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Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)12:47 No. 2465 ID: 3cddb0

File 173314003422.png - (482.33KB , 976x850 , 1729979861155.png )

Wait, why is 7chan's politics board so libertarian?

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)13:38 No. 2466 ID: d72e80

I don't think it is. I've seen a lot of varying opinions, even some leaning toward authoritarian.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)14:23 No. 2467 ID: 2aa355

No one under 45 years old will ever know what freedom was and almost everyone under 55 will live to see the end of the USA.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)17:30 No. 2473 ID: d72e80

File 173315701739.png - (662.51KB , 1135x750 , Screenshot 2024-12-02 103126.png )

Those over 55 were just oblivious to the control that was being exerted.
That's why most of you still hate Jane Fonda.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)22:36 No. 2474 ID: e6b1be


This is just the Libertarian Newsbot. It got banned from spamming on Minichan and now it's moved to 7chan.

Anonymous 24/12/03(Tue)00:33 No. 2475 ID: 4a65b8


Americans say tyranny is perfectly acceptable because North Korea is also a police state.

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:17 No. 2494 ID: d72e80

libertarians are just pedophiles with more steps

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:24 No. 2495 ID: 778b19

Americans said that they hated freedom 100 years ago because the environment was dirty, there were murders, and medicine was dangerous, but the US is now a police state and the environment is still dirty, there are still murders, and medicine is still dangerous.

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:36 No. 2496 ID: f9ea62

American said that banks are real, but banks only exist in your imagination, and you were adopted.

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:37 No. 2497 ID: 6fe882

“There is no governor anywhere; you are all absolutely free. There is no restraint that cannot be escaped. We are all absolutely free. If everybody could go into dhyana at will, nobody could be controlled — by fear of prison, by fear of whips or electroshock, by fear of death, even. All existing society is based on keeping those fears alive, to control the masses. Ten people who know would be more dangerous than a million armed anarchists.”
― Robert Anton Wilson

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)02:31 No. 2498 ID: 8aca73

The elites are rapidly closing all the doors.

The government will soon pack the courts to get any answer they want from judges.

The government will ban anonymous debit cards and burner phones.

Guns, cash, Bitcoin, gold, and silver will be banned.

You will need to give the state your fingerprints, DNA sample, photo, and vaccine passport to use the Internet. The Internet will later be shut off.

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