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X-men (Women and men with eXtra power) comic and cartoon Anonymous 22/08/10(Wed)11:52 No. 26248

File 166012516464.png - (2.30MB , 1400x700 , X-men comic book series since 1963.png )

2023 will mark the 60th anniversary of the X-men franchise which started with the publication of X-men #1 cover dated September 1963.

2022 marks the 30th anniversary of X-men The Animated Series(TAS). The show received wide critical praise for its portrayal of many different storylines from the comics. It has been hailed as a pioneer in crafting mature, serialized storylines for an animated series.

Anonymous 22/08/10(Wed)11:54 No. 26249

File 166012526882.jpg - (309.60KB , 1080x1080 , X-men TAS 1992-2022.jpg )

30th Anniversary of X-men The Animated Series San Diego Comic-con 2022 Panel

Anonymous 22/08/10(Wed)16:20 No. 26250

Rouge is hot on screen
Rouge is hot IRL

Who would have fucking thought
>Michelle Waffle

Anonymous 22/09/24(Sat)15:56 No. 26347

File 166402776412.jpg - (3.19MB , 2227x2700 , Jim Lee x-men(women and men with eXtra power).jpg )

How JIM LEE'S X-MEN changed comics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIEwXX0pQVI

Anonymous 22/09/24(Sat)19:42 No. 26348

You know I have Jim Lee's Uncanny X-men 1~6 I think? I saw the show in the 90s so bought all the first arc of the comic. Really cool art. I just went back to Hellboy when all that was over tho.

Anonymous 22/09/29(Thu)17:59 No. 26359

>>2634 1-6? You do not have 7? It has...

Psylocke vs. Omega Red and Psylocke taking down Andrea Strucker (one of the Fenris twins).

30 years ago, the world met the Women and men with eXtra power... Anonymous 22/11/01(Tue)11:39 No. 26383

File 166729914070.jpg - (358.74KB , 1640x1546 , X-men TAS 2022 SDCC 30th anniversary.jpg )

The creators of X-men: The Animated Series reflect on their pilot episode and how everything came together.

Anonymous 22/11/01(Tue)13:13 No. 26384

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X-men the Animated Series 30th Anniversary and X-men 97 on Disney Plus

Anonymous 22/11/29(Tue)17:35 No. 26397

Chris Claremont Talks X-Men & Finding Balance
Between Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Anonymous 23/06/18(Sun)18:53 No. 26517

Chris Claremont's X-Men Further Humanized Superheroes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GmuMpp0jWA

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