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John Smith 21/04/12(Mon)23:54 No. 47759

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Dear John,
I've been on vacation leave for a short while now. I still have a couple of days left.
So far I've spent it with a few walks, and a bit of entertainment in the form of movies I wanted to watch.
However, this week is quite a rainy one.. I do wonder what I should do inside. Perhaps a few more movies?
Who knows...

Regards, a bored John

John Smith 21/04/15(Thu)10:40 No. 47762

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Dear John,

I think I uderstand, although i could of course be wrong.
So this is just something have been doing over the last year or so.
Rereading books I own that I have kept. Now I see not just the point of have library. Also that I wasn't being sentimental or it was an ego thing.
They have real come in useful.
Currently about finish, its in the pic.
And wow the amount of insight i've got by rereading it all these years later, jaw dropping.
So John switch everything off pick up a book you've once read and reread it. Like the old saying goes it's like meeting up with an old friend.

Hope this is halpful.

Regards John

P.S. I'd recomend the book

John Smith 21/06/16(Wed)07:00 No. 47830

My dearest John,

In the last few years, there has been a fad of remastering popular videogame trilogies. You can argue that some or most of these are just "cashgrabs", but it can be fantastically exciting to revel in the nostalgia of some of the best games of the millennium with modern graphics/mechanics. I would advise looking into some of these - especially those you never got to play the first time around.

Find the right RPG, and you'll find yourself wishing you had MORE free time by the time your vacation ends. Or your vacation has already ended, and I've wasted my time by writing this here. This is fine too.

With love,

John Smith 24/04/14(Sun)02:39 No. 48908

Resistance becomes a duty when you live in a police state.

Why is Assange in jail, but Clinton isn't?

Why did Snowden throw away his life to warn Turks about the dangers of tyranny?

How can officials and the Gestapo take an oath to defend the Constitution and then violate it everyday? Is a paycheck more important than freedom?

John Smith 24/04/14(Sun)06:40 No. 48909




John Smith 24/04/16(Tue)02:59 No. 48913

Why carry a NSA tracking device around at all?

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