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>but happiness seems to require some sort of meaning/purpose on top of thay, combined with positive social relationships
NO it does not
Some people get to have that kind of life, cool
Some people put themselves (and others) through hell to get something like that, then bitch about people who don't "try" Not cool
These days I know I'm not that clever, yet now I'm a lot older the people who I thought were clever are not really
A lot of people I meet IRL interlect snobs, always show themselves up
I just nod, let live their best smug life
I see little point in pointing out anything to them
It's a waste of my time, because they are cleverer than and they know it
All most all of these smug people, won't help someone like me if they could
So Simple pleasures that make you happy with out have to rape your own soul to fit in
Yep, I'd say that not a bad place to be, then again I ain't that smart so what do I know