You stupid fucking robot. Come on Vlad, this isn't that complicated. When you bomb civilians, you make more enemies.
We didn't just take out Saddam, we left Iraq in ruins. We'll leave Afghanistan in ruins too, and Syria will be mostly dust by the time we're through with them. Those people aren't going to remember the illustrious United States Army of Freedom, Peace, and Democracy coming to rescue them from tyrants. They are going to remember that the United States destroyed their cities, their economy, their culture, and then left them to be victimized by even more tyrants.
As per >>1423, the invasion of Iraq was an unlawful act of aggression with no military or diplomatic purpose. It was meant to stroke the Bush administration's collective egos and appease the 'murrican public. Unfortunately, the consequence is going to be an entire generation of people growing up with the reality that western powers can and will invade them, blow up their streets, murder their families, and abandon them to terrorists--all the while ignoring the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.
The US made a fucking mess of the Middle East, scattered suicide-bombing terrorists bent on bringing down western society all over the planet, and while we're still neck deep in this shit you want to go fuck up some other part of the world?