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John Smith 21/08/08(Sun)15:50 No. 47854

File 162843065563.jpg - (14.38KB , 250x238 , 5bfd7a4482533_image.jpg )

interesting to note that dear john, being the common clause, if that is the correct term, that starts many threads also resembles the cliche "dear john" letters received in the military.

John Smith 21/08/08(Sun)19:43 No. 47855

File 162844461416.jpg - (655.75KB , 1242x1230 , 162207834294.jpg )

Wasn't that always the point?

John Smith 21/08/28(Sat)16:44 No. 47872

John has always been synonymous with anonymity and the "everyman". I'd love to know the history, but regardless, that is a direct link on purpose.

John Smith 24/04/21(Sun)15:13 No. 48922


Turks say the collapse of the USA is perfectly acceptable.

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