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/banner/ - Banners

Okay, so we need some new banners since there's all sorts of old shit in our banner rotation. However, we don't want shitty banners, and we don't want a clusterfuck, so here are the rules.

  1. Banners must be 300px wide, 100px high. File size must be under 1000KB.
  2. Do not post off-topic shit here. We're pretty lenient about that on other boards, but not here.
  3. Your banner must reference an existing 7chan board, or 7chan in general.
  4. Drama will result in bans, as will breaking of any of the global rules.
  5. Banners will be selected for addition to our rotation pool based on the quality of the banner. This means that we won't be selecting too many MS Paint banners.

Resources (templates, people to bother for help) are in /gfx/. Tutorials are on Google (and here). Fucking use them.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 1000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 336 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Sailor Moon Banners Bruce Banner 18/02/26(Mon)21:18 No. 1352

File 151967632249.gif - (164.55KB , 500x372 , Sailor Moon Hearts.gif )

Hello i'm new here I don't see a request board so I was wondering somebody can please make this into a banner, also more Sailor Moon banners

Bruce Banner 18/02/26(Mon)22:34 No. 1353

File 151968088149.png - (931.98KB , 839x1080 , 2017-08-02_19_08_55-Bishoujo_Senshi_Sailor_Moon_-_.png )

I approve of this thread. I'd make some myself but I'm far too lazy.

Bruce Banner 18/02/27(Tue)05:30 No. 1354

It's okay man just need some later

Bruce Banner 18/02/27(Tue)15:33 No. 1355

File 151974203123.gif - (926.78KB , 690x140 , SMBanner.gif )

Here are a few I found but need more

Bruce Banner 18/02/27(Tue)15:34 No. 1356

File 151974208786.gif - (763.72KB , 690x140 , Original.gif )

Bruce Banner 18/02/27(Tue)15:35 No. 1357

File 151974213726.gif - (897.91KB , 690x140 , Double SM.gif )

Bruce Banner 18/03/01(Thu)15:58 No. 1358

File 151991631026.gif - (122.66KB , 476x132 , wsr.gif )

They fucked up and put words on them :(

Bruce Banner 18/03/03(Sat)15:13 No. 1359

I shudder to ask, but who?
This is not a place to ask for banners to be made for boards on other chans. It's really not a place to ask for anything. 7chan hasn't han an /r/ of any kind in ages; in fact can't remember if it ever did.

Bruce Banner 18/03/05(Mon)00:23 No. 1362

Sorry man it was 4chan

Bruce Banner 18/04/24(Tue)23:47 No. 1371

That monstrosity is so bad it's amazing.

Bruce Banner 18/12/05(Wed)09:33 No. 1395

Sailor Moon sucks, Cardcaptor Sakura is better.

Bruce Banner 19/12/07(Sat)20:41 No. 1455

not sure, could easily turn it into a boner, though.

Bruce Banner 20/03/11(Wed)10:56 No. 1465

File 158392061989.jpg - (16.60KB , 300x100 , ur banner.jpg )

Bruce Banner 20/05/23(Sat)16:27 No. 1475

That is ironically very good.

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