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/eh/ - Particularly uninteresting conversation
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John Smith 20/11/28(Sat)19:14 No. 47628

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Tell me what you honestly feel

John Smith 20/11/29(Sun)20:42 No. 47629

Mixed parts rage and ecstasy

John Smith 20/11/30(Mon)01:33 No. 47631

/eh/ I feel dissapointed, but, excited about the future.

John Smith 20/11/30(Mon)02:39 No. 47632

Cautiously optimistic. Trump could still win.

John Smith 20/11/30(Mon)06:29 No. 47633

I'm a little bit aroused right now, but probably not enough to masturbate or anything.

John Smith 20/11/30(Mon)11:33 No. 47634

So, when did you get your schizophrenia diagnosis?

John Smith 20/12/01(Tue)01:03 No. 47635

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Life is chill but I'm not sure where to go from here

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)08:48 No. 47641

I feel the usual undercurrent of anxiety. Its odd because I am used to the tension. It doesn't really make sense - like finding a panic attack boring.

But to be frank, I am mostly feeling perturbed by your failure to address me by name.


John Smith 21/01/19(Tue)05:34 No. 47688

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Bored. BORED. BORED!!!

John Smith 21/01/20(Wed)09:16 No. 47693

I fucked up the last decade of my life. Now I'm stuck in a job I hate, working under people that are idiots. I'm trying to re-apply to grad school, but I've made so many mistakes I doubt it will take.

Most nights I think about suicide, but last night was really bad.

John Smith 21/01/21(Thu)06:34 No. 47694

So what is the weather like in your area, John?

John Smith 21/01/21(Thu)14:06 No. 47695

Dear John,

Hope this letter finds you living. I am living too, much like you are living. I could have done anything else with my life, but this is what I did. In any case, have a backup plan or make one; it's never too late. Grad school would be great.


John Smith 21/01/22(Fri)03:00 No. 47698

I wish I was in an alternative reality/form of existence

John Smith 24/12/04(Wed)06:45 No. 49054

I live through a life of quiet desperation, as Thoreau once described it.

John Smith 24/12/15(Sun)14:07 No. 49065

The government welds your door shut and then outlaws starting a business and living in McMansions, cars, skyscrapers, and tiny homes.

The governments bans body odor and then closes stores and bans delivery services.

The state closes bathrooms and then outlaws public urination.

The government closes the border and then arrests tourists for overstaying their visas.


John Smith 24/12/19(Thu)04:03 No. 49066

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Pretty okay right now. Thank you for asking.

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