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/cake/ - Delicious

Welcome to /cake/, 7chan's board for drawn lolicon material.

The rules are as follows:

  • No AI-generated images (post them in /ai/ instead)
  • No 3D computer-generated images
  • No stories/roleplaying
  • No cartoons
  • No toddlercon
  • Age is just a number (400 year old lolis are still lolis)
  • This board is for porn, not for in-depth discussion of the subject matter of said porn. Repeat offenders will be banned and their threads deleted.
  • Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.

I <3 cunny!

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  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 40960 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

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Decensoring Loli, taking requests Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)05:01 No. 64341 ID: 44980b

File 160446249492.jpg - (929.46KB , 1440x3067 , b30f9465eb1967e00e976b6b17a2f7a7.jpg )

Whelp, world's going to hell, election day's got me really stressed out so I decided to get high as hell and decensor some loli for practice and fun. I'll be dumping everything I've done so far and I'm also taking requests. The less an image is censored the better, so black and white images are preferred, but I also don't mind trying my hand at more detailed images. The only real rules I have are no really violent or particularly realistic lolicon. Also, I can't quite figure out how to upload multiple files, it only lets me select one at a time and holding control doesn't seem to be doing anything, can anyone help me with that?

Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)05:09 No. 64342 ID: 44980b

Also, criticism is welcome and some of these may be slightly sloppy as I'm about 420 degrees south of sober right now. I'll also happily decensor futa as well.

Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)05:12 No. 64343 ID: 44980b

Most of what I've done so far is futa actually lol, hope that's allowed.

Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)05:14 No. 64344 ID: 44980b

Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)05:15 No. 64345 ID: 44980b

Dissonaut 20/11/04(Wed)06:16 No. 64348 ID: 44980b

Sorry again for accidentally making a new thread, mods. It's been a while since I've been on an image board and I'm operating on about two thirds of a drunk hamster at the moment.

Zed 20/11/04(Wed)18:20 No. 64350 ID: fc0fca

Based OP

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)05:04 No. 65966 ID: 3490ee

File 171919827027.gif - (1.64MB , 1350x1800 , 2136484-1.gif )

try this

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