Pure hearsay. I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, but there is no basis to conclude that you are right. We need data. I am more optimistic: nothing humans do is ever entirely *without* an environmental impact, but I believe industrial level production of cultured meat will have less of an impact than agricultural production. This is also hearsay, but I have supporting points:
1. No need for pastures. Pastures are a huge problem on their own, grassland is not sufficient to tackle the carbon dioxide levels we will have to deal with in the near future, maintenance of the grass is another source of pesticides and a waste of precious water.
2. No need for animal feed. The shit we supplement our cattle's diet with would give you nightmares. We got hoof and mouth *and* mad cow disease from feeding cows back to themselves (yes, prion diseases originate from cannibalising brains). It's a heavily polluting industry all its own.
3. No more methane byproduct. This is what everyone is focused on, but honestly it's just the tip of the iceberg. No one talks about the nitrates put into 5he soil and ground water from feces and urine, etc. Chicken waste is a known source of environmental disaster.