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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 19/09/08(Sun)03:18 No. 47099

File 15679055042.jpg - (21.43KB , 450x450 , crt.jpg )

What websites do you visit, John? I remember when I used to have catalogues and bookmarks upon bookmarks. Now it's just youtube and a handful of places to get the news or a few laughs.

John Smith 19/09/08(Sun)03:53 No. 47100

8ch and ED atm are dead so nothing.
I don't even use YT anymore.

John Smith 19/09/10(Tue)21:39 No. 47112

Mostly forums for help or information. And 7chan for a weeks every year. Came across a ten year old post of mine some time ago. That's what makes it great here, nice and easy.

John Smith 19/09/12(Thu)04:35 No. 47117


John Smith 19/09/24(Tue)00:04 No. 47128

Shroomery is a good one

John Smith 19/11/16(Sat)10:42 No. 47169

File 157389736283.jpg - (68.82KB , 1011x931 , 1265475735.jpg )

>I remember when I used to have catalogues and bookmarks upon bookmarks. Now it's just youtube and a handful of places to get the news or a few laughs.
That's due to the internet being so centralised now. There's no more venturing out into the unknown to find what you're looking for and finding all kinds of other interesting stuff along the way. Now you just have a few select websites that feed you whatever they want you to see via an algorithm. There's no thinking involved with using the internet for most people anymore.

John Smith 19/11/16(Sat)15:26 No. 47170

Research the add-ons for your browser to defeat fingerprinting and tracking. Make modifications and then scan your browser to test for leaks.
Search: browser security scan for fingerprinting

This post was made with an IP from Singapore, and I don't live there.

John Smith 19/11/20(Wed)04:46 No. 47172

I am in the exact same context you are in. I basically only go to YouTube and a few other sites. Am I reading you right? I think I am. I think I get it. Maybe I should expand. The rote life is so comfortable, it's so seamless to just go ahead and rinse and repeat existence. Why can't I do it forever? It's the simpler way. Oh, cruel fate. lol
I wouldn't say I'm against people who go for either route. I think all types of people should be accepted. I wouldn't cast away one person for one computer activity or another. That's not my kind of life. I'm not after people as a person. I don't see a cause to exist in that fashion. I want peace. I work for peace. Peace will be here. That is an ecstatic state, it will be too nice. lol Based.

John Smith 19/11/28(Thu)19:23 No. 47176

I dropped 4chan yesterday. I only visit online shops when I need to make an order. I detest social media and the internet now.

John Smith 20/01/14(Tue)23:27 No. 47203

4ch since cripple is no more but even then i do not visit the site often. i watch on invidio.us (youtube) and streams to forget time till next day

John Smith 21/04/01(Thu)12:43 No. 47751

That window... what were they thinking?

John Smith 21/04/25(Sun)13:03 No. 47771

some other inconsequential websites. That vary from comic to torrents.

John Smith 21/05/02(Sun)15:56 No. 47779

I wouldnt really recommend anything.
If you want to read stories, visit the scp wiki
If you want daily shit reddit, tumblr, and twitter are you bag.
If you really want to you can use facebook, who cares what plaform you use.

John Smith 21/05/02(Sun)16:10 No. 47782


I really like your picture, even when I click on it and it's no longer black and white. There is still so little colour in it.

I've taken a copy, hope you don't mind


John Smith 21/05/04(Tue)20:44 No. 47783

File 162015386210.jpg - (71.49KB , 1024x618 , y3v5agwa6bw61.jpg )

I do not mind at all. I'm glad you like it.

John Smith 21/05/06(Thu)16:23 No. 47786

Usually these are the simplest entertainment sites, reddit, sometimes dating sites - https://www.steamylocals.com/latino-chat-room.html The latter option became especially relevant when bars and clubs were closed. I have nowhere to meet other than online. There are also games, but guys often play there under the nickname of a girl. This is not a very good alignment)

John Smith 21/05/10(Mon)06:45 No. 47792

About the sites I visit I mostly visit gore hentai pussylickin good websites. Oh and lolis too. Have I already mentioned my fetish for tick glasses? Anyway have a great day john

Your dearest friend John

John Smith 24/04/17(Wed)01:10 No. 48915

Would mandatory vaccines create a black market for fake vaccine certificates?

John Smith 24/04/17(Wed)02:55 No. 48916

there are a lot of maliciously retarded people

John Smith 24/04/17(Wed)08:12 No. 48917


Are you stupid ?

John Smith 24/04/21(Sun)15:15 No. 48923

Resistance becomes a duty when you live in a police state.

Why is Assange in jail, but Clinton isn't?

Why did Snowden throw away his life to warn Turks about the dangers of tyranny?

How can officials and the Gestapo take an oath to defend the Constitution and then violate it everyday? Is a paycheck more important than freedom?

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