True, but you know that thirty years from now--when no one really remembers what things were like--they'll start making romatic movies about this shit, and there's going to be some tragic scene of the noble jihadi boys being blasted to bits by traumatically compromised american bombers, who go home with PTSD. At this point the Muslims will be accusing the western world of genocide and the west will look back on defeating the "terrorists" as a time when politicians manipulated the media to coerce public opinion behind a war that only multiplied the injustice it purported to stop. Muslims, now existing almost entirely in disapora, will become the new Jews--hated by conservative extremists and held on high pedastals by apologists, faced with living in unwelcoming communities and being subjected to sad, self-serving attempts to make ammends for what will come to be percieved as a great wrong done upon them.
The future makes me sick.