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/d/ - Alternative Hentai

Welcome to /d/, 7chan's board for Alternative Hentai.

  • This board is for drawn porn featuring fetishes or situations that would not be appropriate for the other vanilla porn boards.
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Cuntboys, Reverse-Traps, and Flat-Chests Anonymous 11/02/14(Mon)04:08 No. 23761 ID: eca41d

File 129765288071.jpg - (62.80KB , 800x900 , cboybathe.jpg )

To avoid the inevitable debate over what's depicted in the pictures, this includes all of the above. Remember, less yap, moar fap.

40 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 12/09/23(Sun)19:50 No. 39396 ID: 63ba46


Anonymous 12/09/23(Sun)19:56 No. 39397 ID: 63ba46


Ann 12/09/25(Tue)04:20 No. 39402 ID: 246977

The Moment I saw the first image, an amazing story/doujin about a boy and a girl who were arguing appeared in my head. The boy was arguing that he was dominant as the "Man" in the relationship because he had the penis, while the girl was saying the vagina produces the children. They went to sleep to wake up with their genitalia switched and went through quite a bit of trouble getting used to them (Peeing sitting down for the boy and etc.) But after a while it leads to a sex scene, which the boy tries to resist at first, but then after a few more times the boy secretly comes to enjoy being fucked, and lies back on the bed slightly relishing the moment, and thats where this picture comes in. The story in my mind is so amazing.

Ann 12/09/25(Tue)04:22 No. 39403 ID: 246977

Anyone have an idea of what the boy is saying in the first image? or whats going on? or any idea of the artist that drew this? I would love to look at more of their work and see if they had the same idea as me and actually made a comic/doujin out of it.

freeder 12/10/10(Wed)08:33 No. 39490 ID: 19dda3


Anonymous 12/10/13(Sat)01:09 No. 39718 ID: c1bebf

File 135008338038.jpg - (83.78KB , 600x692 , 776412 - El_Shaddai Lucifel.jpg )


Fascinating theory, try posting this one to /sm/ and see what happens.

Anonymous 12/10/13(Sat)09:09 No. 39736 ID: 10da89

I have a question... Would any of you legitimately want to have a relationship with a ftm guy?

Anonymous 12/10/14(Sun)05:39 No. 39798 ID: 8d5872

Anonymous 12/10/16(Tue)17:10 No. 39964 ID: 396fed

Have any more reverse traps instead of cuntboys?

Anonymous 12/10/17(Wed)04:15 No. 39966 ID: 69e627

FtMfag here, I totally would.

Anonymous 12/10/18(Thu)22:24 No. 39973 ID: 8909ad

I've been in a relationship with a ftm man for going on two years now

Anonymous 12/12/02(Sun)19:41 No. 40253 ID: c1bebf


Amazing. I thought it was a female from the thumbnail, I've never seen cleavage like that on a cuntboy pic before. He's pretty much got boobs and a vagina, but is still clearly a man. That is awesome.

Anonymous 12/12/17(Mon)07:33 No. 40339 ID: 631652

File 13557259833.jpg - (1.85MB , 2000x2600 , onesyotadatsushojo01_c.jpg )

Somebody just reversed their parts. Source is on Pixiv.

Anonymous 12/12/21(Fri)21:09 No. 40656 ID: ab9562

Anonymous 12/12/22(Sat)10:28 No. 40659 ID: 11f14a

File 135616851797.jpg - (24.41KB , 302x450 , 3Ee3Gf3F65L55Fc5J9ccm331e6811b4881334.jpg )

Anonymous 12/12/23(Sun)05:38 No. 40722 ID: a67ddc

Of course. Never had the opportunity though.
Dated a girl with B-cups who looked a lot like me for a while though.

Anonymous 12/12/23(Sun)20:03 No. 40726 ID: 11f14a

My best friend is FTM, as were two of my prior boyfriends and a couple FWBs. So mebby :P

Anonymous 12/12/24(Mon)04:14 No. 40727 ID: da5141


Most are adults, so no.

Anonymous 12/12/27(Thu)12:49 No. 40743 ID: 02c131

Anonymous 13/01/23(Wed)21:14 No. 40975 ID: 159981

File 135897207786.jpg - (158.07KB , 717x1012 , 1134478829931.jpg )

Anonymous 13/03/09(Sat)19:14 No. 41080 ID: b30093

Yep ... the other two pics there are edits too. I know such things are generally verboten but they were pretty easy to do (lazy, hence not doing anything to the swimsuit itself as it already looked like over-stretched speedos) and I just figured they looked better that way.

Anonymous 13/05/20(Mon)22:43 No. 41365 ID: 9a2f83

File 13690826278.jpg - (62.88KB , 500x552 , 134496637940.jpg )

Anonymous 13/06/13(Thu)03:29 No. 41644 ID: 9a2f83

File 137108699392.png - (916.71KB , 1280x1026 , http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale_tumblr_com%2Fimage%2F1280%.png )

Anonymous 13/06/13(Thu)05:12 No. 41647 ID: 9a2f83

Anonymous 13/06/19(Wed)08:42 No. 41661 ID: f6a2c9

Moar like this
Futa x Cuntboy

Anonymous 13/06/29(Sat)02:18 No. 41701 ID: 9a2f83

File 137246511945.png - (206.91KB , 970x936 , http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale_tumblr_com%2Fimage%2F1280%.png )

Anonymous 13/07/04(Thu)22:50 No. 41722 ID: 9a2f83

Anonymous 14/05/31(Sat)05:01 No. 43226 ID: dfeeba

hell yes, this art is amazing

i like how you think

Anonymous 16/02/03(Wed)11:59 No. 45060 ID: 581f12

Anonymous 16/03/15(Tue)01:26 No. 45123 ID: a507c7


Anonymous 16/03/26(Sat)22:01 No. 45148 ID: 581f12

Two of Link

Anonymous 16/03/26(Sat)22:13 No. 45149 ID: 581f12

Even more Link

Anonymous 16/03/26(Sat)22:13 No. 45150 ID: 581f12

File 145902682481.png - (343.69KB , 782x800 , 1458179059501.png )

And one more

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)04:36 No. 45151 ID: 581f12

File 145904617810.png - (393.98KB , 756x712 , d0c0b6e92c83b4ef30dc2bfe492e9800.png )

Anonymous 16/04/03(Sun)10:21 No. 45165 ID: 9c86ae


thank you for your sacrifice. I will see that it was not in vain

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)10:00 No. 45188 ID: 4aa1bb

Anonymous 16/04/30(Sat)21:45 No. 45211 ID: e59687

E fin Fsaeqmnlkop Hermanos 18/10/13(Sat)20:09 No. 45845 ID: 4750bf


Anonymous 18/11/23(Fri)18:37 No. 45860 ID: 6648f7

aand baby bump make three

sankaku complex seems to have a lot of stuff, if i can browse it without fapping i'll make some transfers

Anonymous 18/11/24(Sat)17:34 No. 45862 ID: 1e5fb7

File 154307727566.jpg - (548.65KB , 983x562 , 150996.jpg )

Anonymous 18/11/24(Sat)17:53 No. 45863 ID: 1e5fb7

Anonymous 18/11/24(Sat)21:25 No. 45870 ID: 1e5fb7

File 154309115677.png - (1.29MB , 1000x1100 , cbd703247206ceed5b6cd8d8e1096c92ba07afe4.png )

Anonymous 18/12/01(Sat)19:32 No. 45881 ID: 1e5fb7

File 154368917162.jpg - (234.46KB , 600x653 , 6eece8c4bb52018bc3c8d6b8a73e3cae49699c8197145be816.jpg )

Anonymous 18/12/13(Thu)10:22 No. 45937 ID: 44d241

File 154469293355.png - (292.44KB , 308x890 , Kyouhei cum fart.png )

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)22:03 No. 46197 ID: 139ca8

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)22:08 No. 46198 ID: 139ca8

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)22:11 No. 46199 ID: 139ca8

File 157704907997.jpg - (464.15KB , 849x1200 , 1567726660366.jpg )

Anonymous 20/01/03(Fri)21:23 No. 46205 ID: 2b89c6

Got copies of the first two that aren't thumbnails?

Anonymous 20/04/16(Thu)23:54 No. 46256 ID: 794589

Anonymous 20/04/17(Fri)00:01 No. 46257 ID: 794589


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