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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

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Anonymous 18/05/12(Sat)15:44 No. 757 ID: f387da

File 152613264241.png - (709.10KB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot from 2018-05-12 22-16-11.png )

>implies that any possible corruption scandal involving the presidential campaign would be a matter internal to the Executive branch to prosecute.
No, the fuck, it isn't. This guy slept in 7th grade /Civ/ics? The separation of powers? Yeah? Only Congress has the authority to impeach the Executive. Is this guy just stupid or is this some kind of mind game (lefty talk show host doesn't make a point of it, shakes hands for this explanation) trying to sell the rest of slept-through-7th-grade America that the Congress isn't resposible to contain the Executive?

Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Heart? Not everything is fixed by Captain Planet; sometimes the Planeteers have to act on their own.

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