00:58 No. 25599 ID: 2f48ee


>references Waiting For Godot

I see you're a man of taste as well.

I'm working on the next update, but the creative juices aren't flowing, so it's slow going. It'll come. Like all good things, it'll be worth the wait.

SRO 18/06/12(Tue)06:55 No. 25602 ID: f7d3f6

That's fine, OP, don't try to run ahead of the muse. We'll be here.

Anonymous 18/06/13(Wed)22:49 No. 25607 ID: 8eaae7

You probably don't need it OP, but I'll be happy to come up with ideas and stuff. Though I understand if you would feel it wouldn't be your own work anymore too

Anonymous 18/07/08(Sun)07:06 No. 25690 ID: 6d0371

summer bump of love <3

Anonymous 18/07/12(Thu)00:52 No. 25698 ID: 9f007d

Was that an offer?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/07/23(Mon)03:57 No. 25718 ID: c34b76

So... starting to feel like I should wrap up the glorious weekend between our main character and his loli girlfriend. Creative juices begin to flow once more.


Anonymous 18/07/23(Mon)08:33 No. 25720 ID: fa6ddb


Anonymous 18/07/26(Thu)00:17 No. 25722 ID: 6fb75b

>We finally settled on Wreck it Ralph
immersion ruined. That movie came out well after OP started his thread.
I can't fap to this anymore :(

OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/07/30(Mon)05:05 No. 25727 ID: c34b76


>begins writing story in November 2012
>movie came out literally 4 days before the first post
>roughly a year has passed in story

Even if the story was set in a specific year, you're still a silly sod.

Anonymous 18/08/16(Thu)17:29 No. 25745 ID: 6d0371

Can't wait for another part <3

Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)07:03 No. 25748 ID: 842a1b

New to 7chan. This is amazing!

Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)12:05 No. 25750 ID: 1f9ddb

Welcome to purgatory.

Anonymous 18/08/19(Sun)21:58 No. 25753 ID: d1917b

it's been 5 months since the last chapter. can we get an update on how the next one's going? are you busy with life or stricken with writer's block?

Anonymous 18/08/20(Mon)04:30 No. 25755 ID: 56b278

As someone who has read this since the beginning and check back at least once a week, welcome to the club. The waits can be long but OP has never failed us thus far.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/09/17(Mon)06:40 No. 25788 ID: 2f48ee


Busy with life, but the next chapter is coming along nicely.

Anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)04:40 No. 25791 ID: 9d56f7

cant wait to read it!

Anonymous 18/09/26(Wed)13:32 No. 25795 ID: 1c41c0

Best. Story. Ever

Anonymous 18/09/29(Sat)22:01 No. 25798 ID: 6d0371

One week until 6 years anniversary! \o/

Anonymous 18/10/05(Fri)23:45 No. 25804 ID: b6c85b

If the next chapter doesn't come out tomorrow I'm gonna be dissapointed

Anonymous 18/10/15(Mon)03:35 No. 25829 ID: 681859

If only you'd known, Anon.
If only you'd known.

Anonymous 18/10/19(Fri)00:16 No. 25838 ID: 75e5f3

Just found this after coming onto 7chan for the first time and damn this is good shit, no rush but please don't abandon this

Anonymous 18/10/19(Fri)10:09 No. 25840 ID: 95b270

He's been coming back to this for just a bit over 6 years. He's in it for the long haul, and so must you.

Anonymous 18/11/01(Thu)19:52 No. 25849 ID: 262434

Inb4 next chapter comes out during no nut November

Anonymous 18/11/04(Sun)22:58 No. 25856 ID: 51ecaa

I would fail NNN for an update to this.

anon 18/11/12(Mon)05:17 No. 25860 ID: 16ee62

Screw that! OP we need jelly!

Anonymous 18/11/17(Sat)03:52 No. 25866 ID: 5a7e6d

Jelly! Jelly! Jelly!

Anonymous 18/11/17(Sat)20:24 No. 25867 ID: 8da259

Peanut Butter Jelly time...but you know...in an 11 year old pigtails nympho. LOL

Anonymous 18/11/18(Sun)22:10 No. 25868 ID: 8da259


Anonymous 18/11/20(Tue)14:33 No. 25870 ID: 06e557

Hey, op. Your writing skills are amazing. The way you capture reality and personality is almost flawless. I was wondering, is this story based on real life experiences?

Anonymous 18/11/21(Wed)00:09 No. 25871 ID: 8da259

And who in the 3 hell's would ever admit to that I pray tell?

Anonymous 18/11/21(Wed)03:23 No. 25872 ID: 5a7e6d

I have no idea what your talking about officer.

Anonymous 18/11/23(Fri)05:12 No. 25873 ID: 8da259

Any anal in the future?

Anonymous 18/11/23(Fri)19:07 No. 25874 ID: 6d0371

This, please.


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