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/eh/ - Particularly uninteresting conversation
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John Smith 24/05/11(Sat)16:58 No. 48939

File 171543949943.jpg - (3.30KB , 82x90 , sexy beest.jpg )

Dear John,
I was walking in the park yesterday and saw a bumblebee. Its lurching flight amuses me every time.

I hope its big, sexy ass isn't too exciting for you.

Best wishes from your

John Smith 24/05/12(Sun)00:10 No. 48940

File 171546545327.jpg - (801.16KB , 2000x896 , sea+sky.jpg )

Dear John,

Thankfully the picture quality is so bad, it really look like anything. Which left gratefully unexcited.
I hope you find this picture I took just grey enough for you.

Fondest regards


John Smith 24/05/12(Sun)17:37 No. 48941

Dear John,

I took the picture because someone on /b/ called me an "anime watching sewer boy" and it gave me the idea to open an outside thread. But then the idea was too /eh/ for me.

With the bird and the foaming water, your picture is pretty exciting for me. But the excitement could also be from the Earl Greay I just drank.

I'd better lie down on the couch now to calm down a bit.


John Smith 24/05/12(Sun)18:58 No. 48942

File 171553312326.jpg - (367.01KB , 1280x640 , Sad cat.jpg )

Dear John,

I'm sorry to hear that the sea was a bit too foaming for you. I did choose the least foaming sea picture from the ones I had taken that day. As for the bird, thank you for drawing my attention to it.
As for what happen to you on /b, well that's /b for you.
I must say,
>"anime watching sewer boy".
Is high end as far as insults go there.
I see how that level could cause you to be tired and be in need of a rest.
Fear not they probably stole the phrase from someone else.
Anyway relax and continue with your photo taking outside.

All best

John Smith 24/05/19(Sun)19:14 No. 48943

File 171613889429.png - (1.16MB , 1214x570 , mabawawa.png )

A bee spent most of its day buzzing around outside my kitchen window. My cat was intrigued.

John Smith 24/05/21(Tue)15:51 No. 48946

The elites will end your 401K, ban travel, ban farms, end your marriage, turn off the Internet, take your car, close schools, close your business, and shut churches.

Smoking used to be legal, smoking was then outlawed, and now you will be jailed for saying smoking should be legalized.

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