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John Smith 24/08/30(Fri)23:49 No. 49001

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hey john
do you think it is possible to live your life alone, working, taking drugs, browsing web while still getting by and being relatively happy with yourself
are people having high expectations hurting you, who just wants simple pleasures from life, john?

John Smith 24/08/30(Fri)23:51 No. 49002

this is positive post, its about acceptance of the simple pleasures which we live by, i like ciggaretes and special off brand coke only available in my country, it makes me happy

John Smith 24/08/31(Sat)18:48 No. 49005

My boss seems sad for me that I live frugally. Like, she thinks I should have property and vehicle loans up to my eyes to be happy. I don't need more than Ab Fab reruns and graham crackers.

John Smith 24/09/02(Mon)23:43 No. 49007

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Yes OP

John Smith 24/09/05(Thu)13:00 No. 49009

Perhaps it's possible to live your life thay way and be satisfied, but happiness seems to require some sort of meaning/purpose on top of thay, combined with positive social relationships

John Smith 24/09/13(Fri)00:18 No. 49017

Main character syndrome is making people have high expectations for their lives.

John Smith 24/09/28(Sat)18:33 No. 49021

Just because a bunch of normal people got rich and famous off the internet, now everyone thinks they will, too.

John Smith 24/10/01(Tue)14:11 No. 49022

It does not feel nice to me if people have little to no expectations of myself

John Smith 24/10/05(Sat)06:13 No. 49023

This mentality predates the Internet by a couple dozen decades.
What is "Manifest Destiny" or "rags to riches"?

John Smith 24/10/18(Fri)08:24 No. 49031

Well, most people who have no serious direct problems are normal and boring and have enough assets to live a bit above their station seem to feel entitled to whine/bitch/moan about being lonely and bored.
And guess what? They get sympathy.

Meanwhile, actual down-on-their-luck folks who vent their problems are shunned as whiny.

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