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Star Wars comics Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:23 No. 26279

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1977-2022...Marvel at Star Wars 45th anniversary!

Back in May 25th, 1977, "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away", a movie arrived in theaters
that changed the world...."Star Wars".

Soon after, came the comic book adaptation from Marvel Comics (then, later, Dark Horse Comics, and then back to Marvel!).

Let's look back at these comics!

Star Wars - 6 issues Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:25 No. 26280

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The original Star Wars saga was printed in six comics from to July to December, 1977...

...with the adaptation written by Roy Thomas, with art by Howard Chaykin, Steve Leialoha (issues #2-#5), and Rick Hoberg, Bill Wray and Dave Stevens (issue #6).

Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:26 No. 26281

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The first cover was by Howard Chaykin and Tom Palmer, the second by Rick Hoberg and Tom Palmer, the third by Gil Kane and Tom Palmer, the fourth by Rick Hoberg and Frank Giacoia, the fifth by Rick Hoberg and Dave Cockrum and the sixth by Rick Hoberg, with most of the issues having reprints done at the time (labeled as such in the upper box).

Star Wars - 2 Marvel Special Editions Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:28 No. 26282

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Marvel reprinted the saga in oversized Marvel Special Editions #1 and #2 (with #1 having a cover by Rick Hoberg and Dave Cockrum, reprinting original issues #1 to #3, and MSE #2 reprinting original issues #4 to #6, with a cover by Howard Chaykin and Tony DeZuniga, with both treasuries coming out in 1977).

Star Wars - Marvel Special Edition Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:31 No. 26283

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Marvel outdid itself with Marvel Special Edition #3 in 1978, collecting all 6 original Star Wars issues in an oversized treasury, with a cover by Ernie Chan...all "complete in one issue!" with 114 pages!!!!

By this point, Marvel should have felt they really got their money's worth on the work done for the first George Lucas' Star Wars movie.

But wait...there's more!

Star Wars - Marvel Movie Showcase Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:35 No. 26285

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Marvel went back to the original saga, trying to give it new hope with the Marvel Movie Showcases, with #1 of November 1982 featuring the first 3 issues of the original story (and a cover with characters colored to look more like the movie), and #2, which featured issues #4 to #6 (coming out in December 1982).

Classic Star Wars: A New Hope Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:38 No. 26286

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Marvel had given up on the Star Wars license for a time, so Dark Horse Comics took over, giving the world new stories of Luke, Leia, Han and more....as well as its own reprints of Classic Star Wars: A New Hope, as the original movie was now being referred to, with Art Adams giving us the cover to #1 (reprinting #1 to #3) in June, 1994, and Adam Hughes doing cover #2, for July, 1994, with original issues #4 to #6.

Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:39 No. 26287

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Marvel got the rights to the Star Wars license back, and couldn't wait for a collection of original Star Wars comics.

All six of the original "Star Wars: A New Hope", and all the way up to the original Star Wars issues #44...

...as well as all the covers above are in the Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus #1 of January, 2015, with a color corrected cover...

...finally letting readers see Howard Chaykin's cover as it should have been, with Han, Leia, Luke, Ben and Darth Vader as they should have been, "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....."

Anonymous 24/04/25(Thu)20:54 No. 26864

New Report Shows How Disney KILLED Star Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36-lq4eY4Oc

Star Wars comics Anonymous 24/06/16(Sun)12:18 No. 26965

Marvel's first Star Wars issue was published before A New Hope.

Anonymous 24/06/22(Sat)12:48 No. 26971

Got any recent Star Wars comics?

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)17:50 No. 27311

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The High Evolutionary seems like just the kind of villain that would be employed by The Empire.

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)17:57 No. 27313

>>26971 Marvel’s Star Wars Launches into the New Republic Era After Star Wars: Return of the Jedi https://www.starwars.com/news/marvel-star-wars-issue-1-announce

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:10 No. 27315

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Star Wars Classroom

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:13 No. 27316

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Star Wars Craft

Anonymous 25/01/31(Fri)16:43 No. 27324

>>26279 15 more amazing facts bbout Marvel's Star Wars comics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtzgtBmQsRo

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