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Marvel comics THOR!

Who is the Bloodson of Odin, All-Father of Asard and
Jord (Gaea), All-Mother of Midgard (Earth)

Thordis Anonymous 22/08/02(Tue)17:37 No. 26205

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The first time Jane Foster picked up Mjolnir

Profile Thor Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:19 No. 26207

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Thor, who represents Marvel's deliberate effort to transcend all other super heroes, is nothing less than a god. Writer Stan Lee worked with artist Jack Kirby to interpret an ancient legend through a new medium, but in the process they produced a concept that would gradually take on a meaning different from the original myth.

60 years (1962-2022) Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:21 No. 26208

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Thor's powers allow him to operate on a grandiose, cosmic scale, yet the old Norse tales that Marvel adapted demanded that he be subordinate to an even greater force. Odin, the virtually omnipotent leader of the legendary gods, is Thor's father, and he rules with an iron hand. Many comic book heroes are orphans, inspired to fight crime because of the death of their parents, so Thor's somewhat awkward position as a dutiful son sets him apart. None of this seemed especially significant when the series began in 1962, but over the years the relationship between father and son has developed some interesting twists.

Marvel comics Thor is Asgard and Midgard's (aka Earth) MIGHTIEST Her Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:25 No. 26209

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The first Thor stories followed a common pattern of wish fulfillment. Frail Dr. Don Blake discovered an ancient wooden stick (disguise of Thor's hammer Mjolnir) in a cave, and used it to transform himself into a being of incalculable might. Over the years however, Blake failed to develop as a character, and Thor took centerstage. Eventually it was revealed that Blake was a fraud with no real existence at all. Odin explained that years before he had punished his son Thor's arrogance by clouding his memory and placing his spirit in a mortal body. When "Blake" found the hammer and its power, he was only following his father's unspoken orders. Armed with this knowledge, Thor dropped the Blake persona, yet could not bring himself to abandon the human race that he had come to cherish. Marvel's reworking of Thor's story had taken on overtones of a more exalted ancient tale, one in which God sent his only son to earth to serve mankind.

Happy Thor's Day!!! Journey Into Mystery #83 August 1962 Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:40 No. 26210

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First appearance and origin of Thor in "The Stone Men from Saturn!"

Part 1:

Donald Blake, a doctor from the United States, is visiting Norway. At the same time, a ship from Saturn lands nearby as advance scouts for a planned invasion. A local fisherman spots them and alerts the villagers, but they dismiss him. Blake overhears and goes to look for himself. When he steps on a twig, the aliens notice him. He flees into the hills, where he loses his cane. He runs into a cave, but the other entrance is blocked by a giant boulder. A secret door opens, revealing a chamber where Blake finds a walking stick. He tries to move the boulder with the stick but is unable to get leverage. Frustrated, he hits the boulder with the stick, and, in a flash of light, the stick transforms into a hammer, transforming Blake into Thor, the mythical Norse God of Thunder.

Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:40 No. 26211

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Part 2:

Thor easily lifts the boulder and leaves the cave. He verifies that the hammer has all the powers of Mjolnir, Thor's legendary weapon. He discovers it gives him the power to create storms and that the hammer is indestructible and will come back to him if thrown. Meanwhile, the alien armada shows up on Earth's radar screens. When fighter jets scramble to meet them, they project an image of a huge dragon and frighten away the pilots. When the ground forces fire missiles, they explode harmlessly against the ships' force fields. Thor speeds to the defense of the Earth.

Anonymous 22/08/04(Thu)18:42 No. 26212

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Part 3:

When Thor attacks the aliens, they drop a cage over him, but he tears the bars open. They aim their disintegration beams at him, but his hammer smashes their guns. They unleash their Mechano-Monster, but he smashes it to bits. The aliens return to their ships and give up their invasion. Thor changes back to Dr. Blake, whom the soldiers ignore when they come to look for the invaders.

Script by Stan Lee (plot) and Larry Lieber (script), pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott

The RAPE... Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)20:16 No. 26241

>>26208 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of marvel comics Medical Doctor Donald Blake which SHOULD be a joyous occasion, but...

...of DON BLAKE! Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)20:18 No. 26242

...given that in 2021 Don Blake got raped beyond repair, there is NO cause for celebration WHATSOEVER!

Happy Thor's Day!!! Thor #143 August 1967 Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)16:58 No. 26254

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"And, Soon Shall Come: the Enchanters!"

Our story beings with Thor taking some R & R time to visit a New York soda shop where he entertains the local teen set by answering their questions about the far off realm of Asgard. Thor explains where it's located and that it's ruled over by his father, the all-powerful Odin. After this story, Thor takes leave to return to the doctors office where he operates in his mortal guise of Donald Blake. There, in his guise of Blake, Thor is visited by his patient Mr. Markham who is worried about the results of recent x-rays he had taken. Blake puts the man's mind at ease by telling him that he has a clean bill of health.

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:00 No. 26255

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Meanwhile, in the realm of Asgard, Balder and Sif are well into their quest to learn the plans of the beings known as the Enchanters. Along the way they are attacked by the Living Talisman, a mystical force that serves the Enchanters. Taking on physical form the Living Talisman attacks the two Asgardians, who after a brief battle manage to fight off and seemingly destroy the Living Talisman. With the Talisman's defeat the Enchanters reveal themselves: They are Magnir, Forsung and Brona. The trio explain to Balder and Sif that while they were content to rule their own realm, they now seek to overthrow Odin and rule the entire realm of Asgard. They attempt to dispatch Balder and Sif by mystically transmuting the ground into quicksand. With no means of escape, Balder and Sif use their mystical powers to teleport themselves to Earth.

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:02 No. 26256

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On Earth, they pay a visit to Donald Blake's office where they seek Thor's help in stopping the Enchanters from carrying out their coup in Asgard. They have a little trouble at first, being unaccustomed to New York City, but eventually find their way to Blake's office. As they explain to Blake what is happening, back in Asgard, the Enchanters believe that an intervention by Thor would put their plan at risk. As such, they decide to make a two pronged attack: Magnir and Brona travelling to Earth to battle Thor, Balder and Sif, while Forsung continues on to Asgard to battle Odin.

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:02 No. 26257

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Transforming back into his godly form, Thor learns the full story and is shocked by the news and agrees to go into battle to stop the Enchanters from taking over Asgard. As the three Gods plan their next move, Magnir and Brona arrive on Earth to carry out their mission to destroy the Earthbound Asgardians.

Script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Bill Everett

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:05 No. 26258

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"Tales of Asgard: To the Death!"

As Thor, Fandral and Balder prepare to battle Satan's Forty Horsemen, demonic warriors under Mogul's rule, Volstagg has met Mogul's sister the seductive Shezada. The cowardly Volstagg attempts to charm Shezada into allowing him to speak with Mogul, however the evil Shezada has other ideas and attempt to send Volstagg down a pit, however at the last moment Volstagg grabs the girl taking her down with him.

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:06 No. 26259

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They find themselves in the underworld realm of the bull like Mutaurus who stalks the two intruders. Knowing how to defeat Mutaurus, Shezada leads Volstagg to the creatures throne room where they secure the Rod of Wonderous Wizard Power, a magical weapon which Volstagg uses to seemingly slay the beast.

Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:06 No. 26260

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While elsewhere in Xandu, Thor, Fandral and Hogun continue their fight against the Forty Horsemen, accepting no quarter and battling on.

Script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Bill Everett

Thor #262 August 1977 Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:54 No. 26300

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Odin, discovered missing in issue 250,
is found in "Even an Immortal Can Die!"

Thor tries to free himself from his bonds, but cannot.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:55 No. 26301

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The Soul Survivors tell him the origin of themselves and of the Doomsday Star. That they are the ones that intercepted Odin. They then take Thor's group to see him.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:56 No. 26302

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They are using Odin as a battery and they have almost drained him dry.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:57 No. 26303

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Back in Asgard, the second Thor leads Balder and Karnilla into Asgard, then assaults them.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:58 No. 26304

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Thor is speaking to a very weak Odin, when Odin apparently dies. In his rage, Thor begins to tear through all the Techno-trackers with ease, as Hogun, Volstagg, and Recorder arrive.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)16:59 No. 26305

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With nothing else to do, K'rll places himself in the Spirit Mold and gives form to the remaining Odinpower still in the batteries, creating a beast made of pure Odinforce.

Script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga

Notes Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)17:01 No. 26306

- Although the entity worshipped by the Soul Survivors was known to them as the One Above All, it should not be confused with either the Celestial or the Supreme Being of the Multiverse who are also known by that name.

- Additionally, although that entity was later described as a "Celestial Being" by Epoch in Quasar #36, it was clearly not a member of the race known as the Celestials.

Happy Thor's Day!!! Thor #271 May 1978 Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)21:58 No. 26495

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"Like a Diamond in the Sky!"

The Avengers meet with Nick Fury aboard SHIELD’s new airborne blockhouse taking action against FAUST. The sentient factory has launched itself into orbit and demands that Earth disarm all of its nuclear weapons or die. Fury‘s response is to fire missiles at the orbiting menace but they are easily shot out of the sky. The only alternative is the mysterious Project 13; Thor considers FAUST his responsibility so he volunteers to wield the weapon. Since Iron Man is the expert in machinery, he also elects to come. The other Avengers return to New York while Iron Man and Thor accompany Nick Fury to put their plan in motion…

Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)21:59 No. 26496

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Another missile barrage is unleashed against FAUST but it is only a diversion as Thor takes himself and Iron Man into the orbiting villain via a vortex. The heroes immediately come under attack by FAUST’s defenses in a conflict so portentous that Captain Mar-Vell and Doctor Doom on Earth stop and take note.

Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)22:01 No. 26497

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Passing cannon fire and whirling buzz saw blades the two Avengers reach an area that drains Shellhead of his power and he is assaulted by an army of mechanical defense-drones (they look like turtles). Unable to reach his comrade, Thor changes into Don Blake and crawls through the vents to Iron Man’s side;(we get a sight of the abandoned Baxter Building since the FF broke up in FANTASTIC FOUR #191)

Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)22:02 No. 26498

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there he turns back to Thor and recharges Shellhead’s armor with his lightning. The heroes finally reach FAUST’s control room but the villain is protected by an energy field: if they touch it, a laser will annihilate New York City.

Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)22:05 No. 26499

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Iron Man tells Thor to follow his lead and he attacks FAUST with his repulsor rays.

The laser launches

Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)22:07 No. 26500

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(it's light, lights the sky and we get to see the reactions of Nova, Daredevil and Shang-Chi)
but explodes harmlessly over the city

as the two Avengers destroy the orbiting enemy.

Script by Len Wein, pencils by Walter Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga

Note Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)22:09 No. 26501

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On the final page is the message, “So long, Len—good luck” as Len Wein departs as writer with this issue
(probably courtesy of Walter Simonson and Tony DeZuniga who also leave with this issue).

Anonymous 24/11/27(Wed)20:18 No. 27187

>>26242 NEW LOKI S2 DELETED SCENE BREAKDOWN! Hercules, Amora & Donald Blake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wymljuxjcOA

Anonymous 25/01/11(Sat)18:11 No. 27280

>>26207 cereal:geek TV - "The Absobing Man" EPISODE COMMENTARY - The Mighty Thor (1966) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFcXxFqNzlM

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