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Captions Femcock Enjoyer 17/02/27(Mon)03:47 No. 105927

File 148816364460.jpg - (221.54KB , 1280x854 , 19186789.jpg )

It's been a really long time, let's get a sissy captions thread going again. I'll start.

172 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Femcock Enjoyer 21/12/30(Thu)06:39 No. 108912

Here's some new ones

Femcock Enjoyer 21/12/30(Thu)06:40 No. 108914


Femcock Enjoyer 21/12/30(Thu)15:30 No. 108915

WHAT THE FUCK I haven’t even read them yet but this kind of output is a goddamn miracle, bless your soul

Femcock Enjoyer 21/12/30(Thu)22:40 No. 108916

Ok so of course they were all amazing lol. Hope you captioners have a lovely new year

Tim 21/12/30(Thu)23:33 No. 108917

Oh man, can you do more hairy ones?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/02(Sun)04:33 No. 108919

Nice, I really enjoy the one with the spread ass. Love the constant reminders that these are men. I liked the hairy one too.

Great writing and concepts. Good to see more titboy captions not just from the OG titboy cap maker

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/02(Sun)15:21 No. 108920

Hey so uhh this is pretty embarrassing but I saw some folks are doing requests

Since I've transitioned it's always been kind of a fetish of mine to have a caption done to one of my pictures but I'm not sure if it'd be appropriate to post any of my own stuff in this thread

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/02(Sun)18:20 No. 108921

Maybe post a my mother's fax machine account to contact?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/02(Sun)22:18 No. 108924

What sort of caption are you wanting?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/02(Sun)22:23 No. 108925

Anything along the lines of like "forced to transition to be someone's gf/plaything but ended up loving it" is wildly hot to me lol

Not picky at all but that's definitely the kind of stuff I'm most into

Tim 22/01/04(Tue)21:27 No. 108926

I’ve never written a forced feminization one but I can give it a shot?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/05(Wed)03:34 No. 108927


UhmMm ok so this isn’t quite as gay as I want gay hooters to be but I just came across it and it gave me so many ideas…

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/05(Wed)03:42 No. 108928

So I linked this before I watched the whole thing and now I realize that hot bulge reveals a pretty small package. Yet she’s still dominant. I’m confused lol my gay energy flow demands big cocks are tops and small ones like her are bottoms

I think it calls for a hooters-boi who is gonna get castrated soon but wants to use his itty bits one last time

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/09(Sun)17:30 No. 108948

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Okay here's a new hooters one. No castration but there's a bit about bulge size and top/bottoming

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/10(Mon)17:27 No. 108949

Lovely, just lovely. Keep it up!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/12(Wed)04:00 No. 108950

Can I make a request for some forced feminization as well? Like the guys girlfriend dressed him up and did his makeup so they can go out to get fucked by guys together?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/19(Wed)03:50 No. 108951

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Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/19(Wed)07:21 No. 108952

Omg thank you. More if you can please!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/19(Wed)17:18 No. 108953

God I just love gay titbois so much

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/21(Fri)07:11 No. 108955

I'm glad y'all like, here's a few more

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/21(Fri)14:55 No. 108956

A good crop as always. I hope you never stop making these. I’m really liking the incest ones, I hope you do some castration ones again soon

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/24(Mon)05:50 No. 108959

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/24(Mon)05:50 No. 108960

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Here's a castration one just for you

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/24(Mon)15:24 No. 108962

I looooove it! Thanks so much. And as usual your celeb ones are super hot as well. With those huge tits Kat Dennings definitely works as a big-boobed fag boi.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/26(Wed)23:18 No. 108966

So I’ve read this over and over and I just find it so hot the mundane scenarios you come up with to encourage these bois to get their junk snipped, like he wants a shorter drive??? LOL. The other one with the hooters boy just wanting to win a competition is hot too. Like it’s hot when they miss it but I don’t ever want it to be a punishment or something horrifying, it’s great to have a cap of a “straight” guy just being like “well, I got my dick&balls removed, but it’s cool” lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/28(Fri)02:19 No. 108967

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Thanks, I think it's funny too, I feel like you have to have a sense of humor when it comes to such a weird specific fetish. Some of my captions are straight up goofy. I think situations where a transition happens because of a 'bet' (where no one even shakes hands), like it's that important for you to honor a 'bet' that you'd go through a transition you 'didn't want' to go through.

Also I apologize about the Anne Hathaway one, I didn't proofread it, there's some missing quotation marks making it kind of a sloppy read. My bad.

I started making this one before I read your comment but here's a new caption featuring a 'straight' guy, well, with a gay twist

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/28(Fri)23:32 No. 108968

I don’t think we praise you enough for the times you employ photoshop. Whether it’s a bulge on a hooters-boi or a dick on Dolly Parton the results are sexy and I just wanted to give you cred for it, I know it’s extra effort

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)02:55 No. 108969

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Thanks! I do 90% of the photoshops, sometimes I grab some from from the internet when I'm feeling lazy. This one is a combination, someone else made the scarjo muscle morph but I altered it a bit. I did put some time and effort into the Dolly one, mainly to blend in the hair from the source photo and adding a shadow so she looks more realistically set in the men's bathroom. Lol. I think it's really funny to stick a beautiful woman in the mens room and turn it into a caption. This cap is kind of a reverse of the usual, but keeping in line with the theme of someone who was forced feminized.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)04:22 No. 108970

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Another new celeb one

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)07:14 No. 108971

Unfortunately I just can’t get into the detransition caps. Like so many of us have discussed we want certain things that prove “manliness” but I guess not others. There’s been debates over facial hair, whatever. Fetishes are so weird. I get detransition tickles the sense of “well they were men all along!” which is obviously a concept I’m down with but meh.

So I’m genuinely formulating something here. Like I really think some guys are trained to like tits and ass and a “pretty” face as part of their upbringing but deep down need gay relationships. But trans women don’t cut it, and normal dudes don’t cut it. It’s a niche thing lol but I think boob-boys are the only solution

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)07:26 No. 108972

Oh I forgot to mention such a great job on this one :)

I had just praised your photoshop efforts, then you went through all that for the scarjo one, and I just wanted to let you know that both are massively valuable and well done regardless of how I feel about their caption content

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)20:04 No. 108973

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These aren't just for you, I'm sure others enjoy the detrans stuff. But here's a MtF version, that pretends that Scarlett only became a famous movie star after starring in Marvel lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/01/29(Sat)20:18 No. 108974

Oh I was never trying to act like these should be tailored just towards me, I hope you continue to do a verity of concepts!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/01(Tue)13:16 No. 108976

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Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/04(Fri)20:08 No. 108977

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Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/06(Sun)00:19 No. 108978

Anyone else like the daddy to milf ones? I think they are pretty hot

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/06(Sun)14:18 No. 108979

Yeah I’m a huge fan of them actually

Tim 22/02/07(Mon)09:09 No. 108981

File 164422134187.jpg - (905.35KB , 1575x2100 , 7CC6EF5D-17EE-4EC0-9CC3-9D10D1189087.jpg )

Here ya go fellas.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/07(Mon)14:51 No. 108982

Excellent stuff. I like how you keep in the incest and bimboification, but keep it extra gay with mentions of his fat ballsack and cock. Keep ‘em coming.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/14(Mon)06:58 No. 108988


Nice work! The Daddy & Son stuff is so hot!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/14(Mon)14:26 No. 108989

Oh no I think the thread is no-bumping. Prepare to start another one fellas! Let’s not let this content die!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/02/22(Tue)20:15 No. 108997

So this hasn’t hit post limit but doesn’t bump?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/12(Tue)17:54 No. 109037

Does anyone still check this thread even though it’s not bumping? I need my gay titboys back

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/13(Wed)09:15 No. 109039

I’ve been checking, I’ll try making a new thread.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/06/13(Tue)00:14 No. 109461

Sometimes, are the images mirrored anywhere else

Femcock Enjoyer 23/07/23(Sun)10:00 No. 109536

Anyone got a compilation or mirror of these style caption?
>there used to be whole bunch on 420 chan that are now gone

Femcock Enjoyer 24/03/25(Mon)22:37 No. 109878

We can't let this die!

Femcock Enjoyer 24/09/13(Fri)17:53 No. 110137

Moar short form ones like this


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