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valentino 15/03/11(Wed)10:14 No. 100192

File 14260652549.jpg - (79.81KB , 661x800 , Kalindra Chan.jpg )

91 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Femcock Enjoyer 16/02/17(Wed)12:36 No. 103583

Agreed, >>101196 is the best.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/03/03(Thu)07:09 No. 103716

File 145698538995.jpg - (472.00KB , 664x1069 , 1456975325729.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 16/03/22(Tue)15:17 No. 103841

I think she's vaguely active these days... I believe this to be the only authentic posting location now:

Femcock Enjoyer 16/03/22(Tue)23:52 No. 103842

Yeah but as you can see she only posts "lightweight" stuff that is pretty much SFW, and given how rarely does even that I think it's fair to say she has effectively quit.. since like almost a year ago.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/03/25(Fri)10:57 No. 103854

File 145889987022.jpg - (803.44KB , 1279x1062 , 1458878649399.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 16/03/25(Fri)11:35 No. 103856

File 145890213965.webm - (2.65MB , 366x544 , 1458892885437.webm )

I see Mark Gruwell 16/05/05(Thu)14:27 No. 104274

I thank your beautiful..I seen your Face book and tried to and you and I've been waiting ever since for you to add me because I think you are one of the prettiest women out there transgenders and I think that you are super sexy shemale already and I'm 100 behind you

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/05(Thu)16:08 No. 104276

This is probably a troll, but for the sake of order:

Every Kalindra profile on Facebook, Twitter, Insta or Tumblr or anywhere - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM - is a fake. That's what happens when they get popular, fake profiles start showing up absolutely everywhere. The only one that MIGHT be for real is this one; http://kalindrablows.tumblr.com/ but even that is doubtful considering the suspicious lack of timestamp on the alleged "verify" clip(which I think is the same one from her old Tumblr way back when) and reposting mostly old stuff.

How you allowed yourself to think that FB profile is legit is beyond me, but hopefully you have a tad more insight now.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/07/11(Mon)13:52 No. 104645


Femcock Enjoyer 16/12/05(Mon)01:35 No. 105546

darker hair suits her better tbh

Femcock Enjoyer 16/12/05(Mon)15:38 No. 105549


Femcock Enjoyer 17/05/03(Wed)16:20 No. 106115

Bump for new K-chan set:


Femcock Enjoyer 17/05/06(Sat)14:42 No. 106119

That "new" set is just a repost, those pics are like 4 years old.

Femcock Enjoyer 17/07/09(Sun)10:10 No. 106259

File removed.jpg - (143.46KB , 800x640 , 8-Collages traps beauty 1 - definitiva 2017.jpg )

Traps cock, Kalindra Chan and Bianca merizio

Femcock Enjoyer 17/08/24(Thu)22:51 No. 106367

Caught her posting this on /b/

Femcock Enjoyer 17/08/25(Fri)10:24 No. 106369

Nah, just reposts from someone pretending to be her.

aa 18/01/21(Sun)20:43 No. 106766


Femcock Enjoyer 18/03/01(Thu)07:40 No. 106853

so hot

reply Mario 18/04/24(Tue)16:34 No. 106951


Femcock Enjoyer 18/05/03(Thu)20:05 No. 106976

The tumblr is gone as of today, what the fuck

Femcock Enjoyer 18/05/05(Sat)09:32 No. 106979

>The tumblr is gone as of today, what the fuck
Yeah looks like it, that's kinda surprising as she was very clear that it was the only place she'd be posting, and the only place that was actually her.

But hey, she stopped posting anything of interest several years ago. Just sfw and boring shit now, do we honestly need that? She may be the GOAT but if she's only gonna post selfies I'd rather just forget about her forever.

FALKEN KaZaMa_JiZ 18/08/10(Fri)22:53 No. 107214


Femcock Enjoyer 18/08/15(Wed)00:35 No. 107219

Is there ever going to be new Kalindra Chan pics? We never got to see her take a dick.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/08/20(Mon)00:48 No. 107225

more hints

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/12(Wed)23:50 No. 107257

So I've heard Kalindra is a hooker in Tampa or Atlanta now. If shes fucking people for cash I want to see pictures of it.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/13(Thu)09:21 No. 107258

You've heard wrong.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/17(Mon)00:42 No. 107260

no way thats actually real. shes using super old pictures that are terrible

Kalindra Phred 18/09/18(Tue)05:19 No. 107261

Yeah, you are probably right. This site is pretty legit, but I have to say it seems unlikely.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/26(Wed)07:36 No. 107267

File 153794016928.jpg - (80.67KB , 640x649 , 62BCF120-EC74-40E2-97AB-9DE277C2C02A.jpg )

This is brand new.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/26(Wed)09:03 No. 107268

I'm pretty sure that's fake too, she had a Tumblr by that same name back in the day and this one is probably just using those gifs and pics.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/26(Wed)09:07 No. 107269

Wrong. The old one was kalindrablows.tumblr.com

Femcock Enjoyer 18/09/28(Fri)01:01 No. 107271

>Wrong. The old one was kalindrablows.tumblr.com
That was the last one, yes. She's had several.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/10/11(Thu)07:39 No. 107292

Dude.. she posted that very gif back when SHE had the Tumblr with that exact name, this fake is just reposting stuff from back then. Stop being so gullible. She quit and is probably never coming back.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/10/20(Sat)21:19 No. 107298

I am sorry but you're wrong.

Femcock Enjoyer 18/10/21(Sun)20:35 No. 107302

no, you are

Femcock Enjoyer 19/03/17(Sun)03:47 No. 107681

Never saw these before, thought I'd share.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/03/18(Mon)19:09 No. 107682

Thanks for sharing. Always makes my day to see more Kalindra. Still my favorite after all these years.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/03/19(Tue)02:22 No. 107684

Fooking beautiful.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/04/24(Wed)22:05 No. 107742


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/08(Wed)05:28 No. 107752

Holy shit. This just made my year. I can't believe she's still active. If she had a nickel for every time I busted a nut to her, she'd be a billionaire by now.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/08(Wed)07:01 No. 107753

Guys, it's fake. And so obviously. Not only is there only pre-existing material on there, but the impostor has some pics on there that aren't even of Kalindra.

Femcock Enjoyer 20/11/09(Mon)02:45 No. 108497

So much cum has been nutted to this sexy whore

Femcock Enjoyer 21/11/06(Sat)16:43 No. 108852

File 163621339346.jpg - (825.44KB , 810x1440 , ZMF3Zpw.jpg )


888 Management Florida Escort 22/08/25(Thu)14:18 No. 109168

Miami Escort, Miami Escort Agency, Miami Escort Service, Miami Escort Girls, Miami High End Escort

888 Management provides Miami, Florida high end escorts, companions and promotional talent. All staff has been properly vetted, verified and reviewed, working with 888 you are assured of punctual, reliable, enjoyable and satisfaction guaranteed outcomes in Miami, Florida.


Femcock Enjoyer 23/08/07(Mon)20:49 No. 109554

I miss her so much bros

Femcock Enjoyer 23/08/09(Wed)10:12 No. 109555


She posts on twitter though? Not regularly, but @virtualkalinda

Femcock Enjoyer 24/06/06(Thu)08:40 No. 109991

She has an OF now. Dunno why this disappoints me


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