Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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1983 was the year that writer Alan Moore put the designation '616' of the mainstream Marvel Earth into print, in Marvel UK's THE DAREDEVILS #7 HOWEVER, it was the writer Dave Thorpe who ORIGINATED the designation and with it the confirmation that the mainstream Marvel Universe is but one universe in a bigger multiverse. Within the Captain Britain story, this issue makes the first ever reference to Earth-616, the primary Marvel Universe. Saturnyne refers to Captain Britain as being from Earth-616 in order to differentiate him from other members of the Captain Britain Corps.
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Linda McQuillan, an exile from Earth-238 and the former Captain U.K., has terrible nightmares about her home world where the Fury killed all of her friends.
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Meanwhile, Captain Britain is attending the kangaroo court where Saturnyne is quickly condemned for failing her mission to Earth-238.
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Cap, who has been restrained thanks to his big mouth, breaks free and starts a fight. Script by Alan Moore, art by Alan Davis
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>>26513 Happy 616 Mainstream Marvel Universe Day!
>>26967 The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition Vol. 1