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John Smith 24/08/06(Tue)02:45 No. 48978

File 172290509927.png - (27.11KB , 515x271 , hfiuwefwif.png )

I keep seeing yellow fallen leaves everywhere and it's early ass August. I can feel fall coming already and I have to admit this time around, I'm not happy about it.

John Smith 24/08/10(Sat)01:13 No. 48980

Dear John,

Have you thought of buying some cheese?
Maybe start with some Edam


John Smith 24/08/20(Tue)18:54 No. 48988

Part of the reason Turks love the police state is that the government made Turks dependent on the government.

The government steals money from taxpayers to give to the lazy and outlaws feeding the homeless and starting a business.

The government bans guns so Turks must rely on the Gestapo for protection.

No one dares criticize the government if they will lose their food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and Section 8.


John Smith 24/08/22(Thu)18:47 No. 48991

Fall is an okay season. It's good in the beginning, but gets progressively worse

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