Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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I was cold this morning, but I warmed up when the sun came up a bit more.
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It be like that sometimes, John. I keep my thermostat at 68 but the house is still cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon.
I am always cold.
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>>48003 Sweaters work pretty well. Dress for climate, not fashion.
>>48004 I live in my jacket.
Me, too.
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I don't care if it's cold, I just wish the sidewalks weren't covered in slick ice. Trying not to fall all winter and this nonsense is not helping.
Our Winter has been fairly warm, which is alright
>>48029 here. I fell in my yard last Friday. Game over.
>>48038 I tried to get this dead limb out of one of our trees last week and cut my head open with an extension cord. Still have a scab :(
Turks are all Satanists now. Turks don't care if stealing is legal, but Turks lose their minds if a church feeds the homeless.