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Spider Expert 25/03/05(Wed)16:49 No. 832646

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Thread title: RAN OUT OF MEDIA

Hello, sirs, I have found myself in quite a predicament - I am too afraid/ lack balls and fortitude to be myself, but have completely ran out of media and am now no longer able to proceed

I either need to find new media QUICK or find a way to allow myself to be myself and not succumb under pressure, neither of fear, nor physical hardship.

r000t 25/03/05(Wed)19:58 No. 832647

New media? Have you considered vinyl records? I hear that they are making a comeback as they are popular with young people, and there are a ton of them lying around.

4chan user 25/03/05(Wed)22:06 No. 832649

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W. T. Snacks 25/03/05(Wed)23:57 No. 832650

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Ever watched Absolutely Fabulous?

Bill 25/03/07(Fri)19:16 No. 832677

I ran out. It was made known to me that show isn't it either. God have grace upon me. I totally ran out.

h 25/03/07(Fri)19:17 No. 832678

Doesn't cut it either. The media itself is not bad, the content no longer scratches the existential itch, so I'm left facing the rawest of reality.

Sonichu 25/03/08(Sat)07:01 No. 832681

Have you tried screaming into void?

Marisa Kirisame 25/03/08(Sat)16:11 No. 832691

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I'm sorry, no, I didn't want to disturb the neighbors. It's not gonna help though, how could this give clarity, it's like screaming at yourself anyway, why'd I do that. I need to escape this mortal coil I believe. Maybe knocking up a young woman would work. Idk. C'mon, help a nigga out here, I'm at a loss and need real practical advice.

derp 25/03/08(Sat)19:36 No. 832693

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Think twice about the children thing, anon, think we'll before you pull the trigger.

herp 25/03/09(Sun)15:57 No. 832702

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