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poe 25/03/04(Tue)00:17 No. 832631

File 174104387726.png - (542.32KB , 687x966 , AQT6R2YN6.png )

Trannys go to war against niggertits, who wins

tee 25/03/04(Tue)05:05 No. 832634

Man why are you still on twitter?

h 25/03/04(Tue)10:26 No. 832636

File 174108037186.jpg - (33.66KB , 602x912 , mfw considering 4chan jannies.jpg )

>Trannys go to war against niggertits, who wins
Would be intersting to see that drama develop. Because their DMCA-policy is worthless. You can basically browbeat the jannies into issue bans for text quotations that falls under fair use.

OP 25/03/04(Tue)12:30 No. 832638

File 174108784712.gif - (1.57MB , 500x281 , soon 189.gif )

PrettyPony 25/03/05(Wed)01:00 No. 832643

File 174113282271.jpg - (1.24MB , 1458x1369 , 1715969998220748.jpg )


We do since its the snake biting its own tail.

Anonymous 25/03/05(Wed)15:26 No. 832644

You wouldn’t drink a vial of vaccine but you’ll inject it right into your brain


Sonichu 25/03/06(Thu)01:49 No. 832652

File 174122219082.jpg - (790.32KB , 640x640 , A4749099-A0A7-4744-88FD-A90EA7909E1C.jpg )

>troons beating NIGGERTITS
Good. Site was cancer and false-banned me for "pedo bullshit", and Kiwi Farms did similar. Maybe the troons were right to shut down these fascist rulecuck shitholes.

He-Man 25/03/06(Thu)02:23 No. 832653

Good. Airwolf that place.

Optimus Prime 25/03/06(Thu)05:04 No. 832654

File 174123384290.jpg - (152.90KB , 640x480 , dontrelyondoctors.jpg )


Liru Fanboy 25/03/06(Thu)19:25 No. 832661

I can't believe 4NIGGERTITS is gone

Bob Ross 25/03/07(Fri)16:19 No. 832675

wow, it really is gone, it only took 20+ years

Nothing of value was lost

Reimu Hakurei 25/03/07(Fri)20:53 No. 832680

I thought they love transpeople over there? The last time I went it was full of transporn.

O.P. 25/03/08(Sat)19:02 No. 832692


it's still up and doing just fine lol

Sazpaimon 25/03/08(Sat)21:29 No. 832695

Thanks captain obvious

Nyan Cat 25/03/09(Sun)00:30 No. 832697

You don't know what you're talking about

N3X15 25/03/09(Sun)10:59 No. 832701

File 17415143583.gif - (515.99KB , 320x240 , hg7500.gif )

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