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John Smith 21/08/27(Fri)00:47 No. 47869

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Dear John, do any of you get tired of the politicising of marriage and family?
So what if people choose to remain single?
Its not the end of the world.

John Smith 21/08/28(Sat)00:44 No. 47871

Hey John,

I think being single is at it's least questionable in most of modern history. More and more people are choosing to be alone. There's no shame. If you think the traditional nuclear family is the only way to go, maybe you've spent too much time on the wrong websites.

John Smith 21/09/01(Wed)04:34 No. 47877

The nuclear family was a recent invention. In fact, in the West, families are treated as private fantasies meant to be locked away from the general environment.
This is what birthed single parenting and stranger danger.
It doesnt help that society recklessly promotes marriage and procreation as a rite of passage.
I feel that most of our social/psychological disorders can be traced back to cosanguine inequality.
God forbid kids come out with deficits or quirks.
I notice that most family functions that are only the immediate family is awkward and strained at best. Its only when extended family or friends come over that the pressure for perfection is relieved.
Family vacations are a nightmare. Mostly mom and dad arguing over which tour to go on.
And most of the time, the vacations are planned last minute or done on a short timetable. And lets not forget the maternally-forced familial interaction.
(Im so glad my mother never forces me and my brothers to interact anymore. We do bond, but we're also private beings. But of course, the pressure for perfect family has forced mother to interfere.)

John Smith 21/09/04(Sat)04:43 No. 47890


>And lets not forget the maternally-forced familial interaction.
>Im so glad my mother never forces me and my brothers to interact anymore. We do bond, but we're also private beings. But of course, the pressure for perfect family has forced mother to interfere.

For me, it was all paternally, all my father's doing. My mother? Well, she dipped out every chance she could get, and when we were alone, she'd trash my father every chance she could get. She wasn't without her own faults, but she wasn't wrong about him. The guy was a total bum.

>God forbid kids come out with deficits or quirks.

Oh, God, this line takes me back, holy shit. You literally couldn't do anything without my father bitching. Even if you ended up doing something good in the end, he'd ruin the mood because you didn't do it his way. Then he wonders why nobody wants to deal with him.

John Smith 21/09/05(Sun)18:23 No. 47894


>Oh, God, this line takes me back, holy shit. You literally couldn't do anything without my father bitching. Even if you ended up doing something good in the end, he'd ruin the mood because you didn't do it his way. Then he wonders why nobody wants to deal with him.

Have you ever noticed that moms are usually blamed for familial dysfunction?
Dads are virtually let off the hook.
Fathers can be deadbeats, abusive, or plain old man-cunts, but because they have a penis, theyre excused bc "men are leaders, people need to respect authority".

Conservatives love to use the "single/dominant mom" card on anyone whom doesnt conform to their comic-book metric of "masculinity".
Yet, they never bother to see if said males with personal disorders was because of fathers, not because of their abscence.

John Smith 21/10/04(Mon)00:39 No. 47930


But my dearest John, why was the dad not around in the first place? Why did the mother choose to have kids with a deadbeat?


John Smith 21/10/04(Mon)19:01 No. 47931

See what I mean? Everything familial is always blamed solely on the mothers. If dad's married a woman that turned out to be bad or immature, he's forgiven.
Not moms.

John Smith 21/10/05(Tue)11:29 No. 47932


>See what I mean

Yes I believe I am. Some women pick a human sperm machine. Get infected with a child or more than one depending on the rate of money/child/housing. Claim loads of state aid, Thats MONEY, HOUSING. Kick H.S.M. to the curb. Fuck around, unable to ever get a "Man good eough to be the Father". While any man half good enough will take the free sex for a little while and then move on. I mean lets face facts. These type women are not some one you'd really want spend the rest of your life with.
So "Any man good enough" for them, not only can do better.
There are a hell of a lot of other women out there actively looking for them and well, will snap them up easily.
Then slag of said H.S.M., blame him for everything and also the 'all men are scum' card with her knitting circle. To claim all the extras that come with those victim cards.

There are also sperm banks, that some women use.
(man note included).

As to OP's questions
1) yes
2) fine

Well John this thread should of been posted on /civ/
Oh well another summer over as they say


John Smith 21/10/08(Fri)00:11 No. 47933

Dear John, maybe it's just me, but do you feel that people misuse chronological laymen's terms?
Like how people use the term "modern" to refer to anything one thing now compared to say the last few decades?
Yet, they fail to ignore that alot of cultural products aren't as new as they think.

John Smith 21/10/08(Fri)00:16 No. 47934

The irony is? Men are accused of ruining gender relations with alleged immaturity just because young women are desperate to marry and their make peers aren't going for that.
Strange huh?
Young men are told that "nobody, especially women, owe you anything."
Yet, young women feel entitled to have the loyalty of their male peers.

John Smith 21/10/10(Sun)03:46 No. 47936

The older I get the more I realize love isn't not just everything but a pretty unnecessary nuance. I desire it simply because I am biologically determined too, but, at this point if I never end up married I could really care less.

John Smith 21/10/22(Fri)21:26 No. 47948


>Yet, young women feel entitled to have the loyalty of their male peers.

No, they don't, and young men don't feel entitled to either. Young men and women alike, by and large, are pretty chill once you get to know 'em instead of quixotically tilting at windmills like a terminally online goof.

John Smith 22/12/21(Wed)12:01 No. 48460

It's funny. When you're a teenager and want love, society denies you that right, saying it's just hormones.
Yet,older people can be fickle and unstable in their quest for love yet society doesn't disdain them for it.

John Smith 22/12/24(Sat)19:37 No. 48470

By staying single you remove your contribution to the government

No more cheap slaves for them, no more spending all your labor on some used whore they already had ten times

John Smith 23/01/05(Thu)17:59 No. 48483

Nope. By staying single, you abstain yourself from romantic entitlement of others.

Relationships are exhausting.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:05 No. 48537

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I love them. I love trying to make women appreciate me more than any man on Earth. Competitions of the spirit fit me quite well

John Smith 23/01/24(Tue)02:59 No. 48541

Throwing away self-value for women is the heart of malehood.

John Smith 23/01/30(Mon)00:09 No. 48545

That's just the first step. Throwing it away for children is the next one.

John Smith 23/02/02(Thu)23:26 No. 48550

Its different when it comes to children.
Women can defend themselves but society pampers them too much.

I'm talking especially able-bodied prime adult females.

Children have no legal nor social autonomy to realize ther goals.

You can thank Victorian philosophy for emasculating the potential of the children down to eternal charity cases.

Innocence is not a virtue.
It's a Liability.
And as adolescence is being extended, we are especially seeing this.

John Smith 23/02/08(Wed)08:36 No. 48557

I have no interest in continuing to live in this culture, so all its endless yammering about social enforcement of its fucked up medieval norms means nothing to me. Bunch of savages in the zoo is all it looks like. Barbarians taking wives to keep as pets and breed a litter, monuments to their unjustified sense of greatness. Little more than farm animals, they are.

John Smith 23/02/08(Wed)20:13 No. 48560

Humans overestimate their worth. Traditions and customs are metaphysical autism.

John Smith 24/04/21(Sun)02:08 No. 48921

The government welds your door shut and then outlaws starting a business and living in McMansions, cars, skyscrapers, and tiny homes.

The governments bans body odor and then closes stores and bans delivery services.

The state closes bathrooms and then outlaws public urination.

The government closes the border and then arrests tourists for overstaying their visas.

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