Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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Superman is my new hero. He kicks the KKK's ass and doesn't afraid of anything.
Lol Superman's a pussy, all you need to do is lure him into a kryptonite filled room and lock door then his bumhole is free for activities.
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>>23633 Superman is a bro. I like him
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Wow. Crnholing is the first thing you can think of, anon? Why am I not surprised? >>23823
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>>23823 Kryptonite? That's your plan? Stop the presses.
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>>23633 Yeah Superman did take on the Klan, and he also banged Big Barda, who is Mister Miracle's wife, in a porno.
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>>25423 Wait, just how many times did supes pull the eating kryptonite gag?
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>>25431 These two times as far as I know. In your panel kryptonite had been rendered inert and in >>2542 I think that is synthetic kryptonite.
Hmmm. >>23633
Black Panther did so too >>23869 Good one >>23870 Good one
His archnemesis steals cakes and that's cool
>>23823 >>25415 >>25423 The story behind the Donner Cut of Superman 2
>>25441 Superman vs. the KKK Podcast details history of iconic radio storyline with a twist