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My supermarket has had this cheese on sale for over a month now and I buy some every time I go. I love a strong, funky as hell blue cheese. Do you like blue cheese?
Not particularly.
I can't think of any other food that causes me to release such large amounts of saliva at once. I like it.
its goes very nice in a sauce, buffalo wings sauce, but nothing, absolutely nothing else
>>49003 I use it for many different dishes. I've mentioned elsewhere that I use it on turkey burgers.
>>49004 Indeed you have. I sadly still have not found any good sauce of turkey burgers, yet. where live there are a lot of types of blue cheese. It will happen if you live to close to France. A lot of people like blue cheeses with jam on crackers. Now having thought about it. Yes I do like some blue cheeses. Just not on it's own.
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hi OP, I just remembered there used to be these pizza's with Blue Cheese. I liked them. I haven't seen one for many years though now.
>>49047 I sneaked blue cheese into the mac and cheese at Thanksgiving a few years ago. No one said word, even though at least two people at the dinner swear they can taste blue cheese in anything because they hate it so much.
>>48986 I love blue cheese. Blue cheese sauce in particular goes well with pretty much anything, especially on french fries.