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>Does your mother still dress you?
You rail against partisan and hateful rhetoric in one breath and then use it yourself.
The ironic thing is that you've found the perfect philosophy to be able to do nothing and bitch about everything. Which third party should we endorse? Oh wait, it doesn't matter, because a third party candidate does nothing but split the vote even further. Look at the election of 1860, which had 4 major candidates that had enough support to get electoral votes. You don't even have to go that far back, just look at the election of 1992, where Ross Perot did amazingly well and yet all he did was ensure Clinton got elected with no majority.
You'll probably pull out the fact that parliamentary democracies have multiple parties. True, but there are still usually two major parties with broad support and if the other parties get enough votes they generally form a coalition government where the smaller players get a few compromises here and there but it's still one of the major parties calling the shots.
So what's your solution? Nothing, that's what. Because to change the system which you so hate you have to start by working within it. Hell even Trump knows that. You'd have to support candidates that align with what you want starting with state and local elections.
But you don't even want to do that, and don't even mention whatever bullshit no-name thirty party candidate you've supported, because even if they won and didn't split the vote they'd still be canvassed in with either Democrats or Republicans when it comes to voting, like Bernie Sanders is.
You're the equivalent of a fat middle aged dad who yells at the coaches and refs at Little League games. You feel like you're doing something, you're making a commotion, but you're not actually participating so no one gives a flying bird shit.
You made me remember this XKCD