Did you catch that the GOP tried to expunge the letter from Coretta from Senate history, only to have them turn around and try to expunge it again?
The GOP failed to place her letter into the official record of Sessions nomination to the federal bench. That they would then turn around and try to expunge it again using rule 19, a rule created using the existing framework of gag orders long used to prevent discussion of abolition in the senate.
So racists attempt to hide commentary on racist nominee's past from historical record, fail, then use rule steeped in racism to try to bury it again. But once men start reading the commentary they aren't silenced.
Tell us again about how you like the blacks. And respect women.
Also, calling another senator a liar or cancer on the senate floor is apparently not ascribing conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator. I suggest next time she point that McConnell has small hands and feet, which you may note does not fall under rule 19, since a senator is not required to have a large cock (or, in McConnell's case, come out of their shell).