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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 24/07/02(Tue)14:18 No. 48961

File 171992272512.jpg - (97.50KB , 1024x415 , silica_gel_do_not_eat_packet_1024.jpg )

I saw a silica gel packet on the ground today. I realised that their appearance has not changed in any way since I first saw them as a kid in the 90s. The same exact wording, same font, same nonsensical quotation marks around "DO NOT EAT". It made me wonder, has the same factory been producing them non-stop for at least the last 30 years? Can you think of any other products that have retained their original designs over a significant number of years?

John Smith 24/08/27(Tue)18:25 No. 48995

The average lighter. Electric toothbrushes still literally the same as during the 90s. Keys unless you get a better lock.

John Smith 24/12/20(Fri)11:17 No. 49067

File 173468984460.jpg - (341.21KB , 2512x1682 , 03-BICcristal2008-03-26.jpg )

John Smith 24/12/27(Fri)22:18 No. 49068

Dry foods

John Smith 24/12/29(Sun)06:47 No. 49069

File 173545122372.jpg - (92.37KB , 287x1280 , Wissom_Addis_Smokers_Extra_Hard_Toothbrush__96385.jpg )

>Electric toothbrushes still literally the same as during the 90s.
Manual toothbrushes have changed, though. In the 90s they had hard, flat handles. Now they all have "ergonomic" curved, soft-grip handles. It's difficult to even find photos of the old style.

John Smith 24/12/30(Mon)06:30 No. 49070

they still have those kind of plain toothbrushes

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