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John Smith 21/09/01(Wed)18:48 No. 47878

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Dear John, maybe it matters not you, but it saddens me that adults are very big on individuality, are resentful of extending it towards children. I notice that almost all parenting articles are black-and-white when it comes to dealing with kids. The very notion of giving kids breathing room makes people indignant.
People love to talk about how they want to teach kids to be a part of life, yet most of their "teachings" are nothing more than master-pet relations.

I notice that adults are very reactive to kids making mistakes or being casual/worldly, yet theyre ignorant/indifferent to bullying.

Adults seem to resent seeing kids in large groups, yet theyre irritated seeing them lonesome anywhere.
Kids whom are exiberant and curious are "disrespectful/annoying" yet kids whom are quiet and unresponsive are seen as "soulless".

It really makes you think does it? I thought adults were supposed.to be mature and humane.
But, mutual respect and reasonable persoanl free time is for adults only, huh?

John Smith 21/09/02(Thu)00:44 No. 47879

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Dear John,

How old are ?
I mean really, "I thought adults were supposed.to be mature and humane."

under 35's are still children
under 45's are still teenagers
Hell, most people stay over grown children all their lives.
Hooked on greed, lust, monkey see - monkey do, slave to drink and drugs that are making them free. Not the puppets on strings.

right sage this thread as it's not really /eh/

Later days John


John Smith 21/09/02(Thu)03:32 No. 47881

>under 35's are still children
>under 45's are still teenagers

Wrong. 30 - 70 is secondary adolescence. Especially the men.

John Smith 21/09/02(Thu)16:19 No. 47882

File 163059239737.jpg - (76.84KB , 512x384 , We have in coming wounded, now sober up.jpg )


>Wrong. 30 - 70 is secondary adolescence. Especially the men.

yes with with 95%+ of men

And in the country I live women as well, though a lot of them like the men kid themselves thier adults. Just like the men.

After a 50's birthday bash (just last weekend gone), womens, juvenile behaviour from both Women and men. Just more drugs, drink and then other forms "adult fun" to be had at the after parties now they've got their own homes. So don't have to relay on someones folks being away.

So you can slag of men as much as you like, just remember these days it very much a two way street. Sisters getting wasted into 50+ along with the men. Is very much the new normal, even more so I'd say where I live.

I just watched it, thankfully I'll not have to repeat that ever again.

Also some 70+ year olds are still no better.

Earth = Planet of the teenage delinquents

rebel sober up, beware though it's horrorifying if you do

John Smith 21/09/02(Thu)18:05 No. 47884

>So you can slag of men as much as you like, just remember these days it very much a two way street. Sisters getting wasted into 50+ along with the men. Is very much the new normal, even more so I'd say where I live.

Yeah, older women nowadays are acting worse than their middle-school diva counterparts. I always say that 40 is the age of female maturity bc women are spoiled by society for their youthful beauty, but the rise of Karens (aka soccer moms aka Beckys) makes one wonder if femininity exists.

John Smith 21/09/03(Fri)00:34 No. 47886

My flatmate had some of these carrots and I had mistakenly assumed they had gone off and threw them away. It wasn't entirely unwarranted, since he has a habit of buying more vegetables than he could ever eat, and keeping them on the kitchen table, only for them to go off and get thrown away. I'd often take the liberty of throwing my flatmate's rotting foods since he, funny enough, feels bad about throwing things away. But it is also true that in this particular case it was a bit silly of me to assume that these carrots had gone off just because they were purple. He wasn't mad at me and he even took them out of the bin and ate one (we keep a bin specifically for plant waste). Recently he made the decision to cancel his veg box subscription, which he had in the first place because the company who offers it, claims to have saved these vegetables from being thrown away - my flatmate happens to hate waste, you see.

John Smith 21/09/03(Fri)09:30 No. 47889


I think your flatmate did the right thing.

Me I can't shop more than 2 days a head, unless its got a really long shelf life. I'm just to chaotic by nature.
So after having thrown too much stuff out. I now simply buy as I need in 24 - 48 hour peroid. Less waste this way.
Feel free to share this with your flatmate it help him, it might not.
Also thanks for sharing John


John Smith 21/10/17(Sun)00:29 No. 47940


John Smith 21/10/17(Sun)00:32 No. 47941

>Just more drugs, drink and then other forms "adult fun" to be had at the after parties now they've got their own homes
IMO there's nothing wrong with that unless it's done in excess. Abstaining from fun things completely is a waste of a life. What matters is that they don't do it frequently enough that it becomes damaging.

John Smith 21/10/17(Sun)22:48 No. 47943


Correct there is nothing wrong with that, meh.


yeah, its been going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
well longer than I've been alive, meh.

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