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A collection of Short Stories !JUD7F1CtU. 11/06/14(Tue)18:06 No. 12588

I decided I may as well share what I write when I decide to write something. Most of it will be Futa on Male but anything with MaleSub in it will be included. Anyway, here's the first one involving a dominant Futa and her apparent bitch.

Call girl - A short story.
Tags: Futa on male, futadom, reluctant

The phone rang.
I don't know why, but there was always this sense of anticipation and dread I have with picking it up. Not knowing who it was and knowing who it could be was almost a game of Russian Roulette I had with myself. Now, it happened almost daily. I picked up the phone Gun to my head - pull the trigger. "Hey there, moll" a feline, scratchy yet appeasingly seductive voice replied, female in nature.
"Uuuuh, hey… Tash." I responded, not unnerved but unhappy. "Parents are gone. Come around" she demanded in a domineering tone. "Uuuhh, look, Tash… I don't know about today, it's not really a good t-" "Come around" she repeated, cutting me off. "Tash, I was just about to say that I don't really want to because I'm really busy, and… you know"
There was a disenchanting silence - shredding any hope of worming my way out.
"No. I don't. Come arooound" she said again, this time with the last word drawn out, as if she sounded wanting, but not desperate. "I know you really, really want to" she claimed, her voice thinning to an innocent tone. She was pulling all the strings for this one. She usually did.
"I just-"
"Come around"
"Come around"
"I'm not-"
"Come. Around"
"… fine"
I heard her quietly but excitedly squeal before hanging up, the dull dial tone replacing her shrill voice, the way it lingered in my ears…

I grabbed a coat, stepped out, slapped the P plates on my parents Ford and took the mild night drive across the river to her house. She was rich, and her house commanded a view the rest of the town on a hill, overlooking the river. The car rolled to a stop on her driveway and I sheepishly stepped out looking at the house. As usual, only the lights in the front of the house were on - I never got to go into her room. Knocking on the front door, it opened quickly after a long wait. She stood with her legs somewhat separated and a hand on a hip. Her eyes darted up and down me, reviewing me.
Tash was shorter than me, five and a half feet one would guess. She was smaller than me, just beyond 120 pounds. The way she bared her midriff, kept her blonde hair long and wore a skirt shorter than an elementary school essay is just impossible not to admire. Possibly the sweetest, most petite form one would see. She was younger than me, by one year - 16. She took hold of my hand and pulled me into the lounge room. A high ceiling, large couches, big TV, warm and light - light enough so to follow the smooth features of her nose and chin to the velvety skin of her neck and sides. These flowed smoother than a stream towards her round, creamy breasts, covered by a thin chemise, cut off just below the mounds.
She was classier than me, there were already drinks on the table. I had long passed the time where I would take the drink furthest from where she sat me - she didn't want to drug me. I don't know why she liked making drinks. Maybe it was true that women like the mood more than the motion. I discarded that idea; she enjoyed the motion far too much.
She was slyer than me:
"So" she started, sitting down. "How's things?" she asked. Her voice showed genuine interest, it betrayed her intentions. I reluctantly humoured her and sighed. "You know. School is school." she nodded in response and quickly downed the mix she had in her hand and slumped back down into the couch.

With a small lip bite she extended a slender hand across my lap and towards my crotch. "Someone's in the mood" she alleged, giving me a quick squeeze. I couldn't contain a slight mewl. She giggled in response. I don't know how it always came to this, how she always won. Why couldn't I say no? Perhaps I did enjoy it and I just couldn't admit it. Looking at her now, her fingers began tugging underneath her short skirt, her thin panties folding over themselves as she pulled them down her legs. Ready. With a slight tug her skirt seemed to spring up on itself for a moment. I did my best to suppress the growing tension in my throat. With her hands by her side she just looked at me, innocently and expectantly, waiting. Aim. In yet another victory of hers, my hands brushed back the hem of her short skirt and revealed her true self. Yes, she was smaller than me, but she was also bigger. Fire.

It never ceased to scare me or amaze me and every time I take it in as if it's the first time I've seen it. Her cock was simply monster. It dwarfed my own - more than doubling in length and width even now as it was not completely hard. It stood proudly from her groin, a thick shaft as a testament to her dominance over me and its vein's visible on the surface, pumping blood inside her stiffening length. The head was pink and moist with her her foreskin pulled back down her shaft. Her balls nestled on the couch as she began to slouch, still looking at me with demure. A small tuft of neatly kept pubic hair nestled above her cock, and below her balls, her (allegedly) virginal quim. A screw-over of evolution had produced the most guileful, devious and alluring form unknown to man.

"Well" she asked expectantly, her hands by her sides and her cock twitching as she tensed it periodically. It seemed to pulse with every heartbeat. Her hand, slowly and languidly, began sliding up my body, across my neck and to the back of my head. Her touch was soft and gentle, until her fingers listlessly gripping my hair.
She was stronger than me. I tried to repel at first her slow pulling, but she had won long ago. My head slowly descended towards her pulsing member like a torpedo to its target. One last look up to the side I saw her face turned up at me, looking down as she bit her bottom lip in anticipation. I didn't know if I knew it then, but that's what I was - her call girl.

With a final tug my lips slipped around the head of her Joystick. My final surrender. A small murmur escaped her lips as she pulled on my hair slightly harder. It was salty, unpleasant and somewhat pervasive. Her pre cum seemed to soak into my mouth as she depressed her hand further. More and more of her fleshy member disappeared into my mouth. It wasn't long before the head of her thick pecker pressed against my throat. I gagged and she shivered. I gagged again and she shivered again. I always thought that she enjoyed me squirming more than she enjoyed herself squirming. She held me there as I breathed in through my nose. After a long pause and a deep exhale, she released her grip slightly and I began sliding off her member, my saliva sticking and dripping down it before she quickly pulled me into her again. I could taste the briny, thick precum ooze from her urethra and felt it slide down my throat in a sickly way.
Before long she had a gentle rhythm going, controlled by the amount she squeezed my hair. I bobbed up and down on her cock as she let out small moans and brief gasps as my tongue inadvertently darted around her head and shaft. But Tash wasn't easy to satisfy.
I felt her hand tugging my hair down, not towards her, but off the couch and with a quick shove, my body fell from beside her to in front of and underneath her. My eyes darted up to see a surreptitious simper and a glow of trounce in her eyes.

Her slender and slvete legs moved up my sides and around my head, resting on my shoulders. On their way they twisted around my arms, holding them hostage behind me as her own upper limbs slid around my head. Her cock still in my mouth she pulled down, harder this time. The head of her meaty member pressed against my throat and she still pulled harder. I gagged and she shivered yet again. I groaned in protest - a futile gesture. "Shut up" she said as she pulled again, harder this time. With gag induced tears welling up, I swallowed and the scary feeling of her length pushing down my throat filled me. My mouth stretched painfully around her thickness. My eyes opened wide and I began to try and start coughing, upon realising I couldn't breathe. Tash pulled on my head with her hands and moaned a girly moan as my throat tensed and squeezed around her cock. I tried my best to splutter and force the intrusion from my throat but she kept it in there, each convulsion only serving to heighten her pleasure.

After what seemed like an endless time, her hands slowly released pressure and let herself lightly from my throat, but her thighs kept me from escaping her length. The head remained in my mouth as I coughed and spluttered around it. "I love it when you do that" she said while exhaling. "Do what?" I asked, muffled by her prick. "Shh" she hissed. Like a serpent And her hands pulled again. Her cock sliding easily down my throat. She pulled out again and pulled in again. Soon Tash was facefucking me, her cock sliding towards my stomach and back, lubing up my throat nicely with precum and spit and mucous as her hands pulled on my hair and her breathing got deeper as she plunged back down inside me. I was short of breath as my head was yanked and pushed and pulled back towards her and inside me. My mouth stretching again and again as my oesophagus was assaulted.

Her intensity increased as her hips began voluntarily swaying with her pulling, pressing my face almost against her skin, her balls almost against my chin. I could see sweat beginning to form on her lithe body as her breasts began lightly swaying underneath her shirt and her hair sway around her face, sticking to the moisture. When I felt her cock stiffen and her legs press against the sides of my head I tried to pull out, but she kept me in. She puled me as far as she could. My mouth ached from the stretch. Her balls slapped against my chin as she buried my nose into her neat stretch of pubic hair. Game Over

I felt it pulse. I felt it push and squeeze her seed down into me. Her penis spasmed and contracted as her load shot down into my stomach. I looked up at her as her back was arched, her mouth open and her eyes wide in a snapshot of perfect satisfaction. She let out a high pitched squeal of a moan and said something unintelligible. I could feel her whole body, her legs pushing me in and her arms vibrating as her hot cum was propelled down my throat. I began pulling away and I was somewhat successful but at the last minute her arms stiffened, keeping the end inside my mouth. She pumped several more shots into my mouth, hitting the back of my mouth and coating the inside. It which overflowed and dribbled down in front of me and onto the floor. Each one of her shots would out my entire load to shame. And the taste and smell, bitter and salty and sickly that lingers in your mouth and sticks to the walls.

At last she relaxed, and the head of her softening cock escaped my mouth as I took a deep breath in and coughed and spluttered. She giggled an innocent giggle as her blue eyes inspected my cum stained chin. her legs still wrapped around my arms, keeping them subdued behind me. With her hands she grabbed her thick meat stick and rubbed the last oozing globules of cum on her cock onto my mouth and face before letting her softened penis rest against my face.

With a final exhale, she let her legs loosen and let go of my hands. "You can go now" she said blankly as she retrieved her panties with her extended foot. "But you can keep this" she remarked, as they landed in my lap.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Tash declared.
"… I don't know about-"
"I'll see you tomorrow"
I looked glumly up at her.
Her expression did not change.
Game, Set and Match
I stood up and left the room and the house and entered the car, cleaning my face and body up. Tomorrow I'll say no. Tomorrow I won't come around

58 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 13/02/03(Sun)21:40 No. 18247


!JUD7F1CtU. 13/02/04(Mon)15:06 No. 18254

Oh no, man, that is terrible. It's all over the place and what is even grammar. That's what you get for writing drunk. Oh well, you guys can keep it
But I think I like that character so why don't I use her more? I'm sure I'll get around to more writing when I feel inspired.

tSade!O9S.2cqv5k 13/02/05(Tue)02:10 No. 18258

Yummy. I love that type of submission.

Anonymous 13/02/20(Wed)18:42 No. 18360

God I love your stories. Would very much enjoy a follow up to your most recent one.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/02(Sat)16:44 No. 18424

Super quick one while I'm high. Hope you brought your Sense of Disbelief.

Read over it once now before posting. Oh well, this is anonymous, right?

Quick Fuck - A short story

tags: futa, futa on male, reluctance, emotional pain, shit writing, probably a little too personal.

He wanted nothing more than to have her love him.

She knocked on his door. He knew it was her. He greeted her there and invited her in. "What have you been up to?" he asked her, eager to start some conversation. "Oh you know... I was at Rose's house for a while but Ewan showed up. So I left"
Seemed reasonable. At the back of his mind though, he was secretly knowing that that meant she'd tried to get with Rose and was unable to. Boyfriends can get in the way sometimes. Even when you offer to have a threesome with them. I ignored that thought. Maybe she really did want to see me?
"Want a drink?" I asked.
"Sure sure, just a water. It's boiling out" she responded. Waving her face for effect. It was cool in here, though. I grabbed her a water and turned it back onto the table. She picked it up and sipped at it, glancing at me. She was short so her feet barely touched the floor on these high stools so her toes were pointed. Her legs weren't way too long, but her skirt was pretty damn short. Pleated school uniform. They'd caught each other after class and she'd told him she might be around later. He was glad she was, but not glad she's already been somewhere else. Her skirt gay way to her button up shirt that was obviously not buttoned up high enough. A pink bra was showing which were gilded by her golden hair and her big, gentle blue eyes.
He went back to the fridge to put the water back in and when turned he caught her eying at him. He tried to look as cute as possible in return. Bending over in front of her, having a few buttons untied. She took a gulp of water and stood up and scaled around the benchtop towards him. She was shorter than him by a bit more than a foot but the bench was quite low. She placed herself behind him and started reaching her arms under his chest. Feeling up his stomach and slim chest. She liked his physique, efficiently built, small muscles. It's a shame he didn't have the personality to back the body.

His hand reached for hers and he pushed his ass into her crotch. She stood on her tip toes and gently moaned into his ear. No doubt on purpose; he was rock hard now. He hated being her second choice but he liked being a choice at all, too. Her hands slowly reached down his stomach, fingers lightly grazing the skin before pulling at his belt gently. Her teeth gently biting his back and the bottom of his neck. Breathing heavily.
"Look" he spoke up. His logic kicking in. "I don't always want to be-" he stopped. Her bulge, which she'd been hiding until now pressed into his ass and she let out the gentlest gasp. That shut him up.

When his belt was undone his pants were down so quick and his hairless ass exposed for her. Vulnerable to her. Ever since she mentioned she prefered hairless girls he always went hairless. Anything to please her. She planted her lips on one cheek, biting and sucking so very softly. Perforating a few blood vessels gently. Enough to send pleasure signals right to his brain and enough to leave a nice mark that could have well been a stamp saying 'Mine'.

His legs weakened slightly. Pants down, shameful erection exposed to her. She slipped her hand underneath her underwear and out her own erection sprung. If he felt weak before then he had no idea what he was now. Blood rushed to his penis, missing a few joints along the way, apparently. She pushed forward and stuck her length underneath his legs and let his cock and balls rest against her shaft. Even through he had an ass depth length advantage her dick dwarfed his. It's thickness so daunting. He couldn't look at it long enough. Even though his dick throbbed so hard next to it her length began stretching even more. In its final stages of hardness. She was simply huge.

"Handbag" was all she said as she pushed on his back to make him lean over the kitchen bench. He reached over and grabbed her hand bag from the seat she was just on and went to hand it back.
"Look inside" She commanded.
So he looked inside and right there, in the middle was a brightly coloured bottle of lubricant.
"Please" she asked, her voice bouncing in his ears.
She pulled him back up, now with the lube in his hands and he squirted it between his legs - onto her length.

"You can put some on you're own, too" she mentioned. His face lit up. DId this mean - ?
But she leaned in, she stood on her tippy toes, pressing her spear against his stick and she whispered cruelly, but with breathlessness. "it'd be a waste, though" It worried him that made him harder. She gasped as his hands slipped underneath him to lather her entire length in silky lubricant.
Then, when she was satisfied, she pushed him back down on the bench. With his pants down his legs, her all lubed up and him basically panting in heat for his alpha male, there was no way he was getting away. She spread his large, girly ass cheeks and slapped it gently before massaging it.
She pushed it in slowly. But not slowly enough to let him adjust. Although more lube would be less painful for him, she didn't mind.

He whimpered girlishly. She moaned girlishly. In one quick stride she buried herself in him. He should be used to it by now. He wasn't. He breathed deep and did his best to relax. His arms stretched to the edge of the bench and his knuckles whitened around them. He was in pain, but also pleasure. He hated the pain. But he loved having her inside him. Her hands gripped underneath his waist and pulled him onto her. He wailed when she bottomed out. His ring clenching around her. She moaned. "Aw, god that feels good, babe"

He hated getting called babe. Not so much because the word but because of how she said it. It reminded him of how Ewan said it, like she owned someone. Truth is she probably did. At least his ass.

She began pumping, not wasting anytime. She gripped his shirt with one hand and pulled that into him every time she pushed and with her free hand slapped his ass a few times. It wobbled slightly the way a good bitch's ass should - just not a male's ass. Her eyes glistened as she watched him scrawl out in front of her, trying to hide her pain. It was so cute to watch. She didn't go easy on him, her dick begin a gently slamming, every few thrusts she went in that little bit deeper, poking him where nothing should be poked. She loved watching him quickly reel. Pain overtaking him, she loved how she was big enough for that, and she loved how much he hated it. He just wanted to be liked in return. She knew this, she didn't care.

Her ass, covered by her skirt, wobbled as his compressed. Her hips pushing into his poor cheeks. She moaned a hoarse moan as she bottomed out again inside him.

He had a few tears in his eyes but he wanted so badly to take it. He loved the feeling of being trounced on, but this pain was so much.
He was busy wondering to himself why he still had a hardon, until he felt his body shiver and war fluid drip from his dick onto the bench. Semen dribbling out. Hopefully she didn't notice. She upped her thrusting. She definitely noticed. Why did he do this? Some days she went round to her friend's houses. See what they could do for her. He'd seen the videos of her and Rosa and her and some of the other girls. The way they squirmed, he just wanted to be one of them for her. The way she kissed them and squirmed with them.

But she didn't do that with guys. She bent them over and drilled them. And at this rate he may as well be on the end of a dril. He was shaking back and forth as she plunged and plunged and plunged her way painfully inside her. Her moans and and gasps combined with his pained and pleasure stricken groans and whimpers. Her hand landed on his ass again. "Nnnnfff fuck, you're still so tight, babe"
She obviously knew how much he hated it. He knew that's why she did it.
She bottomed out in him and... stayed there. Finally a peace from the relentless ploughing. Her body leant over him and her mouth found it's way to his ear. "Hnng, how does it feel?" she asked him playfully, the sadist.
"G-good" he stuttered, a little too shakily and high pitched. He could never help it when he was plugged. "
"Yeah you look like you're enjoying it, babe" She could see how much it hurt him. Another hand landed hard against his ass. "I can't believe you just let me do this to you. You must really love it"
I love you he wanted to say. He wanted to say it so bad.
"I..." he stammered.
"I love.."
"I love... you. I love you." he moaned out hoarsely, trying to quell pain as she pushed just a little too hard.

"Cute" she responded. And her hips started pounding again. A soft thwack everytime skin collided. He groaned again. This thin girl with an inhuman length torturing this poor guy. And she loved every minute of it. His groans grew into one long huff. He was getting used to her now, and the pain ebbed away as he felt himself begin to tense up again.
"Oh god yes, cum again." she moaned out and his ass clenched up around her. She couldn't hold on much longer.
Her pounding got inhumanly powerful, each thrust making a burst of semen spurt underneath the poor boy.
Then she shuddered, pulled his shirt back with both hands and rested her balls against his. Hers spasmed wildly and she felt herself depositing herself inside her poor victim with mind numbing pleasure. Coating his walls white with cum she pulled hard on his shirt, pulling him back into her. Her cream dribbled from his ass and began dribbling down his shaking legs and small balls. And she continued firing until he could swear he could taste it in his mouth.

When she at last had finished cumming she let go of his shirt and gave his ass a solid slap. Making him leap forward.
"Camera" she said. "Bag. This is fucking beautiful"
She was clumsily, reluctantly handed a camera. And quickly she pulled out of him. Her softening dick glistening with lube and cum and the cum poured from his abused asshole, clenching up and squeezing some of the thick goop out. He turned his head to look at the camera. His pleasure soaked eyes and open mouth contrasted against the softening cock against his slappable ass with a pool of cum still forming under his legs.

When she used a towel to wipe herself off she pulled her underwear over the cock and straightened her skirt and hair. "Anyway, babe. I've got to go. See you around" And she gave a quick giggle, picking up her stuff.

"Do you wanna stay a while" he asked, already knowing the answer. She looked thoughtful for a moment, a ruse no I better get home.
He looked back down at the table, utterly humiliated as the flow of cum slowed. She slapped his ass again. "Thanks for the fuck, babe" she finished. Her words hurting.

"Yeah, hehe see you later, Tash."

Uuhhh... !JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/09(Sat)03:01 No. 18473

Okay, I've talked to a few people about this and they all have different theories on this story. Some have wanted to see it good and some have wanted to see it bad and to be frank, I haven't decided on what I want to do. So I did both. For those of you who hold on to the thought that Tash is a good person deep down and it's all one big misunderstanding there is a 'good' ending (a) and for all of you that like the idea that Tash is a psychopathic, manipulative bitch who gets off on plugging boys then there is a 'bad' ending (b). But that's probably a good ending for you. Neither are canonical - the characters are so different in both that they can't exist together or in the same story arc.

If you like the idea of Tash knowing he actually likes it and him only just realising it read (a). If you like the idea of him hating it and Tash not caring read (b). I reccomend you only read one, because otherwise they'll taint each other.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/09(Sat)03:06 No. 18474

Call Girl III (a) - A short story
tags: futa, futa on male, reluctant, anal

It was inevitable, I'd resigned myself to the fact. I hated myself for just letting it happen, but not as much for continuing it. I'd a new found resolve in just not caring anymore. Scrolling past some benign statuses my scrolling finger stopped when a picture of Tash hit centre screen. It was just her, taking a photo of herself in her bathroom. I inspected carefully. Perhaps too carefully? How was she, in every photo I'd seen her in, able to hide her bulge? If you hadn't any idea she had one you would never be able to tell... hell you probably wouldn't even be able to tell if you did.

In saying that I'd never seen a picture of her in swimwear or underwear or anything particularly revealing. Skirts, dresses, jeans, trackies... Why am I listing off the clothes I've seen her in?

I shook my head that the thought rattled right out of my brain. She was wearing what looked like a white summer dress. It looked.. new. I read the caption and felt like an idiot. "New dress." If anything she always displayed efficiency in her speech. And as if she knew I was thinking about her the phone rang. The phone rang. I considered letting it ring out, just letting her think I wasn't here. But she knew, somehow she knew. So I picked it up.
"Hey!" she greeted with exuberance.
"Hey, Tash" I responded with despondency.
"Come over, I've got a new dress I want you to see."
"...All right"
There was a long pause. Why?
"... are you alright?" she asked. The tone of concern in her voice confused me.
"You sound... sad"
This was extremely confusing.
"Well, I..." I couldn't work out how to finish that sentence. All of this was horribly new to me.
"Come over" she opted again. This time sounding less like a command and more like the comforting old friends do. "And we'll chill out for a bit"

"Ummm... okay?" I responded, sounding less (or more) confused than I actually was

I drove - faster than normal. It was pretty late at night now so when I got to the house I could only see one light on - her room. Although I couldn't see her directly I could see the outline of her lying on her bed. Why am I happy to see her?. I decided I was confused, I just wanted to get this over and done with. Right?. The door was unlocked. And I waited for a bit in the living room before I heard her call out
"Come up here!" she meant her room. Which was even more confusing - I'd never been in her room. Not in the dozens of times I'd been called out here. She'd even done me in some other rooms of the house. Something felt odd... but not in an entirely bad way, I suppose. I managed to skip over the step I remembered her cum had oozed from my ass at one point.

She was lying on the bed.

And her room was huge. Even though it was on the top floor it had a pretty high ceiling. The walls stretched freakishly far out and were adorned with posters. The usual suspects were there along with some more mature ones as well as a spattering of more lewd ones. Kanye West and Chris Martin looked down with their glossy eyes right next to a framed self portrait of Stanley Kubrick. These kind of odd dualities were all around the room but I couldn't help my gaze spreading to a poster of a thin boy (who, I note looked an awful lot like me), photographed from the rear bent over a table. His rear looked like it had just been given a mare's treatment by a stallion. Another one, opposite the room showed a similar shaped boy with a leash around his throat - his face smoothly contoured into a look that screamed "Fuck me"

On one wall there was a full wall window. It looked out over the driveway, the road it came from and the town beyond that - lights sparkled against its mirror past the horizon. I learnt later that the window was dimmable.
Thick carpet extended to all walls which was spattered with dresses, skirts and underwear, it lit softly against the dim hanging light in the middle of the room which lay just above her king sized bed. Thick pillows and blankets were scattered about the sheets. Her room was a bit much to take in at once so I must have stood there like an idiot for a few seconds.

In that time she'd stood up and given me a hug? Okayokayokay, what's going on here.
"Hey" she said simply. That voice.
"H-hey" I responded. She stayed there for a while before she peeled herself off me.
"You look cold." I most certainly did not look cold and I should have protestd as she pulled me over to the bed.
I fell on top of her, but her legs still sat in between mine.
"Do you like the dress?" she asked. I hadn't even noticed it.
"Yeah" I answered, deadpan.
"Okay, what's the matter?" she asked. Her big eyes melting me.
Shit, I dunno. Maybe it's the fact that despite me not wanting to be here, ever, I find myself trapped back here. Somehow you lure me onto you, at the start promising reciprocation, then blackmail and now I don't even know what. There's seriously nothing stopping me from leaving this house, right now, and never coming back.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Yeah right" she responded, tugging at her dress, letting me feel her length harden through my pants. I groaned. Her slender fingers ran up my spine and up my sides and slowly disposed of my shirt. I couldn't help but draw my eyes back to the poster of the poor boy on the wall. I'd just reminded myself that's how I looked every time I succumbed and returned here and no doubt how it would look soon. In slow blur my pants were down to my knees with my underwear scrawled up in them, my bare ass sliding against her dick. The veins slid between my soft cheeks.
And she looked at me.
But differently. Like she wasn't wanting to see me hurt. But she did want to see me hurt, she got off on that. Those big eyes.
"Can you-" her hand gestured to the bedside table. My eyes dragged across her body to where she was pointing; a big, pink bottle of lube rested there. She gave me a sordid smirk and I huffed. I slowly shuffled my way over her and reached for the bottle of lube. As I was doing so one of her hands pulled my pants off.
I turned back around and looked back at her.

She was naked, too. That was quick I noted, a little stupidly. Or was I just really slow?

I'd never seen her naked, I'd realised. She'd always done me with some sort of clothes on. Her dress, obviously a loose fit, had been flung against a chair I hadn't seen before across the room. She looked... vulnerable. Her arms seemed to subconsciously cover her chest, her hands pushed between her legs and her legs bowed up slightly against her chest.

If it wasn't for the footlong ass plunger she had attached to her, now standing erect, the tip glowing with precum and its mass bulging with blood it would have been a perfect picture. Her arms gripped around it as her hands covered whatever lay on her taint. She giggled when she saw my face. Fuck it. I just want this over and done with for now. She lay her legs back down flat against the bed and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. My hand squeezed a glob of this stuff into my other hand and I began working it in. 'Rewarded' with gentle moans and 'ahh's. When I felt satisfied that when she turned my ass into a crater it wouldn't tear past the crust I remounted her. I got a good look at her body. Svelte and trim. Just the right curve - she still looked 'girly' not 'womanly.' Except for her breasts. How someone could be so lucky to have such perfect tits and such massive junk? It made me even more jealous than when I'd first seen it. My hand reached out and lightly grabbed one of her breasts. It was soft, so soft and gently gave way under my grip. She seemed to like it.

"Someone's keen" she noted in a breathless exhale.
That stopped me.
Was I keen?
I didn't have time to process that thought further as I felt that sickening pain of her intruding me. I yelped a bit but she didn't push in anymore. Instead she grabbed the nape of my neck and gently pulled me into her, so as to lay in an embrace. When our skin met she wrapped her arms around me and 'mmmmmmmm'ed. Her soft mounds pressing into my chest and vibrating softly with her voice. She slowly began her push. Letting each inch make itself comfortable. She moaned every so often and, surprisingly I found myself doing the same. She knew gentle was the way to go. My head got lost for a moment, swimming in blurred vision and distorted senses of which I wasn't sure of the genesis - despite it being so obvious it may as well have been fucking me in the ass (it was).

After a nice long, slow intrusion I felt the skin of her waist hit my skin and she sighed. I finally opened my eyes and looked down at her. She smirked a little and tilted her head. She even looked... cute? She certainly didn't feel cute but she began slowly pulling out of my ass which sent a shiver of pleasure through me, prostate tingling with excitement. She must have seen it because in the haze my head created for me the next thing I remember is gripping her bed head with her hands on my shoulders.

It felt strange to be in her bed doing this. Her hips continued to slam into my ass with heavy, wet thwack. I groaned and gasped. Her grip tightening before her hands moved to my hips. She hauled me up a little and into her so that each thrust she ploughed into me she also pulled me back into her. It was a demeaning experience, being done on her bed, taken like this. I'd walked myself into her house, led myself up her stairs and was now being ploughed, like a poor, drunk girl, on her bed and here she was, like that jock from 90's highschool films fucking her. All she needed to do was give me a single phone call. I managed to look back and got mesmerised by her jiggling breasts for a bit but with my body shaking so much it was uncomfortable to look anywhere else but straight ahead. It helped with the pain, too. Although that was hardly something to complain about. The only thing worth complaining about was the searing, gentle throb of her meaty fuckstick slathering my insides with her precum.

I'd felt it dozens of times in the same place and it never got easier after the first. Pain seemed to go hand in hand with pleasure in this experience and there was so much pain and soo much pleasure. Her gleeful thrusting and lustful moans would never seem to know the wiser. My ass would definitely be bruised after this, her hips disabling them and her dick no doubt making my ass wide as the one on her wall. "Hnnng, fuck..." was all I heard her dribble out as she lay over my back, her body shaking as her cock twitched inside me - stretching me just a little more. I groaned in pain as she shot a heavy, sticky load inside me, Tash claiming me, at last, in her room. As much her property as her posters. And, to my astonishment I felt a spring uncoil inside me, spilling myself on her sheets and shivering slightly as I did so. Her knuckles whitened around my hips as I felt another steamy pulse shoot inside me. She had no trouble filling me up. She let out a soft giggle when she was done and with a painful (yet relieving) suck she pulled herself from inside me.

I fell against the bed pretty quickly, nursing my poor ass, trying to get it smaller again to no avail. "Feel better?" she asked throatily. She'd fallen back onto the bed, sprawled out across it, taking deep breaths. I thought it would be best to leave now. So I looked for my underwear in between her own. I managed to gather enough balance in my shaky legs to put them on.

"Why are you going so soon, don't you want to stay" She asked suddenly. She never said that.
"I uh... no?" I confessed - as if pointing out the obvious. She was now knelling up on the bed, her wet snake flopped out on the bed, coiling slowly back into rest.
"...But we can do it again" she continued, like that was some sort of consolation.
Fuck it.
"I don't want to do it again. Matter of fact I never have." I surprised myself with my own words "It hurts, it fucking hurts and I don't know why I keep coming back. You're just so.. fuck. Fuck you" I suddenly spurted. In my head it sounded so much more eloquent. "I come here, you fuck me, I leave and that's all and I fucking hate it. I hate it. I hate it." I repeated it, more to stabilise myself. "I just-" and I suddenly silenced.
She looked.

Really hurt.

And there was a silence. Not like a little pause. The kind of silence that exists between two of your favourite songs. It was like a silence that was so much more quiet because everything had been so loud before it.

"I thought you..." was all she managed to say before it looked as if she'd suddenly been shot. Like a giant realisation had hit her.
I was already leaving. I thought she You thought she what? Was a genuinley terrible person who got off on raping boys? Who's relations with the guys she obviously liked was only ever a one sided sexual favour?
The stairs seemed so much steeper when you were so light headed. You thought that she only ever wanted to spend so much time with you because she was such a deviant and not because she thought that's the way you liked it? Because you'd never disagreed to go around to her place despite being so against it you didn't think that she just made the assumption you liked being that little bit harder?. I traversed the distance to my car and put my seat belt on and stopped. I stopped for a nice long while.

I watched her a moment. She wasn't sobbing, she looked like she was practically wailing. That the only thing she could hear in her head right now was "What have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done?" Then I found myself gradually staring at her room. How could she have thought that? How couldn't she have seen?

So why haven't you started the car yet?
I... wasn't sure.
Did I? Do I?
Was she right all along?

I felt like I should stop and kiss that particular stair as I passed it. They disappeared beneath me as I bounded past them and I burst into her room. She shot up from her bed, grabbing at blankets to cover herself and get rid of the tears. She looked so distraught. She looked as if she'd lost someone she'd deeply loved and hell, perhaps she nearly had. It was so damn clear now, that I was so stubborn, spent all this time building up a persona of myself which she smashed each time I bent over for her that I couldn't stand it. I always wanted it - she just knew me better then I knew myself and neither of us knew it.

"I do" was all I managed to say. She hasn't proposed yet I reminded myself before I realised how stupid that sounded. She didn't care, she snivled a bit and broke into a broad smile - I did, too when she let go of a giggle.
I ended up staying the night.

"Careful" she noted, her fists balled up against her throat. I looked down gently at it.
"Don't worry" I assured. She sighed a little bit.
"It's... been a while" she confessed. "And, you're the first guy who's actually -" I put a finger across her lips and wrapped an arm underneath her. It wedged between her and the mattress.
Then it slipped in.
She gasped, but her face didn't show any pain. Matter of fact the opposite. She was simply dripping, it wasn't hard to slide the rest in. But I made sure I went slowly. There was no way I could last as long as she did with me, but I don't think I needed to. Her arms wrapped around me and she let out a gentle moan. Her balls rested against the top of my dick as I slowly pulled out of her soft snatch. It felt good to be on the other end now.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/09(Sat)03:06 No. 18475

Call Girl III(a) - A short story
tags: futa, futa on male, reluctant, anal, ass to mouth, rape

*Trigger warning* I suppose.

It was inevitable, I'd resigned myself to the fact. I hated myself for just letting it happen, but not as much for continuing it. I'd a new found resolve in just not caring anymore. Scrolling past some benign statuses my scrolling finger stopped when a picture of Tash hit centre screen. It was just her, taking a photo of herself in her bathroom. I inspected carefully. Perhaps too carefully? How was she, in every photo I'd seen her in, able to hide her bulge? If you hadn't any idea she had one you would never be able to tell... hell you probably wouldn't even be able to tell if you did.

In saying that I'd never seen a picture of her in swimwear or underwear or anything particularly revealing, only in person and there was no way you could hide something like that in something that small.

I groaned at the memories of her in such clothes. In this picture she was wearing what looked like a soft pink dress. It's hem stopped so, so high up. "New dress" was the caption. As if she knew I was thinking about her the phone rang. The phone rang. I considered letting it ring out, just letting her think I wasn't here. But she knew, somehow she knew. So I picked it up.
"Hey, boy!" she greeted with exuberance, the pronoun sounding possessive.
"Hey, Tash" I responded with despondency.
"Come over, I've got a new dress I want you to see." No doubt she wanted me to see under it, too.
"Great!" she yelped. Obviously enjoying that I hadn't put up any resistance. "Soon?"
"Alright" I repeated.
I heard a terse snicker before I hung up. It rattled up my spine.

I drove, slower than normal. I'd be willing to let as much time pass as possible. Why am I here again? The car's headlights dimmed and the engine stopped. I managed to guide my eyes to her room. She waved excitedly from behind her window, her silhouette bouncing about. The door was unlocked and I let myself in. The house was pretty dark, it was already night out but I knew the house well enough, I turned on a light and sat down, but I didn't need to for very long. I heard her float down the stairs and saw her waltz over to me, bottle in one hand, the other open wide. She landed onto me as I stood up and her free hand gripped around my neck, twisting it upwards. She planted her lips on it and sucked gently.
Then she thrust the small bottle into my chest.
"Drink up. I want to get you nice and drunk"
I fought with myself momentarily. It would help with the pain but on the other hand it would make me that much easier to toss about. Chances are I drunk it just because she told me so. It was awful, some sort of fortified drink. But I didn't stop until I'd finished it. When I had she reached around me and grabbed a palm full of ass. I looked up at her (even though I was taller than her) as the feeling of having it groped so openly made me feel a little embarrased, a little vulnerable. No doubt she thought that looked cute.

Then she gave me a quick slap. "C'mon" she opted, motioning me towards the stairs. I'd never gone up stairs, though I'd been fucked on them. The thought flashed across my mind quickly, searing my brain slightly. She made sure she got a quick squeeze at that particular stair. When we entered one of the rooms it took me a few seconds to realise that it was her room.
I was in her room.
You're fucked this time. For some reason all I felt was horror. For some reason this made it all the more worse. The carpeted ground was covered in clothes, empty goo bottles (shampoo, makeup, lube etc) and underwear. Some stained, though I didn't notice at the time. Her high and wide walls were eqaully covered in posters. The majority of them perverse. Women bending over for big black man, boys with big dicks in their mouth, stretched holes and faces covered in cum. It seemed this is the kind of place Tash liked to live in. There were smaller posters, too. About postcard size and there were so many they probably took as much space as the posters.

It took me too long to realise they were photographs, some pretty standard - her and her friends out in town, her family and pets but the majority, like the posters, were not so tame. It took me a nice long while later to realise that it was probably she who had taken the pictures as they were all from a point of view. Jesus Christ
Looking down at a dick entering a tortured ass.
A side on comparing two dick next to each other, one hairless and hard, slick and wet and the one next to it, hard, yet still dwarfed and covered in creamy white cum probably left by the other. One guess to who's hers is
A boy's crying face, his mouth full of dick. I knew the boy, too. I had no idea she'd had her way with so many guys.
A girls face, shot in a moment of absolute bliss. I had no idea she'd had her way with any girls, either.
A boy's asshole, taken on the end of this very bed, gaped and covered in cum.
And then one I recognised well. It was me, bent over the kitchen bench looking back, pain and confusion stricken across my face as her dick was in the process of firing across my ass and back. I remembered that day, as well.
There were dozens and dozens of these pictures all over the walls. She caught me looking at them, horror stricken across my face.
"Admiring?" she asked with a lilt in her voice. My eyes drooled over to meet hers, she looked at me pleasantly, warmly - a facade. She opened up a hand and let it rest on my side momentarily but then her push grew forceful and shoved me towards her bed. I stumbled over my feet a bit and I realised I was actually pretty drunk.

She helped me climb onto the bed and she gave my ass a quick squeeze when I was on my hands and knees. She pulled my pants down unceremoniously and gave my cheek another quick slap. "God you're such a slut" she commented. The words stung, the same way her hand did on my ass. My head was down leaning on the mattress but my ass was up, she grabbed my hips to guide me to the right height. "Get the lube, boy" she commanded. I was confused for a moment, before I gave a quick look and the bottle was sitting on the bed right in front of me. I grabbed it and went to hand it back to her but I stopped. Do it. Maybe it was just because I was so drunk.

"Tash. No. Fuck off" I shot at her, pulling up my pants.
I turned around and met her gaze. It was much stronger than mine. "I don't want to do this. I don't even know why I come here. It hurts and you're a bitch and just -" Her big eyes just looked into mine. It was difficult to keep eye contact. She just giggled.

"No, you're the bitch" she replied sweetly. She began climbling on the bed as I backed off against her bed head. "And you do know why you come here" she began crawling towards me. "The same reason you're going to give me the lube and the same reason you're going to smile when you do it." The distance was closed between us and she shuffled over to me, her breasts filling the dress beneath her and her back arching, letting her ass stick out into the air. Her long legs intertwining with mine and her soft skin brushing me. Her lips reached my ear and she whispered so smoothly "You'll do it because I tell you to."

Then she gently removed the small bottle from my hand. You've done it this time. She reared up like an olympic beast onto her knees and grabbed the back of my head, pushing it into her crotch. I disappeared momentarily under her absurdly short dress and was met with the hardening buldge behind her grey boyshorts. She pushed me pretty hard into it and made me nuzzle against it. I pulled back quickly once I realised what I was doing, but even now I was too drunk to pull away with any speed. She pushed forward and pinned my head between her legs. Now I was under her and her fingers pulled away the fabric. Her soft cock and heavy balls rested on my head. The intoxicating smell of ball sweat, precum and pussy entered my mind and infected it.

"I like it when you struggle" I heard her moan. The same fingers began reaching behind her and toying with her quiff. What I'd give to put myself in there, she'd promised it to me once, long ago. I pushed her off me and she fell onto her back with a pomf on the bed. She looked surprised, but more turned on. It's going to hurt my mind reminded me, already conceding that I was going to get it anyway.
"Look, Tash. I'm serious. No. I don't want to" That was harder to say than it should have been.
She only smirked, slowly pointed her long legs and toes and sloooowly slid her underwear off gently with her thumbs. I was hypnotised and she never took her mesmerising eyes off me the entire time.
"No?" she repeated me, questioning me. There was no way I could say it again.
"Tash, I just... don't..." her dick now made a pronounced tent in her dress. She looked at me like a lion looks at a dying Impala.
"Too bad" she sung.
In a drunken haze I felt myself rolling over onto my stomach, cold lube being dispensed in between my cheeks. The room was spinning, but she was sober. Her deft hands playing with my ass, slapping and massaging it. This would be all the foreplay I would get.

"Tash... please -" was all I managed to get out before I felt my teeth dig into the pillow. It was all in there, and she didn't stop and let me adjust to it like perhaps she normally did, she didn't let the fire in my stomach slowly die down until a searing ember. It burnt, and that wasn't even the worst part. I let out a pained yelp, a sort of half scream. Her hips hit my ass and her own scream of pleasure nearly drowned my one of pain. My ass squeezed and tensed and pulsed trying to dislodge this horrible intrusion sending me into reeling pain and her into blinding pleasure. There was no break, no calming, just her moaning out a "Shouldn't have said anything, whore"

No, the worst part about all of this was, I realised as she started her painful pounding, was that I'd said it. I'd said no. She'd known, with full transparency, that I did not want this at all but yet she still did it. In the most painful, demeaning way she could. Her hand spanked my ass again but I could hardly feel it against the searing pain on the inside. My hand reached back and tried to push on her stomach a bit, just to say 'Please slow down'

She didn't, but she did grab my arm and push it onto my back. With both hands against it she could lean forward and begin a constant ploughing. With each thrust I gave a high pitched yelp at a BPM so high it could have been in fast forward. Our slapping skin joined in the chorus. Her hands pressed harder into my back, making it arch and making it that much nicer for her. She watched my ass, dilated and gripping around her thick length. The way it stretched me and filled me, the way it pulled out of me, taking part of me with it before plunging back in, lube squelching its way out between me and her. If I could have seen her I would have seen her smile in sadistic glee. Her hand landed against my ass again.

I looked straight forward, eyes closed, but leaking, teeth clenched but moaning. It felt as if she was hitting places she'd never hit before - stretching me more than she had before. It was so much, so much worse. The only thing I had to thank was the drink she'd handed me, alcohol diluting the pain across my body. When I thought perhaps I could be getting used to it she grabbed me by the hips and pulled my ass up, she leant forward over my body and began spearing again - the weight of her body impacting inside me every thrust that sent a spasm of pain through me, her balls smacking against mine, possibly bruising them but that pain wasn't nearly as bad.

She wrapped her arms under my shoulders and lay on top of me, her pounding relentless. I could feel her hair and face nuzzle against my back as she moaned contently and her cock continued its pillage. She could feel me shaking a bit and she stopped. Oh thank god
She chuckled a little bit. "You're cute when you cry"
I didn't say anything, I probably couldn't with the way she'd been fucking me, and I knew nothing I would say would make it any better. Her hand pushed onto the back of my head and I bit into the pillows again when she began powering again. Her thrusts were slower now, but so much deeper and so much stronger. It was excruciating, the head of her dick smashing against the wall of my colon.
"Hnnnnnfff, I'm gonna cum." she slurred, but to my surprise she pulled out. My brain breathed a sigh of relief and I visibly relaxed. But it wasn't going to end so easily.

She pushed me back over onto my back and manoeuvred me onto the end of the bed so my head was hanging over the end. She'd tried this kind of thing before with a lot of success, but never straight after she'd just lodged it up my pooper. Her balls appeared in front of my face, but she didn't want me wasting time with those - she was riding on the edge. I turned my head away, I could smell my ass on it. But she grabbed me by the sides of my face and slid its gently past my lips and into my mouth. It tasted awful, which I guess was her intention. Tears mixed with lube, precum and smears of unmentionables. I gagged on just the taste alone, but she didn't care. She kept pushing until I swallowed and it slipped down my throat. Even that was painful, but no where near as much. I gagged and tried to cough again. "Fuck" I heard her dribble out as my throat flexed around her dick.

It spasmed harder than I've ever felt it, stretching my mouth and throat out. She didn't want it going straight down, though, so she slipped out of my throat and left it in my mouth. Hot semen streamed into my mouth, too much to swallow at once, so I tried my best to keep it in there. If I let it go it would dribble down the front of my face. I watched in drunk surprise her balls squeeze themselves, pulse and spasm. More and more cum fired into my poor mouth, mixing with the sickening taste of myself. There was a point where I couldn't keep anymore in my mouth and some of it spilled out across my face, the hot cum mixing with the cold tears and across my face so much I had to shut my eyes. She stayed there a little longer until she was completely finished.

"Swallow" I heard her say.
Refusing would be pointless now. So I gulped hard, the revolting flavour sticking to my mouth and -

Her dick finally receded from my mouth. I couldn't imagine what that picture was gong to look like - caught right in the moment of ultimate submission. She threw me a towel and I scrubbed off my face. I sat back up on the bed and she landed next to me. "Stay here the night?" she asked with innocence in her eyes and voice. "No" I said quietly. She handed me another bottle of that alcohol which I drank down.
I ended up staying the night.

5am. Sunlight just started to pour into the room. The full window caught the sunrise but with a small click she dimmed them. I wasn't blind while I was bouncing on her but I could see my reflection - a broken man. My knees either side of her legs, bending and felxing as she woke up from her slumber to her conquest riding her. She gave my ass another tight smack.
"Faster" she commanded "Whore"
I could feel her about to cum so I sped up. She groaned and pulled on my shoulders, impaling me on her painfully.


And there we have it. Call Girl is now finished. I apologise for the last one, that was awful. Hopefully this makes it up for you guys.

Anonymous 13/03/12(Tue)18:58 No. 18493

The link to the picture is broken. Does anyone know what picture he meant?

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/15(Fri)02:33 No. 18509

Hitting the road - A short story
tags: M/m, yaoi, bear, twink (not shota)

I still don't know why I stayed with him so long. His name was Keith and he said he was 'about 50.' I always suspected closer to 40 but I never really knew, apparently neither did he. I'd lived in a bad house. A bad, bad house. So, a few weeks before my seventeenth birthday I grabbed my clothes, stole what we left of my parents money and what was left of their liquor. I ended up on a highway in Pennsylvania going south with about $45 and half a bottle of Jack. I didn't know where I wanted to go, I just wanted to be there so I stuck my thumb out. That's when Keith picked me up.

I heard the swill of brakes and an old station wagon rolled to a stop in front of me. Just in time because as I threw myself in the rain started tearing down.
"Where you goin'?" he asked with an accent I couldn't quite place. It is definitely American, though.
"I don't know" I responded truthfully. He looked me up and down. He was a pretty big man - well built. His backseat looked like it had been... extended? A few bags lined the walls of it but it looked more like a mattress and less like seats.
"Neither." That was a good start. "Then what are you getting away from?"

That first night we got to know each other. He'd been on the road for 20 years now, he'd forgotten why he had started but he enjoyed it too much. He also had the money to keep going, how he did I never asked. Maybe he'd won the lottery years ago, maybe inheritance, maybe he was working for the government. I just never found out. But We stopped a few places that night to get food on our trip nowhere. He seemed to know where he wanted to go, but maybe that's just who Keith was.

I woke up with my head against the window with sun in my eyes. How long had I slept. 20 minutes? 20 hours? I felt well rested enough. The car had stopped and as I turned around I could see Keith filling the car up. This was the first time I'd seen him in daylight. He was probably a little over 6 feet and wide, not just in the shoulders but he had a little bit of gut, too. Short, greying hair topped his head and he had a few days growth of stubble. He certainly looked masculine, I'll give him that. Topped with a shirt and jeans he could've even passed for a lumberjack

It turns out he'd driven all night and we were in North Carolina. From here he said we should go out west. He bought me breakfast and because of his state he made me drive. I hadn't had my license but that didn't bother him and I could drive. He did stay awake though but since that point of seeing him in daylight our conversations were always a little different due to one obvious fact that he was aware of and I wasn't: I fancied him. He grew up in Texas and was a police officer there, he told me. But he left when 'the force got too corrupt.' He'd always hated big cities and he was Red-Green colourblind. He used to have a wife, which I learnt a long, long time later that she had killed herself and their son. Perhaps the force wasn't so corrupt.

"It's getting dark" he noted. "Do you want somewhere to stay the night?" he asked. I looked over the wheel at the clock.
"Sure" I responded, looking over at the clock. "Is there a place nearby?" We'd crossed so many state boundaries I wasn't even sure which one we were in.
"There always is" he said with a smile. "Or if you'd prefer we could sleep in the car - there's a mattress in the back" he responded, pointing.
"Yeah.. I think I'd prefer that" I found myself saying, uncertain why. He just gave me an understanding nod.
"Very well"

Now, I was 16. I'd never touched a guy like that, the thought simultaneously confused and disgusted me. But that night, when I curled up into bed next to him his hand reached over my body and we fell asleep like that. It felt nice to do that, too. To curl up in bed with someone else, someone bigger and somewhat protective. I didn't know it at the time but I had what can only be described as serious daddy issues. I held his arm close to my chest as we slept.

I woke the next morning quite late. We both needed the sleep. I'd woken before him and just lay there for a while. Gently waking up. His breathing lay around a soft snore and with a quick prod I decided he was still very asleep. I couldn't believe what I was doing by the time my hand had arched back and found its way to his crotch. I started feeling around a bit and I deduced that he was semi-hard. He wasn't wearing jeans as because when he got into bed he'd taken off his pants, he was just wearing briefs. So my hand roamed over his (large) balls and dick for a while. Unknown to him he started getting hard, which, confusingly, got me hard too. My suddenly turned on mind decided I needed to take a look. So I turned around, slowly, slowly, trying my best not to wake him only to meet his open eyes.
A smirk found their way across his lips, not a lurid one you'd expect an older man to make. He seemed humored, like he understood. It was horribly embarrassing.
"Sorry" I quickly apologised and he went to say something but I didn't give him time. I leapt up, opened the back and found myself in the thick light of the coastal sun. We were parked beneath the highway, so I started making my way up the exit ramp. And that's when I realised I'd forgotten my bag. So I had to make a decision. Leave it or risk going back. I didn't have any choice, so I went back. I felt a little relieved when I found him still lying in the back, hands behind his back. He gave me a short look and even he looked relieved. But I convinced I was just there for me back.

I ended up giving him head. A few times actually. I don't know why chose to but I definitely did choose it. And I was wrong assuming he was half hard, he was just really, really big.

Gulping down the last of his load 3rd. I lifted my mouth from him and looked at him. He looked at me a little bit. He was still lying down, legs spread with me kneeling in between them, a confused teenage boy. His dick was softening before my eyes and all of me just wanted to see it get hard so I could make him cum again. But I knew it had already been enough. He gave me a small grimace and tucked himself back into his underwear. I felt good inside, conflicted but mostly good. "Where to now?" I asked him. "We're going west"

We drove for a long, long time and it was actually weird how un-weird the conversations were. I felt inexplicably comfortable around him. I had no incling I was gay though Keith obviously did. I told myself I stayed with him so long because he had money and a car and no destination, not because I loved the idea of making someone feel good or because he was an understanding, good guy.

Also, the sex was amazing.

"Rightio, let's go" he grunted, slowing the car. I gave a short giggle, took my fingernail from my mouth and got out the moment the car stopped. Dust covered the sides of the roads and skidding tires kicked up a storm of it. We were truly in deep desert, now. I beat him to the back of the car and opened the boot. I stood in front of him with my hands behind my back looking at him with a cocked head. "You cheeky-" he didn't finish his sentence. Instead his hands guided my shoulders around and forward, pushing me gently over the open trunk. I was only ever wearing just underwear by this point and he pulled them down quickly, exposing my ass to him - hairless and tight. He grunted his approval and groped it lustfully. I wiggled it slightly for him before I heard his fly come down. His dick came down against the top of my ass with an audible thud while mine stood erect beneath me. He handled it to hardness while I looked back at him, giving my best innocent look. My hands bunched up to my face I bit a finger gently. I heard a squeeze bottle and he unloaded some lube against both myself and him.
He was huge, there was no doubting that now. But I'd grown accustomed to him, now, there was no need for 45 minutes of foreplay; we'd done all that in the car in 20 seconds. By now I knew just which buttons to push, just exactly what to say.
I could feel him spread it around my crack and slip a thumb inside which made me tense up slightly. Tensing was bad, so I relaxed. When he was satisfied I was loose enough he took out his thumb and grabbed my waist, hauling my ass up a bit higher.
I stood on my tiptoes and was now high enough for penetration. He was slow, but forceful. Eventually I felt that quick stab of initial intrusion and I winced slightly. But each inch he pushed inside me made that pain fall further and further away and a bubbling pleasure took over. By the time he had buried himself completely inside me I couldn't help but leave my legs shaking slightly. I couldn't control that, and I knew that turned him on and he knew that turned me on.
I could feel the hairs of his stomach on the top of my ass, his hands hauled me up a little higher and no matter how much I pointed my toes (which was also involuntary) they had been lifted from the ground. My hands began reaching for the blankets of the mattress as he began his thrusting - each one illiciting a gentle moan, a girlish moan from me. It was the only sound in this endless desert, wet slapping and dribbling moans.

I'd always considered myself fairly manly, I'd had my way with women in the past and they seemed satisfied. Maybe it's because neither of us knew what the hell we were doing but I certainly felt like a man after that, certainly more than my father. But not with Keith. With him I even felt a little girly but I really didn't mind that. I was thin, had long slender legs, longish hair, a comparably small dick, a higher voice and was generally hairless in a lot of the places considered a guy would be hairy (don' worry, I had pubes).
So underneath a man like Keith like that felt surprisingly normal and normal felt really, really good. I hadn't felt in a normal place my entire life. I didn't occur to me and it still doesn't occur to me how abnormal it all was.
A teenage boy and a mysterious man, fucking like Adam and Eve in the middle of the Arizona desert. It never occurred to me how much I probably was like Eve. It also never occurred to me how much trouble Keith could have gotten in for this - but chances are that would've just turned us both on more.

By now I couldn't feel my fingers. They could have been ripping the mattress right now but neither of us would have cared. I couldn't feel the car rocking, or the bruising my ass would be achieving. I'd lost the ability to count, so I couldn't count all the orgasms I'd had and yet I felt my insides welling up, pleasure streaming up my spine which arched as I yelped out another moan of pleasure. My legs and feet were twitching, my toes inches away from the desert sand with lube and juices dripping down my calves. If I could've seen straight and looked back I would have seen the few cars that rolled by, honking as they went past. Keith chuckled slightly and only sped up, his thick cock spearing my insides and I only moaned harder in response and came again. My balls spasming slightly and letting out whatever it had left onto the mattress. When I felt Keith's thrusts grow shorter and harder and shorter and harder I tightened myself up around him. A slick and clumsily smile spread across my face as I felt myself fill with warmth and Keith groaned with pleasure.
He reeled himself from me the moment he finished completely, letting his seed flow out of me and land onto the dry sand with a splash.
"Fuck, alright, get in"
I crawled myself into onto the mattress and he shut the rear door - there was no way I could walk to the side door.

There was something astonishingly arousing how he treated sex. It was purely a physical act and I was just a vehicle for it. Sure, he loved watching me get off as well of course, but he never leaned in for a kiss, never started calling me cutsy names. We were only ever just awesome friends who got each other off like no-one else. So after sex it was like it hadn't happened, not like we were avoiding it - it just wasn't important. And while it was obvious we both wanted to have sex all the time, we never let it get in the way of doing other things. That night we took a path of the freeway, hauled the mattress outside, lit a fire and drank peyote under the stars. We sat opposite sides of the fire and talked the entire night. It soon dawned upon me that it was my birthday.

Weird how those things turn out.

What wasn't weird at all was that the next day we found ourselves in Las Vegas, mescaline still swimming in our veins - scenes from Fear and Loathing began firing in my brain. Keith made it clear we were going gambling.

Anonymous 13/03/15(Fri)16:20 No. 18517

The link won't work. It says 403 'forbidden'.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/17(Sun)07:11 No. 18529

Another story with our resident sadistic pixie girl from


Easy, drunk girls - A short story
tags: futa on male, futadom, anal, voyeurism, humiliation

"Do you wanna drink?" I could see by the way he was eyeing me and talking to me that he thought he was going to sleep with me. That was always the funnest part.
"Sure" I responded with forced demure. He could just hear me over the sound of the music.
"What do you like?" not 'what is you name' I noted.
I shrugged and a few seconds later I had a vodka and coke in my hand. Yeah, he definitely thought he was getting me in bed.
"How do you know Katie?" I asked him, a small test.
"A friend of a friend" he'd responded. Katie didn't exist - this was Olivia's party. We were inside the house, one of the few in there. Everyone else was outside where the music was, a soft throb replaced a dance beat every time the front door closed. Olivia let's me come in here when I need a bit of time to 'chill out' and this drunk troglodyte had followed me in. I didn't take a sip of his damn drink.
"So what's your name" he asked after finishing his own drink.
"Sara" I responded, pulling the hem of my dress down slightly.
"That's a really purdy name" he managed to stutter out. Imaginative fellow. I also noted that he'd forgotten to introduce himself but that didn't bother me; I already knew his name. "How do you know Katie?"
I silently "She's my best friend" I responded happily. He nodded in agreement.
"So you know this place pretty well?" he asked, I could see it coming. "Do you think there's a room that's a little quieter?" I let out a gentle sigh and put on my best coy face. Obviously his 'friends' hadn't advised him the obligatory "Stay away from the cute girl in stockings with scars on her arms" or maybe they had and he just didn't care.

I got a good look at him in the hallway as we made our way to this room. He was at least 6 foot, dressed well with short, styled hair. He was obviously out tonight to pick up. He was grinning like an idiot when I pointed inside. He just saw a double bed and started getting hard. A lot more things were important about this room:
(very) thin walls, big windows, ground floor and clapper lights.
The party was happening on just the other side of the wall - he was expecting the music to be quite loud and no one would hear us and the room to be quite dark so no one could see us.

Poor him. The darkness would be good for a little while.

I stood at the doorway, letting my silhouette sit there for a while. I was pretty short, just over 5 feet and I knew I looked good. Thin waist, nice chest. I almost always tried to accent these with short dresses. But that's also because I was trying to hide something. He ushered me inside the room, making sure to grab my ass a little bit. The way he'd stumbled told me he was now very, very drunk. This is good. His hands pushed me slightly onto the bed but I turned around and landed on my back, pulling him down with me for a kiss. His hands landed each side of my head as I
grasped around his neck, hands sliding through his hair, giving quick tugs every now and again. He was inbetween my legs but wouldn't be that way for long. I kicked off my shoes, brought my feet up against my chest and slid my toes underneath the top of his pants, gently kicking them off. He gave me a quick smirk that said "God you're so easy, slut" I wanted to say the same thing to him, but instead I gave out a forced moan when his hands played with my tits.

Don't get me wrong it felt good but urgh.

I turned around again, getting on my hands and knees in front of him, so he could get a good view of my ass. Underneath the dress, black, lacy panties waited, covering me (and not so well, given the conditions). I relied on the darkness that he wouldn't see why he should have been told to avoid me. I pulled my underwear down a little bit, just enough to uncover my anus. With one of my hands I grabbed onto his head - caught him in the middle of trying to open a condom wrapper - and pulled him towards my ass. His tongue landed with a wet smack against it. I kept my hand on the back of his head as he began rimming me.
Pleasure began sparkling down my skin as two hands landed on my cheeks, massaging them as he moaned in my ass and I moaned into the pillow.

I broke into a smile when everytime he tried to pull away because just I pulled him back in. Saliva was just dripping from my ass now, he probably thought that that was going to be enough lube - like it was going to be lube at all. I pushed his head south a little bit and shivered when his tired tongue lapped at my pussy - his nose straight on my ass.
I laughed at the idea of... nevermind.

When now I'd had enough I turned back around to face him, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and could see his full form. He certainly looked like he took care of himself so my hands pulled down the top of his briefs - the last of his clothing.

When I saw it I let out a sound which can only be described as a stifled gasp-laugh. It was a sound I'd practised for a long time for exactly this occasion. He was under-endowed and it was meant to make him think half 'She likes it' and half 'Is she laughing at it?' Just enough to not let him raise a question about it. I quickly sized him up in my hand with a few pumps. Pretty average. No doubt he thought I was going to return the favour instead I just gave him a few gentle jerks, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes. I hauled him onto the bed and he landed back against it, bouncing slightly and I quickly jumped over and mounted him. This time my underwear was off and my own dick landed against his chest with a slap, pussy juices sticking to his abdomen.

He thought it was a joke after the initial confusion hit. But then he reached out and touched it, his eyes grew wide in horror. "Holy shit Jesus christ!" he yelled out, trying to get up, but my knees gripped his sides quick and my hands managed to subdue his drunk arms quickly. He could shake himself out at any point if he really knew what he was doing and wasn't so drunk - but I think he was that drunk. "What the fuck you're a guy?!"
"No!" I called back at him, loud enough to surprise him. I made sure I looked hurt. "What do you think these are?" I shook my chest slightly. "Besides, don't you want to have sex with me, anyway?"
He didn't respond.
"You're just going to walk out after 2 minutes and let everyone know nothing happened?" I attacked his pride because I knew how high guys like this held it. He didn't seem swayed but the tone of his voice betrayed his intention.
"I'm not going to to do anything with that" he yelled out.
"Shhhhhhh" I urged him. "Why not? You'll still be having sex with me. And I won't say anything about it" I promised him.
I was very good at lying.
I think he still thought he'd get to stick it in me because when I let go of his hands and pointed to the carefully placed lube on the bedside table he turned over and reached for it - leaving his ass perfectly exposed for me. I peeled it from his hand but with my free one I kept a gentle push against his ass, keeping him turned over. His breathing got heavier and he seemed ready to leap off the bed - I needed to placate him.

So I leaned forward and over him, careful to not let my dick touch him, and nibbled gently on his neck. My hand slipped around his stomach and grabbed his modest pecker, giving it a few tursid strokes, eliciting a string ofgrunts from him. I did it just long enough to calm him, but not long enough to give him any pleasure - all of that would belong to me. He shivered when cold lube landed against his ass and he started to get up but I made sure I cooed in his ear, my breath hot and waxy.
"Don't worry, it'll be fun and it'll feel good" I opted.
He still didn't seem so sure. I was hoping he hadn't gauged how big I was in the darkness.

His drunk mind seemed to agree with that. Poor guy. I slipped a slender finger inside him quickly. He yelped slightly but recoiled back when he realised it was just a finger. I realised this was going to take a while - I didn't want him screaming so I needed to make sure he was nice and loosened. Every now against he'd wince slightly and I'd coo him gentle commands with the smoothest voice I could muster
"Easy now" "Good boy" "Careful, relax"
At one point he went to stand up, but I leaned down on top of him. "There's no way I can do this let me go!" he managed to say. Finally some reason. Unfortunately this isn't what I wanted - I needed to try a different tactic.
"No, don't go... Please?" I asked, somehow coiling up sultry, gentle desperation and innocence into my tone.
"Pleease?" I pleaded with him. I felt him relax again with a sigh and I let out an inward snicker. Boys are so easy.

When, about 10 minutes and 3 fingers later, I figured he was ready. "You ready, suzie?" I asked him, suddenly changing my voice rather cruelly now that there was no turning back. I didn't give him time to respond - my dick slipping its way deep inside his ass nice a slowly.
I had won. He groaned heavily, loudly. A little too loudly, I noted with happiness. Both of us knew there was no going back now, this poor boy had just been played and seduced and here I was now, behind him sticking him with my manhood. One that was (if I can say so myself) much more impressive than his own, but he isn't a man: Judging by his groan descending to a high pitched moan he sounded pretty girly.

I hauled his hips up and pushed them forward, so his neck had to curve sideways against the bed head. Now he had to always look at me, still wearing my dress. I gave his ass a series of soft slaps, nothing hard, just enough to make a soft pleating. He moaned when our skin connected as did I, albeit quieter.

"Oooooh, you're so tight, girl" I praised, making sure to emphasize the gender. I grunted again and gave him a quick push. He yelped. That's when I began some powerful thrusting, his shoulders and hands rocking the bedhead against the wall which I knew would alert the people outside. Poor guy was probably still under the impression that no one was going to know about this little encounter. I looked down at his sorry ass, it dilated and tightened around me.

It looked painful and I could see it across his face. "Having fun, girl?" I asked him breathlessly, his wordless response came with an angry whimper - one that sounded peculiarly pleasure soaked.

Before long the powerful thrusting had alerted some partygoers outside and they began trying to look through the window. It was still so bright outside from the lights and lasers that they were getting right up close. They began calling people over once they realised people were fucking and I knew now was the time. With a nice crowd watching, and him unknowing I leaned up over his body and towards his ear. "Look the other way" I whispered, and he craned his neck to look out the window which he realised
for the first time was barely covering us. He suddenly looked horrified. "Don't worry they can't see us" I reassured, as I pushed him further into the bed head, twisting his body uncomfortably with each powerful thrust.
"Yet" I finished - pushing down on his back, arching it and giving his ass a hard, loud smack which he responded with a loud whimper.

And suddenly the lights were on.

With a conquering smirk across my face I started fucking him hard and slow - my dick disappearing inside him with a squelch and my hands handling his hips roughly. The people on the other side of the window were polarised in their expression. Disgust, hilarity, shock and jealousy each in turn. More and more people began appearing behind it, looking in at the scene unfold. It was too late for the poor boy to cover his face, everyone had seen it spattered with pleasure and pain. My thrusting grew faster, call me a voyeur but whenever people start watching and knowing what's happening and enjoying it - there's nothing that can hold me back.

His boy hole started tightening hard around me, and I realised (with a lot of surprise) that he was cumming himself.

"Mmmm, girl" I moaned out and stopped a second. I didn't want to cum just yet. Instead I slid slowly, slowly out of him and then gently back in, eliciting a hair raising moan from him as cum dribbled out. I chuckled slightly and winked at the crowd gathered behind the glass, giving his ass a hard smack. The lights dimmed again in time with his groan of pain. There was some shuffling about as people behind the glass looked in, trying to figure out what had happened before the light turned back on with me grabbing his wrists, hauling his arms back and pulling him into me.

My thrusts were fast and hard and this poor boy's pleasure had dissolved away until he was just writhing in quiet pain. There was no way I could last long like this and shoving forward, twisting his body into the bedhead I finished inside him. With a theatrically loud moan and arched back I came inside him, pulsing and tensing until I felt light headed. I'd been saving myself up for a while so the amount of cream deposited into him would border on scary. His eyes grew wide when he realised what had happened, and briefly tried to shake me off but both of us knew he was going to take it.

Semen began seeping out from his ass, escaping around my dick with soft squelches and still I was firing into him, shivering slightly and toes pointing. It began dribbling down his legs and balls and dripping onto the mattress.
When my vision had returned properly I looked out the window again - the crowd had either broken into laughter, cheers or jeers. I dropped this poor boys arms and let him slide off my dick. "Mmmmmm, that was good" I hummed my appreciation at him "A girl like you should enjoy this." I raised a hand high up and it landed with a huge smack against his ass and just like that the lights were off again.

Anonymous 13/03/18(Mon)13:55 No. 18545

Worked for me

Anonymous 13/03/19(Tue)04:50 No. 18548

Holy shit I leave for a little while and come back to all this! Holy shit youve been busy.

Anonymous 13/03/24(Sun)01:36 No. 18569

I seriously love your stories. You're one of my most favorite writers right now.

On a side note, do you think you'd be able to continue the brother humiliation story? As in, fucking his girlfriend isn't the worst thing she could do to shame and humiliate him; that'd be taking his mouth and ass. Not sure if he would allow this to happen but considering how he did nothing to stop her in the first story, the pre-story events may extend to him not stopping her from doing that too.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/03/26(Tue)07:21 No. 18592

I've started and erased this idea quite a few times now. Every time it just doesn't feel quite right. I'm sure I'll get it eventually but the inspiration isn't there just yet.

Anonymous 13/04/07(Sun)05:46 No. 18654

please, sir can I have some more?

Anonymous 13/05/15(Wed)18:28 No. 18943

This is awesome, can we have more please?

Anonymous 13/05/16(Thu)18:13 No. 18953

WHAT?! you want some more?

Anonymous 13/05/16(Thu)21:46 No. 18955

That was awesome, please keep writing :)

I come back every few days to see if you have another story up!

Anonymous 13/06/12(Wed)23:38 No. 19168

My god you are amazing. I read both a and b of call girl. Really disturbing but amazingly hot.

Seriously though everything you write is fantastic.

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/06/22(Sat)05:37 No. 19245

I'm still alive and still writing. I've got a few ideas that I'm currently working on but while travelling and not having a computer it's difficult. There'll be a few more up soon, I spose, when I get the creative drive to just write them.


Anonymous 13/06/23(Sun)05:43 No. 19251


A short, short story !JUD7F1CtU. 13/08/31(Sat)19:46 No. 19610

Travelling and loving life but this isn't my blog and I'm horny and have a computer for the next two hours and I'm out of practice. Let's see what I come up with. Same character as the last story. I just like this girl.


Razor arms - A short story.
Tags: futa, futa one male, futadom, cutting, anal

"You get fucked!" Sara screamed. This had been going on for hours. The earpiece rattled with distortion as she wailed. We were both very annoyed at this point. "You're such a bastard sometimes. All the time." She'd cheated on me with a random at a party quite spectacularly - everyone saw. "And why the hell did you sleep with her she's gross!"
Naturally we were a very dysfunctional relationship.
"Why did you sleep with him?" I yelled back. I could see this wasn't getting anywhere, we were just butting horns again. It usually ended with her winning and butting something else. We were just accusing each other of shit we'd done.
"Fuck you" was all she said before she hung up. This was the tense part. She lived a 20 minute drive from my house. If she didn't ring up or show up within that time then she was either talking someone else up or attempting again. The least I could do was prepare myself.
Bed made, tissues nearby, kettle boiled, lube in an easy to reach place, knock on the door.

She stood on the porch. Immediately I noticed the long sleeved shirt and how she'd wrapped up her arms underneath it poorly. She'd obviously been crying.


"Have you been taking your meds?" I asked as I sponged warm water on her arms, careful not to split the coagulated skin. She stayed silent, the water was warm and the lack of iron in her blood made it runny.
Both her arms were just covered in scars, old and new, across and down. I never understood, it didn't make any sense, to either of us. Her stomach was forever damaged from alcohol and prescriptions, her trachea would never heal properly and she was, even now, malnourished. It was such a sad sight. She kissed me gently, and I responded. She melted me. For all her games, for all her aggression and malice she made she was still just a girl on the inside.

But maybe not on the outside. Soon she was mashing my lips and her hands pushing my wrists into the bed head. She was crazy, the worst and best kind of crazy. Lips smacked, bodies rolled, lube smeared and voices growled. Her's did at least, mine whimpered. With minimal preparation she guided herself inside me. Thank god I'd put the lube in arms reach. My hands gripped the sheets as her fingernails made pink valley's in my back. I was on my stomach and her legs curled around mine, pulling them apart and twisting them slightly. Her balls found their way atop mine, her hips pushed my ass and her hands went from my back to my hair.

She reared my head back and I let out a loud moan, her lips found their way to my ear and her smooth voice broke through her hoarse breathing. "Easy" was all she bemoaned before she bit my neck - the same way a lion would do his lioness - with added tongue darting and suckling - leaving marks across my skin that may as well be a temporary tattoo saying 'Property of Sara'

"Nggghhhh, fuck yoaaaigh" I groaned as she gave my hair another tug. Her thrusting ramped up and my eyes rolled back. God she sucked but it felt so good. She could tell. At least she wasn't getting my gender confused tonight. It's time's like this I remember why she's my girlfriend. We can cheat on each other all we want - we'll always come back to each other and just fuck it out.

Well, she'd do the fucking. She stretched me out again with a deep thrust, I could feel inside stretching around her and my own pleasure building up. Don't cum yet, don't cum yet, don't cum y she lay across my back, her soft breasts pushed to my scratched skin, warming and soothing the cuts but her thrusting stay long and hard and fast. Her arms found their way around my neck and she held me closely, humming her pleasure into my back as I split mine beneath me. She giggled and moaned slightly as she could feel me tensing, the sound echoing in my body as she slowed her pace, pushing cum from me it seemed.

"So soon" she remarked with only a hint of malice - that tone that sent me wild. "Fuck" was all I managed to say. "Can you finish up soon?" I proposed gingerly. "No, you're getting what's coming to you" and I knew what she was talking about. "What about you?" I hinted, imaging pinning her down and squeezing her hips as she squeezed me. But I was finished and she knew it. "Not tonight, you're going to get what he got" she pushed my head into the bed with one hand, the other pulled on my hips.

Her moans filled the air, my moans fill the pillow, she filled my insides and she was about to fill them even more. Not before she put me through shit, first. She pulled out with a wet suck and pulled my legs over the end of the bed. She stood behind me and tugged my hair back, filling me with her massive dick, ploughing me with her hips and roaming me with her hands.

She could fuck hard and long and it wasn't too long until she finished. Her cock pistoned the last few times before it slammed inside me, stuck and pulsed. I knew there was nothing more she enjoyed than finishing inside me. Her moans were high pitched, wailing slightly, and right in my ear. I knew she loved doing that too, she didn't want to just finish. She wanted to finish in someone who was bigger than her, stronger than her and she wanted to know that they let her pound them. That she'd entered welcome and debased them and made them her bitch.

She wanted me to know that she'd fucked me proper and she loved watching her hot cum dribbling from my gaped ass, lube and other fluids mixed. I found myself back on the bed with her in my arms, her humming contently with her soft cock against my stomach. She looked at me with those big black eyes, the kind I know have seen death in the face and fallen in love. They were mixed with a look of depression, content, anger and lust.
But mostly lust.

"Let's have a shower?" I proposed. She bit her bottom lip. "Only if you can be the girl again" and her dick twitched.

How could I refuse?

Anonymous 13/09/12(Thu)23:19 No. 19703

Dunno if you're still around OP but I'd love you forever for part 2 of Cock-Off.

Anonymous 13/09/13(Fri)07:18 No. 19707

that was a short short story not really enough to get me going

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/10/20(Sun)15:48 No. 19962

Hey anyone still checking this.
This is a post saying the reason I haven't been writing it because I've been working on my first longstory. Involving all the shit I've written about. It's an experiment is characterisation and the whole story is a caricature of my recent travels about. I'm about 10,000 words in and it's way, way, way slower.

It'll be up on elit when I think it's ready. Peace out.

Anonymous 13/10/21(Mon)20:47 No. 19971

I'm still watching this thread!

Anonymous 13/11/12(Tue)06:09 No. 20175

When can we see some of your new stuff?

!JUD7F1CtU. 13/11/28(Thu)17:58 No. 20352

When I get better at writing.

Anonymous 14/01/01(Wed)01:55 No. 20560

Still love your stuff, would love to see more. Also, other than here where can I find your stuff?

Anonymous 14/01/27(Mon)14:58 No. 20944

I am a really big fan of your writing. Your stories feel natural and real, and "erotic", as opposed to "pornographic". While not half as good as yours, I wrote something myself, largely inspired by your work. I hope it is not as boring to everybody as it is to me, and while the story is a bit too similar to Call Girl 1, it is only because it is inspired by Call Girl 1. Anyway, I can take it down upon request. Hope anybody who reads it enjoys it.


When I met Alicia, I was 16, and she was 20. We were childhood friends, or rather acquaintances. I think I always found her insanely beautiful, but obviously never told her so, because, who would do that? But then when you keep playing childhood games as teens, one thing suggests another, and you end up breathing into each other's faces, infinitely curious whether or not you should kiss them.
And at some point, you just do.
And by "you", I mean Alicia. She kissed me first, and I was then on, if not already for years, helplessly in love with her. Her tall, slender figure, perfectly shaped legs leading to the cutest and roundest butt you could imagine, a waist so delicate that you would be scared to grab harshly lest you break it… Her hands were as if made up of millions of tiny, white, radiant butterflies. She always has a captivating smile on her face, and you could spend a lifetime looking deep into her dark blue eyes and die a happy man. Her hair, as if to reflect her very constitution, seemed always in conflict with gravity, waving and dancing freely in the air. To me, she was the very purpose of life.
She still is, only… I cannot explain to you why or how, truthfully, I cannot explain it to myself, but she has between her legs, what a girl is not supposed to have. A giant phallus in striking contrast to the rest of her body. Longer than my palm in its most flaccid state, it almost reaches to her knee when engorged with her impatient, unforgiving blood. I have never seen her fully erect. By that time, it is not out in the open… And though I am thankful for it, because this devilish attachment gives my eternal love such ecstasy, I am also infinitely afraid of it. When turned on, my sweet, angelic Alicia vanishes, and I am left with a brutal, cruel being whose pleasure only increases with my suffering.
"Hello dear" I answered to the familiar tone of my mobile phone.
"Hello baby" Ahh, to hear her voice. What a heartache.
"How was your day?"
"Exhausting. You know the E-Mart project we were working on? Well, …"
Following a great GPA in one of the best universities in the country, she got a job at some high level consulting firms. I don't get most of it and yes, she talks a lot; and yes, she, talks, a, lot. But if you love, you care.
"… Anyway, so it is all good now, but now it is late and I need to take my mind off things. Why don't you come over and we could put on a DVD?"
"Sounds great, I will be right there."
It is always special to be in a home setting with your girlfriend. You can be as touchy-feely as you want. Little making-outs, plays, grinding and all that, everything is allowed. Nothing like private space. Though after a couple of years now, I learned to control my horny feelings, for in the end, it is just pain. After pain, it is beautiful, but before beautiful, so much pain…
The door was open. The door is always open. She cannot wait all those seconds for me to climb the stairs to the second floor where her flat is. She buzzes the main entrance open when I arrive, and then goes back to whatever she is doing.
I took my coat off and headed to her study, where she was working at the desk.
"Hello baby" she whispered not looking to me.
"Hello darling"
She looked up to me. "Kiss me."
I bowed down on her tired face and kissed her with all the love I bear. She stood up, not breaking the lip contact, and put her arms around my neck.
"Come." She grabbed my hand and led me to the living room, and hopped onto the sofa. I sat next to her.
"I missed you baby."
"I missed you too."
She came onto me and made me collapse on my back on the sofa, and curled up like a cat and snuggled into me. My heart was racing and I was drunk with the smell of her hair. I began caressing her hair, and she snuggled in closer.
Then she lay straight on top of me, facing me. She whispered into my face "I love you", to which I responded, "I love you". She put her hands on my chest and rested her chin on them. She blew into my face and I blew to her back. She sent me a kiss and I sent her one back. She reached to my face and kissed my lips, holding my face. I hold her back and pulled herself into me. Her beauty gave my arms an ache. I was burning with passion. I wanted to roll over and over with her in my arms. I wanted to forget time and space and lose myself in her existence.
I realized, already too late, that her breaths have become heavier. A familiar thickness was apparent on my crotch. And then, without so much as a hint, the slightest moan accompanied her motion upwards on my body, my face level with her breast, her phallus lying on my tummy.
She moved further up on my body, and let herself onto me with all her weight. Her tummy was on my head, and she was resting her body on the armrest of sofa. She took my arms and led my hands on her waist. I knew what she wanted, and her wishes were my mortally important duties. Gently I took her casual wear down, as she took her t-shirt off. The bulge in her tight boxers pressed down on my chest. She ground herself onto me forcefully, as if to pierce my chest and fuck me right in the heart, but then slid higher up and put her enlarging bulge on my face.
"Take it off" she hissed impatiently. Roughly this was the point where my fear got greater than my excitement. As she impatiently kicked off her boxers off from her delicate feet, She grabbed my head and pushed it into her crotch. She was too impatient to let it go for a second so that she could put her friend where she wants it to be.
"Down" she bid me, and I was on the floor on my knees. She was harsher than usual. This was not going to be easy. Then I saw a mischievous light in her eyes. She stood up. "Put your arms under the cushion." I did not like the idea and before saying anything, I hesitated for a second to gather my thoughts. Bad move. She grabbed my neck. "Baby, please, don't irritate me." She wasn't insincere. When she is turned on, you shouldn't hesitate, question, or delay. She has no patience for any of that. "I don't underst-" I began, before she held my neck firmer and slapped my face, I think as hard as she can, twice. Then she pulled me by my neck, so that my face was directly under her engorged, hanging cock, a drop of precum at its tip, threatening my face. She let out a small evil laugh, and bid me again, this time fearfully gently, "Please baby, put your arms under the cushion."
I did without hesitation. I don't know why. What if I refused? The truth is, I could not even ask myself that. I could not imagine a world where I could refuse her wishes.
She hopped back on the sofa, my arms saved from being broken thanks to the interlaying cushion. She grabbed the back of my head with one hand and her cock with the other, and began to feed her cock to me. "There you go, we are in no rush" she said with heavy breaths. "Be gentle with me baby." She slid her thighs on my shoulders to help herself keeping me in place.
Inch by inch, I took her in my mouth. Sometimes she did not like how her cock is curved in my mouth, or liked it so much that she wanted to have it again, and she pulled out a little and pushed back in. Her precum was slowly flowing into my mouth, as if to relieve my saliva from its duty. She liked this part. Her smile was presumptuous and cruel. She knew she was going to get exactly what she wanted, so she enjoyed herself while she still has some control over herself. She tasted… difficult. I don't know how else to describe. It was a very feminine taste, if there is such a thing. A feminine taste, but not a sweet one. An intense taste from which there is no escape.
The true nightmarish part began when the tip of her cock knocked on the back of my throat. I gagged, and she gave a cute laugh. "Baby, You don't need to gag, just swallow." Easier said than done. As if swallowing with your mouth open was not difficult enough, doing so would seriously impair my airway. With tears in my eyes due to all the stretch and anxiety, I did. A gasp barely audible, and then a titanic force pulling me in herself and shoving her cock in my throat followed. My head was helpless against the combined forces of her legs and hands. Within seconds, her entire length was deep down in me. I could feel the stretch in my chest with a burning sensation. I could barely breathe, and was a state of total panic. Every time we had oral sex, it was gamble on my life. I knew for a fact that she loved me, but at that very moment, she was not in control of herself. At those moments, she never is.
One more thrust and pull on my head, and she was as deep as she can be. My face buried in her crotch, she let her legs down on the floor. "I am going to try something baby, try to relax." This was not good. I could not see much with my face almost buried in her, but I felt her delicate hands on my neck. She grabbed my neck from both sides, slightly grasped it, and slowly pushed me off a couple of inches. I did not know what we were doing, but I was more than happy to help. Nope, she pulled me back into herself right back in. Then a second time, she pushed me off a couple of inches, this time I did not try to help her. No avail, I was pulled back in again. This cycle repeated a few times before I realized that she was jerking off using my neck as a sleeve over her cock. Feeling humiliated, I tried to protest as best as I could.
"You don't like it, baby? That's really too bad" she said sarcastically. I never liked her being sarcastic. It was unfair and cruel. And I did not want this, not like this. And it did not matter. She was just harsher with her jerking off now, faster and deeper. The worst part was, I knew she was nowhere near climax. She had just got fully erect as far as I could tell, and that meant we had another 15 minutes, under best circumstances, before she orgasmed. She did get tired though, and she sat back breathing heavily. She put her legs over my shoulders again.
"Do me a favor, try to escape." Such teases frustrated me. I didn't feel like complying, but not complying with her wish meant having her cock in my esophagus for I don't know how long. It was a lose-lose situation, so I thought, "Fine!" She did let me off a couple of inches before pulling me in with her legs and hands. She giggled. "Again, baby." And then we had this thing going. It was more familiar, and somewhat less humiliating, and somewhat more intimate (?), but I was done already. I wanted this to end already.
What seemed to me as years seemed as seconds to her, and her breathing pattern lost all regularity. Short screams followed long gasps, moans followed short screams and with one last pull, I was buried again. She wrapped her legs around my neck, push on the back of my head into herself. We were locked. I was covered with her, inside AND outside, and I felt her pulses move from my mouth to throat to chest, with a warm feeling in my belly. When she came, she came a lot, and it always took a while. Her orgasms lasted longer than my own entire fucking. Minutes followed one another as my belly was filled with her warm cum.
When she was all spent, she collapsed onto the sofa on her side, releasing my head. She was panting. I took my arms off from under the sofa's cushion, and slowly took her cock off my body. She put her foot on my shoulder and helped me "disengaging". "Be gentle with me baby, please" she said pleadingly. I was gentle. She understood my need to take her out of me, and I understood her need to make this transition as smooth as possible.
"Baby, I love you" she whispered.
"I love you" I responded.
"You know what I would kill for right now?"
She nodded with her angelic face.
I headed to the market.

Anonymous 14/02/02(Sun)17:48 No. 21019


I'm not the harshest critic (I like most futadom), but I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous 14/03/30(Sun)05:33 No. 21453

Bump. I want to see more. Don't be dead.

Status report !JUD7F1CtU. 14/04/10(Thu)13:52 No. 21528

Good news, everyone.
I've written and re-written my long story about 3 or 4 times and I've ended with a draft that I like. The characters have depth and grow, the conversation isn't too dull and the story has direction (and a complication!)
I'm at a point where I'm finally happy with it and I've written about 10 chapters (40,000 words), only the first 2 are at a postable standard but I won't start posting till the story is almost finished. One; because I don't want to leave a full story half way through and two; because I like getting feedback from you guys. I want you guys to choose the ending as much as I choose it. I'll be posting a chapter basically weekly all the way through. Expect to see it being posted up in about 3-4 months or before Also, there will be a few short stories here and there from the perspective of people other than the main character popping up.
It'd be fair to note that the story is inspired by real events, of course in these real events there were no dickgirls. It's heavily inspired by Majalis' Raqueal (which I am eternally in love with) and I use a lot of scenes from my short stories. Basically, if you like the stuff posted here you'll like this story. It's slow, very slow, and deals with the mental anguish the main character has upon realising the girl he is in love with has a penis, as do her closest friends.

The basic plot goes like this:
Two friends who've been gypsying around America with guitars end up in San Francisco and upon their first night there they run into a group of Neo-Hippys who, being great people invite our heroes back to their house. The pair don't realise any of them have dicks until they've gotten to know them and had sexual encounters with them because these bitches are crafty. After a few days it behind making itself clear and our heroes flake off and are like lol no fuck that. Then they each go back in secret, driven by curiosity and desire hiding itself in fear. When they both realise they're going back they have a long talk and come to the conclusion that 'they don't mind' as long as they're still girls.
Over time the girls' actions little by little get more and more dominant until finally, after gender bender house party and with the help of strange drugs they give in completely. From this point the protagonist has a serious identity crisis and several love interests, all of whom either pale in comparison to this 'girl', scared off by this 'girl' or taken over by this girl.
The girls also, spending time with our heroes realise what the really want from a partner. There is love, there is loss, there are drugs and there is lots of sex.

I'm getting to a point where I'm happy with it and I'm excited to show it to you guys.

!JUD7F1CtU. 14/04/10(Thu)14:29 No. 21529

Oh also, thank you. This is very flattering.
If you want some advice read on, if not, skip to the end.

Short sentences are good only sometimes and for situations where you want to make sure it sounds final or that there is no other option. I like using long sentences because then you can place more imagery and there is more space for transition words - these can give a good sense of who is doing the controlling and who is doing the obeying.

>"Down" she bid me, and I was on the floor on my knees. She was harsher than usual. This was not going to be easy. Then I saw a mischievous light in her eyes. She stood up. "Put your arms under the cushion."
Could become
>"Down" she bid me, and I was on the floor on my knees. She was harsher than usual so I could tell that this was not going to be easy. I saw a mischievous light in her eyes as she stood up. "Put your arms under the cushion."
Which also flows a little better. Lots of short sentences usually make it so that there is a "Then she... Then I... I did... She then... etc" which sounds a little like a shopping list. Try to mix it up a bit. Short sentences are great for things like
"She came." or "My hands were stuck." or something else. It implies finality or a lack of options, especially in dob/sub elit.

Descriptions, man. There are some details which I think are better left as open as possible, descriptions of the protagonist I like to leave as open as possible to allow the reader to insert themselves in there as easily as possible but sometimes descriptions are really important.
>Her tall, slender figure, perfectly shaped legs leading to the cutest and roundest butt you could imagine, a waist so delicate that you would be scared to grab harshly lest you break it… Her hands were as if made up of millions of tiny, white, radiant butterflies. She always has a captivating smile on her face, and you could spend a lifetime looking deep into her dark blue eyes and die a happy man.

First off, this describes anyone beautiful, you may have been going for that but in my eyes I can't imagine anything. Here, adjectives (and imaginative adjectives) are important. If you can't think of a good adjective, use a simile (which you've used. Nice work). Try not to use too much cliche, it lessens the impact and has less purpose in the readers mind. Cute and round butts are nice, but perhaps you could use a comparison or something a little more original. Originality in descriptions forces the reader to imagine it as viscerally as possible. 'Captivating smile' is good, 'Scarlet, spellbinding smile' is better. Thesauruses are your friends and whenever you can't think of a good descriptive word, look one up.
Also, alliteration and assonance are great in small doses. When people read them, if your choice of sounds and the description those sounds imply link up then it amplify's the imagery in a readers' head (but that's some intense shit).

You don't always need to go halfway with actions (somewhat deliberate, a little humiliated) sometimes it's good to make it clear how all out an action is. Sometimes black and white is good.
Also, general stuff like oxford commas (if you use them stick with them) and line breaks. Read some professional writing and notice little things how if a someone talks they take a whole new line etc.

Overall, it's pretty good. I mean, it does its job if it turns me on, which it did. Keep practising, 7chan is a great place to post your first stuff up, people here are generally pretty supportive. When I was like... fifteen I wrote up my first story on this subject here. It was godawful but people seemed to like it and it inspired me. Read some good authors (I recommend a guy called Majalis on HentaiFoundry who currently writing a story called Raquel which is amazin' G-zuz and other shit here on 7chan. AnonyMPC's shit is top tier and recommend trying to emulate his writing style, too) and keep practising. Eventually if you do enough of it you'll find your style and people will flock to read it it.

Keep going, mang.

Anonymous 14/08/30(Sat)01:27 No. 22356

Go on guyz your fans are waiting

Wazzles+!JUD7F1CtU. 14/09/03(Wed)06:37 No. 22373

Sorry, should of pointed this out when I started.
My new story is being posted here

Anonymous 15/05/06(Wed)01:22 No. 23524


Anonymous 15/07/23(Thu)09:41 No. 23761

Awesome stories!

Anonymous 15/08/03(Mon)21:23 No. 23789


Anonymous 15/11/16(Mon)17:28 No. 23990

How about one with a healthy relationship? Alternatively, one where the dude isn't treated like complete shit? Your writing's awesome but those aspects just take me out of it

Anonymous 15/12/18(Fri)11:56 No. 24042

Is this ever getting a sequel?

Anonymous 15/12/18(Fri)11:56 No. 24043

Is this ever getting a sequel?

Anonymous 15/12/22(Tue)01:39 No. 24047

You faggot

Anonymous 16/01/10(Sun)09:59 No. 24074

Hey figured I'd ask. Writing style is incredible but I can't get off to the emotional abuse (but lord knows I've tried), just one vanilla futa story is all I humbly request

Anonymous 18/01/08(Mon)07:31 No. 25286


Anonymous 23/05/26(Fri)17:52 No. 27865

Holy shit I can't believe this thread still exists. I've been trying to find these stories for YEARS.

Anonymous 25/02/28(Fri)12:28 No. 28058

File The_UNDERTALE_Music_Sample_List.docx - (2.88MB , The UNDERTALE Music Sample List.docx )

lurk moar newfag


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